950 resultados para chemical waste treatment


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a produção da silagem e o uso de aditivos no processo de ensilagem do resíduo úmido de cervejaria, foram realizados 5 tratamentos: controle (C: ensilagem de 100% de resíduo úmido de cervejaria); PC15 (15% de polpa cítrica); PC30 (30% de polpa cítrica); CS15 (15% de casca de soja); CS30 (30% de casca de soja) – com base na matéria fresca do resíduo de cervejaria. As silagens foram confeccionadas em baldes plásticos com 252mm de altura e 245mm de diâmetro (0,06174m³), e amostras foram coletadas para análises bromatológicas, pH, nitrogênio amoniacal, digestão in vitro de matéria seca, ácidos orgânicos e perfil microbiológico. Os resultados foram analisados pelo programa computacional Statistical Analysis System (Statistical..., 1985), sendo verificada a normalidade dos resíduos pelo Teste de Shapiro-Wilk (PROC UNIVARIATE), e as variâncias, pelo Teste de Hartley. Os efeitos dos níveis de adição foram separados por meio de contrastes polinomiais utilizando o nível de significância de 5%. Houve aumento do teor de matéria seca, carboidratos solúveis, ácido lático, digestão in vitro de matéria seca, da população de bactérias ácido láticas e redução do pH, ácido butírico, propiônico e nitrogênio amoniacal a partir das inclusões de polpa cítrica e casca de soja, sendo os melhores resultados encontrados para o tratamento com inclusão de 30% de polpa cítrica (P<0,05). A ensilagem do bagaço de malte por si só é uma alternativa para o produtor rural como suporte alimentar e confecção de silagem de qualidade que pode ser incrementada com o uso de aditivos a serem avaliados de acordo com a relação custo-benefício para eficiência da produção


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The objective of this work was to evaluate photodynamic therapy (PDT) by using a hematoporphyrin derivative as a photosensitizer and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as light source in induced mammary tumors of Sprague–Dawley (SD) rats. Twenty SD rats with mammary tumors induced by DMBAwere used. Animals were divided into four groups: control (G1), PDT only (G2), surgical removal of tumor (G3), and submitted to PDT immediately after surgical removal of tumor (G4). Tumors were measured over 6 weeks. Lesions and surgical were LEDs lighted up (200 J/cm2 dose). The light distribution in vivo study used two additional animals without mammary tumors. In the control group, the average growth of tumor diameter was approximately 0.40 cm/week. While for PDT group, a growth of less than 0.15 cm/week was observed, suggesting significant delay in tumor growth. Therefore, only partial irradiation of the tumors occurred with a reduction in development, but without elimination. Animals in G4 had no tumor recurrence during the 12 weeks, after chemical induction, when compared with G3 animals that showed 60 % recurrence rate after 12 weeks of chemical induction. PDT used in the experimental model of mammary tumor as a single therapy was effective in reducing tumor development, so the surgery associated with PDT is a safe and efficient destruction of residual tumor, preventing recurrence of the tumor.


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The bioproduction of materials and energy from renewable sources (industrial biotechnology) is getting more and more interest in order to improve environmental sustainability of chemical industrial processes and to decrease their dependence from oil. Anaerobic digestion of organic waste matrices (agricultural and industrial wastes, organic fraction of municipal wastes, sewage sludges etc.) may play an important role in the implementation of industrial biotechnology being a well developed strategy in the valorization of complex matrices, as it can mineralize them while producing bioenergy in the form of a biogas rich in methane. In this research the potential of anaerobic digestion in the treatment of polluted sewage sludge was studied by developing three set of anaerobic microcosms with sludges differently contaminated by xenobiotic compounds. The effect of different incubating temperatures and of exogenous carbon and vitamine sources was investigated along with the role of the occurring microbial populations in the pollutant degradation activity. So, while confirming the potential of anaerobic digestion for the biomethanization of sewage sludges, this work proved the effectiveness of this technology in the removal of pollutants too. Moreover, since the degradation of lignocellulose appears to be a limiting step in the anaerobic treatment of a wide range of biomass, the possibility of optimizing anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic substrates was also studied. To this aim a research was carried out at the BOKUUniversity of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Department for Agrobiotechnology, IFA - Tulln, where mixed cellulolytic cultures were isolated from biogas plants while assessing the metabolic pathway leading to cellulose degradation and verifying their capability to grow on lignocellulose too, proving that on the long term such bacterial cultures could be used as inoculum in order to improve the hydrolysis of lignocellulose in anaerobic digestion plants.


