977 resultados para chemical mechanical polishing


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Based on its enticing properties, graphene has been envisioned with applications in the area of electronics, photonics, sensors, bioapplications and others. To facilitate various applications, doping has been frequently used to manipulate the properties of graphene. Despite a number of studies conducted on doped graphene regarding its electrical and chemical properties, the impact of doping on the mechanical properties of graphene has been rarely discussed. A systematic study of the vibrational properties of graphene doped with nitrogen and boron is performed by means of a molecular dynamics simulation. The influence from different density or species of dopants has been assessed. It is found that the impacts on the quality factor, Q, resulting from different densities of dopants vary greatly, while the influence on the resonance frequency is insignificant. The reduction of the resonance frequency caused by doping with boron only is larger than the reduction caused by doping with both boron and nitrogen. This study gives a fundamental understanding of the resonance of graphene with different dopants, which may benefit their application as resonators.


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Two unique test systems were designed and built to allow the effects of varied gravity (high, normal, reduced) during synthesis of titanium sol–gels to be studied. A centrifuge capable of providing high gravity environments of up to 70 g for extended periods while applying a 100 mbar vacuum and a temperature of 40–50 °C to the reaction chambers was developed. The second system was used in the QUT Microgravity Drop Tower Facility also provided the same thermal and vacuum conditions used in the centrifuge, but was required to operate autonomously during free fall. Through the use of post synthesis instrumental characterization, it was found that increased gravity levels during synthesis, had the greatest effect on the final products. Samples produced in reduced and normal gravity appeared to form amorphous gels containing very small particles with moderate surface areas. Whereas crystalline anatase (TiO2), was found to form in samples synthesized above 5 g with significant increases in crystallinity, particle size and surface area observed when samples were produced at gravity levels up to 70 g. It is proposed that for samples produced in higher gravity, an increased concentration gradient of water is forms at the bottom of the reacting film due to forced convection. The particles formed in higher gravity diffuse downward toward this excess of water, which favors the condensation reaction of remaining sol–gel precursors with the particles promoting increased particle growth. Due to the removal of downward convection in reduced gravity, particle growth due to condensation reaction processes are physically hindered hydrolysis reactions favored instead. Another significant finding from this work was that anatase could be produced at relatively low temperatures of 40–50 °C instead of the conventional method of calcination above 450 °C solely through sol–gel synthesis at higher gravity levels.


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Introduction Natural product provenance is important in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries, for consumer confidence and with health implications. Raman spectroscopy has powerful molecular fingerprint abilities. Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy’s (SERS) sharp peaks allow distinction between minimally different molecules, so it should be suitable for this purpose. Methods Naturally caffeinated beverages with Guarana extract, coffee and Red Bull energy drink as a synthetic caffeinated beverage for comparison (20 µL ea.) were reacted 1:1 with Gold nanoparticles functionalised with anti-caffeine antibody (ab15221) (10 minutes), air dried and analysed in a micro-Raman instrument. The spectral data was processed using Principle Component Analysis (PCA). Results The PCA showed Guarana sourced caffeine varied significantly from synthetic caffeine (Red Bull) on component 1 (containing 76.4% of the variance in the data). See figure 1. The coffee containing beverages, and in particular Robert Timms (instant coffee) were very similar on component 1, but the barista espresso showed minor variance on component 1. Both coffee sourced caffeine samples varied with red Bull on component 2, (20% of variance). ************************************************************ Figure 1 PCA comparing a naturally caffeinated beverage containing Guarana with coffee. ************************************************************ Discussion PCA is an unsupervised multivariate statistical method that determines patterns within data. Figure 1 shows Caffeine in Guarana is notably different to synthetic caffeine. Other researchers have revealed that caffeine in Guarana plants is complexed with tannins. Naturally sourced/ lightly processed caffeine (Monster Energy, Espresso) are more inherently different than synthetic (Red Bull) /highly processed (Robert Timms) caffeine, in figure 1, which is consistent with this finding and demonstrates this technique’s applicability. Guarana provenance is important because it is still largely hand produced and its demand is escalating with recognition of its benefits. This could be a powerful technique for Guarana provenance, and may extend to other industries where provenance / authentication are required, e.g. the wine or natural pharmaceuticals industries.


