992 resultados para chemical analysis


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Phytochemical exploration of a wood bark extract from Durio zibethinus afforded two new triterpenoids, namely, methyl 27-O-trans-caffeoylcylicodiscate (1) and methyl 27-O-cis-caffeoylcylicodiscate (2), a new phenolic, 1,2-diarylpropane-3- ol (3), and seven known compounds, fraxidin, eucryphin, boehmenan, threo-carolignan E, (-)-(3R, 4S)-4-hydroxymellein, methyl protocatechuate, and (+)-(R)-de-O-methyllasiodiplodin (4). In addition, chemical analysis of a wood bark extract from Durio kutejensis yielded the new triterpenes 3 beta-O-trans-caffeoyl-2R-hydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid (5) and 3 beta-trans-caffeoyl-2R-hydroxytaraxest-12-en-28-oic acid (6) together with four known compounds, maslinic acid, arjunolic acid, 2,6-dimethoxy-p-benzoquinone, and fraxidin. The structures of all compounds were determined on the basis of spectroscopic data.


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A number of commercial Al-Sr master alloys of differing Sr content and product form have been added to Al-7Si-0.5Mg casting alloy melts and held at constant temperature for periods up to 7 hours following the addition. The master alloys were added to achieve a specific Sr target level of 200 ppm, and the melts were held at various temperatures (most at 710ºC, but also 670, 690, 740 and 770ºC). A total of thirty six melt trials were conducted and during each trial chill-cast disc samples were taken throughout for subsequent chemical analysis. The Sr concentration versus time data of each trial has been considered in terms of Sr dissolution/recovery behaviour, as well as Sr loss/fade. Trends in the data are identified and discussed, and implications for industrial practices are suggested.


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Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) is a dioecius perennial plant. The cultivation is specific for female plants, used mainly for brewing and pharmacology. Female inflorescence, known as cone or strobili, contains bitter acids, essential oil and polyphenols. Commercial hop cultivation provides better results in regions between 45 and 55 degrees north or south in latitude, an area that also includes the northern part of Italy, where hop is endemic. Despite several studies have been conducted on the characterization of wild hops biodiversity in the U.S.A. and Europe, a lack in literature concerning the description of Italian wild hops genetic variability is still present. The increasing request of hop varieties improved in important traits, like diseases, resistance and valuable aroma profile, is bringing the hop industry. Moreover, Italian agricultural sector needs new impulse to be competitive in the market. In this view, Italian wild hop biodiversity is a resource, useful for the obtaining of Italian hop varieties, characterized by peculiar aromatic traits and more adaptable to Mediterranean climate, making their cultivation more sustainable. Based on this consideration, the present Ph.D. thesis deals with the evaluation of the Italian hop biodiversity, through the characterization of the wild samples under different point of view. The project started with the recovery of wild hop samples in different areas of north of Italy to consitue a collection field, where 11 commercial cultivars of US and European origin were grown, to have a complete vision of the hop panorama. Ph.D. project followed different research lines, the results of each one contributed to completly characterize the northern Italian hop wild biodiversity: • the morphological description showed a high phenological variability (Study 1); • the genetic characterization confirmed the rich biodiversity of the Italian population and showed a significant genetic distance between Italian genotypes and the commercial cultivars, taken in consideration (Study 2); • the need of an early sex discrimination method leads to an improvement of a genetic marker, developing a more efficient marker (Study 3); • a complete morphologic, genetic and chemical analysis of plants gave results to select the most promising genotypes (Study 4); • the comparison between the performance of wild hops and commercial cultivars in the same collection field indicated that some wild genotypes had a higher environment adaptability (Study 5); • the evaluation of the terroir, obtained comparing commercial cultivars in the collection field and the same genotypes purchased in the market, showed the influence of the northern Italian environment on the aromatic profile (Study 5); • a new analytical method for the revelation of bioactive metabolites and a simple extraction procedure were developed (Study 6). In conclusion, the Ph.D. thesis, contains the first characterization of Italian wild hop, made under field condition. The present study: i) permits to obtain a complete and significative description of the genotypes; ii) allows the identification of the most promising wild Italian genotypes; iii) allows the identification of commercial cultivars more adaptable the northern Italian climate.


