955 resultados para agro-pastoral ecotone


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Introduction: Food availability and access are strongly affected by seasonality in Ethiopia. However, there are little data on seasonal variation in Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices and malnutrition among 6-23 months old children in different agro-ecological zones of rural Ethiopia. Methods: Socio-demographic, anthropometry and IYCF indicators were assessed in post- and pre-harvest seasons among children aged 6–23 months of age randomly selected from rural villages of lowland and midland agro-ecological zones. Results: Child stunting and underweight increased from prevalence of 39.8% and 26.9% in post-harvest to 46.0% and 31.8% in pre-harvest seasons, respectively. The biggest increase in prevalence of stunting and underweight between post- and pre-harvest seasons was noted in the midland zone. Wasting decreased from 11.6% post-harvest to 8.5% pre-harvest, with the biggest decline recorded in the lowland zone. Minimum meal frequency, minimum acceptable diet and poor dietary diversity increased considerably in pre-harvest compared to post-harvest season in the lowland zone. Feeding practices and maternal age were predictors of wasting, while women’s dietary diversity and children age was predictor of child dietary diversity in both seasons. Conclusion: There is seasonal variation in malnutrition and IYCF practices among children 6-23 months of age with more pronounced effect in midland agro-ecological zone. A major contributing factor for child malnutrition may be poor feeding practices. Health information strategies focused on both IYCF practices and dietary diversity of mothers could be a sensible approach to reduce the burden of child malnutrition in rural Ethiopia.


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This article highlights the important function of family and kinship networks in the pastoral industry of the Port Phillip District and Victoria, Australia, during the nineteenth century. Using the core case study of the extended Cameron family--or the Cameron “clan” from the Scottish Highlands--in the Western District of Victoria, it demonstrates how family networks assisted in the accumulation and consolidation of large pastoral properties and enterprises, and thus aided the agricultural entrepreneurialism of migrants who saw greater commercial opportunities throughout the Empire than at home.


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A developed and sustainable agriculture requires a permanent and reliable monitoring of climatic/ meteorological elements in (agro) meteorological stations which should be located close to agricultural, silvicultural or pastoral activities. An adequate network of meteorological stations is then a necessary condition to support innovation and development in any country. Developing countries, mainly those with a history of frequent conflicts, presents deficient number of weather stations, often poorly composed and improperly distributed within their territories, and without a regular operation that allows continuity of records for a sufficiently long period of time. The objective of this work was to build a network of meteorological and agro-meteorological stations in East Timor. To achieve this goal, the number and location of pre-existing stations, their structure and composition (number and type of sensors, communication system,… ), the administrative division of the country and the available agro-ecological zoning, the agricultural and forestry practices in the country, the existing centres for the agricultural research and the history of the weathers records were taken into account. Several troubles were found (some of the automatic stations were assembled incorrectly, others stations duplicated information regarding the same agricultural area, vast areas with relevant agro-ecological representativeness were not monitored …). It was proposed the elimination of 11 existing stations, the relocation of 7 new stations in places not covered until then, the automation of 3 manual meteorological stations. Two networks were then purposed, a major with 15 agro-meteorological stations (all automatized) and one other secondary composed by 32 weather stations (only two were manual). The set of the 47 stations corresponded to a density of 329 km2/station. The flexibility in the composition of each of the networks was safeguarded and intends to respond effectively to any substantive change in the conditions in a country in constant change. It was also discussed the national coverage by these networks under a “management concept for weather stations”.


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The Mediterranean silvo-pastoral system known as Montado, in Portugal, is a complex land use system composed of an open tree stratum in various densities and an herbaceous layer, used for livestock grazing. Livestock also profit from the acorns, and the grazing contributes to avoid shrub encroachment. In the last 20 years, subsidies from the European Union have greatly promoted cattle rearing in this system and the introduction of heavy breeds, at the expense of sheep, goats or the native cattle breeds. The balance of the traditional system is thus threatened, and a precise assessment of the balance between the different components of the system, therefore is highly needed. The goal of this study was to gain a better under- standing of a Montado farm system with cattle rearing as the major economic activity by applying the emergy evaluation method to calculate indices of yield, investment, environmental loading and sustainability. By integrating different ecosystem components, the emergy evaluation method allows a comprehensive evaluation of this complex and multifunctional system at the scale of an individual farm. This method provides a set of indices that can help us understand the system and design management strategies that maximize emergy flow in the farm. In this paper, we apply the emergy evaluation method to a Montado farm with cattle rearing, as a way to gain a better understanding of this system at the farm scale. The value for the transformity of veal (2.66E?06 sej J-1) is slightly higher, when compared to other systems producing protein. That means that the investment of nature and man in this product was higher and it requires a premium price on the market. The renewa- bility for Holm Oaks Farm (49 %), lower than for other similar systems, supports the assumption that this is a farm in which, comparing with others, the number of purchased inputs in relation to renewable inputs provided by nature, is higher. The Emergy Investment Ratio is 0.91 for cattle rearing compared to a value of 0.49 for cork and 0.43 for firewood harvesting, making it clear that cattle rearing is a more labor demanding activity comparing with extractive activities as cork and firewood harvesting.