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The effect of a change of tillage and crop residue management practice on the chemical and micro-biological properties of a cereal-producing red duplex soil was investigated by superimposing each of three management practices (CC: conventional cultivation, stubble burnt, crop conventionally sown; DD: direct-drilling, stubble retained, no cultivation, crop direct-drilled; SI: stubble incorporated with a single cultivation, crop conventionally sown), for a 3-year period on plots previously managed with each of the same three practices for 14 years. A change from DD to CC or SI practice resulted in a significant decline, in the top 0-5 cm of soil, in organic C, total N, electrical conductivity, NH4-N, NO3-N, soil moisture holding capacity, microbial biomass and CO2 respiration as well as a decline in the microbial quotient (the ratio of microbial biomass C to organic C; P <0.05). In contrast, a change from SI to DD or CC practice or a change from CC to DD or SI practice had only negligible impact on soil chemical properties (P >0.05). However, there was a significant increase in microbial biomass and the microbial quotient in the top 0-5 cm of soil following the change from CC to DD or SI practice and with the change from SI to DD practice (P <0.05). Analysis of ester-linked fatty acid methyl esters (EL-FAMEs) extracted from the 0- to 5-cm and 5- to 10-cm layers of the soils of the various treatments detected changes in the FAME profiles following a change in tillage practice. A change from DD practice to SI or CC practice was associated with a significant decline in the ratio of fungal to bacterial fatty acids in the 0- to 5-cm soil (P <0.05). The results show that a change in tillage practice, particularly the cultivation of a previously minimum-tilled (direct-drilled) soil, will result in significant changes in soil chemical and microbiological properties within a 3-year period. They also show that soil microbiological properties are sensitive indicators of a change in tillage practice.


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The mineral sturmanite is a hydrated calcium iron aluminium manganese sulphate tetrahydroxoborate hydroxide of formula Ca6(Fe, Al, Mn)2(SO4)2(B(OH)4)(OH)12•26H2O. We have studied the mineral sturmanite using a number of techniques, including SEM with EPMA and vibrational spectroscopy. Chemical analysis shows a homogeneous phase, composed by Ca, Fe, Mn, S, Al and Si. B is not determined in this EPMA technique. An intense Raman band at 990 cm−1 is assigned to the SO42− symmetric stretching mode. Raman spectroscopy identifies multiple sulphate symmetric stretching modes in line with the three sulphate crystallographically different sites. Raman spectroscopy also identifies a band at 1069 cm−1 which may be attributed to a carbonate symmetric stretching mode, indicating the presence of thaumasite. Infrared spectra display two bands at 1080 and 1107 cm−1 assigned to the SO42− antisymmetric stretching modes. The observation of multiple bands in this ν4 spectral region offers evidence for the reduction in symmetry of the sulphate anion from Td to C2v or even lower symmetry. The Raman band at 3622 cm−1 is assigned to the OH unit stretching vibration and the broad feature at around 3479 cm−1 to water stretching bands. Infrared spectroscopy shows a set of broad overlapping bands in the OH stretching region. Vibrational spectroscopy enables an assessment of the molecular structure of sturmanite to be made.


