969 resultados para XPS SURFACE ENRICHMENT


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Polypyrrole (PPy) - multiwalled carbonnanotubes (MWCNT) nanocomposites with various MWCNT loading were prepared by in situ inversion emulsion polymerization technique. High loading of the nano filler were evaluated because of available inherent high interface area for charge separation in the nanocomposites. Solution processing of these conducting polymer nanocomposites is difficult because, most of them are insoluble in organic solvents. Device quality films of these composites were prepared by using pulsed laser deposition techniques (PLD). Comparative study of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of bulk and film show that there is no chemical modification of polymer on ablation with laser. TEM images indicate PPy layer on MWCNT surface. SEM micrographs indicate that the MWCNT's are distributed throughout the film. It was observed that MWCNT in the composite held together by polymer matrix. Further more MWCNT diameter does not change from bulk to film indicating that the polymer layer remains intact during ablation. Even for very high loadings (80 wt.% of MWCNT's) of nanocomposites device quality films were fabricated, indicating laser ablation is a suitable technique for fabrication of device quality films. Conductivity of both bulk and films were measured using collinear four point probe setup. It was found that overall conductivity increases with increase in MWCNT loading. Comparative study of thickness with conductivity indicates that maximum conductivity was observed around 0.2 mu m. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By employing X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), we have been able to establish the occurrence of charge-transfer doping in few-layer graphene covered with electron acceptor (TCNE) and donor (TTF) molecules. We have performed quantitative estimates of the extent of charge transfer in these complexes and elucidated the origin of unusual shifts of their Raman G-bands and explained the differences in the dependence of conductivity on n- and p-doping. The study unravels the cause of the apparent difference between the charge-transfer doping and electrochemical doping. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The coupling of surface acoustic waves propagating in two separated piezoelectric media is studied using the perturbation theory of Auld. The results of the analysis are applied to two configurations using Bi12GeO20 and CdS crystals. It is found that the loss due to coupling is about 7 dB at 50 MHz in the cases of (111)-cut, [110]-prop. Bi12GeO20 and Y-cut, 60°-X prop. CdS combination. On étudie le couplage des ondes acoustiques de surface se propageant sur deux milieux piezo-eléctriques par la théorie de perturbation de Auld. Les resultats d'analyse sont appliqué's aux deux configurations des cristanx Bi12GeO20 et CdS. On trouve que la perte par couplage est environ de 7 dB a 50 MHz dans le cas de combination de (111)-coupe, [110]-prop. Bi12GeO20 et Y-coupe, 60°-X prop. CdS.


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Condensation from the vapor state is an important technique for the preparation of nanopowders. Levitational gas condensation is one such technique that has a unique ability of attaining steady state. Here, we present the results of applying this technique to an iron-copper alloy (96Fe-4Cu). A qualitative model of the process is proposed to understand the process and the characteristics of resultant powder. A phase diagram of the alloy system in the liquid-vapor region was calculated to help understand the course of condensation, especially partitioning and coring during processing. The phase diagram could not explain coring in view of the simultaneous occurrence of solidification and the fast homogenization through diffusion in the nanoparticles; however, it could predict the very low levels of copper observed in the levitated drop. The enrichment of copper observed near the surface of the powder was considered to be a manifestation of the lower surface energy of copper compared with that of iron. Heat transfer calculations indicated that most condensed particles can undergo solidification even when they are still in the proximity of the levitated drop. It helped us to predict the temperature and the cooling rate of the powder particles as they move away from the levitated drop. The particles formed by the process seem to be single domain, single crystals that are magnetic in nature. They, thus, can agglomerate by forming a chain-like structure, which manifests as a three-dimensional network enclosing a large unoccupied space, as noticed in scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy studies. This also explains the observed low packing density of the nanopowders.


