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The Great lizardfish is one of the commercial demersal fishes in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. In this study the food preference index (FPI), Fullness index (FI) and stomach contents of Saurida tumbil were evaluated to assess the quantity and kind of food which this species consumes in the study area. The samples were collected monthly from commercial bottom trawl fisheries in main fishing grounds of eastern Strait of Hormuz. A total of 346 specimens were collected during years 2009-2010 of which 269 specimens were female and 77 specimens were male. The minimum and maximum total length were 161 and 590 mm, respectively with the highest frequency in length group of 350-370mm. Results showed that 20.9% of stomachs were full, 18.9% were semi-full and 60.2% were empty. The main stomach contents (FPI=80.2%) were fishes and minor stomach contents (FPI=25.7%) were crustacean (Specially crab and shrimp) and cephalopods were found as random food. The minimum and maximum FIs were 2.5 and 42.5 in December and September respectively; and the overall CV was 60.2. The results indicate that this fish is a relatively frugal species which consumes fishes as main food and there is no difference in feeding of male and female.


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The impact of Petrochemical Special Economic Zone (PETZONE) activities on the health status of Jafari Creek was studied by assessing the changes in macroinvertebrate assemblages in nine sites during September 2006- January 2008. Furthermore to evaluate the ecological status of the Jafari Creek the WFD indices (i.e. AMBI, M-AMBI) were used. The relationship between spatial pattern of macro invertebrate assemblages and ambient factors (i.e. water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid, total hardness, total nitrogen, ammonia, total phosphorous, chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, sediment grain size distribution, sediment organic content, heavy metals contents) was measured. Background Enrichment indices, Contamination factor and Contamination degree, were used to assess the health status in the study area based on Nickel, Lead, Cadmium and Mercury contents of the sediments. The macrobenthic communities had a low diversity and were dominated by opportunistic taxa, and the AMBI and M-AMBI indices need to be calibrated before using in Persian Gulf and its coastal waters. The BIO-ENV analysis identified pH, dissolved oxygen, TDS, and the total organic content of sediments as the major environmental variables influencing the infaunal pattern. This suggests that management should attempt to ensure minimal disturbance to environmental variables underlying the spatial variation in macroinvertebrate assemblages. Background Enrichment indices showed that the health of Jafari Creek has declined over time due to the constant discharge of heavy metals to the Creek system. Furthermore WQS index shows that the quality condition of the water column in Jafari Creek, regard to the calculated number (3) is week. These indices also identified a significant degree of pollution in the study area. The decrease in the ecological potential of Jafari Creek was best highlighted by the alteration in macrobenthic assemblages.


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The first aim of this research was to identify fatty acids, amino acids composition of Thunnus tonggol roe and their changes during cold storage (-18'C). The second aim was to determine the changes of moisture, protein, fat and ash contents of the roe during one year cold storage (-18'C). 60 samples of longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) ovaries were randomly collected form Bandar-e-Abbas landings. The samples were frozen at-30'C and kept in cold store at -18'C for one year. According to a time table, the samples were examined for identification of fatty acids, amino acids, moisture, protein, fat, ash, peroxide and T.V.N. and their changes were evaluated during this time. The results showed that 26 fatty acids were identified. The unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) and saturated fatty acids (SFA) were 62.33 and 37.6%, respectively, in fresh roe. So that, DHA (C22:6) and oleic acid (C18:1) had high amounts (24.79 and 21.88%) among the UFA and palmitic acid (C16:0) was the most content (22.75%) among the SFA. The PUFA/SFA was 0.91. Also, 17 amino acids were identified that essential amino acids (EAA) and nonessential amino acids (NE) were 10478 and 7562 mg/100g, respectively, and E/NE was 1.38. Among the EAA and NE, lysine (2110mg/100g) and aspartic acid (1924 mg/100g) were the most contents. Also, results showed that moisture, ash, protein and fat contents were 72.74, 1.8, 19.88 and 4.53%, respectively, in fresh roe. The effects of freezing and cold storage on the roes showed that UFA and SFA contents have reached to 49.83 and 48.07%, respectively, at the end of cold storage. It indicated that these compounds change to each other during frozen storage. Also, n-3 and n-6 series of fatty acids were 32.75 and 1.61% in fresh roe. But their contents decreased to 22.96 and 1.25% at the end of period. Among the fatty acids, 22:6 and C16:0 had the most changes. The changes of fatty acids were significantly at 95% level except for C15:1, C18:3(n-3) and C20:4(n-6). All of the amino acids decreased in frozen storage and their changes were significantly (P<0.05). EAA was 7818 mg/100g and E/NE was 1.27 at the end of storage period. Among the amino acids, leucine and lysine had the most changes. Moisture, ash, protein and fat contents were 70.13, 1.82, 19.4 and 6.51%, respectively, at the end of storage period. The peroxide value and T.V.N. increased during storage. So that, their contents have reached to 5.86 mg/kg and 26.37 mg/100 g, respectively, at the end of frozen storage. The best shelf life of Thunnus tonggol roe was 6 or 7 months, because of lipid oxidation and increasing of peroxide.


