999 resultados para Wheel Tracker (WT) test


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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L'enseignement, l'apprentissage et l'évaluation du raisonnement clinique en sciences infirmières est un défi pour les éducateurs de cette profession et leurs étudiants. Depuis plusieurs décennies, les chercheurs et les éducateurs dans le domaine des sciences de la santé ont travaillé pour élaborer des instruments d'évaluation dans le but de pouvoir mesurer le raisonnement clinique (Charlin, Bordage & Van der Vleuten, 2003). Plusieurs études semblent appuyer le test de concordance de script (TCS) en termes de validité, fiabilité, faisabilité et applicabilité pour plusieurs disciplines et différents contextes (Carrière & al, 2009). Deschênes et ses collaborateurs (2006; Deschênes, Charlin, Gagnon & Goudreau, 2011) ont mis au point et validé un TCS spécifiquement pour le raisonnement clinique en sciences infirmières (RCI). Comme l'évaluation a un impact important sur les stratégies d'apprentissage des étudiants (Sibert et al, 2001; Durak, Caliskan & Bor, 2007), les outils d'évaluation valides et fiables qui permettraient l'identification des problèmes spécifiques dans le développement du raisonnement clinique en sciences infirmières seraient très utiles pour guider les décisions concernant l'éducation (Gierl, 2007). Nous avons donc mené une étude pour explorer le potentiel diagnostique des questions d'un TCS. La question de recherche est la suivante: «Dans quelle mesure chaque question d’un TCS visant à évaluer le RCI peut-elle être reliée à des catégories et des stratégies de pensée spécifiques?" Avec une sous-question: «Comment peut-on décrire le potentiel diagnostique d’un TCS pour évaluer le RCI?". Nous avons fait une deuxième analyse de contenu des données qui ont été obtenues dans une étude précédente dans laquelle cinq vignettes (15 questions) du TCS de Deschênes (2006) ont été utilisées. Les résultats ont montré les catégories et stratégies de pensées utilisées pour répondre à certaines questions du TCS selon les groupes de participants. Aussi, nos résultats ont permis de découvrir des disparités importantes entre les groupes, notamment que le RCI des expertes est si différent des étudiantes, qu’il ne peut servir de référence. Enfin, cette étude démontre que le TCS a un potentiel diagnostique niveau par niveau (1ère, 2e, 3e année et expertes) et non d’un niveau à un autre.


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Ce mémoire rapporte l’optimisation et l’évaluation d’une nouvelle version du test PAMPA (Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay) appelée Néo-PAMPA. Ce test qui permet la prédiction de l’absorption intestinale de médicaments consiste en l’utilisation d’une membrane modèle de la paroi intestinale composée d’une bicouche lipidique déposée sur un coussin de polydopamine recouvrant un filtre poreux. En effet, nous nous sommes intéressés lors de ce projet à la mise en place d’une membrane artificielle qui serait plus représentative de la paroi intestinale humaine. Nous avons pu déterminer, suite à une étude comparative des propriétés de huit médicaments ainsi que les coefficients de perméabilité obtenus, que les filtres en polycarbonate présentaient le meilleur choix de support solide pour la membrane. Nous avons également vérifié la déposition du coussin de polydopamine qui apporte le caractère fluide à la bicouche lipidique. Les résultats des tests de perméabilité ont démontré que le coussin de polymère n’obstrue pas les pores du filtre après un dépôt de 4h. Nous avons par la suite étudié la déposition de la bicouche lipidique sur le filtre recouvert de polydopamine. Pour ce faire, deux méthodes de préparation de liposomes ainsi que plusieurs tailles de liposomes ont été testées. Aussi, la composition en phospholipides a été sujette à plusieurs changements. Tous ces travaux d’optimisation ont permis d’aboutir à des liposomes préparés selon la méthode du « film lipidique » à partir d’un mélange de dioléoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) et de cholestérol. Une dernière étape d’optimisation de la déposition de la bicouche reste à améliorer. Enfin, le test standard Caco-2, qui consiste à évaluer la perméabilité des médicaments à travers une monocouche de cellules cancéreuses du colon humain, a été implémenté avec succès dans le but de comparer des données de perméabilité avec un test de référence.


