994 resultados para compact objects


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Nunca hemos entendido el proyecto de arquitectura como una colección de pianos más o menos bien estructurados. Proyectar es despejar incógnitas y por tanto caminar por sendas aparentemente vacías de rastros. Proyectar es perderse para entender no tanto el camino sino fundamentalmente el territorio que se recorre.


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This paper presents an approach for the detection, localization and following of dynamic terrestrial objects using a mini-UAV. The development is intended to be used for surveillance of large infrastructures. The detection algorithm is based on finding several pre-defined characteristics of the target, such as color, shape and size. The process used to localize the target, once it is detected, is based on an inversion of the Pinhole camera model. The task of following the Summit XL was designed to keep the target inside the field of view of the camera, and it was implemented in the form of a PID controller. The system has been tested both in simulation and with real robots, showing promising results.


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Cells of several major algal groups are evolutionary chimeras of two radically different eukaryotic cells. Most of these “cells within cells” lost the nucleus of the former algal endosymbiont. But after hundreds of millions of years cryptomonads still retain the nucleus of their former red algal endosymbiont as a tiny relict organelle, the nucleomorph, which has three minute linear chromosomes, but their function and the nature of their ends have been unclear. We report extensive cryptomonad nucleomorph sequences (68.5 kb), from one end of each of the three chromosomes of Guillardia theta. Telomeres of the nucleomorph chromosomes differ dramatically from those of other eukaryotes, being repeats of the 23-mer sequence (AG)7AAG6A, not a typical hexamer (commonly TTAGGG). The subterminal regions comprising the rRNA cistrons and one protein-coding gene are exactly repeated at all three chromosome ends. Gene density (one per 0.8 kb) is the highest for any cellular genome. None of the 38 protein-coding genes has spliceosomal introns, in marked contrast to the chlorarachniophyte nucleomorph. Most identified nucleomorph genes are for gene expression or protein degradation; histone, tubulin, and putatively centrosomal ranbpm genes are probably important for chromosome segregation. No genes for primary or secondary metabolism have been found. Two of the three tRNA genes have introns, one in a hitherto undescribed location. Intergenic regions are exceptionally short; three genes transcribed by two different RNA polymerases overlap their neighbors. The reported sequences encode two essential chloroplast proteins, FtsZ and rubredoxin, thus explaining why cryptomonad nucleomorphs persist.


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For each pair (n, k) with 1 ≤ k < n, we construct a tight frame (ρλ : λ ∈ Λ) for L2 (Rn), which we call a frame of k-plane ridgelets. The intent is to efficiently represent functions that are smooth away from singularities along k-planes in Rn. We also develop tools to help decide whether k-plane ridgelets provide the desired efficient representation. We first construct a wavelet-like tight frame on the X-ray bundle χn,k—the fiber bundle having the Grassman manifold Gn,k of k-planes in Rn for base space, and for fibers the orthocomplements of those planes. This wavelet-like tight frame is the pushout to χn,k, via the smooth local coordinates of Gn,k, of an orthonormal basis of tensor Meyer wavelets on Euclidean space Rk(n−k) × Rn−k. We then use the X-ray isometry [Solmon, D. C. (1976) J. Math. Anal. Appl. 56, 61–83] to map this tight frame isometrically to a tight frame for L2(Rn)—the k-plane ridgelets. This construction makes analysis of a function f ∈ L2(Rn) by k-plane ridgelets identical to the analysis of the k-plane X-ray transform of f by an appropriate wavelet-like system for χn,k. As wavelets are typically effective at representing point singularities, it may be expected that these new systems will be effective at representing objects whose k-plane X-ray transform has a point singularity. Objects with discontinuities across hyperplanes are of this form, for k = n − 1.


