965 resultados para cosmopolitan dispositions


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The coccolithophore genus Gephyrocapsa contains a cosmopolitan assemblage of pelagic species, including the bloom-forming Gephyrocapsa oceanica, and is closely related to the emblematic coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi within the Noëlaerhabdaceae. These two species have been extensively studied and are well represented in culture collections, whereas cultures of other species of this family are lacking. We report on three new strains of Gephyrocapsa isolated into culture from samples from the Chilean coastal upwelling zone using a novel flow cytometric single-cell sorting technique. The strains were characterized by morphological analysis using scanning electron microscopy and phylogenetic analysis of 6 genes (nuclear 18S and 28S rDNA, plastidial 16S and tufA, and mitochondrial cox1 and cox3 genes). Morphometric features of the coccoliths indicate that these isolates are distinct from G. oceanica and best correspond to G. muellerae. Surprisingly, both plastidial and mitochondrial gene phylogenies placed these strains within the E. huxleyi clade and well separated from G. oceanica isolates, making Emiliania appear polyphyletic. The only nuclear sequence difference, 1 bp in the 28S rDNA region, also grouped E. huxleyi with the new Gephyrocapsa isolates and apart from G. oceanica. Specifically, the G. muellerae morphotype strains clustered with the mitochondrial β clade of E. huxleyi, which, like G. muellerae, has been associated with cold (temperate and sub-polar) waters. Among putative evolutionary scenarios that could explain these results we discuss the possibility that E. huxleyi is not a valid taxonomic unit, or, alternatively the possibility of past hybridization and introgression between each E. huxleyi clade and older Gephyrocapsa clades. In either case, the results support the transfer of Emiliania to Gephyrocapsa. These results have important implications for relating morphological species concepts to ecological and evolutionary units of diversity.


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The coccolithophore genus Gephyrocapsa contains a cosmopolitan assemblage of pelagic species, including the bloom-forming Gephyrocapsa oceanica, and is closely related to the emblematic coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi within the Noëlaerhabdaceae. These two species have been extensively studied and are well represented in culture collections, whereas cultures of other species of this family are lacking. We report on three new strains of Gephyrocapsa isolated into culture from samples from the Chilean coastal upwelling zone using a novel flow cytometric single-cell sorting technique. The strains were characterized by morphological analysis using scanning electron microscopy and phylogenetic analysis of 6 genes (nuclear 18S and 28S rDNA, plastidial 16S and tufA, and mitochondrial cox1 and cox3 genes). Morphometric features of the coccoliths indicate that these isolates are distinct from G. oceanica and best correspond to G. muellerae. Surprisingly, both plastidial and mitochondrial gene phylogenies placed these strains within the E. huxleyi clade and well separated from G. oceanica isolates, making Emiliania appear polyphyletic. The only nuclear sequence difference, 1 bp in the 28S rDNA region, also grouped E. huxleyi with the new Gephyrocapsa isolates and apart from G. oceanica. Specifically, the G. muellerae morphotype strains clustered with the mitochondrial β clade of E. huxleyi, which, like G. muellerae, has been associated with cold (temperate and sub-polar) waters. Among putative evolutionary scenarios that could explain these results we discuss the possibility that E. huxleyi is not a valid taxonomic unit, or, alternatively the possibility of past hybridization and introgression between each E. huxleyi clade and older Gephyrocapsa clades. In either case, the results support the transfer of Emiliania to Gephyrocapsa. These results have important implications for relating morphological species concepts to ecological and evolutionary units of diversity.


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The tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus is responsible for cystic echinococcosis (CE), a cosmopolitan disease which imposes a significant burden on the health and economy of affected communities. Little is known about the molecular mechanisms whereby E. granulosus is able to survive in the hostile mammalian host environment, avoiding attack by host enzymes and evading immune responses, but protease inhibitors released by the parasite are likely implicated. We identified two nucleotide sequences corresponding to secreted single domain Kunitz type protease inhibitors (EgKIs) in the E. granulosus genome, and their cDNAs were cloned, bacterially expressed and purified. EgKI-1 is highly expressed in the oncosphere (egg) stage and is a potent chymotrypsin and neutrophil elastase inhibitor that binds calcium and reduced neutrophil infiltration in a local inflammation model. EgKI-2 is highly expressed in adult worms and is a potent inhibitor of trypsin. As powerful inhibitors of mammalian intestinal proteases, the EgKIs may play a pivotal protective role in preventing proteolytic enzyme attack thereby ensuring survival of E. granulosus within its mammalian hosts. EgKI-1 may also be involved in the oncosphere in host immune evasion by inhibiting neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G once this stage is exposed to the mammalian blood system. In light of their key roles in protecting E. granulosus from host enzymatic attack, the EgKI proteins represent potential intervention targets to control CE. This is important as new public health measures against CE are required, given the inefficiencies of available drugs and the current difficulties in its treatment and control. In addition, being a small sized highly potent serine protease inhibitor, and an inhibitor of neutrophil chemotaxis, EgKI-1 may have clinical potential as a novel anti-inflammatory therapeutic.