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Les tests PAMPA et les tests Caco-2 sont des essais in vitro de l’évaluation de la perméabilité intestinale des médicaments. Ils sont réalisés lors de la phase de découverte du médicament. Les tests PAMPA ne sont pas biologiquement représentatifs de la paroi intestinale, mais ils sont rapides et peu coûteux. Les tests Caco-2 nécessitent plus de 21 jours pour la culture cellulaire et des installations spécifiques sont requises. Ils sont constitués d’une monocouche d’entérocytes à confluence et donc plus biologiquement représentatifs. Il y a un besoin pour le développement d’un essai qui est biologiquement représentatif de la membrane intestinale humaine, rapide et peu coûteux. Le premier but de ce projet était de développer une méthode analytique qui permettrait l’évaluation simultanée de huit médicaments témoins utilisés pour la validation de l’essai de perméabilité. Le deuxième but de ce projet était donc d’améliorer la membrane des tests PAMPA pour proposer un nouveau test : le néoPAMPA. Contrairement au test PAMPA traditionnel, cette membrane est constituée de trois composantes : (1) un filtre poreux qui agit à titre de support, (2) un coussin polydopamine chargé négativement qui sert d’ancrage et qui assure la fluidité de la bicouche et (3) une bicouche lipidique formée par fusion de vésicules. Une méthode analytique HPLC-MS/MS a été validée selon les spécifications de la FDA et de la EMA. Cette méthode a permis de quantifier simultanément les huit médicaments standards utilisés pour le test néoPAMPA. Le test PAMPA traditionnel a été mis en place à titre d’essai control. Les coefficients de perméabilité mesurés pour les huit médicaments au travers de la membrane PAMPA comparaient favorablement aux résultats de la littérature. Les composantes de la membrane néoPAMPA ont été optimisées. Les conditions optimales retenues étaient les filtres de polycarbonate hydrophile ayant des pores de 15 nm, les plaques Costar 12 puits comme dispositif des tests de perméabilité, une bicouche lipidique composée de 70 % DOPC et de 30 % cholestérol cationique ainsi qu’une déposition des liposomes en présence de 150 mM NaCl suivi d’un équilibre d’1 h en présence d’une solution saturée en DOPC. Les stabilités de la cassette de médicaments et des liposomes sont insuffisantes pour le conditionnement commercial des membranes néoPAMPA. Les différentes optimisations réalisées ont permis d’améliorer la membrane néoPAMPA sans toutefois la rendre fonctionnelle. La membrane néoPAMPA n’est toujours pas en mesure de discriminer des molécules en fonction de leur perméabilité attendue.


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Introduction : L’approche par compétences est maintenant bien ancrée dans l’enseignement au niveau de la formation médicale postdoctorale. Dans ce contexte, un système de sélection également axé sur les compétences pourrait être avantageux. L’objectif principal de ce projet était de concevoir un TJS ciblant le rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur pour la sélection au niveau postdoctoral en médecine interne (MI) et en médecine familiale (MF). Méthodologie : Des entrevues d’incidents critiques ont été réalisées auprès de résidents juniors en MI ou en MF afin de générer les items du TJS. Trois leaders de l’approche par compétences ont révisé le contenu du test. Les items ont été analysés pour identifier la compétence principale du rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur, le contexte ainsi que les membres de l’équipe interprofessionnelle représentés dans les vignettes. La clé de correction a été déterminée par un panel composé de 11 experts. Cinq méthodes de notation ont été comparées. Résultats : Sept entrevues ont été réalisées. Après révision, 33 items ont été conservés dans le TJS. Les compétences clés du rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur, les contextes et les divers membres de l’équipe interprofessionnelle étaient bien distribués au travers des items. La moyenne des scores des experts variait entre 43,4 et 75,6 % en fonction des différentes méthodes de notation. Le coefficient de corrélation de Pearson entre les cinq méthodes de notation variait entre 0,80 et 0,98. Conclusion : Ce projet démontre la possibilité de concevoir un TJS utilisant le cadre CanMEDS comme trame de fond pour l’élaboration de son contenu. Ce test, couplé à une approche globale de sélection basée sur les compétences, pourrait éventuellement améliorer le pouvoir prédictif du processus de sélection au niveau de la formation médicale postdoctorale.


