966 resultados para compartment inventory


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RESUMO: A protecção e socorro é das missões mais recentes na instituição militar em Portugal, nomeadamente a intervenção em catástrofes. As características têm um papel decisivo, pois podem condicionar de forma determinante o sucesso da missão. O discernimento do indivíduo é imperativo nas situações, não pode haver erros, pois os custos humanos e económicos são demasiado elevados. Foi estudada uma amostra de 535 militares oportugueses de uma força de elite helitransportada que actua em catástrofes, em que a média de idades é de 28 anos (DP=4,4), tendo o militar mais novo 20 anos e o mais velho 49 anos. O escalão etário mais representado é o escalão dos 26-30 anos que compreende 52,7% desta força militar operacional. Para esta investigação utilizámos como medidas de avaliação o Inventário de Personalidade Neo revisto, NEOPI-R (Costa & McCrae 1992), o Questionário de Agressividade, AQ (Buss & Perry, 1992)e a Escala de Desejabilidade Social de Paulhus, PDS (Paulhus, 1998) para aceder à relação entre personalidade, agressividade e desejabilidade social em militares de protecção e socorro. Conclui-se que os militares de protecção e socorro demonstram valores elevados de conscienciosidade e valores mais baixos ao nível do domínio do neuroticismo. Demonstraram resultados mais elevados na dimensão Gestão da imagem e mais baixos na dimensão de Auto apresentação favorável. Apresentam ainda níveis de agressividade física bastante elevados e níveis de irritabilidade mais baixos. ABSTRACT: Rescue and protection is one of the latest missions in the Military Corps in Portugal, namely the Disaster Intervention. It depends directly on individual characteristics such as personality and how the military deal with extreme and tension situations. These characteristics have a decisive role, as they contribute to the success of decisive missions. The discernment of the individual is imperative in situations where there can be mistakes, because the human and economic costs are too high. The studied sample consisted of 535 soldiers of the military Portuguese Protection and Rescue, an elite force heliborne, where the average age is 28 years (DP=4,4 years), having the younger military 20 years and the oldest 49 years. The age group most represented is the level 26-30 years comprising 52.7% of this military operational force. In order to make this investigation we used the following measures : the Neo Personality Inventory Revised, NEOPI-R (costa & McCrae, 1992), the Agression Questionnaire, AQ (Buss & Perry, 1992), and the Paulhus Deception Scale, PDS (Paulhus, 1998) to access the relationship between personality, aggressiveness and social desirability in Rescue and Protection Military. It is concluded that Rescue and Protection military show high values of conscientiousness and lower values of neuroticism. They also show higher scores on the impression management and lower scores on the Self-Deceptive Enhancement dimension. Subjects also present high levels of physical aggression and lower levels of anger.


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RESUMO: No presente estudo é investigada a existência de relações entre a psicopatia e os traços de personalidade em estudantes universitários. Este estudo tem como objectivo o estabelecimento de correlações entre os traços psicopáticos e as dimensões da personalidade decorrentes do Modelo dos Cinco Factores em estudantes universitários. A amostra é constituída por 400 estudantes universitários, provenientes de várias universidades da zona de Lisboa, de vários cursos universitários e de ambos os sexos, de forma aleatória. As idades dos sujeitos constituintes da amostra estão compreendidas entre os 17 e os 46 anos de idade (M = 24,26 e DP = 4,435). Por forma a atingir o objectivo proposto para este estudo, recorreu-se à aplicação de um questionário sócio-demográfico e de três medidas de avaliação, nomeadamente: a Escala PDS (Paulhus Deception Scale) de Delroy L. Paulhus, Ph.D. (1998), a Escala LSRP (Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale) de Levenson, Kiehl e Fitzpatrick (1995) e o Inventário NEO-PI-R (Inventário de Personalidade NEO Revisto) de Costa e McCrae (1992), sendo que existe a aferição desta medida de avaliação para a população portuguesa dos autores Lima e Simões (1997). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, podemos constatar que existem associações significativas entre as dimensões da Personalidade e as dimensões da Psicopatia. Verificou-se que os indivíduos que possuem índices elevados de Neuroticismo e baixos indíces de Extroversão e Abertura à Experiência possuem uma maior propensão para apresentarem características psicopáticas. Por outro lado, também se constatou que os indivíduos que possuem baixos índices de Amabilidade e Conscienciosidade apresentam também uma maior probabilidade de possuírem características psicopáticas. ABSTRACT: In the present study, it is investigated the existence of relationships between psychopathy and personality traits in university students. The goal of this study is the establishment of correlations between psychopathic traits and the personality dimensions, recurring from the five factor model in university students. The sample is composed by 400 university students, from various universities in the Lisbon area, from different courses and from both genders, randomly picked. The ages of the subjects in the sample are in between 17 and 46 years old (M = 24,26 and SD = 4,435). By means of reaching the goal proposed for this study, there were applied a socio-demographic questionnaire and three evaluation measures, namely the PDS Scale (Paulhus Deception Scale) from Delroy L. Paulhus, Ph.D. (1998), the LSRP Scale (Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale) from Levenson, Kiehl e Fitzpatrick (1995) and the NEO-PI-R Inventory (Revised NEO Personality Inventory) from de Costa e McCrae (1992), as there is an admeasurement from this measure for the portuguese population from authors Lima e Simões (1997). Considering the obtained results, we can state that there exist significant associations between the Personality dimensions and the Psychopathy dimensions. It was verified that the individuals that possess high indexes of Neuroticism and low indexes of Extroversion and Openness, have a higher propensity to present psychopathic characteristics. On the other hand, it was also found that the individuals that possess low indexes of Lovability and Consciousness also present a higher probability of having psychopathic characteristics.