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The increasing demand for high capacity data storage requires decreasing the head-to-tape gap and reducing the track width. A problem very often encountered is the development of adhesive debris on the heads at low humidity and high temperatures that can lead to an increase of space between the head and media, and thus a decrease in the playback signal. The influence of stains on the playback signal of reading heads is studied using RAW (Read After Write) tests and their influence on the wear of the heads by using indentation technique. The playback signal has been found to vary and the errors to increase as stains form a patchy pattern and grow in size to form a continuous layer. The indentation technique shows that stains reduce the wear rate of the heads. In addition, the wear tends to be more pronounced at the leading edge of the head compared to the trailing one. Chemical analysis of the stains using ferrite samples in conjunction with MP (metal particulate) tapes shows that stains contain iron particles and polymeric binder transferred from the MP tape. The chemical anchors in the binder used to grip the iron particles now react with the ferrite surface to create strong chemical bonds. At high humidity, a thin layer of iron oxyhydroxide forms on the surface of the ferrite. This soft material increases the wear rate and so reduces the amount of stain present on the heads. The stability of the binder under high humidity and under high temperature as well as the chemical reactions that might occur on the ferrite poles of the heads influences the dynamic behaviour of stains. A model of stain formation taking into account the channels of binder degradation and evolution upon different environmental conditions is proposed.


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The suitability of a new plastic supporting medium for biofiltration was tested over a three year period. Tests were carried out on the stability, surface properties, mechanical strength, and dimensions of the medium. There was no evidence to suggest that the medium was deficient in any of these respects. The specific surface (320m2m-3) and the voidage (94%) of the new medium are unlike any other used in bio-filtration and a pilot plant containing two filters was built to observe its effects on ecology and performance. Performance was estimated by chemical analysis and ecology studied by film examination and fauna counts. A system of removable sampling baskets was designed to enable samples to be obtained from two intermediate depths of filter. One of the major operating problems of percolating filters is excessive accumulation of film. The amount of film is influenced by hydraulic and organic load and each filter was run at a different loading. One was operated at 1.2m3m-3day-1 (DOD load 0.24kgm-3day-1) judged at the time to be the lowest filtration rate to offer advantages over conventional media. The other filter was operated at more than twice this loading (2.4m3m-3day-lBOD load 0.55kgm-3day-1) giving a roughly 2.5x and 6x the conventional loadings recommended for a Royal Commission effluent. The amount of film in each filter was normally low (0.05-3kgm(3 as volatile solids) and did not affect efficiency. The evidence collected during the study indicated that the ecology of the filters was normal when compared with the data obtained from the literature relating to filters with mineral media. There were indications that full ecological stability was yet to be reached and this was affecting the efficiency of the filters. The lower rate filter produced an average 87% BOD removal giving a consistent Royal Commission effluent during the summer months. The higher rate filter produced a mean 83% BOD removal but at no stage a consistent Royal Commission effluent. From the data on ecology and performance the filters resembled conventional filters rather than high rate filters.


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The coagulase-negative staphylococci are the most frequent cause of sepsis associated with indwelling intravascular catheters. Current microbiological investigations to support the diagnosis of catheter-related sepsis (CRS) include the culture of blood and catheter tips, however positive results may reflect specimen contamination, or colonisation of the catheter rather than true sepsis. Previous serological approaches to assist in the diagnosis of CRS based on cellular staphylococcal antigens have been of limited value. In this current study, the serodiagnostic potential of an exocellular antigen produced by 7 strains of coagulase-negative staphylococci cultured in brain heart infusion broth was investigated. Antigenic material isolated by gel permeation from liquid culture was characterised by immunological techniques and chemical analysis. Characterisation of the exocellular antigen revealed a novel glycerophosphoglycolipid, termed lipid S. which shared antigenic determinants with lipoteichoic acid, but differed by comprising a glycerophosphate chain length of only 6 units. In addition, lipid S was immunologically distinct from diphosphatidyl glycerol, a constituent cell membrane phospho lipid. An indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on lipid S was subsequently developed and used to determine serum antibody levels (IgM and IgG) in 67 patients with CRS due to staphylococci, and 67 patients with a central venous catheter (CVC) in situ who exhibited no evidence of sepsis. The sensitivity and specificity of the lipid S IgG ELISA was 75% and 90% respectively whilst the IgM assay had sensitivity and specificity of 52% and 85%. The addition of GullSORereagent to the EL1SA procedure to remove competing serum IgG and rheumatoid factor did not significantly improve the performance of the IgM assay. The serological response in serial serum samples of 13 patients with CRS due to staphylococci was investigated. Elevated levels of antibody were detected at an early stage of infection, prior to the isolation of microorganisms by standard culture methods, and before the clinical presentation of sepsis in 3 patients. The lipid S ELISA was later optimised and a rapid 4-hour assay developed for the serodiagnosis of CRS. Serum IgG levels were determined in 40 patients with CRS due to staphylococci and 40 patients with a CVC in situ who exhibited no evidence of sepsis. The sensitivity and specificity of the rapid IgG assay was 70% and 100% respectively. Elevated serum antibody levels in patients with endocarditis, prosthetic joint infection and pyogenic spondylodiscitis due to Gram-positive cocci were also detected with the lipid S ELISA suggesting that the assay may facilitate the diagnosis of these infections. Unexpected increased levels of anti-lipid S IgG in 31% of control patients with sciatica suggested a possible microbial aetiology of this condition. Further investigation of some of these patients by culture of microdiscectomy tissue removed at operation, revealed the presence of low-virulent microorganisms in 37% of patients of which Propionibacterium aeries accounted for 85% of the positive culture isolates. The results suggested a previously unrecognised association between P. acnes and sciatica, which may have implications for the future management of the condition.