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There is a continuous quest for developing electrochromic (EC)transition metal oxides (TMOs) with increased coloration efficiency. As emerging TMOs, Nb2O5 films, even those of ordered anodized nanochannels, have failed to produce the required EC performance for practical applications. This is attributed to limitations presented by its relatively wide bandgap and low capacity for accommodating ions. To overcome such issues, MoO3 was electrodeposited onto Nb2O5 nanochannelled films as homogeneously conformal and stratified α-MoO3 coatings of different thickness. The EC performance of the resultant MoO3 coated Nb2O5 binary system was evaluated. The system exhibited a coloration efficiency of 149.0 cm2 C−1, exceeding that of any previous reports on MoO3 and Nb2O5 individually or their compounds. The enhancement was ascribed to a combination of the reduced effective bandgap of the binary system, the increased intercalation probability from the layered α-MoO3 coating, and a high surface-tovolume ratio, while the Nb2O5 nanochannelled templates provided stability and low impurity pathways for charge transfer to occur.


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We have studied aspect of the molecular structure of the phosphate mineral rimkorolgite from Zheleznyi iron mine, Kovdor massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia, using SEM with EDX and vibrational spectroscopy. Qualitative chemical analysis shows a homogeneous phase, composed by P, Mg, Ba, Mn and Ca. Small amounts of Si were also observed. An intense Raman peak at 975 cm−1 is assigned to the PO43− ν1 symmetric stretching mode. The Raman band at 964 cm−1 is attributed to the HPO42− ν1 symmetric stretching vibration. Raman bands observed at 1016, 1035, 1052, 1073, 1105 and 1135 cm−1 are attributed to the ν3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations of the HPO42− and PO43− units. Complexity in the spectra of the phosphate bending region is observed. The broad Raman band at 3272 cm−1 is assigned to the water stretching vibration. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects on the molecular structure of rimkorolgite to be undertaken.


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We have studied the mineral analcime using a combination of scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy and vibrational spectroscopy. The mineral analcime Na2(Al4SiO4O12)·2H2O is a crystalline sodium silicate. Chemical analysis shows the mineral contains a range of elements including Na, Al, Fe2+ and Si. The mineral is characterized by intense Raman bands observed at 1052, 1096 and 1125 cm−1. The infrared bands are broad; nevertheless bands may be resolved at 1006 and 1119 cm−1. These bands are assigned to SiO stretching vibrational modes. Intense Raman band at 484 cm−1 is attributed to OSiO bending modes. Raman bands observed at 2501, 3542, 3558 and 3600 cm−1 are assigned to the stretching vibrations of water. Low intensity infrared bands are noted at 3373, 3529 and 3608 cm−1. The observation of multiple water bands indicate that water is involved in the structure of analcime with differing hydrogen bond strengths. This concept is supported by the number of bands in the water bending region. Vibrational spectroscopy assists with the characterization of the mineral analcime.


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We have studied the mineral takedaite Ca3(BO3)2, a borate mineral of calcium using SEM with EDX and vibrational spectroscopy. Chemical analysis shows a homogeneous phase, composed of Ca. Boron was not detected. A very intense Raman band at 1087 cm−1 is assigned to the BO stretching vibration of BO3 units. Additional Raman bands may be due to isotopic splitting. In the infrared spectrum, bands at 1218 cm−1 and at 1163, 1262 and 1295 cm−1 are assigned to the trigonal borate stretching modes. Raman bands at 712 and 715 cm−1 are assigned to the in-plane bending modes of the BO3 units. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects of the molecular structure of takedaite to be assessed.


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We present a proof of concept for a novel nanosensor for the detection of ultra-trace amounts of bio-active molecules in complex matrices. The nanosensor is comprised of gold nanoparticles with an ultra-thin silica shell and antibody surface attachment, which allows for the immobilization and direct detection of bio-active molecules by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) without requiring a Raman label. The ultra-thin passive layer (~1.3 nm thickness) prevents competing molecules from binding non-selectively to the gold surface without compromising the signal enhancement. The antibodies attached on the surface of the nanoparticles selectively bind to the target molecule with high affinity. The interaction between the nanosensor and the target analyte result in conformational rearrangements of the antibody binding sites, leading to significant changes in the surface enhanced Raman spectra of the nanoparticles when compared to the spectra of the un-reacted nanoparticles. Nanosensors of this design targeting the bio-active compounds erythropoietin and caffeine were able to detect ultra-trace amounts the analyte to the lower quantification limits of 3.5×10−13 M and 1×10−9 M, respectively.


