971 resultados para charge-transfer complex


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The work described in this thesis is concerned with mechanisms of contact lens lubrication. There are three major driving forces in contact lens design and development; cost, convenience, and comfort. Lubrication, as reflected in the coefficient of friction, is becoming recognised as one of the major factors affecting the comfort of the current generation of contact lenses, which have benefited from several decades of design and production improvements. This work started with the study of the in-eye release of soluble macromolecules from a contact lens matrix. The vehicle for the study was the family of CIBA Vision Focus® DAILIES® daily disposable contact lenses which is based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The effective release of linear soluble PVA from DAILIES on the surface of the lens was shown to be beneficial in terms of patient comfort. There was a need to develop a novel characterisation technique in order to study these effects at surfaces; this led to the study of a novel tribological technique, which allowed the friction coefficients of different types of contact lenses to be measured reproducibly at genuinely low values. The tribometer needed the ability to accommodate the following features: (a) an approximation to eye lid load, (b) both new and ex-vivo lenses, (c) variations in substrate, (d) different ocular lubricants (including tears). The tribometer and measuring technique developed in this way was used to examine the surface friction and lubrication mechanisms of two different types of contact lenses: daily disposables and silicone hydrogels. The results from the tribometer in terms of both mean friction coefficient and the friction profiles obtained allowed various mechanisms used for surface enhancement now seen in the daily disposable contact lens sector to be evaluated. The three major methods used are: release of soluble macromolecules (such as PVA) from the lens matrix, irreversible surface binding of a macromolecule (such as polyvinyl pyrrolidone) by charge transfer and the simple polymer adsorption (e.g. Pluoronic) at the lens surface. The tribological technique was also used to examine the trends in the development of silicone hydrogel contact lenses. The focus of the principles in the design of silicone hydrogels has now shifted from oxygen permeability, to the improvement of surface properties. Presently, tribological studies reflect the most effective in vitro method of surface evaluation in relation to the in-eye comfort.


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We present an ESR study at excitation frequencies of 9.4 GHz and 222.4 GHz of powders and single crystals of a Prussian Blue analogue (PBA), RbMn[Fe(CN)6]*H2O in which Fe and Mn undergoes a charge transfer transition between 175 and 300 K. The ESR of PBA powders, also reported by Pregelj et al. (JMMM, 316, E680 (2007)) is assigned to cubic magnetic clusters of Mn2+ ions surrounding Fe(CN)6 vacancies. The clusters are well isolated from the bulk and are superparamagnetic below 50 K. In single crystals various defects with lower symmetry are also observed. Spin-lattice relaxation broadens the bulk ESR beyond observability. This strong spin relaxation is unexpected above the charge transfer transition and is attributed to a mixing of the Mn3+ - Fe2+ state into the prevalent Mn2+ - Fe3+ state.


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Baths containing sulphuric acid as catalyst and others with selected secondary catalysts (methane sulphonic acid - MSA, SeO2, a KBrO3/KIO3 mixture, indium, uranium and commercial high speed catalysts (HEEF-25 and HEEF-405)) were studied. The secondary catalysts influenced CCE, brightness and cracking. Chromium deposition mechanisms were studied in Part II using potentiostatic and potentiodynamic electroanalytical techniques under stationary and hydrodynamic conditions. Sulphuric acid as a primary catalyst and MSA, HEEF-25, HEEF-405 and sulphosalycilic acid as co-catalysts were explored for different rotation, speeds and scan rates. Maximum current was resolved into diffusion and kinetically limited components, and a contribution towards understanding the electrochemical mechanism is proposed. Reaction kinetics were further studied for H2SO4, MSA and methane disulphonic acid catalysed systems and their influence on reaction mechanisms elaborated. Charge transfer coefficient and electrochemical reaction rate orders for the first stage of the electrodeposition process were determined. A contribution was made toward understanding of H2SO4 and MSA influence on the evolution rate of hydrogen. Anodic dissolution of chromium in the chromic acid solution was studied with a number of techniques. An electrochemical dissolution mechanism is proposed, based on the results of rotating gold ring disc experiments and scanning electron microscopy. Finally, significant increases in chromium electrodeposition rates under non-stationary conditions (PRC mode) were studied and a deposition mechanisms is elaborated based on experimental data and theoretical considerations.