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A clinical isolate of Proteus mirabilis containing R-plasmid RP1 (R+ cells), grown in both iron- and carbon- limited chemically defined media in mixed culture with plasmid-free (R- cells), did not disappear as expected, due to adherence of R+ cells to the wall of the chemostat vessel. Plasmid RP1 promoted adherence to glass and to medical prostheses. The hydrophobicity and surface charge of R+ cells were different from those of R- cells and both factors may contribute to the adherence of R+ cells to surfaces. The mode of cultivation of the cells, whether batch or continuous culture, were also found to affect the result. Antibodies raised against homologous cells increased the surface hydrophobicity of both R+ and R- cells and eliminated the differences between them. Results for surface hydrophobicity varied with the method used for measuring it. R+ cells were more sensitive than R- cells to tbe bacteridical action of normal serum and whole blood and to phagocytosis as measured by chemiluminescence. No clear differences were revealed in the protein antigens of R+ and R- cells by both SDS PAGE gels and immunoblots reacted with homologous antibodies. However, lectins revealed differences in the sugars exposed on the cell surfaces. Chemical analysis of R&43 and R- cells also revealed differences in the content of 2-keto-3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonate, lipopolysaccharide and total fatty acids, when cells were grown in media containing added iron; however, no qualitative differences in the lipopolysaccharide were found. Removal of iron from the medium was found to have considerable effects on the chemical structure of R+ cells but not of R- ones. Adhesion to prostheses and to leucocytes is discussed in the light of the results and the clinical relevance outlined with respect to the initiation of infection and the association of virulence with antibiotic resistance.


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The hygroscopic growth of aerosols is an important factor effecting particle size. The consequence of the hygroscopic growth of pharrnaceutical aerosols is a change in their deposition characteristics, such that there is an increase in the total amount deposited in the lung. In this study the hygroscopic growth of disodium fluorescein (DF) aerosol powders was investigated by coating the powders with lauric and capric acids. The coating procedure was carried out in dichloromethane and chloroform, which acted as cosolvents for the fatty acids. An assessment of the extent and the nature of the coating was carried out. The qualitative assessment of the coating was achieved by infra-red spectroscopy, electronscanning chemical analysis and scanning electron microscopy. The quantitative analysis was carried out by differential refractometry, ultra-violet spectroscopy and gas liquid chromatography. These powders were generated under conditions approaching those in the lung, of 97 % relative humidity and 37"C. Coated and uncoated DF aerosol powders were introduced into a controlled temperature and relative humidity apparatus, designed and constructed for the investigation of hygroscopic growth in these studies. A vertical spinning disc device was used to generate the powders. Under conditions of controlled temperature and relative humidity mentioned, the growth ratio of disodium fluorescein alone was 1.45 compared with 1.68, for a nominal coating of DF with lauric acid of 0.12 gg-1, 1.0 for a nominal lauric acid coating of 0.2 gg-1, and 1.02 for a nominal capric acid coating of 0.18 gg-1. The range of control of hygroscopic growth of these aerosols has implications for the deposition of these preparations in the respiratory tract. These implications are discussed in the light of the current knowledge of the effects of hygroscopic growth on the deposition of pharmaceutical and environmental aerosols. A series of experiments in which pulmonary ventilation using a simple radioaerosol generator and delivery system are reported showing that particle size determination may be used to aid the design of diagnostic aerosol generators.