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InN quantum dots (QDs) were fabricated on Si(111) substrate by droplet epitaxy using an RF plasma-assisted MBE system. Variation of the growth parameters, such as growth temperature and deposition time, allowed us to control the characteristic size and density of the QDs. As the growth temperature was increased from 100 C to 300 degrees C, an enlargement of QD size and a drop in dot density were observed, which was led by the limitation of surface diffusion of adatoms with the limited thermal energy. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to assess the QDs size and density. The chemical bonding configurations of InN QDs were examined by X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS). Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrum of the deposited InN QDs shows the presence of In-N bond. Temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) measurements showed that the emission peak energies of the InN QDs are sensitive to temperature and show a strong peak emission at 0.79 eV.


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An expression for the spectrum and cross spectrum of an acoustic field measured at two vertically separated sensors in shallow water has been obtained for any correlated noise sources distributed over the surface. Numerical results are presented for the case where the noise sources, white noise and wind-induced colored noise, are contained within a circular disk centered over the sensors. The acoustic field is generally inhomogeneous except when the channel is deep. The coherence function becomes real for a large disk, for a radius greater than 25 times the depth of the channel, decreases with further increase of the size of the disk, and finally tapers off after certain limiting size, approximately given by 1/alpha, where alpha is the attenuation coefficient.


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We have compared the total as well as fine mode aerosol optical depth (tau and tau(fine)) retrieved by Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard Terra and Aqua (2001-2005) with the equivalent parameters derived by Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) at Kanpur (26.45 degrees N, 80.35 degrees E), northern India. MODIS Collection 005 (C005)-derived tau(0.55) was found to be in good agreement with the AERONET measurements. The tau(fine) and eta (tau(fine)/tau) were, however, biased low significantly in most matched cases. A new set of retrieval with the use of absorbing aerosol model (SSA similar to 0.87) with increased visible surface reflectance provided improved tau and tau(fine) at Kanpur. The new derivation of eta also compares well qualitatively with an independent set of in situ measurements of accumulation mass fraction over much of the southern India. This suggests that though MODIS land algorithm has limited information to derive size properties of aerosols over land, more accurate parameterization of aerosol and surface properties within the existing C005 algorithm may improve the accuracy of size-resolved aerosol optical properties. The results presented in this paper indicate that there is a need to reconsider the surface parameterization and assumed aerosol properties in MODIS C005 algorithm over the Indian region in order to retrieve more accurate aerosol optical and size properties, which are essential to quantify the impact of human-made aerosols on climate.


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TiO2 (anatase) was synthesized using a microwave-irradiation-assisted chemical method. The reaction conditions were varied to obtain unique nanostructures of TiO2 comprising nanometric spheres giving the materials a very porous morphology. The oxide was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The specific surface area and porosity were quantified by the BET method, and the degradation of dyes was carried out using these materials. The photocatalytic activity of the nanometric TiO2 was significantly higher than that of commercially available TiO2 (Degussa P25) for the degradation of the dyes.