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This chapter examines how the choreography of affect in two dance theatre works creates a space of affective adjacency—a space in which the building of an alternative structure of feeling and an alternative economy of the body can be experienced. Focusing on the choreographic use of repetition in Junk Ensemble’s Bird With Boy (2011) and Fabulous Beast Dance Theatre’s Rian (2011), it shows how the work required to build an alternative affective space can become visible. Although affect is most often viewed as a preconscious, ephemeral phenomenon (a passage of intensities), that can have little or no lasting impact on socio-political action, theorists such as Megan Watkins have argued for a consideration of the ‘cumulative aspects of affect’. Highlighting Spinoza’s distinction between affectus (the capacity for a body to affect and be affected), and affectio (the impact the affecting body leaves on the affected), Watkins points out that affectio can ‘leave a residue’ allowing for the ‘capacity of affect to be retained, to accumulate, to form dispositions and thus shape subjectivities’. The choreography of repetition in Bird With Boy and Rian presents sites for an examination of this accumulation of affect and its capacity not only to form and shape dispositions, but also, as Lauren Berlant suggests, ‘to move along and make worlds, situations, and environments’.


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L’eau est un enjeu majeur en environnement autant d’un point de vue de sa qualité que de sa quantité. Cependant, des pénuries d’eau douce se font de plus en plus sentir à travers le monde. Par ailleurs, les États-Unis n’en sont pas exemptés. En effet, l’ouest du pays constate que les réserves diminuent constamment. Dans le passé, une compagnie californienne s’était déjà tournée vers le Canada afin d’en acheter une certaine quantité en vrac dans le dessein d’en assurer son approvisionnement. Le Québec, étant un voisin des Américains, ne peut se permettre d’écarter la question de l’exportation d’eau en vrac, d’autant plus qu’il est évident qu’une activité de cette envergure crée des impacts sur l’environnement et la société. C’est pourquoi cet essai a pour objectif d’identifier si la vente de l’eau douce en vrac du Québec vers les États-Unis implique des conséquences pour les citoyens québécois. Une analyse multicritère a été réalisée afin d’atteindre l’objectif principal de cet l’essai. Cette dernière consiste en l’évaluation des différents aspects de l’exportation d’eau douce selon une optique sociale. Ainsi, neuf critères ont été créés. Ils sont répartis en quatre catégories, soit sociale, économique, législative et les relations internationales. Suite aux résultats obtenus lors de l’évaluation des critères, il est possible d’affirmer que la vente de l’eau québécoise aurait des incidences sur la population. Cette analyse nous permet de conclure que, d’un côté, les citoyens accordent une grande valeur à la ressource et qu’ils seraient plutôt d’accord à exporter l’eau. Néanmoins, d’un autre côté, les critères concernant la relation de pouvoir entre le pays amont et celui aval ainsi que les conséquences qu’implique l’Accord de libre-échange nord-américain viennent causer des répercussions négatives pour les citoyens. Les principales conséquences négatives concernent davantage le milieu international. Par contre, le Québec a peu ou pas d’influence à ce niveau, c’est pourquoi l’ensemble des recommandations effectuées porte sur des dispositions que la province pourrait envisager à l’interne afin de limiter les incidences sur sa population et son environnement. L’accent est donc mis sur des mesures permettant de mieux gérer la ressource et de la consommer de manière responsable. Ainsi, il est recommandé de mettre en place une gestion intégrée de l’eau par bassin versant, de fixer une quantité maximale pour l’exportation, d’installer des compteurs d’eau, de revoir la facturation de l’eau et, finalement, communiquer l’information aux citoyens dans l’optique de les renseigner, mais aussi de les impliquer dans la protection de l’eau au Québec.