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Compact stellarator designs with modular coils and only two or three field periods are now available; these designs have both good stability and quasiaxial symmetry providing adequate transport for a magnetic fusion reactor. If the bootstrap current assumes theoretically predicted values a three field period configuration is optimal, but if that net current turns out to be lower, a device with two periods and just 12 modular coils might be better. There are also attractive designs with quasihelical symmetry and four or five periods whose properties depend less on the bootstrap current. Good performance requires that there be a satisfactory magnetic well in the vacuum field, which is a property lacking in a stellarator-tokamak hybrid that has been proposed for a proof of principle experiment. In this paper, we present an analysis of stability for these configurations that is based on a mountain pass theorem asserting that, if two solutions of the problem of magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium can be found, then there has to be an unstable solution. We compare results of our theory of equilibrium, stability, and transport with recently announced measurements from the large LHD experiment in Japan.


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Structural information on complex biological RNA molecules can be exploited to design tectoRNAs or artificial modular RNA units that can self-assemble through tertiary interactions thereby forming nanoscale RNA objects. The selective interactions of hairpin tetraloops with their receptors can be used to mediate tectoRNA assembly. Here we report on the modulation of the specificity and the strength of tectoRNA assembly (in the nanomolar to micromolar range) by variation of the length of the RNA subunits, the nature of their interacting motifs and the degree of flexibility of linker regions incorporated into the molecules. The association is also dependent on the concentration of magnesium. Monitoring of tectoRNA assembly by lead(II) cleavage protection indicates that some degree of structural flexibility is required for optimal binding. With tectoRNAs one can compare the binding affinities of different tertiary motifs and quantify the strength of individual interactions. Furthermore, in analogy to the synthons used in organic chemistry to synthesize more complex organic compounds, tectoRNAs form the basic assembly units for constructing complex RNA structures on the nanometer scale. Thus, tectoRNA provides a means for constructing molecular scaffoldings that organize functional modules in three-dimensional space for a wide range of applications.


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Two objects with homologous landmarks are said to be of the same shape if the configurations of landmarks of one object can be exactly matched with that of the other by translation, rotation/reflection, and scaling. The observations on an object are coordinates of its landmarks with reference to a set of orthogonal coordinate axes in an appropriate dimensional space. The origin, choice of units, and orientation of the coordinate axes with respect to an object may be different from object to object. In such a case, how do we quantify the shape of an object, find the mean and variation of shape in a population of objects, compare the mean shapes in two or more different populations, and discriminate between objects belonging to two or more different shape distributions. We develop some methods that are invariant to translation, rotation, and scaling of the observations on each object and thereby provide generalizations of multivariate methods for shape analysis.


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High-dynamic range imaging and monitoring with very-long-baseline interferometry reveal a rich morphology of luminous flat-spectrum radio sources. One-sided core-jet structures abound, and superluminal motion is frequently measured. In a few cases, both distinct moving features and diffuse underlying jet emission can be detected. Superluminal motion seen in such sources is typically complex, on curved trajectories or ridge lines, and with variable component velocities, including stationary features. The curved trajectories seen can be modeled by helical motion within the underlying jet flow. The very-long-baseline interferometry properties of the superluminal features in the jet of 3C 345 and other similar sources can be explained by models invoking the emission from shocks, at least within the vicinity of the compact core. Inverse-Compton calculations, constrained by x-ray observations, yield realistic estimates for the physical conditions in the parsec-scale jet. There is evidence for a transition region in this source beyond which other factors (e.g., plasma interactions and nonsynchrotron radiation processes) may become prominent. Multifrequency and polarization imaging (especially at high frequencies) are emerging as critical tools in testing model predictions.


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Investigations of the fine-scale structure in the compact nucleus of the radio source 3C 84 in NGC 1275 (New General Catalogue number) are reported. Structural monitoring observations beginning as early as 1976, and continuing to the present, revealed subluminal motions in a jet-like relatively diffuse region extending away from a flat-spectrum core. A counterjet feature was discovered in 1993, and very recent nearly simultaneous studies have detected the same feature at five frequencies ranging from 5 to 43 GHz. The counterjet exhibits a strong low-frequency cutoff, giving this region of the source an inverted spectrum. The observations are consistent with a physical model in which the cutoff arises from free-free absorption in a volume that surrounds the core but obscures only the counterjet feature. If such a model is confirmed, very-long-baseline radio interferometry observations can then be used to probe the accretion region, outside the radio jet, on parsec scales.