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RESUMO: O objectivo deste estudo consistiu na obtenção de dados que ajudem a melhor compreender as diversas correlações entre traços de personalidade e a percepção de stress em bombeiros, de modo a que seja possível identificar factores desencadeantes de stress, bem como traços de personalidade que reforcem positiva ou negativamente esses mesmos factores . A amostra é constituída por 302 bombeiros pertencentes a corporações das regiões do Ribatejo e da Extremadura, sendo que todos os participantes desempenham funções de bombeiro voluntário ou profissional/efectivo. De entre os bombeiros participantes 238 são do sexo masculino e 64 são do sexo feminino tendo idades compreendidas entre os 17 e os 73 anos (m= 32,75 ; dp=9,309). As medidas utilizadas neste estudo são as seguintes: Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale – Short Form C (MCSDS-C) de Ballard (1992), para a avaliação da desejabilidade social; Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) de Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein (1983), para a avaliação do stress e o Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R) de Costa & McCrae (1992) , para a avaliação da personalidade. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram associações significativas entre as dimensões da personalidade, nomeadamente o neuroticismo, a extroversão, a abertura à experiência e a conscienciosidade, e o stress. Verificaram-se correlações positivas entre as dimensões de neuroticismo e abertura à experiência relativamente ao stress, ao invés das dimensões de extroversão e conscienciosidade que por sua vez se correlacionaram negativamente com o stress. Este estudo demonstra também que os bombeiros profissionais(efectivos apresentam um mais elevado nível de stress comparativamente aos bombeiros pertencentes à categoria de voluntários, tal como os bombeiros com nove ou menos anos na função comparativamente aos bombeiros com mais de nove anos na função. Verificou-se também que os bombeiros do sexo masculino apresentam menos índices de stress comparativamente aos do sexo feminino. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to obtain data can help us to better understand the various correlations between personality traits and the perception of stress in firefighters in order to identify trigger stress factors and personality traits which increase positively or negatively these same factors. The sample consists of 302 firefighters belonging to corporations within the regions of Ribatejo and Extremadura, being that all participants are either professional/effective or volunteer firefighters. Among the participating firefighters 238 are males and 64 are females, having aged between 17 and 73 years (m=32.75; dp=9.309). The measures used in this study are the following: Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale – Short Form C (MCSDS-C) by Ballard (1992), for the assessment of social desirability; Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) by Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein (1983), for the assessment of stress and the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R) by Costa & McCrae (1992) , for the assessment of personality. The results obtained showed significant associations between the personality dimensions of neuroticism, extraversion, openness and conscientiousness, and stress. The dimensions of neuroticism and openness are positively correlated to stress, on the other hand, the dimensions of extraversion and conscientiousness are negatively correlated to stress. Results also show that professional/effective firefighters have a higher level of stress as compared to volunteer firefighters as do firefighters with nine or fewer years in function compared with firefighters with more than nine years in function. It was also noted that male fire fighters present minor stress levels comparatively to female firefighters.