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The increasing tempo of construction activity the world over creates heavy pressure on existing land space. The quest for new and competent site often points to the needs for improving existing sites, which are otherwise deemed unsuitable for adopting conventional foundations. This is accomplished by ground improvement methods, which are employed to improve the quality of soil incompetent in their natural state. Among the construction activities, a well-connected road network is one of the basic infrastructure requirements, which play a vital role for the fast and comfortable movement of inter- regional traffic in countries like India.One of the innovative ground improvement techniques practised all over the world is the use of geosynthetics, which include geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrids, etc . They offer the advantages such as space saving, enviromnental sensitivity, material availability, technical superiority, higher cost savings, less construction time, etc . Because of its fundamental properties, such as tensile strength, filtering and water permeability, a geotextile inserted between the base material and sub grade can function as reinforcement, a filter medium, a separation layer and as a drainage medium. Though polymeric geotextiles are used in abundant quantities, the use of natural geotextiles (like coir, jute, etc.) has yet to get momentum. This is primarily due to the lack of research work on natural geotextilcs for ground improvement, particularly in the areas of un paved roads. Coir geotextiles are best suited for low cost applications because of its availability at low prices compared to its synthetic counterparts. The proper utilisation of coir geotextilcs in various applications demands large quantities of the product, which in turn can create a boom in the coir industry. The present study aims at exploring the possibilities of utilising coir geotextiles for unpaved roads and embankments.The properties of coir geotextiles used have been evaluated. The properties studied include mass per unit area, puncture resistance, tensile strength, secant modulus, etc . The interfacial friction between soils and three types of coir geotextiles used was also evaluated. It was found that though the parameters evaluated for coir geotextiles have low values compared to polymeric geotextiles, the former are sufficient for use in unpaved roads and embankments. The frictional characteristics of coir geotextile - soil interfaces are extremely good and satisfy the condition set by the International Geosynthetic Society for varied applications.The performance of coir geotextiles reinforced subgrade was studied by conducting California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests. Studies were made with coir geotextiles placed at different levels and also in multiple layers. The results have shown that the coir geotextile enhances the subgrade strength. A regression analysis was perfonned and a mathematical model was developed to predict the CBR of the coir geotextile reinforced subgrade soil as a function of the soil properties, coir geotextile properties, and placement depth of reinforcement.The effects of coir geotextiles on bearing capacity were studied by perfonning plate load tests in a test tan1e This helped to understand the functioning of geotextile as reinforcement in unpaved roads and embankments. The perfonnance of different types of coir geotextiles with respect to the placement depth in dry and saturated conditions was studied. The results revealed that the bearing capacity of coir-reinforced soil is increasing irrespective of the type of coir geotextiles and saturation condition.The rut behaviour of unreinforced and coir reinforced unpaved road sections were compared by conducting model static load tests in a test tank and also under repetitive loads in a wheel track test facility. The results showed that coir geotextiles could fulfill the functions as reinforcement and as a separator, both under static and repetitive loads. The rut depth was very much reduced whik placing coir geotextiles in between sub grade and sub base.In order to study the use of Coir geotextiles in improving the settlement characteristics, two types of prefabricated COlf geotextile vertical drains were developed and their time - settlement behaviour were studied. Three different dispositions were tried. It was found that the coir geotextile drains were very effective in reducing consolidation time due to radial drainage. The circular drains in triangular disposition gave maximum beneficial effect.In long run, the degradation of coir geotextile is expected, which results in a soil - fibre matrix. Hence, studies pertaining to strength and compressibility characteristics of soil - coir fibre composites were conducted. Experiments were done using coir fibres having different aspect ratios and in different proportions. The results revealed that the strength of the soil was increased by 150% to 200% when mixed with 2% of fibre having approximately 12mm length, at all compaction conditions. Also, the coefficient of consolidation increased and compression index decreased with the addition of coir fibre.Typical design charts were prepared for the design of coir geotextile reinforced unpaved roads. Some illustrative examples are also given. The results demonstrated that a considerable saving in subase / base thickness can he achieved with the use of eoir geotextiles, which in turn, would save large quantities of natural aggregates.