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Many Prussian Blue Analogues are known to show a thermally induced phase transition close to room temperature and a reversible, photo-induced phase transition at low temperatures. This work reports on magnetic measurements, X-ray photoemission and Raman spectroscopy on a particular class of these molecular heterobimetallic systems, specifically on Rb0.81Mn[Fe(CN)6]0.95_1.24H2O, Rb0.97Mn[Fe(CN)6]0.98_1.03H2O and Rb0.70Cu0.22Mn0.78[Fe(CN)6]0.86_2.05H2O, to investigate these transition phenomena both in the bulk of the material and at the sample surface. Results indicate a high degree of charge transfer in the bulk, while a substantially reduced conversion is found at the sample surface, even in case of a near perfect (Rb:Mn:Fe=1:1:1) stoichiometry. Thus, the intrinsic incompleteness of the charge transfer transition in these materials is found to be primarily due to surface reconstruction. Substitution of a large fraction of charge transfer active Mn ions by charge transfer inactive Cu ions leads to a proportional conversion reduction with respect to the maximum conversion that is still stoichiometrically possible and shows the charge transfer capability of metal centers to be quite robust upon inclusion of a neighboring impurity. Additionally, a 532 nm photo-induced metastable state, reminiscent of the high temperature Fe(III)Mn(II) ground state, is found at temperatures 50-100 K. The efficiency of photo-excitation to the metastable state is found to be maximized around 90 K. The photo-induced state is observed to relax to the low temperature Fe(II)Mn(III) ground state at a temperature of approximately 123 K.


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A feasibility of formation of donor-acceptor charge-transfer (CT) complexes between melanin and 2,4,7-trinitrofluorenone (TNF) being good electron acceptor has been studied in solutions by means of the absorption and photoluminescence (PL) spectra. The model of electronic transitions in a melanin-TNF composite solution has been proposed. © 2014 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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Developing novel heterojunction photocatalysts is a powerful strategy for improving the separation efficiency of photogenerated charge carriers, which is attracting the intense research interest in photocatalysis. Herein we report a highly efficient hetero/nanojunction consisting of Ag2CO3 nanoparticles grown on layered g-C3N4 nanosheets synthesized via a facile and template free in situ precipitation method. The UV–vis diffuse reflectance studies revealed that the synthesized Ag2CO3/g-C3N4 hetero/nanojunctions exhibit a broader and stronger light absorption in the visible light region, which is highly beneficial for absorbing the visible light in the solar spectrum. The optimum photocatalytic activity of Ag2CO3/g-C3N4 at a weight content of 10% Ag2CO3 for the degradation of Rhodamine B was almost 5.5 and 4 times as high as that of the pure Ag2CO3 and g-C3N4, respectively. The enhanced photocatalytic activity of the Ag2CO3/g-C3N4 hetero/nanojunctions is due to synergistic effects including the strong visible light absorption, large specific surface area, and high charge transfer and separation efficiency. More importantly, the high photostability and low use of the noble metal silver which reduces the cost of the material. Therefore, the synthesized Ag2CO3/g-C3N4 hetero/nanojunction photocatalyst is a promising candidate for energy storage and environment protection applications.


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The influence of low vacuum on quasistatic current-voltage (I–V) dependences and the impact of wet air pulse on dynamic bipolar I-V-loops and unipolar I-V-curves of fungal melanin thin layers have been studied for the first time. The threshold hysteresis voltages of I–V dependences are near to the standard electrode potentials of anodic water decomposition. Short wet air pulse impact leads to sharp increase of the current and appearance of “hump”-like and “knee”-like features of I-V-loops and I-V-curves, respectively. By treatment of I-V-loop allowing for I-V-curve shape the maxima of displacement current are revealed. The peculiarities of I-V-characteristics were modelled by series-parallel RC-circuit with Zener diodes as nonlinear elements. As a reason of appearance of temporal polar media with reversible ferroelectric-like polarization and ionic space charge transfer is considered the water-assisted dissociation of some ionic groups of melanin monomers that significantly influences electrophysical parameters of melanin nanostructures.