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This survay has been done from Januray 2000 till May 2002 in Khouzestan costal waters. Four species of grouper were identified from which orange spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) was the dominant species. For studing environmental parameters and reproductive biology, age, growth parameters and mortality rate samples were collected by fishing ship. Samples were taken montly in 4 days by fishing traps and trawls. In addition, some samples were obtained from Khozestan fish landing centres. Environmental factors such as PH, 02, salinity, water temperature and depth of traping areas, were measured. To identify species, morphometric characteries of 452 individal fishes were measured. Stomach contents of 394 fish were has survaid, from which stomach of 226 fish, and 168 fish had empty stomachs. Percentage of empty stomachs (cv) in males was more than females. Food items found in 73 percent of stomach were crab (11%), shrimps (8.8%) , squids (3.9%), gastropods (17%) and bivalves (0.4%). Feeding intensity in year classes did not obay logic trends The importance relatively indicator (I.R.I) were 81, 9.9, 4, 1.5 and 0.3 percent for fish, crab, shrimp, squid, gastropod and bivalve respectively. For age determination, sagita otoliths of 450 fish were taken and countable sections were obtained from 425 specimens. Relative frequency distribution of opaque and transparent rings showed that each opaque growth ring generates once a year from November to September. It seemed that generation of opaque rings is affected by temperature and photoperiod changes. Correlation between length and age was calculated using Von Bertalanffy's least square method. Following equasion was obtaind: L(t) : 122.27 (1 e 0.146 (t+0.482)) Growth parameters were determined through by Ford Walford equasion and Response Surface and Shepherd subcommands in Elefan program and L00 and K amounts were have determined. Correlation between length and age of 635 fish was determined by gender . Length and age correlation was calculated by exponential model and between total length and standard length by straghit line model. Correlation between age and weight of sagita was calculated by total length and age. The most Correlation was between sagita weight and fish age (r=0.876). Total mortality rate (z) was estimated by Length Converthed Method , Jones and Vanzaling and Powel Wetherall. Total mortality rate was z=0.39. Natural mortality rate, using Pauly method was calculated M=0.32. Fishing mortality (F) was 0.08. Gonads of 425 fishes were surveid within 18 month, from which 363 were female, 46 were male and 16 were sex reversing individuals .Total length of females varied from 26 to 95.5 centimeters while males length varied from 56.5 to 107 centimeters. Sex reversing individuals had a length of 47.5 centimeters, when two years old and 62.5 centimeters at age of 3 years. From the mentioned 425 fish, 401 individuals were matured, containing 339 females and 62 males, 5.47 females against each male. Montly changes of Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) by total body weight and standard length and total body length showed that this index increases from march to May and maximum increase was in May . This experiment was adapted in spawning season. Potential, relative, and absoulate fecundity was estimated by counting eggs in three samples. Total amount of traped fish using special traps was 16182.18 kg from which Epinephelus coioides provided catching 15353.43 kg of it (91.27 %) and By catch was 141.18 kg (8.24 %). Total average CPUE for whole catch was 123.33 kg/day/vessel. Total amount of catch was estimated 232.04 tons, considering CPUE of total catch and total Khuzestan trap ships effort.


