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The protein binding constant, binding sites of the Strychnos alkaloid-strychnine and bovine serum albumin (BSA) was determined by capillary electrophoretic frontal analysis (CE-FA) for the first time. The experiment was carried out in a polyacrylamide-coated fused silica capillary (48.4 cmx50 mu m i.d., 38.1 cm effective length) with 20 mmol/L citrate/MES buffer (pH 6.0, ionic strength 0.17). The applied voltage was 12 kV and detection wavelength was set at 257 nm. The plateau height of the peak was employed to determine the unbound concentration of drug in BSA equilibrated sample solution based on the external drug standard in the absence of protein. The present method provides a convenient, accurate technique for the early stage of drug screening.


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A monolithic silica based strong cation-exchange stationary phase was successfully prepared for capillary electrochromatography. The monolithic silica matrix from a sol-gel process was chemically modified by treatment with 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane followed by a chemical oxidation procedure to produce the desired function. The strong cation-exchange stationary phase was characterized by its substantial and stable electroosmotic flow (EOF), and it was observed that the EOF value of the prepared column remained almost unchanged at different buffer pH values and slowly decreased with increasing phosphate concentration in the mobile phase. The monolithic silica column with strong cation-exchange stationary phase has been successfully employed in the electrochromatographic separation of beta-blockers and alkaloids extracted from traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs). The column efficiencies for the tested beta-blockers varied from 210,000 to 340,000 plates/m. A peak compression effect was observed for atenolol with the mobile phase having a low phosphate concentration.


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The major components of the plant curcuma longa are the curcuminoids that include curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin. It has been reported the curcuminoids have some important activities. A new CZE method with diode array detection has been developed for the separation and determination of the curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin. Three curcuminoids could be readily separated within 7 min with a 15 mM sodium tetraborate buffer containing 10% methanol (v/v) at pH 10.8, 25 kV and 30 degrees C. The method has been validated and shows good performance with respect to selectivity, reproducibility, linearity, limits of detection and recovery. The proposed method was successfully applied to determine the curcuminoids in urine. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) method has been developed for investigating the physicochemical characteristics of five Strychnos alkaloids in Strychnos nux-vomica L. Firstly, the dissociation constants of the five Strychnos alkaloids were determined, based on the relation between the effective mobility of the solutes and the buffer pH. The mathematical relationship was strictly deduced from the fundamental electrophoretic theory and the dissociation equilibrium. Secondly, an equation describing the relation between the migration time of alkaloids of similar structure and their molecular weights was developed and used to predict the migration order and to calculate the electrosomotic velocity. The results predicted by the theory agreed with those from experiments.


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A method has been developed for determining of heavy metal ions by field-amplified sample injection capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection. The effects of the 2-N-morpholinoethanesulfonic acid/histidine (MES/His) concentration in the sample matrix, the injection time and organic additives on the enrichment factor were studied. The results showed that MES/His with a low concentration in the sample matrix, an increase of the injection time and the addition of acetonitrile improved the enrichment factor. Four heavy metal ions (Zn2+, Co2+, Cu2+ and Ni2+) were dissolved in deionized water, separated in a 10 mM MES/His running buffer at pH 4.9 and detected by contactless conductivity detection. The detection sensitivity was enhanced by about three orders of magnitude with respect to the non-stacking injection mode. The limits of detection were in the range from 5 nM (Zn2+) to 30 nM (Cu2+). The method has been used to determine heavy metal ions in tap water.


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An interface of chip-based capillary electrophoresis (CE)-inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) that is based on cross-flow nebulization has been developed. A polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) CE-chip with conventional cross channel layout was used. A stainless steel tube was placed orthogonal to the exit of the CE separation channel for cross flow nebulization. A supplementary flow of buffer solution at the channel exit was used to improve nebulization efficiency. Two capillaries were inserted into the CE chip near the inlet of the separation channel for sample and buffer solution injection. Syringe pumps were used to manipulate the flow rate and flow direction of the sample, buffer, and supplementary buffer solution. Peak broadening due to the shape (bulb and tube-shaped) and size of the spray chambers was studied. The smaller tube-shaped spray chamber was used because of smaller peak broadening effect due to aerosol transport. The nebulization and transport efficiency of the CE-ICP interface was approximately 10%. Ba2+ and Mg2+ ions were eluted from the CE-chip within 30 s. Resolution of the Ba2+ and Mg2+ peaks was 0.7 using the chip-based CE-ICP-AES system.