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RESUMO: A organização militar é uma das mais importantes para qualquer , é uma instituição com regras e valores muito bem definidos, em que factores como a personalidade e o stress terão de ser muito bem avaliados para que se possa integrar uma carreira militar. A amostra estudada foi constituída por 200 militares da Força Aérea Portuguesa, com idade compreendidas entre os 19 e os 52 anos sendo a média de idades 26,3 anos (DP= 5,9). Em estudos anteriores verifiou-se que as diferenças entre géneros são uma condicionante no dia-a-dia de um militar (Lorenzi-Cioldi, 1994). Contudo, Eagly (1987), afirma que a diferença entre géneros tem uma pequena percentagem (5%) contra os 95 % de variabilidade explicada por outros factores na vida militar. Com esta investigação pretendeu-se verificar se existem diferenças entre géneros em relação aos factores básicos da personalidade, stress, afectividade e desejabilidade social, para além de outros aspectos relacionados com estes factores. Utilizaram-se as seguintes medidas de avaliação: o Big Five Factory, BFI (Benet-Martínez & John, 1998), a Paulhus Deception Scale, PDS (Paulhus, 1998), a Positive and Negative Affect Shedule, PANAS (Watson, Clark e Tellenger, 1998) e o Daily Stress Inventory, DSI (Brantley e Glenn, 1989). Conclui-se que ao nível da personalidade, nos factores de extroversão e conscienciosidade as mulheres apresentam valores mais elevados que os homens, em relação ao stress, nos factores competências pessoais, factores ambientais e stressores variados as mulheres obtêm valores mais baixos que os homens. ABSTRACT: The military institution is one of the most important in any country, it has very strict rules and values and therefore factors such as personality and stress must be thoroughly evaluated in order to integrate a military career. The sample under study is constituted by 200 militaries of the Portuguese Air Force, with ages between 19 and 52 years old, being the average 26,3 (DP=5,9). From previous studies it is know that differences in gender constitute a special condition in military personnel day to day life (Lorenzi-Cioldi, 1994). On the other hand, Eagly (1987) states that gender differences represents a small percentage (5%) against 95 % of variance explained by other military life factors. The main focus of this investigation was to determine if there were differences in gender in personality, stress, affect, social desirability and also to study other aspects related to these factors. The measures used were: the Big Five Factory, BFI (Benet-Martínez & John, 1998), the Paulhus Deception Scale, PDS (Paulhus, 1998), the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, PANAS (Watson, Clark e Tellenger, 1998), the Daily Stress Inventory, DSI (Brantley e Glenn, 1998). It was concluded that on the personality level, women present higher scores on factors such as extroversion and consciousness. On the stress level, when considering factors such as personal competences, environmental factors and varied stressors, women present lower scores than men.


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RESUMO: A presente dissertação tem o objectivo de estudar a relação das diferenças de género nas cognições antecipatórias, estratégias de coping e depressão. Para o efeito, constituiu-se duas amostras, uma de indivíduos do género feminino (n=224) de 57,9% (com uma média de idades de 36,2 e um DP=10,5), e outra por indivíduos do género masculino (n=163), perfazendo uma percentagem de 42,1% (com uma média de idades de 41,1 e um DP=12,5). Foi elaborado um protocolo de investigação composto por: Questionário de dados sócio-demográficos, Questionário de Cognições Antecipatórias (QCA), de Figueira & Ramos, 1995, o Questionário de Modos de Lidar com os Acontecimentos (QMLA), de J. Pais Ribeiro, C. Santos, 2001 e o Inventário de Avaliação Clínica da Depressão (IACLIDE), de A, Vaz Serra, 1995. Os resultados demonstraram que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre géneros nas cognições antecipatórias (p=0,594). Em relação às estratégias de coping, os resultados foram estatisticamente significativos, com as mulheres a recorrerem mais à procura de suporte social (p=0,042) e à fuga-evitamento (p=0,006). O índice de depressão mostra, de forma estatisticamente significativa, que o género feminino apresenta valores mais elevados (p=0,038). A escala de depressão permitiu ainda verificar de forma estatisticamente significativa que as mulheres revelam mais dificuldades no desempenho das tarefas associadas a queixas biológicas e cognitivas (p=0,003), tal como nas dimensões biológica (p=0,002) e de desempenho da tarefa (p=0,007). A relação entre as três variáveis, permite concluir que o índice global da escala de depressão está relacionado positivamente com as Cognições Antecipatórias (p=,000), e nas estratégias de coping, as dimensões fuga-evitamento (p=,002), resolução planeada do problema (p=,000) e a reavaliação positiva (p=,034) também estão relacionadas com esta escala da depressão de forma estatisticamente significativa. ABSTRACT: This dissertation aims to study the relationship of gender differences in anticipatory cognitions, coping strategies and depression. For this purpose, it was constituted two samples, one for female gender (n = 224) 57.9% (with a mean age of 36.2 and a SD=10.5), and other of male gender (n = 163), giving a percentage of 42.1% (with an average age of 41.1 and a SD=12.5). It was prepared a research protocol composed of data questionnaire included social-demographic, Anticipatory Cognitions Questionnaire (QCA), Figueira & Ramos, 1995, the Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WCQ), J. Pais Ribeiro, C. Santos, 2001, and the Inventory and Evaluation of Clinical Depression (IACLIDE) A, Vaz Serra, 1995. The results have shown no statistically significant differences between genders in anticipatory cognitions (p= 0.594). In the coping strategies, the results were statistically significant, with women looking to take more advantage of social support (p= 0.042) and escape-avoidance (p= 0.006). The rate of depression shows a statistically significant with females having higher values (p=0.038). The depression scale allowed us to verify statistically significant that women shows more difficulty in performing tasks associated with biological and cognitive complaints (p=0,003), as in the biological (p=0,002) and task performance (p=0,007). The relationship between the three variables, shows that the overall rate of depression scale is positively related to the Anticipatory Cognitions (p =, 000), and strategies for coping, escape-avoidance dimensions (p =, 002), resolution of the planned problem (p =, 000) and positive reappraisal (p =, 034) are also related to the scale of depression and were also statistically significant.