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We present the first direct measurements of bidirectional motions in an extragalactic radio jet. The radio source 1946+708 is a compact symmetric object with striking S-symmetry identified with a galaxy at a redshift of 0.101. From observations 2 years apart we have determined the velocities of four compact components in the jet, the fastest of which has an apparent velocity of 1.09 h-1c. By pairing up the components, assuming they were simultaneously ejected in opposite directions, we derive a 1 lower limit on the Hubble constant, H0 > 42 km.s-1.Mpc-1.


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Systematic differences in the very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) radio polarization structure and average VLBI component speeds of BL Lacertae objects and quasars support the view that the observational distinction between these classes, based in large part on the strength of their optical line emission, is meaningful; in other words, this distinction reflects significant differences in the physical conditions in these sources. Possible models providing a link between the optical and VLBI properties of BL Lacertae objects and quasars are discussed. Most VLBI polarization observations to date have been global observations made at 6 cm; recent results suggest that the VLBI polarization structure of some sources may change dramatically on scales smaller than those probed by these 6-cm observations.


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There is a variety of optical evidence for some unification of different types of active galactic nuclei and quasi-stellar objects (QSOs). The case is very strong for the unification of at least some Seyfert galaxies, where polarization data show that the type assigned to the Seyfert galaxy must depend on viewing direction. It has been proposed that Fanaroff-Riley type 2 (FR2) radio galaxies are quasars seen in a direction from which the quasar is obscured, and there is some limited direct evidence for this picture. The broad absorption line QSOs may be normal QSOs seen from a special direction. Some of the sources observed to have high luminosities in the far infrared could be obscured QSOs and active nuclei. Mergers and interactions are likely to play an important role in nuclear activity, and active galaxies and QSOs could change their apparent types through these encounters followed by subsequent evolution.


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Observations of complete flux density limited samples of powerful extragalactic radio sources by very-long-baseline interferometry enable us to study the evolution of these objects over the range of linear scales from 1 parsec to 15 kiloparsees (1 parsec = 3.09 x 10(18) cm). The observations are consistent with the unifying hypothesis that compact symmetric objects evolve into compact steep-spectrum doubles, which in turn evolve into large-scale Fanaroff-Riley class II objects. It is suggested that this is the primary evolutionary track of powerful extragalactic radio sources. In this case there must be significant luminosity evolution in these objects, but little velocity evolution, as they expand from 1 parsec to several hundred kiloparsecs in overall size.


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We present Keck I MOSFIRE spectroscopy in the Y and H bands of GDN-8231, a massive, compact, star-forming galaxy at a redshift of z ~ 1.7. Its spectrum reveals both Hα and [Nii] emission lines and strong Balmer absorption lines. The Hα and Spitzer MIPS 24 μm fluxes are both weak, thus indicating a low star-formation rate of SFR≲5-10 M_⨀ yr−1. This, added to a relatively young age of ~700 Myr measured from the absorption lines, provides the first direct evidence for a distant galaxy being caught in the act of rapidly shutting down its star formation. Such quenching allows GDN-8231 to become a compact, quiescent galaxy, similar to three other galaxies in our sample, by z ~ 1.5. Moreover, the color profile of GDN-8231 shows a bluer center, consistent with the predictions of recent simulations for an early phase of inside-out quenching. Its line-of-sight velocity dispersion for the gas, σ_LOG^gas = 127 ± 32 km s^−1, is nearly 40% smaller than that of its stars, σ_LOG^* = 215 ± 35 km s^−1. High-resolution hydro-simulations of galaxies explain such apparently colder gas kinematics of up to a factor of ~1.5 with rotating disks being viewed at different inclinations and/or centrally concentrated star-forming regions. A clear prediction is that their compact, quiescent descendants preserve some remnant rotation from their star-forming progenitors.