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Earth s ice shelves are mainly located in Antarctica. They cover about 44% of the Antarctic coastline and are a salient feature of the continent. Antarctic ice shelf melting (AISM) removes heat from and inputs freshwater into the adjacent Southern Ocean. Although playing an important role in the global climate, AISM is one of the most important components currently absent in the IPCC climate model. In this study, AISM is introduced into a global sea ice-ocean climate model ORCA2-LIM, following the approach of Beckmann and Goosse (2003; BG03) for the thermodynamic interaction between the ice shelf and ocean. This forms the model ORCA2-LIM-ISP (ISP: ice shelf parameterization), in which not only all the major Antarctic ice shelves but also a number of minor ice shelves are included. Using these two models, ORCA2-LIM and ORCA2-LIM-ISP, the impact of addition of AISM and increasing AISM have been investigated. Using the ORCA2-LIM model, numerical experiments are performed to investigate the sensitivity of the polar sea ice cover and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) transport through Drake Passage (DP) to the variations of three sea ice parameters, namely the thickness of newly formed ice in leads (h0), the compressive strength of ice (P*), and the turning angle in the oceanic boundary layer beneath sea ice (θ). It is found that the magnitudes of h0 and P* have little impact on the seasonal sea ice extent, but lead to large changes in the seasonal sea ice volume. The variation in turning angle has little impact on the sea ice extent and volume in the Arctic but tends to reduce them in the Antarctica when ignored. The magnitude of P* has the least impact on the DP transport, while the other two parameters have much larger influences. Numerical results from ORCA2-LIM and ORCA2-LIM-ISP are analyzed to investigate how the inclusion of AISM affects the representation of the Southern Ocean hydrography. Comparisons with data from the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) show that the addition of AISM significantly improves the simulated hydrography. It not only warms and freshens the originally too cold and too saline bottom water (AABW), but also warms and enriches the salinity of the originally too cold and too fresh warm deep water (WDW). Addition of AISM also improves the simulated stratification. The close agreement between the simulation with AISM and the observations suggests that the applied parameterization is an adequate way to include the effect of AISM in a global sea ice-ocean climate model. We also investigate the models capability to represent the sea ice-ocean system in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic regions. Our study shows both models (with and without AISM) can successfully reproduce the main features of the sea ice-ocean system. However, both tend to overestimate the ice flux through the Nares Strait, produce a lower temperature and salinity in the Hudson Bay, Baffin Bay and Davis Strait, and miss the deep convection in the Labrador Sea. These deficiencies are mainly attributed to the artificial enlargement of the Nares Strait in the model. In this study, the impact of increasing AISM on the global sea ice-ocean system is thoroughly investigated. This provides a first idea regarding changes induced by increasing AISM. It is shown that the impact of increasing AISM is global and most significant in the Southern Ocean. There, increasing AISM tends to freshen the surface water, to warm the intermediate and deep waters, and to freshen and warm the bottom water. In addition, increasing AISM also leads to changes in the mixed layer depths (MLD) in the deep convection sites in the Southern Ocean, deepening in the Antarctic continental shelf while shoaling in the ACC region. Furthermore, increasing AISM influences the current system in the Southern Ocean. It tends to weaken the ACC, and strengthen the Antarctic coastal current (ACoC) as well as the Weddell Gyre and the Ross Gyre. In addition to the ocean system, increasing AISM also has a notable impact on the Antarctic sea ice cover. Due to the cooling of seawater, sea ice concentration and thickness generally become higher. In austral winter, noticeable increases in sea ice concentration mainly take place near the ice edge. In regards with sea ice thickness, large increases are mainly found along the coast of the Weddell Sea, the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas, and the Ross Sea. The overall thickening of sea ice leads to a larger volume of sea ice in Antarctica. In the North Atlantic, increasing AISM leads to remarkable changes in temperature, salinity and density. The water generally becomes warmer, more saline and denser. The most significant warming occurs in the subsurface layer. In contrast, the maximum salinity increase is found at the surface. In addition, the MLD becomes larger along the Greenland-Scotland-Iceland ridge. Global teleconnections due to AISM are studied. The AISM signal is transported with the surface current: the additional freshwater from AISM tends to enhance the northward spreading of the surface water. As a result, more warm and saline water is transported from the tropical region to the North Atlantic Ocean, resulting in warming and salt enrichment there. It would take about 30 40 years to establish a systematic noticeable change in temperature, salinity and MLD in the North Atlantic Ocean according to this study. The changes in hydrography due to increasing AISM are compared with observations. Consistency suggests that increasing AISM is highly likely a major contributor to the recent observed changes in the Southern Ocean. In addition, the AISM might contribute to the salinity contrast between the North Atlantic and North Pacific, which is important for the global thermohaline circulation.


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The details of cage-to-cage migration have been obtained from an analysis of the molecular dynamics trajectory of a probe adsorbate. It is observed that particles utilize the region within a radius of 2 angstrom from the window center but with diffusion taking place predominantly at 1.6 angstrom from the window center and a potential energy of nearly -12 kJ/mol. A barrier of about 0.5 kJ/mol is observed for surface-mediated diffusion. Surprisingly, for diffusion without surface mediation for a particle going from one cage center to another, there is an attractive well near the window instead of a barrier. At low adsorbate concentrations and room temperature, the predominant mode for cage-to-cage migration is surface-mediated diffusion. The analysis suggests that particles slide along the surface of the inner walls of the alpha-cages during migration from one cage to another.