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The majority of worldwide structures use concrete as its main material. This happens because concrete is economically feasible, due to its undemanding production technology and case Of use. However, it is widely recognized that concrete production has a strong environmental impact in the planet. Natural aggregates use is one of the most important problems of concrete production nowadays, since they are obtained from limited, and in some countries scarce, resources. In Portugal, although there are enough stone quarries to cover coarse aggregates needs for several more years, Supplies of fine aggregates are becoming scarcer, especially in the northern part of the country. On the other hand, as concrete structures' life cycle comes to an end, an urgent need emerges to establish technically and economically viable solutions for demolition debris, other than for use as road base and quarry fill. This paper presents a partial life cycle assessment (LCA) of concrete made with fine recycled concrete aggregates performed with EcoConcrete tool. EcoConcrete is a tailor-made, interactive, learning and communications tool promoted by the Joint Project Group (JPG) on the LCA of concrete, to qualify and quantify the overall environment impact of concrete products. It consists of an interactive Excel-spreadsheet in which several environmental inputs (material quantities, distances from origin to production Site, production processes) and outputs (material, energy, emissions to air, water, soil or waste) are collected in a life cycle inventory, and are then processed to determine the environmental impact (assessment) of the analysed concrete, in terms of ozone layer depletion, smog or "greenhouse" effect.


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Objectivo: Identificar os factores psicossociais que influenciam a percepção da dor pós-operatória em doentes submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRM). Material e Métodos: Estudo exploratório correlacional de 91 doentes (71 homens e 20 mulheres) submetidos a CRM (pontagem aortocoronária) por esternotomia). A idade média era de 63,8 ± 9,6 anos (entre 39 e 84). Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Escala Analógica Visual às 24, 48 e 96 horas do pós-operatório; Questionário de Caracterização Demográfica; Mental Health Inventory de 5 itens; Percepção de Saúde Geral (SF-36); Escala de Expectativas de Dor; Escala de Percepção de Apoio; Escala de Expectativas de Auto-eficácia; Satisfação com o tratamento, médicos e enfermeiros (American Pain Society Questionnaire) aplicados às 96 horas após a cirurgia. Resultados: Os doentes que apresentaram expectativas elevadas de dor, percepcionaram maior apoio, apresentaram níveis elevados de auto-eficácia para lidar com a dor ou, se pertenciam ao sexo masculino, sentiram menos dor. De igual modo, os doentes que apresentaram melhor saúde mental, percepcionaram a sua saúde como boa e os doentes que expressaram maior satisfação com o tratamento sentiram menos dor. A dor não foi influenciada pela idade, grau de escolaridade ou pela satisfação com a conduta de médicos e enfermeiros. Conclusão: Após as primeiras 48 horas do pós-operatório, a experiência de dor é influenciada por factores psicossociais, em oarticular pela expectativa de dor, expectativa de auto-eficácia, apoio percebido, percepção da saúde geral, percepção de saúde mental e satisfação com o tratamento para a dor. Perante os resultados, evidencia-se a necessidade de conjugar conhecimentos no sentido de dar respostas mais alargadas e de carácter multidisciplinar no tratamento da dor pós-operatória em CRM devendo, a par de outros aspectos, focar-se na gestão das expectativas dos doentes. ABSTRACT - Objective: To identify the psychological factors that influence post-surgery pain perception in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). Methods: This was an exploratory correlational study of 91 patients (71 men and 20 women) who underwent CABG (aortocoronary anastomosis) by sternotomy. Mean age was 63.8 ± 9.6 years (between 39 and 84). The following instruments were used: visual analogical scales at 24, 48 and 96 hours of post-surgery; demographic characteristics survey; pain expectations scale; perceived support scale; self-efficacy scale, Mental Inventory (5 items); health perception scale; and satisfaction with treatment, doctors and nurses (American Pain Society questionnaire) at 96 hours after surgery. Results: Patients who had presented high expectations of pain, perceived more support, presented high levels of self-efficacy to deal with pain or were male, felt less pain. Furthermore, patients who presented better mental health, perceived their general health as being good, or expressed greater satisfaction with treatment, felt less pain. Pain was not influenced by age, level of education or satisfaction with doctors and nurses. Conclusion: After the first 48 hours following surgery, the pain experience is influenced by psychosocial factors, in particular by expectation of pain and of self-efficacy, perceived support, perception of general and mental health, and satisfaction with pain treatment. The results confirm the need to bring together different kinds of knowledge for a broad, multidisciplinary approach to postoperative CABG pain treatment, focusing, along with other aspects, on management of patients’ expectations.