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Herein, we demonstrate the synthesis of highly efficient Fe-doped graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) nanosheets via a facile and cost effective method. The synthesized Fe-doped g-C3N4 nanosheets were well characterized by various analytical techniques. The results revealed that the Fe exists mainly in the +3 oxidation state in the Fe-doped g-C3N4 nanosheets. Fe doping of g-C3N4 nanosheets has a great influence on the electronic and optical properties. The diffuse reflectance spectra of Fe-doped g-C3N4 nanosheets exhibit red shift and increased absorption in the visible light range, which is highly beneficial for absorbing the visible light in the solar spectrum. More significantly, the Fe-doped g-C3N4 nanosheets exhibit greatly enhanced photocatalytic activity for the degradation of Rhodamine B under sunlight irradiation. The photocatalytic activity of 2 mol% Fe-doped g-C3N4 nanosheets is almost 7 times higher than that of bulk g-C3N4 and 4.5 times higher than that of pure g-C3N4 nanosheets. A proposed mechanism for the enhanced photocatalytic activity of Fe-doped g-C3N4 nanosheets was investigated by trapping experiments. The synthesized photocatalysts are highly stable even after five successive experimental runs. The enhanced photocatalytic performance of Fe-doped g-C3N4 nanosheets is due to high visible light response, large surface area, high charge separation and charge transfer. Therefore, the Fe-doped g-C3N4 photocatalyst is a promising candidate for energy conversion and environmental remediation.


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Group VI metal hexacarbonyls, M(CO)6 (M = Cr, Mo and W), are of extreme importance as catalysts in industry and also of fundamental interest due to the established charge transfer mechanism between the carbon monoxide and the metal. They condense to molecular solids at ambient conditions retaining the octahedral (Oh) symmetry of gas phase and have been extensively investigated by previous workers to understand their fundamental chemical bonding and possible industrial applications. However little is known about their behavior at high pressures which is the focus of this dissertation. Metal hexacarbonyls were subjected to high pressures in Diamond-Anvil cells to understand the pressure effect on chemical bonding using Raman scattering in situ. The high-pressure results on each of the three metal hexacarbonyls are presented and are followed by a critical analysis of the entire family. The Raman study was conducted at pressures up to 45 GPa and X-ray up to 58 GPa. This is followed by a discussion on infra red spectra in conjunction with Raman and X-ray analysis to provide a rationale for polymerization. Finally the probable synthesis of extremely reactive species under high-pressures and as identified via Raman is discussed. The high-pressure Raman scattering, up to 30 GPa, demonstrated the absence of Π-backbonding. The disappearance of parental Raman spectra for (M = Cr, Mo and W) at 29.6, 23.3 and 22.2 GPa respectively was attributed to the total collapse of the Oh symmetry. This collapse under high-pressure lead to metal-mediated polymeric phase characterized by Raman active δ(OCO) feature, originating from intermolecular vibrational coupling in the parent sample. Further increase in pressures up to 45 GPa, did not affect this feature. The pressure quenched Raman spectra, revealed various chemical groups non-characteristic of the parent sample and adsorption of CO in addition to the characteristic δ(OCO) feature. The thus recorded Raman, complemented with the far and mid-infrared pressure quenched spectra, reveal the formation of novel metal-mediated polymers. The X-ray diffraction on W(CO)6 up to 58 GPa revealed the generation of amorphous polymeric pattern which was retained back to ambient conditions.


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In the current age of fast-depleting conventional energy sources, top priority is given to exploring non-conventional energy sources, designing highly efficient energy storage systems and converting existing machines/instruments/devices into energy-efficient ones. ‘Energy efficiency’ is one of the important challenges for today’s scientific and research community, worldwide. In line with this demand, the current research was focused on developing two highly energy-efficient devices – field emitters and Li-ion batteries, using beneficial properties of carbon nanotubes (CNT). Interface-engineered, directly grown CNTs were used as cathode in field emitters, while similar structure was applied as anode in Li-ion batteries. Interface engineering was found to offer minimum resistance to electron flow and strong bonding with the substrate. Both field emitters and Li-ion battery anodes were benefitted from these advantages, demonstrating high energy efficiency. Field emitter, developed during this research, could be characterized by low turn-on field, high emission current, very high field enhancement factor and extremely good stability during long-run. Further, application of 3-dimensional design to these field emitters resulted in achieving one of the highest emission current densities reported so far. The 3-D field emitter registered 27 times increase in current density, as compared to their 2-D counterparts. These achievements were further followed by adding new functionalities, transparency and flexibility, to field emitters, keeping in view of current demand for flexible displays. A CNT-graphene hybrid structure showed appreciable emission, along with very good transparency and flexibility. Li-ion battery anodes, prepared using the interface-engineered CNTs, have offered 140% increment in capacity, as compared to conventional graphite anodes. Further, it has shown very good rate capability and an exceptional ‘zero capacity degradation’ during long cycle operation. Enhanced safety and charge transfer mechanism of this novel anode structure could be explained from structural characterization. In an attempt to progress further, CNTs were coated with ultrathin alumina by atomic layer deposition technique. These alumina-coated CNT anodes offered much higher capacity and an exceptional rate capability, with very low capacity degradation in higher current densities. These highly energy efficient CNT based anodes are expected to enhance capacities of future Li-ion batteries.