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Code clones are portions of source code which are similar to the original program code. The presence of code clones is considered as a bad feature of software as the maintenance of software becomes difficult due to the presence of code clones. Methods for code clone detection have gained immense significance in the last few years as they play a significant role in engineering applications such as analysis of program code, program understanding, plagiarism detection, error detection, code compaction and many more similar tasks. Despite of all these facts, several features of code clones if properly utilized can make software development process easier. In this work, we have pointed out such a feature of code clones which highlight the relevance of code clones in test sequence identification. Here program slicing is used in code clone detection. In addition, a classification of code clones is presented and the benefit of using program slicing in code clone detection is also mentioned in this work.


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The country has witnessed tremendous increase in the vehicle population and increased axle loading pattern during the last decade, leaving its road network overstressed and leading to premature failure. The type of deterioration present in the pavement should be considered for determining whether it has a functional or structural deficiency, so that appropriate overlay type and design can be developed. Structural failure arises from the conditions that adversely affect the load carrying capability of the pavement structure. Inadequate thickness, cracking, distortion and disintegration cause structural deficiency. Functional deficiency arises when the pavement does not provide a smooth riding surface and comfort to the user. This can be due to poor surface friction and texture, hydro planning and splash from wheel path, rutting and excess surface distortion such as potholes, corrugation, faulting, blow up, settlement, heaves etc. Functional condition determines the level of service provided by the facility to its users at a particular time and also the Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC), thus influencing the national economy. Prediction of the pavement deterioration is helpful to assess the remaining effective service life (RSL) of the pavement structure on the basis of reduction in performance levels, and apply various alternative designs and rehabilitation strategies with a long range funding requirement for pavement preservation. In addition, they can predict the impact of treatment on the condition of the sections. The infrastructure prediction models can thus be classified into four groups, namely primary response models, structural performance models, functional performance models and damage models. The factors affecting the deterioration of the roads are very complex in nature and vary from place to place. Hence there is need to have a thorough study of the deterioration mechanism under varied climatic zones and soil conditions before arriving at a definite strategy of road improvement. Realizing the need for a detailed study involving all types of roads in the state with varying traffic and soil conditions, the present study has been attempted. This study attempts to identify the parameters that affect the performance of roads and to develop performance models suitable to Kerala conditions. A critical review of the various factors that contribute to the pavement performance has been presented based on the data collected from selected road stretches and also from five corporations of Kerala. These roads represent the urban conditions as well as National Highways, State Highways and Major District Roads in the sub urban and rural conditions. This research work is a pursuit towards a study of the road condition of Kerala with respect to varying soil, traffic and climatic conditions, periodic performance evaluation of selected roads of representative types and development of distress prediction models for roads of Kerala. In order to achieve this aim, the study is focused into 2 parts. The first part deals with the study of the pavement condition and subgrade soil properties of urban roads distributed in 5 Corporations of Kerala; namely Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kochi, Thrissur and Kozhikode. From selected 44 roads, 68 homogeneous sections were studied. The data collected on the functional and structural condition of the surface include pavement distress in terms of cracks, potholes, rutting, raveling and pothole patching. The structural strength of the pavement was measured as rebound deflection using Benkelman Beam deflection studies. In order to collect the details of the pavement layers and find out the subgrade soil properties, trial pits were dug and the in-situ field density was found using the Sand Replacement Method. Laboratory investigations were carried out to find out the subgrade soil properties, soil classification, Atterberg limits, Optimum Moisture Content, Field Moisture Content and 4 days soaked CBR. The relative compaction in the field was also determined. The traffic details were also collected by conducting traffic volume count survey and axle load survey. From the data thus collected, the strength of the pavement was calculated which is a function of the layer coefficient and thickness and is represented as Structural Number (SN). This was further related to the CBR value