962 resultados para ambiente escolar


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Pensar que a Poesia escrita para crianças não deve apresentar complexidade temática e textual é considerar a Literatura Infantil, em suas mais variadas tipologias textuais, um discurso não dialógico para o leitor-mirim. Por isso, neste texto, discutiremos o problema da atual formação do leitor de poesia na escola e sua efetiva interação com o texto poético. Esta interação com a estética verbal, pressupõe que o leitor seja aquele capaz de penetrar gradualmente nas camadas profundas do texto, o que nem sempre acontece no ambiente escolar, seja pelo despreparo do professor diante da poesia seja pela pouca ou má divulgação da poesia infantil de qualidade. Palavras-chave: Ensino; poesia infantil; sensibilidade.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In Brazil, the interest on the applicability of assistive technology resources in the school environment has grown for children with cerebral palsy, according to the evidences on the diffi culties in their process of scholarization. The objective of the project was the construction of a data base about the resources of high assistive technology in the national market, indicated for the use in the classroom environment for children with cerebral palsy, with the purpose to systemize information, to assist in the selection, prescription and implementation of this type of resource. From a search in the literature available in existing national sites, a computerized archive on the availability of these resources was constructed, having as parameters the applied methodology already used in previous study. Therefore, information on adapted resources had been systemized, constituting an accessible source of data to all the interested parties, aiming to contribute for a effective implementation of these resources in the promotion of the scholarization of children with cerebral palsy in the country.


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Ao longo de nosso desenvolvimento, estamos constantemente em contato com temas relacionados ao funcionamento dos sistemas sociais. Sob o enfoque psicogenético piagetiano, observamos, em inúmeras pesquisas, que essas informações são compreendidas por meio de um longo trabalho individual, ou seja, não são incorporadas nas mentes dos sujeitos por absorção passiva. Um destes temas refere-se à origem da vida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as ideias de crianças e adolescentes a respeito da origem dos seres vivos. Para tanto, utilizou-se uma entrevista clínica sobre a temática e os dados foram analisados conforme os níveis de compreensão da realidade social. Os resultados apontam que grande parte dos estudantes recorre à explicação criacionista, mesmo tendo contato, no ambiente escolar e nas aulas de ciências, com a abordagem científica acerca da origem da vida. À medida que conhecer os processos cognitivos que perpassam a mente dos alunos é fundamental para embasar intervenções pedagógicas, favorecendo o processo de ensino aprendizagem, pretendeu-se, com este estudo, fornecer informações acerca da construção do conhecimento social, bem como contribuições ao ensino de ciências.


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This study aims at indicating possibilities for speech therapists at schools of Primary Education. The project was developed in three centers of Primary Education in Irati, Paraná. It took into consideration 114 students and 30 teachers. Teachers filled in questionnaires and attended conferences. Regarding to the children, it was constructed a profile and activities related to phonological subjects. The extension project represented an important role for development of academic skills and competence of the school community.


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To contribute to formation of Childhood Education teachers for the Inclusive Education, this article had as its central objective describe how it was addressed the issue of learning difficulties and the impact of misdiagnosis assigned to a child in the initial phase formal learning of writing, in one of the theoretical-reflective meetings undertaken with 43 teachers for Pre II, of the ten schools of Childhood Education of the state of São Paulo. Such a description was guided through the of the collaborative approach taken subproject “understanding about the clinical diagnosis of dyslexia and its impact on the educational future of children enrolled in classes II Pre Childhood education”, developed as one of the phases and as part of larger project called “depathologization of the learning of the writing and Inclusive Education: Reflections and actions of the professor of Childhood Education”. At the and, was possible the identification by the reports arising from the participation of teachers mentioned, the need to resignification their didactical experiences for the systematization of new actions aimed at coping with learning difficulties that pervade the process of appropriation writing of the students, which may contribute to depathologization of the school environment to the extent that teachers can assist students in building a more positive relationship with writing, rather than adopting rigid and restricted procedures that do not consider the relationship of each subject with writing and the singularities present in this relationship.