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Industry, governments, and scientists that promote biofuels think these will become an alternative to oil, which is running out. These new fuels are supposed to help in containing climate change through greenhouse gas emission reduction, increasing farmers´ incomes, and promoting rural development. However, rigorous research and analyses undertaken by serious ecologists and social scientists suggests that the current boom in biofuels industry will be disastrous for farmers, the natural environment, the preservation of biodiversity, and particularly for poor consumers.


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Introducción Como parte de su interés hacia el campo de la historiografía, la Escuela de Historia de la Universidad Nacional, se abocó a la tarea de preparar durante 1988 un balance de los estudios históricos sobre el agro en Costa Rica, desde el periodo colonial hasta el presente. El momento era oportuno, por cuanto concluía una etapa de pesquisas individuales sobre aspectos específicos de la historia rural costarricense, al iniciarse el desarrollo de un programa colectivo de investigación  sobre esta ematica, asociada de  manera cada vez más  estrecha a la extensión y la docencia. La tarea de evaluar los estudios agrarios en Costa Rica, hoy resulta esencial por cuanto la llamada cuestión agraria es un factor básico en la actual coyuntura crítica, que tiende a introducir transformaciones sustanciales en la actividad productiva, la interacción social, las relaciones de poder y la vida cotidiana de los costarricenses.


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O presente artigo realiza movimento reflexivo acerca das transformações na utilização e ocupação do solo no Combinado Agro-urbano de Brasília I (CAUB) - Distrito Federal, Brasil. Dessa forma, objetivamos conhecer a comunidade local e analisar as transformações atuais no CAUB I. Em termos metodológicos o artigo foi desenvolvido pautado em reflexões de âmbito teórico e pesquisa da legislação acerca da ocupação territorial da área de estudo, acrescido de dados secundários. Depreende-se das primeiras observações sistematizadas que, anteriormente, o CAUB I caracterizava-se como um lugar para a produção agrícola onde a população local, morava, trabalhava, agregava renda e alimentação e se sentia importante dentro da comunidade. Atualmente, em decorrência do processo crescente de ocupação o sentido de pertencimento está se perdendo em meio ao interesse financeiro e à especulação imobiliária.


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Este artículo analiza la política económica de ajuste estructural, los mecanismos, e instrumentos más importantes de regulación y control, que afectan a los grupos sociales productores de granos básicos y sus efectos espaciales, enfatizando en la distribución del crédito.   Se considera la política económica como un conjunto de mecanismos des incentivadores que actúan sobre las características técnico-productivas, socio-productivas y espacial-productivas de los granos básicos. Esta diferenciación metodológica permite en el artículo visualizar efectos diferenciadores de grupos en la producción de granos en Costa Rica.   La política económica, en su ampliación instrumental se considera de aplicación homogénea, pero la realidad agraria territorial de los granos básicos es muy diferencial, se clasifican para el análisis en tres grupos y se define un grupo como clave, o más importante para el fomento o desestímulo de la política económica.  Dos periodos distintos se distinguen en la política hacia los granos básicos a partir de 1974, que los constituyen en el fomento de autosuficiencia alimentaria para después de 1984 empezar un desestímulo a los granos básicos. Los sectores sociales productores se diferencian entre empresarios arroceros y campesinos productores de maíz y frijol, donde el efecto de la política desincentivadora es distinto.   Se analiza el instrumento crediticio para ejemplarizar la política desincentivadora. Donde efectivamente se declara como una política sesgada por el apoyo crediticio del gran productor de arroz y por una segregación del pequeño productor.