998 resultados para administração de tecnologia da informação


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Nowadays the companies generate great amount of data from different sources, however some of them produce more data than they can analyze. Big Data is a set of data that grows very fast, collected several times during a short period of time. This work focus on the importance of the correct management of Big Data in an industrial plant. Through a case study based on a company that belongs to the pulp and paper area, the problems resolutions are going to be presented with the usage of appropriate data management. In the final chapters, the results achieved by the company are discussed, showing how the correct choice of data to be monitored and analyzed brought benefits to the company, also best practices will be recommended for the Big Data management


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Innovation in the field of Information Technology (IT) have made companies evaluate their processes and activity of its supply chain to conform to this new reality. In the supply chain management, one of the tools that revolutionized the activities was the use of management information systems such as ERP tool. This system allows greater integration of data from multiple areas of the enterprise and beyond, giving more activities to processes and activities. This work aims to analyze the results and impacts of the restructuring of an equipment leasing process in a Brazilian media company and verify that the gains and improvements that were targeted in the initial design of this restructuring have been achieved. Also the risks identified with this change will be studied, the reactions of those involved in this process and the performance of the chain as a whole. To carry out this work was carried out a single case study with data collection in the assessed company and literature related to supply chain and information systems


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG


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Nowadays the companies generate great amount of data from different sources, however some of them produce more data than they can analyze. Big Data is a set of data that grows very fast, collected several times during a short period of time. This work focus on the importance of the correct management of Big Data in an industrial plant. Through a case study based on a company that belongs to the pulp and paper area, the problems resolutions are going to be presented with the usage of appropriate data management. In the final chapters, the results achieved by the company are discussed, showing how the correct choice of data to be monitored and analyzed brought benefits to the company, also best practices will be recommended for the Big Data management


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Innovation in the field of Information Technology (IT) have made companies evaluate their processes and activity of its supply chain to conform to this new reality. In the supply chain management, one of the tools that revolutionized the activities was the use of management information systems such as ERP tool. This system allows greater integration of data from multiple areas of the enterprise and beyond, giving more activities to processes and activities. This work aims to analyze the results and impacts of the restructuring of an equipment leasing process in a Brazilian media company and verify that the gains and improvements that were targeted in the initial design of this restructuring have been achieved. Also the risks identified with this change will be studied, the reactions of those involved in this process and the performance of the chain as a whole. To carry out this work was carried out a single case study with data collection in the assessed company and literature related to supply chain and information systems


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Na sociedade contemporânea o ser humano se vê inserido – ou invadido – em ambientes cada vez mais configurados por complexos recursos tecnológicos. É o ciberespaço, onde as imagens inundam o cotidiano e se traduzem em valor, o corpo adquire novo status imaterial e as noções de lugar e tempo se transformam e quase se anulam. O cinema pensa e produz também uma desterritorialização da imagem em movimento desde os seus primeiros tempos de imagem-máquina. Este trabalho reflete sobre as transformações da ordem social que implicam a emergência de uma “iconomia” a partir dos espaços simbólicos, tomando três momentos críticos na história do cinema como índices de uma convergência entre material e imaterial que se consolida a partir da emergência do ciberespaço. O quase-método metapórico é mobilizado como ferramenta de reconstrução metodológica desses ícones da história do cinema relacionados à desconstrução do Homo faber. O “outro lado” do ciberespaço, abrindo continuamente novos espaços-tempos de criação de valor, identifica-se a uma iconomia em que as projeções narrativas tornam-se fontes paradigmáticas de valor e de “mais gozar”.


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Este artigo é uma reflexão, a partir do campo da comunicação, sobre a presença das tecnologias de informação e de comunicação no mundo do trabalho. Para cumprir esse objetivo, problematiza-se a atividade humana como atividade de comunicação e de trabalho. As tecnologias são produtos dessa atividade, inseremse no contexto sociotécnico contemporâneo e revelam contradições e exclusões. A título de contribuição, apresentam-se relatos de profissionais do campo da comunicação sobre as mudanças no mundo do trabalho dos comunicadores


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Este artigo procura construir um panorama não extensivo do tema cibercultura. Passa pela conceituação de cibercultura mais utilizada; recupera a correlação. ciber/contra/cultura; correlaciona a cena cibercultural às possibilidades de criação e disseminação da cultura, da informação e do conhecimento em geral por meio das redes informacionais; e discute o seu papel na construção das competências comunicativas na sociedade contemporânea


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