of the soil and the Modified Structural Number (MSN) was found out. The condition of the pavement was represented in terms of the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) which is a function of the distress of the surface at the time of the investigation and calculated in the present study using deduct value method developed by U S Army Corps of Engineers. The influence of subgrade soil type and pavement condition on the relationship between MSN and rebound deflection was studied using appropriate plots for predominant types of soil and for classified value of Pavement Condition Index. The relationship will be helpful for practicing engineers to design the overlay thickness required for the pavement, without conducting the BBD test. Regression analysis using SPSS was done with various trials to find out the best fit relationship between the rebound deflection and CBR, and other soil properties for Gravel, Sand, Silt & Clay fractions. The second part of the study deals with periodic performance evaluation of selected road stretches representing National Highway (NH), State Highway (SH) and Major District Road (MDR), located in different geographical conditions and with varying traffic. 8 road sections divided into 15 homogeneous sections were selected for the study and 6 sets of continuous periodic data were collected. The periodic data collected include the functional and structural condition in terms of distress (pothole, pothole patch, cracks, rutting and raveling), skid resistance using a portable skid resistance pendulum, surface unevenness using Bump Integrator, texture depth using sand patch method and rebound deflection using Benkelman Beam. Baseline data of the study stretches were collected as one time data. Pavement history was obtained as secondary data. Pavement drainage characteristics were collected in terms of camber or cross slope using camber board (slope meter) for the carriage way and shoulders, availability of longitudinal side drain, presence of valley, terrain condition, soil moisture content, water table data, High Flood Level, rainfall data, land use and cross slope of the adjoining land. These data were used for finding out the drainage condition of the study stretches. Traffic studies were conducted, including classified volume count and axle load studies. From the field data thus collected, the progression of each parameter was plotted for all the study roads; and validated for their accuracy. Structural Number (SN) and Modified Structural Number (MSN) were calculated for the study stretches. Progression of the deflection, distress, unevenness, skid resistance and macro texture of the study roads were evaluated. Since the deterioration of the pavement is a complex phenomena contributed by all the above factors, pavement deterioration models were developed as non linear regression models, using SPSS with the periodic data collected for all the above road stretches. General models were developed for cracking progression, raveling progression, pothole progression and roughness progression using SPSS. A model for construction quality was also developed. Calibration of HDM–4 pavement deterioration models for local conditions was done using the data for Cracking, Raveling, Pothole and Roughness. Validation was done using the data collected in 2013. The application of HDM-4 to compare different maintenance and rehabilitation options were studied considering the deterioration parameters like cracking, pothole and raveling. The alternatives considered for analysis were base alternative with crack sealing and patching, overlay with 40 mm BC using ordinary bitumen, overlay with 40 mm BC using Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen and an overlay of Ultra Thin White Topping. Economic analysis of these options was done considering the Life Cycle Cost (LCC). The average speed that can be obtained by applying these options were also compared. The results were in favour of Ultra Thin White Topping over flexible pavements. Hence, Design Charts were also plotted for estimation of maximum wheel load stresses for different slab thickness under different soil conditions. The design charts showed the maximum stress for a particular slab thickness and different soil conditions incorporating different k values. These charts can be handy for a design engineer. Fuzzy rule based models developed for site specific conditions were compared with regression models developed using SPSS. The Riding Comfort Index (RCI) was calculated and correlated with unevenness to develop a relationship. Relationships were developed between Skid Number and Macro Texture of the pavement. The effort made through this research work will be helpful to highway engineers in understanding the behaviour of flexible pavements in Kerala conditions and for arriving at suitable maintenance and rehabilitation strategies. Key Words: Flexible Pavements – Performance Evaluation – Urban Roads – NH – SH and other roads – Performance Models – Deflection – Riding Comfort Index – Skid Resistance – Texture Depth – Unevenness – Ultra Thin White Topping


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A fully relativistic four-component Dirac-Fock-Slater program for diatomics, with numerically given AO's as basis functions is presented. We discuss the problem of the errors due to the finite basis-set, and due to the influence of the negative energy solutions of the Dirac Hamiltonian. The negative continuum contributions are found to be very small.