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Background: Giardia are a group of widespread intestinal protozoan parasites in a number of vertebrates. Much evidence from G. lamblia indicated they might be the most primitive extant eukaryotes. When and how such a group of the earliest branching unicellular eukaryotes developed the ability to successfully parasitize the latest branching higher eukaryotes (vertebrates) is an intriguing question. Gene duplication has long been thought to be the most common mechanism in the production of primary resources for the origin of evolutionary novelties. In order to parse the evolutionary trajectory of Giardia parasitic lifestyle, here we carried out a genome-wide analysis about gene duplication patterns in G. lamblia. Results: Although genomic comparison showed that in G. lamblia the contents of many fundamental biologic pathways are simplified and the whole genome is very compact, in our study 40% of its genes were identified as duplicated genes. Evolutionary distance analyses of these duplicated genes indicated two rounds of large scale duplication events had occurred in G. lamblia genome. Functional annotation of them further showed that the majority of recent duplicated genes are VSPs (Variant-specific Surface Proteins), which are essential for the successful parasitic life of Giardia in hosts. Based on evolutionary comparison with their hosts, it was found that the rapid expansion of VSPs in G. lamblia is consistent with the evolutionary radiation of placental mammals. Conclusions: Based on the genome-wide analysis of duplicated genes in G. lamblia, we found that gene duplication was essential for the origin and evolution of Giardia parasitic lifestyle. The recent expansion of VSPs uniquely occurring in G. lamblia is consistent with the increment of its hosts. Therefore we proposed a hypothesis that the increment of Giradia hosts might be the driving force for the rapid expansion of VSPs.


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A recent study has shown that nonanoic acid (NA) is one of the strongest allelochemicals to a cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa, but the physiological responses of M. aeruginosa to NA stress remain unknown. In this study, physiological characters such as the growth rate, photosynthetic processes, phosphorus and nitrogen uptake kinetics, and the contents of intracellular microcystin of M. aeruginosa PCC7806 were studied under the NA stress. The results showed that the growth rates of M. aeruginosa PCC 7806 were significantly inhibited in all NA stress treatments during first 3 days after exposure, and the growth rate was recovered after 5-day exposure. After 2-day exposure, the contents of both phycocyanin and allophycocyanin per cell decreased at NA concentration of 4 mg L-1, and oxygen evolution was inhibited even at the concentration of 0.5 mg L-1, but carotenoid content per cell was slightly boosted in NA stress. Physiological recovery of M. aeruginosa PCC7806 was observed after 7-day exposure to NA. It was shown that NA stress had no effect on uptake of nitrogen, but could stimulate the uptake of phosphorus. The contents of intracellular microcystin have not been affected in all NA treatments in contrast with the control. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol 24: 610-617, 2009.


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This is the first to conduct Simultaneous determination of microcystin (MC) contaminations in multi-groups of vertebrates (fish, turtle, duck and water bird) from Lake Taihu with Microcystis blooms. MCs (-RR, -YR, -LR) in Microcystis scum was 328 mu g g(-1) DW. MCs reached 235 mu g g(-1) DW in intestinal contents of phytoplanktivorous silver carp, but never exceeded 0.1 mu g g(-1) DW in intestinal contents of other animals. The highest MC content in liver of fish was in Carassius auratus (150 ng g(-1) DW), followed by silver carp and Culter ilishaeformis, whereas the lowest was in common carp (3 ng g(-1) DW). In livers of turtle, duck and water bird, MC content ranged from 18 to 30 ng g(-1) DW. High MC level was found in the gonad, egg yolk and egg white of Nycticorax nycticorax and Anas platyrhynchos, suggesting the potential effect of MCs on water bird and duck embryos. High MC contents were identified for the first time in the spleens of N. nycticorax and A. platyrhynchos (6.850 and 9.462 ng g(-1) DW, respectively), indicating a different organotropism of MCs in birds. Lakes with deaths of turtles or water birds in the literatures had a considerably higher MC content in both cyanobacteria and wildlife than Lake Taihu, indicating that toxicity of cyanobacteria may determine accumulation level of MCs and consequently fates of aquatic wildlife. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A limnological study was carried out to determine the responses of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities and soluble protein (SP) contents of 11 common aquatic plants to eutrophication stress. Field investigation in 12 lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River was carried out from March to September 2004. Our results indicated that non-submersed (emergent and floating-leafed) plants and submersed plants showed different responses to eutrophication stress. Both SOD activities of the non-submersed and submersed plants were negatively correlated with their SP contents (P < 0.000 1). SP contents of non-submersed plants were significantly correlated with all nitrogen variables in the water (P < 0.05), whereas SP contents of submersed plants were only significantly correlated with carbon variables as well as ammonium and Secchi depth (SD) in water (P < 0.05). Only SOD activities of submersed plants were decreased with decline of SD in water (P < 0.001). Our results indicate that the decline of SOD activities of submersed plants were mainly caused by light limitation, this showed a coincidence with the decline of macrophytes in eutrophic lakes, which might imply that the antioxidant system of the submersed plants were impaired under eutrophication stress.