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Abstract : Since at least the 1980's, a growing number of companies have set up an ethics or a compliance program within their organization. However, in the field of study of business management, there is a paucity of research studies concerning these management systems. This observation warranted the present investigation of one company's compliance program. Compliance programs are set up so that individuals working within an organization observe the laws and regulations which pertain to their work. This study used a constructivist grounded theory methodology to examine the process by which a specific compliance program, that of Siemens Canada Limited, was implemented throughout its organization. In conformity with this methodology, instead of proceeding with the investigation in accordance to a particular theoretical framework, the study established a number of theoretical constructs used strictly as reference points. The study's research question was stated as: what are the characteristics of the process by which Siemens' compliance program integrated itself into the existing organizational structure and gained employee acceptance? Data consisted of documents produced by the company and of interviews done with twenty-four managers working for Siemens Canada Limited. The researcher used QSR-Nvivo computer assisted software to code transcripts and to help with analyzing interviews and documents. Triangulation was done by using a number of analysis techniques and by constantly comparing findings with extant theory. A descriptive model of the implementation process grounded in the experience of participants and in the contents of the documents emerged from the data. The process was called "Remolding"; remolding being the core category having emerged. This main process consisted of two sub-processes identified as "embedding" and "appraising." The investigation was able to provide a detailed account of the appraising process. It identified that employees appraised the compliance program according to three facets: the impact of the program on the employee's daily activities, the relationship employees have with the local compliance organization, and the relationship employees have with the corporate ethics identity. The study suggests that a company who is entertaining the idea of implementing a compliance program should consider all three facets. In particular, it suggests that any company interested in designing and implementing a compliance program should pay particular attention to its corporate ethics identity. This is because employee's acceptance of the program is influenced by their comparison of the company's ethics identity to their local ethics identity. Implications of the study suggest that personnel responsible for the development and organizational support of a compliance program should understand the appraisal process by which employees build their relationship with the program. The originality of this study is that it points emphatically that companies must pay special attention in developing a corporate ethics identify which is coherent, well documented and well explained.


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Cette thèse analyse les rappeurs afro-québécois des communautés de Limoilou (Limoilou Starz) et leurs amis de Montcalm comme des acteurs qui s’approprient des éléments identitaires, de lutte sociale et de survie économique, issus des problématiques globales et américaines du hip-hop, au service de leurs défis particuliers. Les divers mérites des luttes menées au moyen de leur art sont acquis par des formes spécifiques de capital. Ainsi les moyens utilisés par les rappeurs sont principalement les paroles de chansons, les prises de parole publique, dans les médias et sur scène, les campagnes d’affichage, l’utilisation des réseaux numériques, l’entreprise économique autonome (photographie, vidéographie, gestion des artistes, vente de vêtements). Ces moyens spécifiques se rattachent à d’autres principes et actions non explicités et sociohistoriquement ancrés. À partir d’une enquête ethnographique menée auprès de 31 participants dans la ville de Québec, j’utilise le concept de « réception différenciée » (Hall, 1980; Morley, 1980) pour décrire le processus de résistance des différents pratiquants et entrepreneurs de la musique aux dominations provenant de groupes divers. Trois principaux groupes de domination sont examinés : les agents d’institutions étatiques (comme les policiers du Service de Police de la Ville de Québec), les agents d’entreprises privées (comme les patrons de grandes boites de nuit et les propriétaires de labels musicaux indépendants) et les groupes et individus du milieu hip-hop, à travers leurs stratégies d’intimidation. La théorie « émergente » ou emergent-fit (Guillemette, 2006; Guillemette et Luckerhoff, 2009) permet d’entrevoir la musique hip-hop en amont comme une structure multidimensionnelle (sociale, identitaire, politique et économique) et intersectionnelle (intersection de plusieurs catégories interreliées, relatives au lieu de résidence, à la race et aux capacités économiques), et en aval comme un champ musical (Bourdieu, 1976 et 1989; Rimmer, 2010) renégocié. Cette structure a pris forme et s’est transformée grâce aux dispositions mentales et physiques (habitus) des acteurs étudiés. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent que certains rappeurs et leurs autres collègues artistes hip-hop— ainsi que quelques entrepreneurs— résistent à plusieurs sortes de domination. D’autres encore acceptent ces dominations sous forme d’idéologies, même en le reconnaissant explicitement. Par contre, une infime partie des acteurs étudiés les rejettent complètement. Ainsi, l’appropriation multidimensionnelle et intersectionnelle des sens dominants à travers le hip-hop mène à plusieurs formes de lecture de la domination et de la résistance.


