983 resultados para concentrate disposal


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The large use of plastics has generated a waste deposit problem. Today plastic wastes represent 20% in volume of the total waste in the municipal landfills. To solve the disposal problem of plastics methods have been employed such as incineration, recycling, landfill disposal, biodegradation and the use of biodegradable polymers. Incineration of plastic wastes provokes pollution due to the production of poisonous gases. Recycling is important to reduce final costs of plastic materials, but is not enough in face of the amount of discarded plastic. In landfills plastic wastes remain undegraded for a long time, causing space and pollution problems. Biodegradation is a feasible method to treat some plastics, but intensive research is necessary to find conditions for the action of microorganisms. All of these methods are important and the practical application of each one depends on the type and amount of the plastic wastes and the environmental conditions. Therefore, a great deal of research has focused on developing biodegradable plastics and its application because it is an important way for minimizing the effect of the large volume of plastic waste discarded in the world.


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A simple, fast and low-cost methodology was optimized, seeking preparation of a crude pig liver esterase (PLE) concentrate. Basically, the method consisted of the following steps: liver homogenization, acetone washing, enzyme extraction and purification/concentration. Starting from 1 kg of fresh liver more than 200 kU of PLE suspension were obtained after 8 hours, at an estimated cost of US$0.21/kU. The PLE concentrate thus obtained was stable, showing 96-100% of the initial activity after 7 months in refrigerator at 4°C.


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és analitzar els principals criteris que les guies d'estil recomanen per visibilitzar les dones ¿o per fer un ús no sexista del llenguatge¿ des de dos punts de vista: el sintacticosemàntic i el discursiu. Des del punt de vista sintacticosemàntic, s'estudien bàsicament els fenòmens relacionats amb la coordinació, la concordança i la repetició o elisió d'elements (per exemple, especificadors del nom), i la manera com les diferents opcions afecten el significat oracional. Des del punt de vista discursiu, s'analitzen els fenòmens relacionats amb la coreferència; és a dir, la relació entre les diferents maneres d'expressar un mateix referent per mitjà d'elements nominals al llarg del text, i l'efecte que provoquen en el text en conjunt. Amb aquest objectiu, l'estudi analitza des d'un punt de vista qualitatiu les dades proporcionades per un corpus de textos procedents de tres àmbits (polític, administratiu i educatiu) en què s'apliquen sovint aquesta mena de criteris. Paraules clau: català, llenguatge no sexista, visibilització lingüística de les dones, sintaxi, cohesió, coreferència, llenguatge androcèntric, estil. The goal of this article is to analyse the main criteria recommended by style guides aimed at making women more visible or, in other words, to make a non-sexist use of language. I will concentrate on two main aspects: the syntactic-semantic and the discursive. From a syntactic-semantic point of view, the main elements being studied are those related to coordination, agreement and repetition or omission of elements (for instance, noun specifiers), and also the way the different options chosen affect the meaning of the sentence. From a discursive and stylistic point of view, the elements analysed are those related to coreference, that is, the relationship between the different ways of expressing a same referent through different elements in the text, and the effect they produce in the text as a whole. Having this as the main goal, the study analyses from a qualitative point of view the data from a corpus in three different areas (politics, administration and education), which often apply this kind of criteria. Keywords: Catalan, non-sexist language, female linguistic visibility, syntax, cohesion, co-reference, androcentric language, style


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Solvent extraction has been successfully applied to metal ion preconcentration and often meant the use of toxic organic diluents. However, regulatory pressure is increasingly focusing on the use and disposal of organic solvents, and thus the development of nonhazardous alternatives is important. In this review, we examine the application of aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) to extraction of ions, analyzing their potential and limitations and suggest that ABSs could be an efficient substitute for oil/water biphasic systems. ABSs are formed by mixing certain inorganic salts and water-soluble polymers, or by mixing two water-soluble polymers.


