990 resultados para Wright, Erik Olin


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Diseño de una Grúa Telescópica autopropulsada, así como de su pluma y todos los elementos necesarios para la elevación y movimiento de las cargas, la cual será máxima para 50 toneladas.


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This article describes the progress of the River Communities Project which commenced in 1977. This project aimed to develop a sensitive and practical system for river site classification using macroinvertebrates as an objective means of appraising the status of British rivers. The relationship between physical and chemical features of sites and their biological communities were examined. Sampling was undertaken on 41 British rivers. Ordination techniques were used to analyze data and the sites were classified into 16 groups using multiple discrimination analysis. The potential for using the environmental data to predict to which group a site belonged and the fauna likely to be present was investigated.


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This bibliography covers the literature up to the end of 1978. The criteria used in the selection of references were that they should aid identification of invertebrates directly; thus, works solely concerned with the taxonomy of a particular group are in general omitted unless they contain a key. Some check-lists are however included where they give current nomenclature. The references are arranged alphabetically within each group and deal mainly with macro-invertebrates but include available keys to some microscopic invertebrates. Internal parasites and hymenopterous parasitoids are omitted. For insects the life stages to which the key applies are given where this is not clear in the reference. A number of keys to non-aquatic stages have been included in the hope that they may prove useful in certain circumstances. In addition, under a general head, latest check-lists are referred to together with bibliographies of algal keys and a guide for the identification of British water plants.


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This paper presents an account of some current uses of RIVPACS (River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System), a software package developed by the Institute of Freshwater Ecology (UK). Background information is also given on the unique data-set on which the system is based. Before discussing RIVPACS, we consider the range of environmental stresses encountered in flowing-water systems and some of the ways in which stresses may affect macroinvertebrate communities. The wide application and relevance of the RIVPACS approach was recognised when it was chosen as the biological method for use throughout the UK in the 1990 River Quality Survey (RQS). In the concluding section we list some lessons learnt both from the 1990 survey and from our own testing exercise, and we outline current developments which will lead to a new version of RIVPACS for use in the 1995 RQS.


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RIVPACS (River InVertebrate Prediction And Classification System) is a software package developed by the Institute of Freshwater Ecology (IFE). The primary application is to assess the biological quality of rivers within the UK. RIVPACS offers site-specific predictions of the macroinvertebrate fauna to be expected in the absence of major environmental stress. The expected fauna is derived by RIVPACS using a small suite of environmental characteristics. The biological evaluation is then obtained by comparing the fauna observed at the site with the expected fauna. RIVPACS also includes a site classification based on the macroinvertebrate fauna of the component reference sites. New sites, judged by their fauna to be of high biological quality, may be allocated to classification groups within the fixed RIVPACS classification. This has potential for evaluating sites for conservation. In this chapter, the origins and history of the RIVPACS approach are described, including major scientific and operational developments over the life of the project. RIVPACS III is described in detail and predictions at different taxonomic levels are demonstrated. The value of the reference dataset for river management and conservation is examined, and the chapter concludes with a brief consideration of some future challenges.


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RIVPACS has been used successfully for biological assessment of river water quality but its potential in forecasting the effects of environmental change has not been investigated. This study has shown that it is possible to simulate faunal changes in response to environmental disturbance, provided that the disturbance directly involves the environmental variables used in RIVPACS predictions. These variables relate to channel shape, discharge and substratum. Many impacts, particularly those associated with pollution, will not affect these variables and therefore RIVPACS cannot simulate the effects of pollution. RIVPACS was sensitive only to major changes in substratum. It was concluded that, because of the static nature of RIVPACS, it cannot respond to the dynamic effects and processes associated with environmental disturbance. Thus RIVPACS, while showing direction of change and indicating sensitive taxa, cannot be used to predict or forecast the effects of environmental impacts.