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This article analyses performance consumptions among young people. The theme is explored along two main axes. The first concerns the social heterogeneity in this field, considered on two levels: the different purposes for those investments - cognitive/mental and physical performance; and the different social contexts - university and work - where performance practices and dispositions may be fostered. The second axis explores the roles of pharmacological and natural consumptions, and their interrelationship, in the dissemination of these practices. The empirical data for this analysis were drawn from an ongoing research project on performance consumptions among young people (aged 18-29 years) in Portugal, including both university students and young workers without university education. The results correspond to the stage of extensive research, for which a questionnaire was organised at a national level, using non-proportional quota sampling. On the one hand, they show that (a) there is a hierarchy of acceptance of consumptions according to their purposes, with cognitive/mental performance showing higher acceptance and (b) both pharmaceuticals and natural products are consumed for every type of performance investment. On the other, the comparison between students and workers introduces a certain heterogeneity in this general backdrop, both in terms of the purposes for their consumptions and their opting for natural or pharmacological resources. These threads of heterogeneity will prompt a discussion of the dynamics of pharmaceuticalisation within the field of performance, in particular how therapeutic cultures may be changing in terms of the way individuals relate to medications, expanding their uses in social life.


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Biodiversity and distribution of benthic meiofauna in the sediments of the Southern Caspian Sea (Mazandaran) was studied in order to introducing and determining of their relationship with the environmental factors. From 12 stations (ranging in depths 5, 10, 20 and 50 meters), sediment samples were gathered in 6 months (2012). Environmental factors of water near the bottom including temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH were measured during sampling with CTD and grain size and total organic matter percentage and calcium carbonate were measured in laboratory. In different months, the average water temperature (9.52-23.93), dissolved oxygen (7.71-10.53 mg/L), salinity (10.57±0/07 and 10.75±0/04 ppt), pH (7.44±0/29 and 7.41±0/22), EC (17.97±0/12 and 18.30±0/04μs/cm2), TDS (8.92±0/04 and 9.14±0/02 mg/L), total organic matter (5.83±1/43 and 6.25±0/97%) and calcium carbonate (2.36±0/36 and 1.68±0/19%) were measured respectively. Structure of the sediment samples mostly consisted of fine sand; very fine sand, silt and clay. From the 4 group animals (Foraminifera, Crustacea, Worms and Mollusca), there were identified 40species belong to 29 genera of 25 families. The cosmopolitan foraminifer, Ammonia beccarii caspica, was common in all sampling stations. Result showed that depth was important factor on distribution of meiofauna. Most density of foraminifera and crustacean was observed in depth of 20m and for mollusca and worms observed in 5m. Shannon diversity index decreased with depth that showed in shallow water diversity was higher than deep water. Mean of maximum and minimum Shannon index was obsorvers in depth of 5m and 50 m that was measured in order 0.93 and 0.43. Account of Shannon index showed that this area is under pressure. Account of peioleo index showed distribution in this area was not steady.


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Soybean plays an important role in the Brazilian agriculture being one of the products most exported by the country. Its yield may be affected by diseases such as white mold, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Lib. de Bary, which, under favorable field conditions prevents the crop of expressing all its productive potential. The fungus is cosmopolitan and infects more than 400 species of plants. This disease is difficult to control, and the use of chemicals has not been sufficient to avoid significant losses, thus, this products are expensive and may cause environmental damage. Alternative methods, such as foliar fertilizers based on potassium phosphite, can also be used in the management of this disease. In this context, this work aimed to study different sources of potassium phosphite and its effects in the control of white mold in soybeans, as well as the time of application in culture, its action in inducing plants defense responses and/or its influence over the seeds quality. The effect of phosphites, over the pathogen, was evaluated in vitro, on mycelial inhibition, the mass of dry mycelium and germination of sclerotia. In all tests, the following phosphites were utilized: Phosphite A (P2O5-40%; K2O-20% - 1 L/ha); Phosphite B (P2O5-40%; K2O-28% - 1 L/ha); Phosphite C (P2O5-40%; K2O-20% - 1 L/ha) e Phosphite D (P2O5-30%; K2O-20% - 2,4 L/ha). At the induction of resistance tests were evaluated the synthesis of phytoalexin in soybean cotyledons and the enzymes FAL and POX evaluated in seedlings in growing chamber, sprayed with phosphites and the fungicide fluazinam. Field experiment was carried out at Coronel Domingos Soares-PR, in the 2012/2013 season, in an area with natural infestation of the pathogen. Soybean cultivar BMX Active was no-till seeded with 0,5m between rows. The experimental was laid out as a factorial 5 x 4 scheme (treatment x application time). Phosphites sources were used, as described above, and water was sprayed in the control treatment. Treatments were applied at four different growth stages: V4, V4 + R1, R1 and R2 at the rates recommended by the manufacturer. Soybean yield components and seeds and health and physiological quality were evaluated after harvesting. None of the tested phosphites affected mycelial growth and sclerotia germination or influenced phytoalexin synthesis. Phosphites C and D stood out due to an increasing in the phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity 48 hours after its inoculation. These same products also induced the synthesis and peroxidases and phosphite C kept the levels of this enzyme elevated up to 72 hours after inoculation. At the field trials, phosphites C and D stood out in the control of white mold. There was no significant interaction of potassium phosphite on physiological and sanitary quality of the seeds.