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Although the hypothesis that environmental chemicals may exhibit endocrine disrupting effects is not new, the issue has been a growing level of concern due to reports of increased incidences of endocrine-related disease in humans, including declining male fertility, and more significantly, to adverse physiological effects observed in wildlife where cause and effect relationships are more evident. The list of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) includes a range of anthropogenic compounds, phytoestrogens, naturally occurring sex steroids and synthetic estrogens. Within the aquatic environment, the presence of EDCs has concerned many scientists and water quality regulators. Discharge of effluents from treatment facilities is likely to be a significant source of input of contaminants to many systems, and the potential for concentration of hydrophilic compounds and transformation products within sludges has implications for their disposal. Then, understanding the processes and the fate of EDCs on the environment, as well as the mechanisms of endocrine disruption, may facilitate controlling or limiting exposure of both humans and the environment to these compounds.


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This paper evaluates the occurrence of nitrate and ammonium in the Barreiras aquifer in the metropolitan area of Belém, Pará State, Brazil. The results show that some wells display ammonium and nitrate concentrations above or close to the limits of water potability regulations. The main cause of the pollution of these waters is related the local disposal of domestic effluents and/or leakage from pipes of old sewage systems.


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The main aim of this study was to inspect the influence of the ultrafiltration implementation on the washing and on bleaching efficiency. Four cases corresponding to four washing stages were observed: two with hardwood pulp and two with softwood pulp; each case had a reference and a trial experiment. The experiments with hardwood pulp were arranged in a manner to explore predominantly the possibility of bleaching performance improvement by applying for washing instead of untreated filtrate (reference case) the same treated one (trial case). Despite that the ultrafiltration reduced the COD of the wash filtrates allowing the decreasing of COD carry-over to the bleaching stage it didn’t affect the bleaching performance. Another set was used in the experiments with softwood pulp. It implied the ultrafiltration and recirculation of the filtrate to the same washing stage with the purpose to reduce the volumes and pollution of the bleaching effluents. In one case the negative result was obtained which was expressed by worse parameters of the pulp after bleaching. Another case showed the opportunity to replace hot water with the filtrate and reduce the fresh water consumption.


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The environmental impact of landfill is a growing concern in waste management practices. Thus, assessing the effectiveness of the solutions implemented to alter the issue is of importance. The objectives of the study were to provide an insight of landfill advantages, and to consolidate landfill gas importance among others alternative fuels. Finally, a case study examining the performances of energy production from a land disposal at Ylivieska was carried out to ascertain the viability of waste to energy project. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied. The study was conducted in two parts; the first was the review of literatures focused on landfill gas developments. Specific considerations were the conception of mechanism governing the variability of gas production and the investigation of mathematical models often used in landfill gas modeling. Furthermore, the analysis of two main distributed generation technologies used to generate energy from landfill was carried out. The review of literature revealed a high influence of waste segregation and high level of moisture content for waste stabilization process. It was found that the enhancement in accuracy for forecasting gas rate generation can be done with both mathematical modeling and field test measurements. The result of the case study mainly indicated the close dependence of the power output with the landfill gas quality and the fuel inlet pressure.


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The Baltic Sea is one of the most studied areas in the world. However, parts of its northernmost reach, the Bothnian Sea, seem to be under represented in the natural scientific literature compared to other parts of the Baltic. The Bothnian Sea represents a unique inland sea environment for the scientific community to study due to its shallowness and low salinity. The natural sciences research carried out on the Bothnian Sea has been reviewed between 1975 and 2008. This time period was chosen to continue on from an earlier review paper ending in 1974. Along with the number of papers published the goal was also to review the content of the papers, indentifying dominating themes to evaluate gaps in the current knowledge on the Bothnian Sea and provide recommendations for topics of future research focus. In a classification into specific research topics biodiversity was the leading research focus followed by chemical and physical oceanography, pollution and toxins, and fish biology and fisheries. The current good condition of the Bothnian Sea is highly valued with its historically less eutrophic and clearer waters when compared to the Baltic. However, today the Bothnian Sea is facing eutrophication resulting from nutrient-rich water transported by the many rivers draining into it from Sweden and Finland making it an area in need of protection and preservation. More human activity will also concentrate on the Bothnian Sea in the future. Therefore the use of the sea and its coastal areas must be planned carefully to minimize the harmful effects of this increasing human activity. To achieve this more information is needed for the basis of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and maritime spatial planning (MSP). For example, for the Bothnian Sea the information on the underwater nature which is essential for ICZM is so far missing to a large extent. Specific biological, chemical and physical oceanographic information is needed to combine with economic analyses and environmental policies regarding this region. More research of a multidisciplinary nature is required on the unique Bothnian Sea environment and this we feel is best achieved through a joint Finnish-Swedish research strategy.