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The putative 5-HT6 receptor agonist ST1936 has been shown to increase extracellular dopamine (DA) in the n.accumbens (NAc) Shell and in the medial prefrontal cortex (PFCX). These observations suggest that 5-HT6 receptors modulate DA transmission in mesolimbic and mesocortical terminal DA areas. To investigate the behavioral counterpart of this interaction I studied in rats the effect of 5-HT6 receptor blockade on cocaine stimulated overflow of DA in dialysates from the PFCX and from the NAc Shell and on cocaine i.v. selfadministration. Pretreatment with the 5-HT6 antagonist SB271046 reduced cocaine-induced increase of dialysate DA in the NAc Shell but not in the PFCX and impaired i.v. cocaine selfadministration. These suggest that 5-HT6 receptors play a role in cocaine reinforcement via their facilitatore interaction with DA projections to the NAc Shell. This 5-HT/DA interaction might provide the basis for a new pharmacotherapeutic strategy of cocaine addiction. Caffeine is one of the psychoactive substances most widely used as adulterant in illicit drugs, such as cocaine. Animal studies have demonstrated that caffeine is able to potentiate cocaine actions, although the enhancement of the cocaine reinforcing property by caffeine is less reported, and the results depend on the paradigms and experimental protocols used. In the present study I examined the ability of caffeine to enhance the motivational and rewarding properties of cocaine using the intravenous self-administration paradigm in rats. Additionally, the role of caffeine as a primer cue during extinction was evaluated. To this end, we assessed in naïve rats: 1) the ability of the combination of cocaine (0,125 mg/kg/infusion) and caffeine (0,0625 mg/kg/infusion) to maintain self-administration in fixed ratio (FR) and progressive ratio (PR) schedules of reinforcement compared with cocaine and caffeine alone; 2) the effect of caffeine in the maintenance of responding in the animals exposed to the combination of the drugs during cocaine extinction. Cocaine and the combination of cocaine and caffeine were self-administered on a FR and PR schedules of reinforcement, and the responding for the combination of the drugs was higher than cocaine alone. Caffeine was not reliably self-administered, but was able to maintain a drug-seeking behavior in rats previously exposed to cocaine plus caffeine. These findings suggest that the presence of caffeine enhances the reinforcing effects of cocaine and the motivational value of the drug. Our results highlight the role of active adulterants commonly used in illicit street drugs.


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Many animals in the tropics of Africa, Asia and South America regularly visit so-called salt or mineral licks to consume clay or drink clay-saturated water. Whether this behavior is used to supplement diets with locally limited nutrients or to buffer the effects of toxic secondary plant compounds remains unclear. In the Amazonian rainforest, pregnant and lactating bats are frequently observed and captured at mineral licks. We measured the nitrogen isotope ratio in wing tissue of omnivorous short-tailed fruit bats, Carollia perspicillata, and in an obligate fruit-eating bat, Artibeus obscurus, captured at mineral licks and at control sites in the rainforest. Carollia perspicillata with a plant-dominated diet were more often captured at mineral licks than individuals with an insect-dominated diet, although insects were more mineral depleted than fruits. In contrast, nitrogen isotope ratios of A. obscurus did not differ between individuals captured at mineral lick versus control sites. We conclude that pregnant and lactating fruit-eating bats do not visit mineral licks principally for minerals, but instead to buffer the effects of secondary plant compounds that they ingest in large quantities during periods of high energy demand. These findings have potential implications for the role of mineral licks for mammals in general, including humans.


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Parallel computing on a network of workstations can saturate the communication network, leading to excessive message delays and consequently poor application performance. We examine empirically the consequences of integrating a flow control protocol, called Warp control [Par93], into Mermera, a software shared memory system that supports parallel computing on distributed systems [HS93]. For an asynchronous iterative program that solves a system of linear equations, our measurements show that Warp succeeds in stabilizing the network's behavior even under high levels of contention. As a result, the application achieves a higher effective communication throughput, and a reduced completion time. In some cases, however, Warp control does not achieve the performance attainable by fixed size buffering when using a statically optimal buffer size. Our use of Warp to regulate the allocation of network bandwidth emphasizes the possibility for integrating it with the allocation of other resources, such as CPU cycles and disk bandwidth, so as to optimize overall system throughput, and enable fully-shared execution of parallel programs.


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We present a type system, StaXML, which employs the stacked type syntax to represent essential aspects of the potential roles of XML fragments to the structure of complete XML documents. The simplest application of this system is to enforce well-formedness upon the construction of XML documents without requiring the use of templates or balanced "gap plugging" operators; this allows it to be applied to programs written according to common imperative web scripting idioms, particularly the echoing of unbalanced XML fragments to an output buffer. The system can be extended to verify particular XML applications such as XHTML and identifying individual XML tags constructed from their lexical components. We also present StaXML for PHP, a prototype precompiler for the PHP4 scripting language which infers StaXML types for expressions without assistance from the programmer.


