964 resultados para biomass fuel


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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The decolourisation of acid orange 7 (AO7) (C.I.15510) through co-metabolism in a microbial fuel cell by Shewanella oneidensis strain 14063 was investigated with respect to the kinetics of decolourisation, extent of degradation and toxicity of biotransformation products. Rapid decolourisation of AO7 (>98% within 30 h) was achieved at all tested dye concentrations with concomitant power production. The aromatic amine degradation products were recalcitrant under tested conditions. The first-order kinetic constant of decolourisation (k) decreased from 0.709 ± 0.05 h−1 to 0.05 ± 0.01 h−1 (co-substrate – pyruvate) when the dye concentration was raised from 35 mg l−1 to 350 mg l−1. The use of unrefined co-substrates such as rapeseed cake, corn-steep liquor and molasses also indicated comparable or better AO7 decolourisation kinetic constant values. The fully decolourised solutions indicated increased toxicity as the initial AO7 concentration was increased. This work highlights the possibility of using microbial fuel cells to achieve high kinetic rates of AO7 decolourisation through co-metabolism with concomitant electricity production and could potentially be utilised as the initial step of a two stage anaerobic/aerobic process for azo dye biotreatment.


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Objectives To investigate the contribution of direct electron transfer mechanisms to electricity production in microbial fuel cells by physically retaining Shewanella oneidensis cells close to or away from the anode electrode. Results A maximum power output of 114 ± 6 mWm−2 was obtained when cells were retained close to the anode using a dialysis membrane. This was 3.5 times more than when the cells were separated away from the anode. Without the membrane the maximum power output was 129 ± 6 mWm−2. The direct mechanisms of electron transfer contributed significantly to overall electron transfer from S. oneidensis to electrodes, a result that was corroborated by another experiment where S. oneidensis cells were entrapped in alginate gels. Conclusion S. oneidensis transfers electrons primarily by direct electron transfer as opposed to mediated electron transfer.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança.


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Heavy metal pollution is a matter of concern in industrialised countries. Contrary to organic pollutants, heavy metals are not metabolically degraded. This fact has two main consequences: its bioremediation requires another strategy and heavy metals can be indefinitely recycled. Yeast cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are produced at high amounts as a by-product of brewing industry constituting a cheap raw material. In the present work, the possibility of valorising this type of biomass in the bioremediation of real industrial effluents containing heavy metals is reviewed. Given the autoaggregation capacity (flocculation) of brewing yeast cells, a fast and off-cost yeast separation is achieved after the treatment of metal-laden effluent, which reduces the costs associated with the process. This is a critical issue when we are looking for an effective, eco-friendly, and low-cost technology. The possibility of the bioremediation of industrial effluents linked with the selective recovery of metals, in a strategy of simultaneous minimisation of environmental hazard of industrial wastes with financial benefits from reselling or recycling the metals, is discussed.


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This article evaluates the sustainability and economic potential of microalgae grown in brewery wastewater for biodiesel and biomass production. Three sustainability and two economic indicators were considered in the evaluation within a life cycle perspective. For the production system the most efficient process units were selected. Results show that harvesting and oil separation are the main process bottlenecks. Microalgae with higher lipid content and productivity are desirable for biodiesel production, although comparable to other biofuel’s feedstock concerning sustainability. However, improvements are still needed to reach the performance level of fossil diesel. Profitability reaches a limit for larger cultivation areas, being higher when extracted biomass is sold together with microalgae oil, in which case the influence of lipid content and areal productivity is smaller. The values of oil and/or biomass prices calculated to ensure that the process is economically sound are still very high compared with other fuel options, especially biodiesel.


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This work presents and analyses the fat and fuel properties and the methyl ester profile of biodiesel from animal fats and fish oil (beef tallow, pork lard, chicken fat and sardine oil). Also, their sustainability is evaluated in comparison with rapeseed biodiesel and fossil diesel, currently the dominant liquid fuels for transportation in Europe. Results show that from a technological point of view it is possible to use animal fats and fish oil as feedstock for biodiesel production. From the sustainability perspective, beef tallow biodiesel seems to be the most sustainable one, as its contribution to global warming has the same value of fossil diesel and in terms of energy efficiency it has the best value of the biodiesels under consideration. Although biodiesel is not so energy efficient as fossil diesel there is room to improve it, for example, by replacing the fossil energy used in the process with renewable energy generated using co-products (e.g. straw, biomass cake, glycerine).


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química


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Neste projeto pretende-se utilizar uma fonte energética renovável (nomeadamente a biomassa), no âmbito da produção de água quente para aquecimento central das instalações do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). O objetivo principal remete para a avaliação técnico-económica da substituição das quinze caldeiras existentes, alimentadas a gás natural, por seis caldeiras alimentadas a biomassa, nomeadamente a pellets. Desta forma, permite-se apostar na biomassa como uma alternativa para reduzir a dependência dos combustíveis fósseis. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma comparação realista do sistema de aquecimento existente face ao novo a implementar, alimentado por um combustível renovável utilizando caldeiras a pellets de 85% de rendimento. Para realizar esta comparação, usou-se as faturas energéticas de gás natural do ISEP, o custo da quantidade equivalente necessária de pellets, os custos de manutenção dos dois tipos de caldeiras e, os custos do consumo de energia elétrica por parte de ambas as caldeiras. Com este estudo, estimou-se uma poupança anual de 84.100,76 €/ano. Determinaram-se experimentalmente, em laboratório, os parâmetros essenciais de uma amostra de pellets, que foram usados para calcular as necessidades energéticas em biomassa no ISEP, bem como a produção de cinzas gerada por parte das caldeiras. Foi proposto um destino ambientalmente adequado para os 788,5 kg/ano de cinzas obtidas – a utilização na compostagem, após tratamento e aprovação de ensaios ecotoxicológicos realizados pela empresa que fará a sua recolha. As caldeiras a pellets terão um consumo mínimo teórico de 16,47 kgpellets/h, consumindo previsivelmente 197,13 tpellets/ano. Para este efeito, serão usadas caldeiras Quioto de 150 kW da marca Zantia. Para comparar distintas possibilidades de investimento para o projeto, avaliaram-se dois cenários: um foi escolhido de forma a cobrir o somatório da potência instalada das caldeiras atuais e o outro de forma a responder aos consumos energéticos em aquecimento atuais. Além disso, avaliaram-se cenários de financiamento do investimento distintos: um dos cenários corresponde ao pagamento do investimento total do projeto no momento da aquisição das caldeiras, enquanto o outro cenário, mais provável de ser escolhido, refere-se ao pedido de um empréstimo ao banco, no valor de 75% do investimento total. Para o cenário mais provável de investimento, obteve-se um VAL de 291.364,93 €/ano, com taxa interna de rentabilidade (TIR) de 17 %, um índice de rentabilidade (IR) de 1,85 e um período de retorno (PBP) de 5 anos. Todos os cenários avaliados registam rentabilidade do projeto de investimento, sem risco para o projeto.