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Nanofiltration (NF) is a pressure-driven membrane process, intermediate between reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration. Commercially available polymeric membranes have been used in a wide range of applications, such as drinking, process industry and waste water treatment. For all the applications requiring high stability and harsh washing procedures inorganic membranes are preferred due to their high chemical inertia. Typically, γ – Al2O3 as well as TiO2 and ZrO2 selective layers are used; the latter show higher chemical stability in a wide range of pH and temperatures. In this work the experimental characterization of two different type of membrane has been performed in order to investigate permeation properties, separation performance and efficiency with aqueous solutions containing strong inorganic electrolytes. The influence of salt concentration and feed pH as well as the role of concentration polarization and electrolyte type on the membrane behavior are investigated. Experimentation was performed testing a multi–layer structured NF membrane in α-Al2O3, TiO2 and ZrO2, and a polymeric membrane, in polyamide supported on polysulfone, with binary aqueous solutions containing NaCl, Na2SO4 or CaCl2; the effect of salt composition and pH in the feed side was studied both on flux and salt rejection. All the NF experimental data available for the two membranes were used to evaluate the volumetric membrane charge (X) corresponding to each operative conditions investigated, through the Donnan Steric Pore Model and Dielectric Exclusion (DSPM&DE). The results obtained allow to understand which are the main phenomena at the basis of the different behaviors observed.


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This work studies the impact of two traditional Romanian treatments, Red Petroleum and Propolis, in terms of real efficiency and consequence on the wooden artifacts. The application of these solutions is still a widely adopted and popular technique in preservative conservation but the impact of these solutions is not well known. It is important to know the effect of treatments on chemical-physical and structural characteristics of the artifacts, not only for understanding the influence on present conditions but also for foreseeing the future behavior. These treatments with Romanian traditional products are compared with a commercial antifungal product, Biotin R, which is utilized as reference to control the effectiveness of Red Petroleum and Propolis. Red Petroleum and Propolis are not active against mould while Biotin R is very active. Mould attack is mostly concentrated in the painted layer, where the tempera, containing glue and egg, enhance nutrition availability for moulds. Biotin R, even if is not a real insecticide but a fungicide, was the most active product against insect attack of the three products, followed by Red Petroleum, Propolis and untreated reference. As for colour, it did not change so much after the application of Red Petroleum and Biotin R and the colour difference was almost not perceptible. On the contrary, Propolis affected the colour a lot. During the exposure at different RH, the colour changes significantly at 100% RH at equilibrium and this is mainly due to the mould attack. Red Petroleum penetrates deeply into wood, while Propolis does not penetrate and remains only on the surface. However, Red Petroleum does not interact chemically with wood substance and it is easy volatilized in oven-dry condition. On the contrary Propolis interacts chemically with wood substance and hardly volatilized, even in oven-dry condition and consequently Propolis remains where it penetrated, mostly on the surface. Treatment by immersion has impact on wood physical parameters while treatment by brushing does not have significant impact. Especially Red Petroleum has an apparent impact on moisture content (MC) due to the penetration of solution, while Propolis does not penetrate so much and remains only on surface therefore Propolis does not have so much impact as Red Petroleum. However, if the weight of the solution penetrated in wood is eliminated, there is not significant difference in MC between treated and untreated samples. Considering physical parameters, dimensional stability is an important parameter. The variation of wood moisture content causes shrinkages/swelling of the wood that polychrome layer can only partially follow. The dimension of wooden supports varied under different moisture conditioning; the painted layer cannot completely follow this deformation, and consequently a degradation and deterioration caused by detachment, occurs. That detachment affects the polychrome stratification of the panel painting and eventually the connections between the different layer compositions of the panel painting.