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Synthesis and functionalization of large-area graphene and its structural, electrical and electrochemical properties has been investigated. First, the graphene films, grown by thermal chemical vapor deposition (CVD), contain three to five atomic layers of graphene, as confirmed by Raman spectroscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Furthermore, the graphene film is treated with CF4 reactive-ion plasma to dope fluorine ions into graphene lattice as confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and UV-photoemission spectroscopy (UPS). Electrochemical characterization reveals that the catalytic activity of graphene for iodine reduction enhanced with increasing plasma treatment time, which is attributed to increase in catalytic sites of graphene for charge transfer. The fluorinated graphene is characterized as a counter-electrode (CE) in a dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) which shows ~ 2.56% photon to electron conversion efficiency with ~11 mAcm−2 current density. Second, the large scale graphene film is covalently functionalized with HNO3 for high efficiency electro-catalytic electrode for DSSC. The XPS and UPS confirm the covalent attachment of C-OH, C(O)OH and NO3- moieties with carbon atoms through sp2-sp3 hybridization and Fermi level shift of graphene occurs under different doping concentrations, respectively. Finally, CoS-implanted graphene (G-CoS) film was prepared using CVD followed by SILAR method. The G-CoS electro-catalytic electrodes are characterized in a DSSC CE and is found to be highly electro-catalytic towards iodine reduction with low charge transfer resistance (Rct ~5.05 Ωcm 2) and high exchange current density (J0~2.50 mAcm -2). The improved performance compared to the pristine graphene is attributed to the increased number of active catalytic sites of G-CoS and highly conducting path of graphene. We also studied the synthesis and characterization of graphene-carbon nanotube (CNT) hybrid film consisting of graphene supported by vertical CNTs on a Si substrate. The hybrid film is inverted and transferred to flexible substrates for its application in flexible electronics, demonstrating a distinguishable variation of electrical conductivity for both tension and compression. Furthermore, both turn-on field and total emission current was found to depend strongly on the bending radius of the film and were found to vary in ranges of 0.8 - 3.1 V/μm and 4.2 - 0.4 mA, respectively.


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We report a mechanism for pore growth and propagation based on a three-step charge transfer model. The study is supported by electron microscopy analysis of highly doped n-InP samples anodised in aqueous KOH. The model and experimental data are used to explain propagation of pores of characteristic diameter preferentially along the <111>A directions. We also show evidence for deviation of pore growth from the <111>A directions and explain why such deviations should occur. The model is self-consistent and predicts how carrier concentration affects the internal dimensions of the porous structures.


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Significant advances in understanding the fundamental photophysical behavior of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have been made possible by the development of ionic, conjugated aryleneethynylene polymers that helically wrap SWNTs with well-defined morphology. My contribution to this work was the design and synthesis of porphyrin-containing polymers and the photophysical investigation of the corresponding polymer-wrapped SWNTs. For these new constructs, the polymer acts as more than just a solubilization scaffold; such assemblies can provide benchmark data for evaluating spectroscopic signatures of energy and charge transfer events and lay the groundwork for further, rational development of polymers with precisely tuned redox properties and electronic coupling with the underlying SWNT. The first design to incorporate a zinc porphyrin into the polymer backbone, PNES-PZn, suffered from severe aggregation in solution and was redesigned to produce the porphyrin-containing polymer S-PBN-PZn. This polymer was utilized to helically wrap chirality-enriched (6,5) SWNTs, which resulted in significant quenching of the porphyrin-based fluorescence. Time-resolved spectroscopy revealed a simultaneous rise and decay of the porphyrin radical cation and SWNT electron polaron spectroscopic signatures indicative of photoinduced electron transfer. A new polymer, S-PBN(b)-Ph2PZn3, was then synthesized which incorporated a meso-ethyne linked zinc porphyrin trimer. By changing the absorption profile and electrochemical redox potentials of the polymer, the photophysical behavior of the corresponding polymer-wrapped (6,5)-SWNTs was dramatically changed, and the polymer-wrapped SWNTs no longer showed evidence for photoinduced electron transfer.