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Following a scene-setting introduction are detailed reviews of the relevant scientific principles, thermal analysis as a research tool and the development of the zinc-aluminium family of alloys. A recently introduced simultaneous thermal analyser, the STA 1500, its use for differential thermal analysis (DTA) being central to the investigation, is described, together with the sources of support information, chemical analysis, scanning electron microscopy, ingot cooling curves and fluidity spiral castings. The compositions of alloys tested were from the binary zinc-aluminium system, the ternary zinc-aluminium-silicon system at 30%, 50% and 70% aluminium levels, binary and ternary alloys with additions of copper and magnesium to simulate commercial alloys and five widely used commercial alloys. Each alloy was shotted to provide the smaller, 100mg, representative sample required for DTA. The STA 1500 was characterised and calibrated with commercially pure zinc, and an experimental procedure established for the determination of DTA heating curves at 10°C per minute and cooling curves at 2°C per minute. Phase change temperatures were taken from DTA traces, most importantly, liquidus from a cooling curve and solidus from both heating and cooling curves. The accepted zinc-aluminium binary phase diagram was endorsed with the added detail that the eutectic is at 5.2% aluminium rather than 5.0%. The ternary eutectic trough was found to run through the points, 70% Al, 7.1% Si, 545°C; 50% Al, 3.9% Si, 520°C; 30% Al, 1.4% Si, 482°C. The dendrite arm spacing in samples after DTA increased with increasing aluminium content from 130m at 30% to 220m at 70%. The smallest dendrite arm spacing of 60m was in the 30% aluminium 2% silicon alloy. A 1kg ingot of the 10% aluminium binary alloy, insulated with Kaowool, solidified at the same 2°C per minute rate as the DTA samples. A similar sized sand casting was solidified at 3°C per minute and a chill casting at 27°C per minute. During metallographic examination the following features were observed: heavily cored phase which decomposed into ' and '' on cooling; needles of the intermetallic phase FeAl4; copper containing ternary eutectic and copper rich T phase.


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Previously, specifications for mechanical properties of casting alloys were based on separately cast test bars. This practice provided consistently reproducible results; thus, any change in conditions was reflected in changes in the mechanical properties of the test coupons. These test specimens, however, did not necessarily reflect the actual mechanical properties of the castings they were supposed to represent'. Factors such as section thickness and casting configuration affect the solidification rate and soundness of the casting thereby raising or lowering its mechanical properties in comparison with separately cast test specimens. In the work now reported, casting shapes were developed to investigate the variations of section thickness, chemical analysis and heat treatment on the mechanical properties of a high strength Aluminium alloy under varying chilling conditions. In addition, an insight was sought into the behaviour of chills under more practical conditions. Finally, it was demonstrated that additional information could be derived from the radiographs which form an essential part of the quality control of premium quality castings. As a result of the work, it is now possible to select analysis and chilling conditions to optimize the as cast and the heat treated mechanical properties of Aluminum 7% Silicon 0.3% Magnesium alloy.


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The surface composition of food powders created from spray drying solutions containing various ratios of sodium caseinate, maltodextrin and soya oil have been analysed by Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis. The results show significant enrichment of oil at the surface of particles compared to the bulk phase, and (when the non-oil components only are considered), a significant surface enrichment of sodium caseinate also. The study found evidence of high levels (80%) of surface fat even on particles of food industry grade (92.5%) sodium caseinate containing only 1% fat.


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Abstract The surface compositions of food powders created from spray drying solutions containing various ratios of sodium caseinate, maltodextrin and soya oil have been analysed by Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis. The results show significant enrichment of oil at the surface of particles compared to the bulk phase and, when the non-oil components only are considered, a significant surface enrichment of sodium caseinate also. The degree of surface enrichment of both oil and sodium caseinate was found to increase with decreasing bulk levels of the respective components. Surface enrichment of oil was also affected by processing conditions (emulsion drop size and drying temperature), but surface enrichment of sodium caseinate was relatively insensitive to these. The presence of "pock marks" on the particle surfaces strongly suggests that the surface oil was caused by rupturing of emulsion droplets at the surface as the surrounding matrix contracts and hardens. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Airborne particulate matter (PM) is of environmental concern not only in urban but also rural areas that are easily inhalable and have been considered responsible, together with gaseous pollutants, for possible health effects. The objectives of this research study is to generate an extensive data set for ambient PM collected at Belle Glade and Delray Beach that ultimately was used together with published source profiles to predict the contributions of major sources to the overall airborne particle burden in Belle Glade and Delray Beach. ^ The size segregated particle sampling was conducted for one entire year. The samples collected during the months of January and May were further subjected to chemical analysis for organic compounds by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Additional, PM10 sampling was conducted simultaneously with size segregated particle sampling during January and May to analyze for trace elements using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis technique. Elements and organic marker compounds were used in Chemical Mass Balance modeling to determine the major source contribution to the ambient fine particle matter burden. ^ Size segregated particle distribution results show bimodal in both sampling sites. Sugarcane pre-harvest burning in the rural site elevated PM10 concentration by about 30% during the sugarcane harvest season compared to sugarcane growing season. Sea salt particles and Saharan dust particles accounted for the external sources. ^ The results of trace element analysis show that Al, Ca, Cs, Eu, Lu, Nd, Sc, Sm, Th, and Yb are more abundant at the rural sampling site. The trace elements Ba, Br, Ce, Cl, Cr, Fe, Gd, Hf, Na, Sb, Ta, V, and W show high abundance at the urban site due to anthropogenic activities except for Na and Cl, which are from sea salt spray. On the other hand, size segregated trace organic compounds measurements show that organic compounds mainly from combustion process were accumulated in PM0.95. ^ In conclusion, major particle sources were determined by the CMB8.2 software as follows: road dust, sugarcane leaf burning, diesel-powered and gasoline powered vehicle exhaust, leaf surface abrasion particles, and a very small fraction of meat cooking. ^