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The compositions and contents of astaxanthin esters and fatty acids in four types of Haematococcus pluvialis cells were studied by HPLC and GC-MS. Results showed that the synthesis and accumulation of astaxanthin was independent of the formation of cysts, but was highly correlated with the synthesis and accumulation of fatty acids, though it is an well known phenomenon that the accumulation of astaxanthin is usually accompanied by the formation of cyst. The red cysts contain more than 30% of fatty acids, with 81% of the unsaturated fatty acids. Taken together, besides a resource of astaxanthin, H. pluvialis would be a good resource of valuable fatty acids.


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Transgenic animals with improved qualities have the potential to upset the ecological balance of a natural environment. We investigated metabolic rates of 'all-fish' growth hormone (GH) transgenic common carp under routine conditions and during starvation periods to determine whether energy stores in transgenic fish would deplete faster than controls during natural periods of starvation. Before the oxygen uptake was measured, the mean daily feed intake of transgenic carp was 2.12 times greater than control fish during 4 days of feeding. The average oxygen uptake of GH transgenic fish was 1.32 times greater than control fish within 96 h of starvation, but was not significantly different from controls between 96 and 144 h of starvation. At the same time, GH transgenic fish did not deplete energy reserves at a faster rate than did the controls, as the carcass energy contents of the two groups following a 60-d starvation period were not significantly different. Consequently, we suggest that increased routine oxygen uptake in GH transgenic common carp over that of control fish may be mainly due to the effects of feeding, and not to an increase in basal metabolism. GH transgenic fish are similar to controls in the regulation of metabolism to normally distribute energy reserves during starvation. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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This paper studied the seasonal changes of two common microcystins (MCs), MC-RR and -LR, in the commercially important mussel Corbicula fluminea in Lake Chaohu, where there occurred dense cyanobacteria. Occasional measurements were also made for MC in the mussel Arconaia lanceolat, the oligochaete Limnodilus hoffineisteri and the insect larva Chironomus sp. Mean MC of C. fluminea was much higher in hepatopancreas than in intestine and foot. Our study is the first to report accumulation of MCs in oligochaetes and aquatic insect larvae. The hi-h contents of MCs in the insect larvae suggest a great possibility for the transfer of MCs to benthos-feeding omnivores like common carp. According to the provisional standard by the WHO, 28.6% of the collected C. fluminea were harmful for human consumption, assuming a daily consumption of 300 by a person. It is recommended that edible mussels should not be collected for human consumption during toxic cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Chaohu.