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Nowadays, the cooperative intelligent transport systems are part of a largest system. Transportations are modal operations integrated in logistics and, logistics is the main process of the supply chain management. The supply chain strategic management as a simultaneous local and global value chain is a collaborative/cooperative organization of stakeholders, many times in co-opetition, to perform a service to the customers respecting the time, place, price and quality levels. The transportation, like other logistics operations must add value, which is achieved in this case through compression lead times and order fulfillments. The complex supplier's network and the distribution channels must be efficient and the integral visibility (monitoring and tracing) of supply chain is a significant source of competitive advantage. Nowadays, the competition is not discussed between companies but among supply chains. This paper aims to evidence the current and emerging manufacturing and logistics system challenges as a new field of opportunities for the automation and control systems research community. Furthermore, the paper forecasts the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies integrated into an information and communication technologies (ICT) framework based on distributed artificial intelligence (DAI) supported by a multi-agent system (MAS), as the most value advantage of supply chain management (SCM) in a cooperative intelligent logistics systems. Logistical platforms (production or distribution) as nodes of added value of supplying and distribution networks are proposed as critical points of the visibility of the inventory, where these technological needs are more evident.


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INTRODUCTION: The lack of basic knowledge on venomous arthropods and the benignity of the clinical manifestations contribute to the centipede bite victims' not being taken to a treatment reference center, leading to underestimation of the number of cases and minimizing the possibility of a broader epidemiological view. An inventory of the centipede bite occurrences in Greater S. Paulo, Brazil, and the therapeutic methods employed, by the main Brazilian medical center for the notification of poisoning by venomous animals, is presented. METHOD: All patient cards of the period 1980-1989 have been checked as to place, month and time of occurrence; sex, age, affected part of the body, signs and symptoms have been observed, as well as the therapeutic methods employed. The centipedes that caused the accidents were identified at the Arthropods Laboratory. RESULTS: It was registered 216 accidents, with a 69% predominance of the Greater S. Paulo and in only 63% of the cases (136) was the agent brought in by the victim for identification. The genera most frequently represented were Cryptops (58%), Otostigmus (33%) and Scolopendra (4%). Of the 136 cases, 87% showed erythema, edema, hemorrhage, burns, cephalalgia, and intense pain. There was a predominance of accidents in the warm rainy season, in the morning and for females between 21 and 60 years of age. Hands and feet were the parts of the body most affected. The benign evolution of the clinical picture (54%) made therapeutical treatment unnecessary. Only the victims of Scolopendra and Otostigmus (46%) were medicated with anesthetics (51%), analgesics (25%), antihistamines and cortisone (24%). CONCLUSION: The reproductive period of the centipedes, associated with their sinanthropic habits, contributes to the greater incidence of accidents in urban areas in the warm rainy season. Only patients bitten by Scolopendra and Otostigmus require therapeutical treatment.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as preferências pelo sabor doce e sua associação com as condições socioeconômicas e a prevalência de cárie dentária em pré-escolares. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 572 crianças de 4 a 6 anos, matriculadas em pré-escolas, dividida em estratos socioeconômicos segundo a procedência (um bairro central, um periférico e Programa de Desfavelamento). Estudo transversal, foi desenvolvido em duas etapas. A preferência pelo sabor doce foi avaliada através do Sweet Preference Inventory modificado. A concentração das soluções variou de 0 a 400 g/litro (0 a 1,17 molar). Foi utilizado o índice ceos para verificar a prevalência de cárie. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre as crianças do Programa de Desfavelamento e dos demais grupos na preferência pelo sabor doce e no consumo de açúcar, bem como associação entre a procedência e o percentual de crianças livres de cárie, sendo o grupo do Desfavelamento o menos favorecido (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Os achados sustentam a hipótese de que o nível socioeconômico influencia a preferência por açúcar e esta, por sua vez, está associada à prevalência de cárie dentária na dentição decídua.