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Invertebrate conservation relies not only on public support and political will, but also on possessing an adequate understanding of the distribution and ecology of invertebrate species and communities. In the UK, RIVPACS is making an important contribution to assessing the conservation importance of river invertebrate assemblages. So far, work has largely centred on using RIVPACS as an integral part of SERCON (System for Evaluating Rivers for Conservation), in which data collected using the standard RIVPACS method are interpreted with reference to conservation criteria such as species richness and representativeness. Applications of RIVPACS to other areas of conservation - whether providing information on the ecological requirements of rare species, monitoring the success of river restoration projects, or making broader assessments of sustainability - are probably more limited, but merit further examination. It is important to develop closer links between RIVPACS and techniques such as SERCON and RHS (River Habitat Survey) in order to maximise the benefit each can bring tostudies on conservation and biodiversity. It should also be recognised that there are limitations in transferring such systems to other countries where approaches to nature conservation may be very different.


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Gaur egun informazio teknologiei esker edozein gairi buruz eskuratu dezakegun informazioa izugarria da. Proteinei buruzko informazioa leku askotan sakabanatuta dago eta informazio hori bilatu eta biltzeak garrantzi handia du ikerketa proiektu bat abiatzerakoan. Proteomikak oso lagin konplexuetan dauden proteinak identifikatu eta kuantifikatzen ditu. Orain arte proteomika egiteko modurik arruntena shotgun proteomika izan da, bere helburua ahalik eta proteina gehien inolako aurreiritzirik gabe analizatzea delarik. Orain dela gutxi, proteomika kuantitatibo ituratua aplikatzen hasi da, proteina jakin batzuk oso modu sentikorrean eta fidagarrian kuantifikatzeko asmotan, Western plapaketaren alternatiba izatera helduz. Behin metodo ituratua diseinatu eta gero, lagin askotan erabiltzeko aukera ematen du, baina estrategia honek proteina bakoitzarentzako metodo ituratua diseinatzea eskatzen du. Nukleoko poro-konplexuak [Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs)] nukleoaren azalean zeharreko zitoplasma eta nukleoplasmaren arteko proteinen eta azido nukleikoen garraioan dira bitartekari. Aldi berean, iragazkortasun-hesia osatzen dute sarbidea mugatuz. NPCak zelulako konplexu handienetarikoak dira. Euren tamaina handia izanik ere (60 MDa ornodunen kasuan), gutxi gora behera nukleoporina (Nups) izeneko 30 proteina desberdinez osatuta daude. Nukleoporina desberdinak azpikonplexuak osatuz agertu ohi dira. Nup93 konplexuak, NPC egiturara errekrutatutako bigarren azpi-konplexurik handienak, NPCaren mihiztaduran ezinbesteko rola betetzen duela argitaratu dute berriki. Hizkuntza/Idioma: Euskera


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Vortrag, gehalten auf der 16. Nordischen Fischereikonferenz, Mariehamn, Aaland, 28. - 31. 8.1978 von ERIK URSIN, Danmarks Fiskeri-og Havundersoegelser, Charlottenlund


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Diseño mecánico de los componentes que se encuentran en el interior de la góndola de un generador eólico de eje horizontal. Cálculo del mecanismo de control activo del cambio de paso de las palas y de orientación de la torre. Diseño del chasis de apoyo de los componentes de la góndola. Estudio de la torre del aerogenerador.


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El objeto del proyecto es la creación de una herramienta informática que permita analizar un mecanismo paralelo de 2 g.d.l. Para ello se ha planteado primeramente el tipo de mecanismo a analizar, se han realizado los cálculos necesarios para un mecanismo genérico y por último se han implementado sobre una plataforma informática, con el fin de automatizar los cálculos para distintos datos de entrada. El mecanismo paralelo más sencillo de estudiar es el mecanismo 5R, llamado así por estar formado por 5 pares de rotación. Su construcción similar a un paralelogramo articulado pero con un segmento más, hace de este mecanismo un caso sencillo de estudio con 2 g.d.l. por lo que poseerá un movimiento plano.


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