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In this text, we present two stereo-based head tracking techniques along with a fast 3D model acquisition system. The first tracking technique is a robust implementation of stereo-based head tracking designed for interactive environments with uncontrolled lighting. We integrate fast face detection and drift reduction algorithms with a gradient-based stereo rigid motion tracking technique. Our system can automatically segment and track a user's head under large rotation and illumination variations. Precision and usability of this approach are compared with previous tracking methods for cursor control and target selection in both desktop and interactive room environments. The second tracking technique is designed to improve the robustness of head pose tracking for fast movements. Our iterative hybrid tracker combines constraints from the ICP (Iterative Closest Point) algorithm and normal flow constraint. This new technique is more precise for small movements and noisy depth than ICP alone, and more robust for large movements than the normal flow constraint alone. We present experiments which test the accuracy of our approach on sequences of real and synthetic stereo images. The 3D model acquisition system we present quickly aligns intensity and depth images, and reconstructs a textured 3D mesh. 3D views are registered with shape alignment based on our iterative hybrid tracker. We reconstruct the 3D model using a new Cubic Ray Projection merging algorithm which takes advantage of a novel data structure: the linked voxel space. We present experiments to test the accuracy of our approach on 3D face modelling using real-time stereo images.


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Realizar un estudio de las propiedades psicométricas del test de Boehm de Conceptos Básicos (BTBC) a partir de las respuestas emitidas por escolares asturianos. 153 alumnos de Preescolar-1, 136 de Preescolar-2 y 205 de primero de EGB del Principado de Asturias, distribuidos en función del sexo y la clase social. Muestreo aleatorio estratificado con afijación proporcional dentro de la población escolar. Cálculo de los coeficientes de fiabilidad, validez e indices de dificultad y discriminación. Baremación de la prueba para la población asturiana. Para cada uno de los análisis se toma individualmente los tres grupos resultantes de los niveles escolares a los que pertenecen los sujetos de la muestra, pretendiendo con ello observar el comportamiento del test en cada grupo de edad. BTBC, WIPPSI, WIC y test de matrices progresivas de colores de Raven. Calificación académica en Lenguaje. La fiabilidad se calculó por tres métodos: dos mitades, alpha de Cronbach y zeta de Carmines. La validez se calculó por medio de correlaciones con otros tests y el análisis de componentes principales. Fiabilidad: para los dos grupos de Preescolar, los coeficientes son relativamente altos en todos los casos, produciéndose una baja significativa en el grupo de primero de EGB; también se observa que los resultados alcanzados son levemente inferiores a los aportados en el manual de la versión castellana. Validez: el test tiene una aceptable relación con las pruebas elegidas como criterio y con la calificación en lenguaje; se corrobora que el BTBC es un test multidimensional. Dificultad y discriminación: en la primera mitad los índices de dificultad son muy altos, de los que se derivan unos niveles de discriminación muy bajos para la mayor parte de los ítems; la segunda parte del test tiene unos índices de dificultad con valores más bajos y la discriminación mejora; al mismo tiempo, los resultados indican que los ítems aun cuando presentan una diferenciación en dificultad entre los correspondientes a la primera y segunda mitad, no mantienen un riguroso orden de dificultad creciente. Baremación: los datos obtenidos indican la necesidad de que se realice una unica baremación para todos los sujetos en los dos cursos de Preescolar y tres baremaciones, según los tres niveles de clase social, para el primer curso de EGB. En términos generales, se concluye que los valores obtenidos en los diferentes análisis caen dentro de niveles 'razonablemente' aceptables, no pudiendo olvidar nunca las especiales características de esta prueba.