995 resultados para costa rican literature


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Los volúmenes de plancton variaron entre 0,09 y 3,15 mL.m-3, promedio 0,76 mL.m-3. El fitoplancton de red fue predominante sólo en 32% de las muestras dentro de 30 mn. A 10 m de profundidad las concentraciones fluctuaron entre 26 x 103 cel.L-1 en Pisco y 4 930 x 103 cel.L-1 en Callao; la diversidad varió entre 0,54 bits.cel-1 en Chicama y 3,03 bits.cel-1 frente a Pisco. El microplancton presentó las mayores densidades seguido del nanoplancton. Protoperidinium obtusum, indicador de ACF estuvo costero desde Punta Falsa hasta San Juan; en Chicama, Pisco y entre Punta Mendieta-Punta Caballas se distribuyó hasta 40 mn. Ceratium praelongum, indicador de ASS presentó una distribución variada entre Paita y Matarani, alcanzó máximo acercamiento a la costa en Chala.


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La biomasa planctónica fluctuó entre 0,30 mL/m3 (Chimbote) y 1,90 mL/m3 (Paita), promedio 0,30 mL/m3; el 86% del volumen fue menor a 0,5 mL/m3. El fitoplancton fue abundante (70%) predominando diatomeas sobre dinoflagelados. Géneros de mayor importancia fueron Bacteriastrum, Planktoniella, Ditylum, Chaetoceros, Thalassiosira, Hemiaulus, Asteromphalus, Pleurosigma, Coscinodiscus, Guinardia, Leptocylindrus, Roperia, Eucampia y Prorocentrum. Los indicadores biológicos mostraron distribución normal, P. obtusum se registró entre Paita y Chimbote, dentro de las 20 mn hasta las 40 mn en Callao y Pisco. Ceratium incisum (ASS) solo fue encontrado frente a San Juan, fuera de las 180 mn.


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Entre julio y diciembre del 2007, se efectuó el Monitoreo Poblacional del Cryphiops caementarius de los ríos Cañete, Ocoña, Majes-Camaná y Tambo. La calidad del agua evidenció alteraciones en los parámetros fisicoquímicos con respecto al periodo 1996-2007. El río Majes-Camaná alcanzó los mayores valores de densidad (1,87 ind/m2) y biomasa media (21,51 g/m2), en el río Cañete hubo reducción en la densidad (0,25 ind/m2) y biomasa media (2,28 g/m2) que coincidió con mayor número de ejemplares menores a 70 mm.


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Informe final. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Dirección General de Investigación . Proyectos de I+D, Acciones Estratégicas y Eranets. 2006-2009.


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Paraganglioma of the heart are potentially invasive, highly vascularized tumors for which complete resection may be curative. Derived from the cardiac wall in most instances, resectability can be assessed after integration of the data provided by MRI in T2 sequence, and coronarography. A fully documented case of a large cardiac pheochromocytoma of the left atrium and AV groove is reported and the pertinent literature on the subject is here presented.


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PURPOSE: To assess the clinical profile and prognostic factors in patients with adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC) of the head and neck treated by surgery and/or radiation therapy with or without chemotherapy. METHODS: Data from 20 patients with stage I-II (n = 4), III (n = 5), or IVA (n = 11) head and neck ASC, treated between 1989 and 2010 were collected in a retrospective multicenter Rare Cancer Network study. Surgery was performed in 16 patients. Seventeen patients received combined modality treatment. RESULTS: After a median follow-up of 15.5 months, 12 patients recurred. The 3-year and median overall survival, disease-free survival (DFS), and loco-regional control were 52% and 39 months, 32% and 12 months, and 47% and 33 months respectively. In multivariate analysis, DFS was negatively influenced by the presence of extracapsular extension and advanced stage. CONCLUSION: Overall prognosis of locoregionally advanced ASC remains poor. However, early stage ASC patients managed with combined modality treatment may have prolonged DFS.


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Bilateral fetal rhabdomyomatous nephroblastoma is a rare variant of Wilms' Tumor. The authors report the evolution over 48 months of a 10-month-old baby with bilateral nephroblastoma for which a left nephrectomy was initially performed. A right kidney tumor was enucleated preserving the kidney. The transformation of the primary tumor into a completely differentiated cystic nephroblastoma or nephromalike tumor and the appearance of a metachronous lesion was seen. This report emphasizes the role of nephron-sparing surgery in bilateral Wilms' Tumor when a benign transformation occurs under chemotherapy.


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Introduction. This paper studies the situation of research on Catalan literature between 1976 and 2003 by carrying out a bibliometric and social network analysis of PhD theses defended in Spain. It has a dual aim: to present interesting results for the discipline and to demonstrate the methodological efficacy of scientometric tools in the humanities, a field in which they are often neglected due to the difficulty of gathering data. Method. The analysis was performed on 151 records obtained from the TESEO database of PhD theses. The quantitative estimates include the use of the UCINET and Pajek software packages. Authority control was performed on the records. Analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the sample and the distribution of responses to each question. Sex differences on key questions were analysed using the Chi-squared test. Results. The value of the figures obtained is demonstrated. The information obtained on the topic and the periods studied in the theses, and on the actors involved (doctoral students, thesis supervisors and members of defence committees), provide important insights into the mechanisms of humanities disciplines. The main research tendencies of Catalan literature are identified. It is observed that the composition of members of the thesis defence committees follows Lotka's Law. Conclusions. Bibliometric analysis and social network analysis may be especially useful in the humanities and in other fields which are lacking in scientometric data in comparison with the experimental sciences.