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The realization of an energy future based on safe, clean, sustainable, and economically viable technologies is one of the grand challenges facing modern society. Electrochemical energy technologies underpin the potential success of this effort to divert energy sources away from fossil fuels, whether one considers alternative energy conversion strategies through photoelectrochemical (PEC) production of chemical fuels or fuel cells run with sustainable hydrogen, or energy storage strategies, such as in batteries and supercapacitors. This dissertation builds on recent advances in nanomaterials design, synthesis, and characterization to develop novel electrodes that can electrochemically convert and store energy.

Chapter 2 of this dissertation focuses on refining the properties of TiO2-based PEC water-splitting photoanodes used for the direct electrochemical conversion of solar energy into hydrogen fuel. The approach utilized atomic layer deposition (ALD); a growth process uniquely suited for the conformal and uniform deposition of thin films with angstrom-level thickness precision. ALD’s thickness control enabled a better understanding of how the effects of nitrogen doping via NH3 annealing treatments, used to reduce TiO2’s bandgap, can have a strong dependence on TiO2’s thickness and crystalline quality. In addition, it was found that some of the negative effects on the PEC performance typically associated with N-doped TiO2 could be mitigated if the NH3-annealing was directly preceded by an air-annealing step, especially for ultrathin (i.e., < 10 nm) TiO2 films. ALD was also used to conformally coat an ultraporous conductive fluorine-doped tin oxide nanoparticle (nanoFTO) scaffold with an ultrathin layer of TiO2. The integration of these ultrathin films and the oxide nanoparticles resulted in a heteronanostructure design with excellent PEC water oxidation photocurrents (0.7 mA/cm2 at 0 V vs. Ag/AgCl) and charge transfer efficiency.

In Chapter 3, two innovative nanoarchitectures were engineered in order to enhance the pseudocapacitive energy storage of next generation supercapacitor electrodes. The morphology and quantity of MnO2 electrodeposits was controlled by adjusting the density of graphene foliates on a novel graphenated carbon nanotube (g-CNT) scaffold. This control enabled the nanocomposite supercapacitor electrode to reach a capacitance of 640 F/g, under MnO2 specific mass loading conditions (2.3 mg/cm2) that are higher than previously reported. In the second engineered nanoarchitecture, the electrochemical energy storage properties of a transparent electrode based on a network of solution-processed Cu/Ni cores/shell nanowires (NWs) were activated by electrochemically converting the Ni metal shell into Ni(OH)2. Furthermore, an adjustment of the molar percentage of Ni plated onto the Cu NWs was found to result in a tradeoff between capacitance, transmittance, and stability of the resulting nickel hydroxide-based electrode. The nominal area capacitance and power performance results obtained for this Cu/Ni(OH)2 transparent electrode demonstrates that it has significant potential as a hybrid supercapacitor electrode for integration into cutting edge flexible and transparent electronic devices.


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The accurate description of ground and electronic excited states is an important and challenging topic in quantum chemistry. The pairing matrix fluctuation, as a counterpart of the density fluctuation, is applied to this topic. From the pairing matrix fluctuation, the exact electron correlation energy as well as two electron addition/removal energies can be extracted. Therefore, both ground state and excited states energies can be obtained and they are in principle exact with a complete knowledge of the pairing matrix fluctuation. In practice, considering the exact pairing matrix fluctuation is unknown, we adopt its simple approximation --- the particle-particle random phase approximation (pp-RPA) --- for ground and excited states calculations. The algorithms for accelerating the pp-RPA calculation, including spin separation, spin adaptation, as well as an iterative Davidson method, are developed. For ground states correlation descriptions, the results obtained from pp-RPA are usually comparable to and can be more accurate than those from traditional particle-hole random phase approximation (ph-RPA). For excited states, the pp-RPA is able to describe double, Rydberg, and charge transfer excitations, which are challenging for conventional time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). Although the pp-RPA intrinsically cannot describe those excitations excited from the orbitals below the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), its performances on those single excitations that can be captured are comparable to TDDFT. The pp-RPA for excitation calculation is further applied to challenging diradical problems and is used to unveil the nature of the ground and electronic excited states of higher acenes. The pp-RPA and the corresponding Tamm-Dancoff approximation (pp-TDA) are also applied to conical intersections, an important concept in nonadiabatic dynamics. Their good description of the double-cone feature of conical intersections is in sharp contrast to the failure of TDDFT. All in all, the pairing matrix fluctuation opens up new channel of thinking for quantum chemistry, and the pp-RPA is a promising method in describing ground and electronic excited states.