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Drawing on historical research, personal interviews, performance analysis, and my own embodied experience as a participant-observer in several clown workshops, I explore the diverse historical influences on clown theatre as it is conceived today. I then investigate how the concept of embodied knowledge is reflected in red-nose clown pedagogy. Finally, I argue that through shared embodied knowledge spectators are able to perceive and appreciate the humor of clown theatre in performance. I propose that clown theatre represents a reaction to the eroding personal connections prompted by the so-called information age, and that humor in clown theatre is a revealing index of socio-cultural values, attitudes, dispositions, and concerns.


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A behavioral mind-set refers to the effect of performing a behavior in one situation (e.g., deciding which animals jump higher, dolphins or sea lions) on the likelihood of performing a conceptually similar behavior in subsequent, unrelated situations (e.g., deciding which of two candies to purchase). It reflects the activation and persistence of procedural knowledge. My dissertation circumscribes the construct of a behavioral mind-set and proposes a theoretical framework describing how mind-sets operate as well as their cognitive and motivational determinants. Three sets of studies investigated the role of mind-sets in different domains. The first set of studies explored the influence of making comparative judgments on subsequent decision making. Specifically, I found that making comparative judgment in one situation activates a which-to-buy mind-set that increases the willingness to decide which of two products to purchase in a later situation without considering the option of not buying anything at all. This mind-set can be activated not only by stating preferences for one of two products but also by comparing the relative attractiveness of wild animals, comparing the animals with respect to physical attributes, and estimating how similar one object is to another. Furthermore, the mind-set, once activated, influences not only purchase intentions in hypothetical situations but the actual decisions to purchase one of different types of products that are on sale after the experiment. The second set of studies investigated whether generating supportive elaborations or counterarguments in one situation will influence people’s tendency to engage in similar behavior in a subsequent, unrelated situation. I found that making supportive elaborations in one situation gives rise to a bolstering mind-set that, once activated, increases participants’ disposition to generate supportive thoughts in response to persuasive communications that they receive later and, therefore, increases the effectiveness of persuasion. Correspondingly, generating opposing arguments in an initial situation activates a counterarguing mind-set that increases the tendency to argue against the persuasive communications and decreases its effectiveness. However, a counterarguing mind-set may increase the effectiveness of persuasion if the messages are difficult to be refuted. The third set of studies distinguished between the influence of motivation on consumer behavior and the influence of a mind-set that is activated by this motivation. Specifically, I found that appetitive motivation, which naturally increases people’s tendency to acquire food products, can give rise to a cognition-based acquisition mind-set that increases people’s disposition to acquire non-food products as well. This acquisition mind-set may persist even when the appetitive motivation that gave rise to it is satiated by eating. Moreover, the disposition to acquire non-food products is not mediated by the products’ attractiveness. The studies suggest that motivation and mind-sets may independently influence consumers’ evaluation of a product and their dispositions to acquire it. Motivation is more likely to influence product evaluations whereas a mind-set is more likely to influence consumers’ acquisition dispositions. In summary, a behavioral mind-set can be activated in the process of performing a behavior. And the mind-set may influence people’s subsequent behaviors in unrelated situations in which the activated procedure is applicable. Moreover, motivation to engage in one behavior could also elicit a cognition-based mind-set, which may change people’s subsequent behaviors.