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In this paper, we present procedures for the treatment and final disposal of residual solutions containing chromium, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical precipitation of the metal and the potential of the glass encapsulation technique, using broken laboratory glassware. The results demonstrated that pH-values convenient for chemical precipitation are between 10 - 11. With regard to Cr(OH)3 encapsulation, the leaching and solubilization tests allowed to classify the waste as non-dangerous and non-inert. Finally, it is pointed out that the adoption of waste management practices in universities should be encouraged, helping to train professionals skilled in good laboratory practices.


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During short courses, 95 secondary school teachers from 49 state schools and 421 students from the Ribeirão Preto region (in Sao Paulo state, Brazil, with a population of 530,000) were asked to fill in different questionnaires. The points raised in the teacher's questionnaire were used as a guide to establish a continuous dialogue during the short courses. Most of the schools claimed to have some kind of environmental education (EE). Based on the questionnaires and dialogues we analyzed how the teachers' perceptions on EE reflect on the views secondary students hold about their own responsibility for preserving the environment. The role of universities in the preparation of chemistry teachers capable of effectively approaching EE is also discussed.


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Red mud is the principal residue of the alumina (Al2O3) industry. Generated during the Bayer process, it is characterized by strong alkalinity and ion exchange. Iron oxides are the principal component (30 to 60%). Annually millions of tons of red mud are generated in the world. Red mud disposal is responsible for a large part of the cost of alumina production. On the other hand, textile industry wastewaters containing dyes have a great impact on the environment and on human health. In this paper the possibility of applying red mud for the removal of dyes was investigated by two processes: adsorption and degradation by the Fenton reagent.


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The present paper reports a bacteria autonomous controlled concentrator prototype with a user-friendly interface for bench-top applications. It is based on a micro-fluidic lab-on-a-chip and its associated custom instrumentation, which consists in a dielectrophoretic actuator, to pre-concentrate the sample, and an impedance analyser, to measure concentrated bacteria levels. The system is composed by a single micro-fluidic chamber with interdigitated electrodes and a instrumentation with custom electronics. The prototype is supported by a real-time platform connected to a remote computer, which automatically controls the system and displays impedance data used to monitor the status of bacteria accumulation on-chip. The system automates the whole concentrating operation. Performance has been studied for controlled volumes of Escherichia coli (E. coli) samples injected into the micro-fluidic chip at constant flow rate of 10 μL/min. A media conductivity correcting protocol has been developed, as the preliminary results showed distortion of the impedance analyser measurement produced by bacterial media conductivity variations through time. With the correcting protocol, the measured impedance values were related to the quantity of bacteria concentrated with a correlation of 0.988 and a coefficient of variation of 3.1%. Feasibility of E. coli on-chip automated concentration, using the miniaturized system, has been demonstrated. Furthermore, the impedance monitoring protocol had been adjusted and optimized, to handle changes in the electrical properties of the bacteria media over time.


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Regulatory pressure is increasingly focusing on the use and disposal of substances hazardous to human health and environment. In the last years efforts have also been made to introduce green chemistry concepts in undergraduate courses. In this paper we present an experiment on the oxidation reaction of borneol to camphor with bleach in acetone. This experiment is important to show undergraduate students that a cheap and non hazardous commercial product can be a useful oxidation agent of alcohols.


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Industrial hazardous wastes must receive appropriate treatment to ensure a safe disposal to humans and environment. One of the techniques adopted for this purpose is the stabilization/solidification in polymer matrices. This paper evaluated the use of recycled polyethylene terephthalate as an incorporation matrix of incinerator ash. The polymer and the ash were submitted to an extrusion process in different percentages. The final product was evaluated through thermal and leaching tests and the leachate extracts constituents were determinated by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results showed a reduction in the release of substances up to 99% by mass for the conditions used.