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Stimulus encouraging the production and consumption of biodiesel favors the policy of pre-serving the environment, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas reducing climate change. The current trend of research in this field focuses on improving these processes with the use of heterogeneous catalysts, seeing has significant advantages such as: low contamination of products, ease of separation of the catalyst from the reaction medium, possibili-ty of reuse of the catalyst, decreased corrosion problems. The objective of this research was to optimize the synthesis of AlSBA-15 for the production of biodiesel through transesterification process via ethyl route. For the optimization of hydrothermal synthesis of type AlSBA-15 catalyst has assembled a 23 factorial experimental matrix with eleven trials. The stoichiometric amounts of starting materials were varied according to different ratios Si / Al which is a factor in the experimental design, in addition to the time and temperature of aging of the synthesis gel. The material showed the best results of characterization (SBET = 591.7 (m2 / g), Vp = 0.83 (cm3 / g), Dp = 5.59 (nm), w = 6.48 (nm) was synthesized at 100 ° C for 24 hours, with a ratio Si / Al = 10.This material was applied as a heterogeneous catalyst in the reaction of ethyl transesterification as raw coconut oil in natura. Coconut oil presented suitable for obtaining biodiesel via ethyl route.The visual aspects and physical-chemical characteristics of the reaction products show that AlSBA-15 catalyst favored the reaction. According to physical-chemical analysis the order of oxidative stability of the product of the transesterification reaction was: catalytic reaction at 1500 ° C> non-catalytic reaction at 100 ° C> 100 ° C catalytic> catalytic reaction at 200 ° C Reaction. The results of oxidative stability and kinematic viscosity shows that the biodiesel produced in the catalytic sandblasting held at 150 ° C which was maintained within the ABNT NBR 7148, ABNT NBR 10441 and EN 14112.


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Chitin is the second most abundant polysaccharide in nature and its derivative chitosan has been widely studied due to its unique chemical and pharmacological properties. However, studies show that when this molecule is used as food, drug, etc. it tends to accumulate in renal tissue and promotes an increase in calcium excretion. Nevertheless, the effect of chitosan on the formation of calcium oxalate (OxCa) crystals has never been evaluated. The formation of kidney stones (urolithiasis) is the disease that most often affects the kidneys and the urinary system. In addition, this is a disease with high prevalence and recurrence. Many molecules with antioxidant activity have been shown to decrease the potential for in vitro OxCa crystals formation. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of low molecular weight chitosan and its derivatives conjugated to gallic acid (AG) as antioxidant and inhibitor of OxCa crystals formation. The physico-chemical analysis confirmed the identity of chitosan. This molecule was subjected to five antioxidant tests and showed an excellent copper chelating activity. However, chitosan did not show other significant antioxidant activity. When chitosan was subjected to in vitro crystal formation tests, it increased the number of OxCa monohydrate crystals, modified the morphology of the crystals, modified the proportions between populations of crystals in solution and increased the zeta potential of these crystals formed. Four molecules of chitosan conjugated with GA were obtained. The physico-chemical analysis confirmed that chitosan and AG were covalently bonded. However, the amount of GA liked to chitosan did not increase even when 10 times more GA was used in experiment. When these derivatives were subjected to antioxidant tests, all chitosan conjugates showed higher antioxidant potential than their precursors. However, they showed different activity between them, which indicating that the position where AG is conjugated is an important factor for chitosan-GA activity. When conjugated chitosans were submitted to in vitro crystal formation tests, a reduction in the crystals number was observed when compared with those formed in the presence of unconjugated chitosan. Chitosan has a strong capacity for inducing OxCa monohydrate crystal formation, as well as modify their morphology and zeta potential. Over all, the process of conjugating AG to chitosan led to an increase in antioxidant potential of this molecule and was also able to decrease its capacity of inducing in vitro crystal formation