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Graphene films with different structures were catalytically grown on the silicon substrate pre-deposited with a gold film by hot filament chemical vapor deposition under different conditions, where methane, hydrogen and nitrogen were used as the reactive gases. The morphological and compositional properties of graphene films were studied using advanced instruments including field emission scanning electron microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results indicate that the structure and composition of graphene films are changed with the variation of the growth conditions. According to the theory related to thermodynamics, the formation of graphene films was theoretically analyzed and the results indicate that the formation of graphene films is related to the fast incorporation and precipitation of carbon. The electron field emission (EFE) properties of graphene films were studied in a high vacuum system of ∼10-6 Pa and the EFE results show that the turn-on field is in a range of 5.2-5.64 V μm-1 and the maximum current density is about 63 μ A cm-2 at the field of 7.7 V μm-1. These results are important to control the structure of graphene films and have the potential applications of graphene in various nanodevices.


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Tunable synthesis of bimetallic AuxAg1-x alloyed nanoparticles and in situ monitoring of their plasmonic responses is presented. This is a new conceptual approach based on green and energy efficient, reactive, and highly-non-equilibrium microplasma chemistry.


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Phase-selective synthesis of copper oxide nanowires is warranted by several applications, yet it remains challenging because of the narrow windows of the suitable temperature and precursor gas composition in thermal processes. Here, we report on the room-temperature synthesis of small-diameter, large-area, uniform, and phase-pure Cu2O nanowires by exposing copper films to a custom-designed low-pressure, thermally non-equilibrium, high-density (typically, the electron number density is in the range of 10 11-1013cm-3) inductively coupled plasmas. The mechanism of the plasma-enabled phase selectivity is proposed. The gas sensors based on the synthesized Cu2O nanowires feature fast response and recovery for the low-temperature (∼140°C) detection of methane gas in comparison with polycrystalline Cu2O thin film-based gas sensors. Specifically, at a methane concentration of 4%, the response and the recovery times of the Cu2O nanowire-based gas sensors are 125 and 147s, respectively. The Cu2O nanowire-based gas sensors have a potential for applications in the environmental monitoring, chemical industry, mining industry, and several other emerging areas.


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We report on the chemical synthesis of the arrays of silicon oxide nanodots and their self-organization on the surface via physical processes triggered by surface charges. The method based on chemically active oxygen plasma leads to the rearrangement of nanostructures and eventually to the formation of groups of nanodots. This behavior is explained in terms of the effect of electric field on the kinetics of surface processes. The direct measurements of the electric charges on the surface demonstrate that the charge correlates with the density and arrangement of nanodots within the array. Extensive numerical simulations support the proposed mechanism and prove a critical role of the electric charges in the self-organization. This simple and environment-friendly self-guided process could be used in the chemical synthesis of large arrays of nanodots on semiconducting surfaces for a variety of applications in catalysis, energy conversion and storage, photochemistry, environmental and biosensing, and several others.


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Carbon nanowalls (CNWs) are self-assembled, free-standing, few-layered graphenenano-structures with large surface area, and thin graphene edges. For their application to nanobiotechnology, the effects of chemisorbed species on surface wettability were investigated. The surfaces of as-grown CNWs obtained using CH4/H2 mixture were hydrophilic. After Ar atmospheric pressure plasma treatments for up to 30 s, the contact angles of water droplets on the CNWs decreased from 51° to 5°, owing to a result of oxidation only at edges and surface defects. They increased up to 147° by CF4 plasma treatment at low pressure. The wide-range control of surface wettability of CNWs was realized by post-growth plasma treatments. We also demonstrated detection of bovine serum albumin using surface-modified CNWs as electrodes.