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Phytoplanktonic species acclimated to high light are known to show less photoinhibition. However, little has been documented on how cells grown under indoor conditions for decades without exposure to UV radiation (UVR, 280-400 nm) would respond differently to solar UVR compared to those in situ grown under natural solar radiation. Here, we have shown the comparative photosynthetic and growth responses to solar UVR in an indoor-(IS) and a naturally grown (WS) Skeletonema costatum type. In short-term experiment (<1 day), phi(PSII) and photosynthetic carbon fixation rate were more inhibited by UVR in the IS than in the WS cells. The rate of UVR-induced damages of PSII was faster and their repair was significantly slower in IS than in WS. Even under changing solar radiation simulated for vertical mixing, solar UVR-induced higher inhibition of photosynthetic rate in IS than in WS cells. During long-term (10 days) exposures to solar radiation, the specific growth rate was much lower in IS than WS at the beginning, then increased 3 days later to reach an equivalent level as that of WS. UVR-induced inhibition of photosynthetic carbon fixation in the IS was identical with that of WS at the end of the long-term exposure. The photosynthetic acclimation was not accompanied with increased contents of UV-absorbing compounds, indicating that repair processes for UVR-induced damages must have been accelerated or upgraded. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A growth trial was conducted to estimate the optimum requirement of dietary available phosphorus (P) for black seabream (Sparus macrocephalus) in indoor net cages (1.5x1.0x1.0 m). Triplicate groups of black seabream (11.45 +/- 0.02 g) were fed diets containing graded levels (0.18, 0.36, 0.54, 0.72, 0.89 and 1.07%) of available P to satiation for 8 weeks. The basal diet (diet 1), containing 0.18% available P, was supplemented with graded levels of monosodium phosphate (NaH2PO4 2H(2)O) to formulate five experimental diets. The fish were fed twice daily (08:00 h and 16:00 h) and reared in seawater (salinity, 26-29 g l(-1)) at a temperature of 28 +/- 1 degrees C. Dissolved oxygen during the experiment was above 5 mg l(-1). The specific growth rate (SGR), weight gain (WG), feed efficiency (FE) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were all significantly improved by dietary phosphorus up to 0.54% (P<0.05) and then leveled off beyond this level. Hepatosomatic index (HSI) was inversely correlated with dietary phosphorus levels (P< 0.05). Efficiency of P utilization stabled in fish fed diets containing 0.18%-0.54% available P and then decreased dramatically with further supplementation of dietary phosphorus. Body composition analysis showed that the whole-body lipid, ash, calcium and phosphorus contents were all significantly affected by dietary available P concentration (P<0.05), however, no significance were found in whole-body calcium/phosphorus (Ca/P) ratios among all the treatments (P>0.05). Dietary phosphorus levels also affected the mineralization of vertebrae, skin and scale (P<0.05). Ca/P ratios in vertebrae and scale were not influenced by dietary P supplementation, while skin Ca/P ratio increased statistically with dietary available P levels (quadratic effect, P<0.001). The blood chemistry analysis showed that dietary available P had distinct effects on enzyme activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and plasma lysozyme (LSZ), as well as contents of triacyglycerol (TG) and total cholesterol (T-CHO) (P<0.05). Broken-line analysis showed maximum weight gain (WG) was obtained at dietary available P concentrations of 0.55%. Quadratic analysis based on P contents in whole fish, vertebrae or scale indicated that the requirements were 0.81, 0.87 and 0.88%, respectively. Signs of phosphorus deficiency were characterized by poor growth, slightly reduced mineralization and an increase in body lipid content. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Microcystins are a kind of cyclic hepatotoxins produced by many cyanobacterial species. Many works have been done concerning, the toxic effects of microcystins on animals and plants. However, the reports about their effects on microbial cells are very limited. In the present paper, Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) was used to determine the dose- and time-effect of microcystin-RR, and the results showed that the activity of antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) was significantly increased to that of control, when exposed to 5 or 10 mu g/ml microcystin-RR for 1 h. The contents of thiobarbituric acid-reactive sub-stances (TBARS) and glutathione (GSH) as well as glu-tathione reductase (GR) activity were obviously increased only when exposed to 10 mu g/ml microcystin-RR. For the time-effect of microcystin-RR on B. subtilis, the activities of antioxidant enzymes including SOD and CAT as well as GR activity and TBARS, GSH contents in B. subtilis were at first significantly increased, and then subsequently de-creased. These results suggested that microcystin-RR could induce the oxidative stress of B. subtilis for a short period. The antioxidant system protects B. subtilis from oxidative damage.


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Scytonema javanicum (Kutz.) Born et Flah (cyanobacterium) is one of the species distributed widely in the crust of desert soils regularly subjected to severe water stress. To investigate the response of the species to salt stress, many physiological and biochemical parameters, including growth rate, ratio of variable fluorescence to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm), reactive oxidative species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA), catalase (CAT), and superoxide dismutase (SOD), were determined in culture. The results showed that 50 mM NaCl inhibited growth and Fv/Fm in the medium BG-110, and that the inhibition was maximum after 1-2 days' exposure to salt stress; 50 mM NaCl also increased the contents of ROS and MDA in treated cells, which suggests that salt stress may lead to oxidative damage and lipid peroxidation in the alga. Further, changes in the antioxidative enzymes SOD and CAT in the treated alga were consistent with changes in ROS and MDA at certain extent. These observations suggest that oxidative stress resulting from salt stress in S. javanicum could result in the production of antioxidative enzymes to counteract the oxidative damage, and the enzymes may contribute to the ability of S. javanicum to survive the adverse desert environment. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.