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Over the past decade, Portugal and Spain received large numbers of immigrants from HTLV-1 endemic areas. Our aim was to investigate the diversity of subtypes circulating in these two countries and the introduction of new variants. We performed a molecular analysis of HTLV-1 strains in patients diagnosed since 1998. LTR and env proviral sequences from 26 individuals were analyzed to generate phylogenetic trees along with reference HTLV-1 subtypes from several geographic origins. Epidemiological and clinical data were recorded. Most subjects were immigrants (57.7%) from South America and Africa. All isolates belonged to the cosmopolitan A subtype. Most carried the transcontinental subgroup A, but five subjects carried subgroup D and one carried subgroup C, previously unreported in Europe. HTLV strains showed separate clusters linked to the patients' geographic origin. Although subjects with HTLV-1 infection tend not to be engaged in high-risk practices, silent dissemination of a broad diversity of HTLV-1 viruses may still occur.


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Cet essai vise à étudier les contraintes et les possibilités juridiques de mettre sur pied des coopératives d'habitation de type condominium. À l'heure actuelle, le milieu coopératif se demande si cette formule se conforme bien aux principes et à l'idéologie coopérative et si elle respecte les dispositions de la Loi sur les coopératives de même que les différentes dispositions légales concernant le logement et la copropriété divise. La première partie de cet essai se penchera sur les contraintes et les possibilités découlant de la Loi sur la régie du logement et de la Loi sur les coopératives. La deuxième partie de cet essai s'attardera sur les contraintes découlant des dispositions du Code civil relatives à la copropriété divise et sur les rôles qui peuvent être joués par une coopérative en matière de copropriété divise.


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L’objectif de cet essai est d’élaborer des outils afin de connaître, comprendre et suivre les fuites de nitrates d’origine agricole dans le périmètre du SAGE Rance Frémur baie de Beaussais. Les outils sont de deux catégories : des références agronomiques locales et des indicateurs de suivi. Le premier type d’outils doit permettre aux exploitants d’adapter leurs pratiques agricoles en fonction du contexte pédoclimatique, afin de réduire l’impact négatif sur les fuites de nitrates. Le second type d’outils a pour but d’évaluer la situation des fuites de nitrates à l’échelle du bassin versant. Ces indicateurs ont pour objectif de suivre les pratiques agricoles en lien avec les fuites de nitrates et de suivre l’état des milieux aquatiques pour ce paramètre chimique. Avant de proposer des outils adaptés, il est nécessaire de comprendre les enjeux liés aux nitrates sur le territoire étudié. Une bonne connaissance du territoire s’accompagne de connaissances théoriques indispensables sur les mécanismes responsables des fuites de nitrates. Ces mécanismes sont influencés par plusieurs facteurs en interaction : les facteurs environnementaux et les facteurs humains. Pour les facteurs environnementaux, plusieurs projets scientifiques spécifiques sont en œuvre sur le territoire pour mieux les appréhender. Concernant les facteurs humains, plusieurs dispositions politiques et réglementaires les encadrent, encourageant les bonnes pratiques, de gré ou de force. Parmi elles, la Directive Nitrates en vigueur dans l’Union européenne depuis 1991 fait figure de proue. À l’échelle locale, le SAGE révisé de la Rance, du Frémur et de la baie de Beaussais a été approuvé par arrêté préfectoral et est en application depuis décembre 2013. Ce document a pour but d’atteindre le bon état écologique des eaux. Plusieurs dispositions concernent le monde agricole et certaines d’entre elles ciblent spécifiquement la réduction des fuites d’azote. L’essai vise à mettre en œuvre deux d’entre elles, l’orientation de gestion n°17 (Élaboration de référentiels agronomiques locaux) et la disposition n°39 (Connaître et suivre la pression azotée et les pratiques agricoles). La thématique des pollutions liées à l’azote alimente les revues scientifiques et techniques depuis plus de 15 ans, avec une quantité importante d’outils préconisés qui s’ajoutent les uns aux autres. Or pour une mise en œuvre efficace sur le territoire, il est nécessaire de restreindre ce nombre : ce qui implique une sélection méthodique des outils les plus pertinents pour satisfaire l’objectif de l’essai. Au total, une dizaine de références agronomiques locales sont répertoriées et huit indicateurs de suivi sont proposés. Un tableau de bord a été élaboré afin de faciliter l’articulation et l’interprétation des indicateurs.