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Recent measurements of local-area and wide-area traffic have shown that network traffic exhibits variability at a wide range of scales self-similarity. In this paper, we examine a mechanism that gives rise to self-similar network traffic and present some of its performance implications. The mechanism we study is the transfer of files or messages whose size is drawn from a heavy-tailed distribution. We examine its effects through detailed transport-level simulations of multiple TCP streams in an internetwork. First, we show that in a "realistic" client/server network environment i.e., one with bounded resources and coupling among traffic sources competing for resources the degree to which file sizes are heavy-tailed can directly determine the degree of traffic self-similarity at the link level. We show that this causal relationship is not significantly affected by changes in network resources (bottleneck bandwidth and buffer capacity), network topology, the influence of cross-traffic, or the distribution of interarrival times. Second, we show that properties of the transport layer play an important role in preserving and modulating this relationship. In particular, the reliable transmission and flow control mechanisms of TCP (Reno, Tahoe, or Vegas) serve to maintain the long-range dependency structure induced by heavy-tailed file size distributions. In contrast, if a non-flow-controlled and unreliable (UDP-based) transport protocol is used, the resulting traffic shows little self-similar characteristics: although still bursty at short time scales, it has little long-range dependence. If flow-controlled, unreliable transport is employed, the degree of traffic self-similarity is positively correlated with the degree of throttling at the source. Third, in exploring the relationship between file sizes, transport protocols, and self-similarity, we are also able to show some of the performance implications of self-similarity. We present data on the relationship between traffic self-similarity and network performance as captured by performance measures including packet loss rate, retransmission rate, and queueing delay. Increased self-similarity, as expected, results in degradation of performance. Queueing delay, in particular, exhibits a drastic increase with increasing self-similarity. Throughput-related measures such as packet loss and retransmission rate, however, increase only gradually with increasing traffic self-similarity as long as reliable, flow-controlled transport protocol is used.


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The advent of virtualization and cloud computing technologies necessitates the development of effective mechanisms for the estimation and reservation of resources needed by content providers to deliver large numbers of video-on-demand (VOD) streams through the cloud. Unfortunately, capacity planning for the QoS-constrained delivery of a large number of VOD streams is inherently difficult as VBR encoding schemes exhibit significant bandwidth variability. In this paper, we present a novel resource management scheme to make such allocation decisions using a mixture of per-stream reservations and an aggregate reservation, shared across all streams to accommodate peak demands. The shared reservation provides capacity slack that enables statistical multiplexing of peak rates, while assuring analytically bounded frame-drop probabilities, which can be adjusted by trading off buffer space (and consequently delay) and bandwidth. Our two-tiered bandwidth allocation scheme enables the delivery of any set of streams with less bandwidth (or equivalently with higher link utilization) than state-of-the-art deterministic smoothing approaches. The algorithm underlying our proposed frame-work uses three per-stream parameters and is linear in the number of servers, making it particularly well suited for use in an on-line setting. We present results from extensive trace-driven simulations, which confirm the efficiency of our scheme especially for small buffer sizes and delay bounds, and which underscore the significant realizable bandwidth savings, typically yielding losses that are an order of magnitude or more below our analytically derived bounds.


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A number of recent studies have pointed out that TCP's performance over ATM networks tends to suffer, especially under congestion and switch buffer limitations. Switch-level enhancements and link-level flow control have been proposed to improve TCP's performance in ATM networks. Selective Cell Discard (SCD) and Early Packet Discard (EPD) ensure that partial packets are discarded from the network "as early as possible", thus reducing wasted bandwidth. While such techniques improve the achievable throughput, their effectiveness tends to degrade in multi-hop networks. In this paper, we introduce Lazy Packet Discard (LPD), an AAL-level enhancement that improves effective throughput, reduces response time, and minimizes wasted bandwidth for TCP/IP over ATM. In contrast to the SCD and EPD policies, LPD delays as much as possible the removal from the network of cells belonging to a partially communicated packet. We outline the implementation of LPD and show the performance advantage of TCP/LPD, compared to plain TCP and TCP/EPD through analysis and simulations.


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The multiquantum barrier (MQB), proposed by Iga et al in 1986, has been shown by several researchers to be an effective structure for improving the operating characteristics of laser diodes. These improvements include a reduction in the laser threshold current and increased characteristic temperatures. The operation of the MQB has been described as providing an increased barrier to electron overflow by reflecting high energy electrons trying to escape from the active region of the laser.This is achieved in a manner analogous to a Bragg reflector in optics. This thesis presents an investigation of the effectiveness of the MQB as an electron reflector. Numerical models have been developed for calculating the electron reflection due to MQB. Novel optical and electrical characterisation techniques have been used to try to measure an increase in barrier height due to the MQB in AlGaInP.It has been shown that the inclusion of MQB structures in bulk double heterostructure visible laser diodes can halve the threshold current above room temperature and the characteristic temperature of these lasers can be increased by up to 20K.These improvements are shown to occur in visible laser diodes even with the inclusion of theoretically ineffective MQB structures, hence the observed improvement in the characteristics of the laser diodes described above cannot be uniquely attributed to an increased barrier height due to enhance electron reflection. It is proposed here that the MQB improves the performance of laser diodes by proventing the diffusion of zinc into the active region of the laser. It is also proposed that the trapped zinc in the MQB region of the laser diode locally increases the p-type doping bringing the quasi-Fermi level for holes closer to the valence band edge thus increasing the barrier to electron overflow in the conduction band.