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Aim: Conduct a search and analytic review of literature regarding attributes of Advance Care Planning (ACP) and Advance Directive in order to identify the experiences and the best care strategies for older adults resident in nursing homes or long term institutions. Methodology: An extensive electronic search was undertaken in the following databases: Pubmed (via Ovid search), Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL, via EBHOST), psychINFO and Cochrane. After analyzing and eliminating duplicates and professional's point of view (19), 144 titles were considered relevant: 28 opinion papers, 94 descriptive/qualitative studies or predictive studies, 17 experimental and five systematic reviews. Most of them were produced in North America and only 10 were in French. Results: With regard to European experiences, studies are scarce and further research could benefit from North American evidence. Contrary to Europe, nurses in North America play a major role in the process of care planning. The major findings were related to the poor efficacy of the completion of Advance Directives, even in presence of a substantial variety of implementation strategies. The evidence supports interventions that conceptualize ACP as a process, with an emphasis on the ascertainment of patients' values and beliefs and the necessity to include the family or loved ones from the beginning of the process in order to favor the expression and sharing of one's life perspectives and priorities in care. The most relevant findings were associated with the conceptualization of the ACP as a change in health behaviors which needs an involvement in different stages to overcome a variety of barriers. Conclusion: Rigorous research in ACP for the older adults in Swiss nursing homes that promote respect and dignity in this frail population is needed. How to best achieve patients and families goals should be the focus of nursing intervention and research in this domain.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: One central concept in evolutionary ecology is that current and residual reproductive values are negatively linked by the so-called cost of reproduction. Previous studies examining the nature of this cost suggested a possible involvement of oxidative stress resulting from the imbalance between pro- and anti-oxidant processes. Still, data remain conflictory probably because, although oxidative damage increases during reproduction, high systemic levels of oxidative stress might also constrain parental investment in reproduction. Here, we investigated variation in oxidative balance (i.e. oxidative damage and antioxidant defences) over the course of reproduction by comparing female laboratory mice rearing or not pups. RESULTS: A significant increase in oxidative damage over time was only observed in females caring for offspring, whereas antioxidant defences increased over time regardless of reproductive status. Interestingly, oxidative damage measured prior to reproduction was negatively associated with litter size at birth (constraint), whereas damage measured after reproduction was positively related to litter size at weaning (cost). CONCLUSIONS: Globally, our correlative results and the review of literature describing the links between reproduction and oxidative stress underline the importance of timing/dynamics when studying and interpreting oxidative balance in relation to reproduction. Our study highlights the duality (constraint and cost) of oxidative stress in life-history trade-offs, thus supporting the theory that oxidative stress plays a key role in life-history evolution.


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We present a new model to explain the origin, emplacement and stratigraphy of the Nicoya Complex in the NW part of the Nicoya Peninsula (Costa Rica) based on twenty-five years of field work, accompanied with the evolution of geochemical, vulcanological, petrological, sedimentological and paleontological paradigms. The igneous-sedimentary relation, together with radiolarian biochronology of the NW-Nicoya Peninsula is re-examined. We interpret the Nicoya Complex as a cross-section of a fragment of the Late Cretaceous Caribbean Plateau, in which the deepest levels are exposed in the NW-Nicoya Peninsula. Over 50% of the igneous rocks are intrusive (gabbros and in less proportion plagiogranites) which have a single mantle source; the remainder are basalts with a similar geochemical signature. Ar39/Ar40 radioisotopic whole rock and plagioclase ages range throughout the area from 84 to 83 Ma (Santonian) for the intrusives, and from 139 to 88 Ma (Berriasian-Turonian) for the basalts. In contrast, Mn-radiolarites that crop out in the area are older in age, Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) to Albian (middle Cretaceous). These Mn-radiolaritic blocks are set in a "matrix" of multiple gabbros and diabases intrusions. Chilled margins of magmatites, and hydrothermal baking and leaching of the radiolarites confirm the Ar39/Ar40 dating of igneous rocks being consistently younger than most of the radiolarian cherts. No Jurassic magmatic basement has been identified on the Nicoya Peninsula. We interpret the Jurassic-Cretaceous chert sediment pile to have been disrupted and detached from its original basement by multiple magmatic events that occurred during the formation of the Caribbean Plateau. Coniacian-Santonian (Late Cretaceous), Fe-rich radiolarites are largely synchronous and associated with late phases of the Plateau.


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The morbidity of bone graft harvesting from the iliac crest has been widely discussed in the literature. For some authors, it is considered to be low and for others relatively high. We report on a case of a fracture of the iliac wing after graft harvesting from the anterior iliac crest despite good surgical technique. This complication is well known and most of these fractures heal uneventfully if treated conservatively. However, if anatomical and technical considerations are respected, the patient could be spared this inconvenience. Based on a literature review, we discuss the procedure's potential complications and how to avoid them in an update.