997 resultados para Winter Annual
Newsletter updating the corridor study of the Mississippi Bridge project for the states of Iowa and Illinois.
Quarterly newsletter from Department of Administrative Services, about computer related information.
Moltes vegades l’usuari d’una instal•lació de climatització o calefacció, no dóna la suficient importància al sistema que l’hi ha de proporcionar un millor confort amb el màxim rendiment. Aquest confort és un factor determinant, entre molts d’altres, de la “qualitat de vida”. Mentre que el rendiment és un factor important a nivell econòmic i ecològic. Tot i tenir prevalença els aspectes d’estalvi energètic, aquests no impliquen haver de renunciar a un confort tèrmic i a un estalvi econòmic. Un dels aspectes que es centra el projecte és promoure l’ús racional de les fonts energètiques (solar, biomassa) per a la correcta climatització dels habitatges. El projecte es desenvolupa en l’àmbit domèstic, concretament correspon a un habitatge unifamiliar. Aquest està situat a la població de Roda de Ter, província de Barcelona. L’objectiu principal del projecte és l’elecció del sistema de climatització i el seu dimensionament, per tal de donar el màxim confort als usuaris que habitin a la vivenda. Criteris ambientals i eficients han estat objecte a considerar pel disseny constructiu de l’habitatge. Una de les mesures importants presses en el projecte, ha estat l’elecció de les diferents parts que formen la instal•lació de climatització. Es fa referència als aïllaments dels tancaments, el sistema solar de recolzament, equips de producció de fred i calor, entre d’altres. En el projecte, s’ha dut a terme un estudi dels diferents tancaments de l’habitatge, tot determinat per a cada un d’ells, el seu coeficient de transmissió tèrmica. Per seleccionar l’equipament més adequat s’ha partit de les condicions climatològiques del municipi de Roda de Ter i s’ha realitzat el càlcul de les necessitats tèrmiques de l’edifici. L’habitatge incorpora una instal•lació de captació solar tèrmica. Aquesta aportarà un suport energètic a tot el sistema de producció de calor, ja sigui per la producció d’aigua calenta sanitària com per el calefactat de la vivenda. La col•locació dels panells a la façana sud tindrà una doble funció: a més de proporcionar energia solar tèrmica, serviran d’elements de protecció solar en la temporada d’estiu. La caldera usada per donar recolzament tèrmic utilitzarà com a combustible el “pellet”. El “pellet” és un tipus de biomassa llenyosa que consta d’un derivat de la fusta en format granulat. Es defineix i es detalla el consum energètic en biomassa, electricitat i cost econòmic anual que ocasionarà la instal.lació dissenyada. El sistema de terra radiant adoptat permetrà el refrescament en èpoques estivals i el calefactat en èpoques hivernals. Aquest donarà el confort tèrmic necessari a cada estança de l’habitatge. En el projecte també es marquen les pautes bàsiques pel control de la instal•lació solar així com el control dels grups de bombament i la mescla d’aigua del terra radiant.
The Haemophilia Registry of the Swiss Haemophilia Society was created in the year 2000. The latest records from October 31st 2011 are presented here. Included are all patients with haemophilia A or B and other inherited coagulation disorders (including VWD patients with R-Co activity below 10%) known and followed by the 11 paediatric and 12 adult haemophilia treatment or reference centers. Currently there are 950 patients registered, the majority of which (585) having haemophilia A. Disease severity is graded according to ISTH criteria and its distribution between mild, moderate and severe haemophilia is similar to data from other European and American registries. The majority (about two thirds) of Swiss patients with haemophilia A or B are treated on-demand, with only about 20% of patients being on prophylaxis. The figure is different in paediatrics and young adults (1st and 2nd decades), where 80 to 90% of patients with haemophilia A are under regular prophylaxis. Interestingly enough, use of factor concentrates, although readily available, is rather low in Switzerland, especially when taking the country's GDP into account: The total amount of factor VIII and IX was 4.94 U pro capita, comparable to other European countries with distinctly lower incomes (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary). This finding is mainly due to the afore mentioned low rate of prophylactic treatment of haemophilia in our country. Our registry remains an important instrument of quality control of haemophilia therapy in Switzerland.
On behalf of the Iowa Telecommunications and Technology Commission (ITTC) overseeing the Iowa Communications Network, I am pleased to submit the Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Report. Throughout the report you will find stories and examples that demonstrate the many ways in which ICN video, voice, Internet, and data services have touched the lives of Iowans across our state. The ITTC strongly supports the IJOBS initiative and has enthusiastically accepted its responsibilities as stated in SF376 bill passed during the 2009 legislative session. Through the collaboration of the Iowa Utilities Board, Iowa Department of Economic Development and ITTC, a talented governing board is bringing together the interests of many public and private stakeholders to strengthen our telecommunications infrastructure and make broadband access a reality for every Iowan.
On behalf of the Iowa Telecommunications and Technology Commission (ITTC) overseeing the Iowa Communications Network, I am pleased to submit the Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Report. Throughout the report you will find stories and examples that demonstrate the many ways in which ICN video, voice, Internet, and data services have touched the lives of Iowans across our state. The ITTC strongly supports the IJOBS initiative and has enthusiastically accepted its responsibilities as stated in SF376 bill passed during the 2009 legislative session. Through the collaboration of the Iowa Utilities Board, Iowa Department of Economic Development and ITTC, a talented governing board is bringing together the interests of many public and private stakeholders to strengthen our telecommunications infrastructure and make broadband access a reality for every Iowan.
In accordance with Iowa law, this report submitted to the State Treasury. This report discloses all cash receipts and disbursements for fiscal year and the final balance held in the treasury. In addition, you will find descriptions of various treasury activities. This information is a welcomed the opportunity to share this with you and hope it will help you understand the treasurer’s role in state government.
In accordance with Iowa law, this report submitted to the State Treasury. This report discloses all cash receipts and disbursements for fiscal year and the final balance held in the treasury. In addition, you will find descriptions of various treasury activities. This information is a welcomed the opportunity to share this with you and hope it will help you understand the treasurer’s role in state government.
In accordance with Iowa law, this report submitted to the State Treasury. This report discloses all cash receipts and disbursements for fiscal year and the final balance held in the treasury. In addition, you will find descriptions of various treasury activities. This information is a welcomed the opportunity to share this with you and hope it will help you understand the treasurer’s role in state government.
In accordance with Iowa law, this report submitted to the State Treasury. This report discloses all cash receipts and disbursements for fiscal year and the final balance held in the treasury. In addition, you will find descriptions of various treasury activities. This information is a welcomed the opportunity to share this with you and hope it will help you understand the treasurer’s role in state government.
In accordance with Iowa law, this report submitted to the State Treasury. This report discloses all cash receipts and disbursements for fiscal year and the final balance held in the treasury. In addition, you will find descriptions of various treasury activities. This information is a welcomed the opportunity to share this with you and hope it will help you understand the treasurer’s role in state government.
In accordance with Iowa law, this report submitted to the State Treasury. This report discloses all cash receipts and disbursements for fiscal year and the final balance held in the treasury. In addition, you will find descriptions of various treasury activities. This information is a welcomed the opportunity to share this with you and hope it will help you understand the treasurer’s role in state government.
In accordance with Iowa law, this report submitted to the State Treasury. This report discloses all cash receipts and disbursements for fiscal year and the final balance held in the treasury. In addition, you will find descriptions of various treasury activities. This information is a welcomed the opportunity to share this with you and hope it will help you understand the treasurer’s role in state government.