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OBJECTIVE: Sensitivity analysis was applied to a mathematical model describing malaria transmission relating global warming and local socioeconomic conditions. METHODS: A previous compartment model was proposed to describe the overall transmission of malaria. This model was built up on several parameters and the prevalence of malaria in a community was characterized by the values assigned to them. To assess the control efforts, the model parameters can vary on broad intervals. RESULTS: By performing the sensitivity analysis on equilibrium points, which represent the level of malaria infection in a community, the different possible scenarios are obtained when the parameters are changed. CONCLUSIONS: Depending on malaria risk, the efforts to control its transmission can be guided by a subset of parameters used in the mathematical model.


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This paper will focus on some aspects of translation based on blending distinct linguistic domains such as English Language and Portuguese in using false friends in the English class in tertiary level students, reflecting namely on: 1. the choice of a word suitable to the context in L2 ; 2. the difficulties encountered by choice of that word that could be misleading, by relying in a false L1 reality that is going to adulterate reality in the L2 domain; 3. the difficulty in making such type of distinctions due to the lack of linguistic and lexical knowledge. 4. the need to study the cause of these difficulties by working, not only with their peers, but also with their language teacher to develop strategies to diminish and if possible to eradicate this type of linguistic and, above all, translation problem by making an inventory of those types of mistakes. In relation to the first point it is necessary to know that translation tasks involve much more than literal concepts ( Ladmiral, 1975) : furthermore it is necessary and suitable to realise that lexicon relies in significant contexts (Coseriu 1966), which connects both domains, that, at first sight do not seem to be compatible. In other words, although students have the impression they dominate lexicon due to the fact that they possess at least seven years of foreign language exposure that doesn’t mean they master the particularities engaged in such a delicate task as translation is concerned. There are some chromaticisms in the words (false friends), that need to be researched and analysed later on by both students and language teachers. The reason for such state of affairs lies in their academic formation, of a mainly general stream, which has enabled them only for knowledge of the foreign language, but not for the translation as a tool as it is required only when they reach the tertiary level. Besides, for their translations they rely, most of the times, on glossaries, whose dominant language is portuguese of Brazil, which is, obviously, much different from the portuguese mother tongue reality and even more of English. So it seems necessary to use with caution the working tools (glossaries) that work as surpluses, but could bring translation problems as we will see.


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This essay sees “through” an object produced by Portuguese folklore: the moliceiro boat of Ria de Aveiro, whose most original characteristic is the group of four different panels painted on each boat. These unique panels have echoed national mythologies and have undergone influence from institutional channels of instruction and propaganda for much of the twentieth century. We will analyse how this boat expresses the inventory of a community’s identity, imagination, and practices.


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In an attempt to build a more comprehensive and holistic understanding of the complexity, dynamics and idiosyncrasies involved in becoming a teacher, this study focussed on the experiences of 295 student teachers. Their feelings, cognitions and perceptions regarding teaching practice were analysed using the short version of the Inventory of Experiences and Perceptions of the Teaching Practice. Results emphasise some of the difficulties experienced during this period (e.g., stress, sense of weariness and ‘vulnerability’), as well the positive perceptions of these student teachers regarding their growing knowledge and skilfulness, as well as their sense of efficacy, flexibility and spontaneity in their performance and interactions. Their perception of their accomplishments in achieving reasonable levels of acceptance and recognition within the school community and their positive evaluation of the guidance and support provided by their supervisors are also emphasised. Differences were found – in terms of gender and graduate course background – in the way these student teachers experienced some aspects of teaching practice.


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Jornadas de Contabilidade e Fiscalidade promovidas pelo Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, em Abril de 2009