989 resultados para Wheatstone bridges


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Recourant volontiers au voilement ou à un jeu de paravents, l’écriture pudique est marquée par la précaution – souvent troublante en soi – d’éviter de provoquer le trouble chez son lecteur. Hamaguri d’Aki Shimazaki se construit autour d’un noyau apparemment contradictoire qui transcende le tabou de l’inceste. L’étude de ce roman, mis en parallèle avec L’amant de Duras et Les belles endormies de Kawabata, permet de mettre en relief un érotisme pudique dont la principale caractéristique consiste en une remise en cause de son principe transgressif, découlant de la dissolution de la limite tracée par l’interdit. Dans un phénomène de coïncidence des opposés, l’érotisme pudique aplanit le rapport dualiste entre des éléments donnés comme inconciliables : chair et esprit, Éros et Thanatos, licite et illicite. Empreint de ce type d’érotisme, Probablement personne met en scène une jeune femme et son professeur de peinture sumi-e, de quarante ans son aîné. Une passion indéfinissable, à la lisière de la hantise, les lie de plus en plus étroitement l’un à l’autre. Leur relation se joue dans le non-dit, les regards, la gestuelle; elle se révèle graduellement à travers des traits d’encre sur le papier et la symbolique de la fleur : fascinante, cueillie, flétrie… Leur drame se joue dans la zone grise entre ce qui a eu lieu et n’a jamais eu lieu.


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In this thesis an attempt to develop the properties of basic concepts in fuzzy graphs such as fuzzy bridges, fuzzy cutnodes, fuzzy trees and blocks in fuzzy graphs have been made. The notion of complement of a fuzzy graph is modified and some of its properties are studied. Since the notion of complement has just been initiated, several properties of G and G available for crisp graphs can be studied for fuzzy graphs also. Mainly focused on fuzzy trees defined by Rosenfeld in [10] , several other types of fuzzy trees are defined depending on the acyclicity level of a fuzzy graph. It is observed that there are selfcentered fuzzy trees. Some operations on fuzzy graphs and prove that complement of the union two fuzzy graphs is the join of their complements and complement of the join of two fuzzy graphs is union of their complements. The study of fuzzy graphs made in this thesis is far from being complete. The wide ranging applications of graph theory and the interdisciplinary nature of fuzzy set theory, if properly blended together could pave a way for a substantial growth of fuzzy graph theory.


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The latex industry has expanded over the years to meet the world demands for gloves, condoms, latex thread etc. Because of the strict specifications for the products and the unstable nature of the latex, as high as 15%, of the final latex products are rejected. Since waste latex rubber (WLR) represents a source of high quality rubber hydrocarbon, it is a potential candidate for generating reclaimed rubber of superior quality. Two types of WLR with different amounts of polysulfidic bridges are used in these experiments, which are reclaimed with variation of the concentration of the reclaiming agents, the reclamation temperature and time, Di phenyldisultide, 2-aminophenyldisulfide and 2,2'-dibenzamidodiphenyldisulfide (DBADPDS) are used as reclaiming agents, and the effect of diphenyldisulfides (DPDS) with different substituents, on the reclamation efficiency of WLR is investigated. A kinetic study of the reclamation reaction with the three reclaiming agents is done. The reaction rates and activation energies are calculated and compared with literature values. The comparative study of the three different reclaiming agents shows that (DBADPDS) is able to break the crosslinks at temperature levels 20'C below the temperature levels normally used with DPDS. Another advantage of this reclaiming agent is the reduced smell during the reclamation process and of the final reclaims, one of the most important shortcomings of other disulfides used for this purpose.


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In this paper some properties of fuzzy bridges are studied.A characterization of fuzzy trees is obtained using these concepts.


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High strength and high performance concrete are being widely used all over the world. Most of the applications of high strength concrete have been found in high rise buildings, long span bridges etc. The potential of rice husk ash as a cement replacement material is well established .Earlier researches showed an improvement in mechanical properties of high strength concrete with finely ground RHA as a partial cement replacement material. A review of literature urges the need for optimizing the replacement level of cement with RHA for improved mechanical properties at optimum water binder ratio. This paper discusses the mechanical properties of RHA- High strength concrete at optimized conditions


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Aufgrund ihrer Vorteile hinsichtlich Dauerhaftigkeit und Bauwerkssicherheit ist in Deutschland seit 1998 die externe Vorspannung in Hohlkastenbrücken zur Regelbauweise geworden. Durch Verwendung der austauschbaren externen Vorspannung verspricht man sich im Brückenbau weitere Verbesserungen der Robustheit und damit eine Verlängerung der Lebensdauer. Trotz des besseren Korrosionsschutzes im Vergleich zur internen Vorspannung mit Verbund sind Schäden nicht völlig auszuschließen. Um die Vorteile der externen Vorspannung zu nutzen, ist daher eine periodische Überwachung der Spanngliedkräfte, z. B. während der Hauptprüfung des Bauwerks, durchzuführen. Für die Überwachung der Spanngliedkräfte bei Schrägseilbrücken haben sich die Schwingungsmessmethoden als wirtschaftlich und leistungsfähig erwiesen. Für die Übertragung der Methode auf den Fall der externen Vorspannung, wo kürzere Schwingungslängen vorliegen, waren zusätzliche Untersuchungen hinsichtlich der effektiven Schwingungslänge, der Randbedingungen sowie der effektiven Biegesteifigkeit erforderlich. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das Modellkorrekturverfahren, basierend auf der iterativen Anpassung eines F.E.-Modells an die identifizierten Eigenfrequenzen und Eigenformen des Spanngliedes, für die Bestimmung der Spanngliedkräfte verwendet. Dieses Verfahren ermöglicht die Berücksichtigung der Parameter (Schwingungslänge, Randbedingungen und effektive Biegesteifigkeit) bei der Identifikation der effektiven Spanngliedkräfte. Weiterhin ist eine Modellierung jeder beliebigen Spanngliedausbildung, z. B. bei unterschiedlichen Querschnitten in den Verankerungs- bzw. Umlenkbereichen, gewährleistet. Zur Anwendung bei der Ermittlung der Spanngliedkräfte wurde eine spezielle Methode, basierend auf den besonderen dynamischen Eigenschaften der Spannglieder, entwickelt, bei der die zuvor genannten Parameter innerhalb jedes Iterationsschrittes unabhängig korrigiert werden, was zur Robustheit des Identifikationsverfahrens beiträgt. Das entwickelte Verfahren ist in einem benutzerfreundlichen Programmsystem implementiert worden. Die erzielten Ergebnisse wurden mit dem allgemeinen Identifikationsprogramm UPDATE_g2 verglichen; dabei ist eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung festgestellt worden. Beim selbst entwickelten Verfahren wird die benötigte Rechenzeit auf ca. 30 % reduziert [100 sec à 30 sec]. Es bietet sich daher für die unmittelbare Auswertung vor Ort an. Die Parameteridentifikationsverfahren wurden an den Spanngliedern von insgesamt sechs Brücken (vier unterschiedliche Spannverfahren) angewendet. Die Anzahl der getesteten Spannglieder beträgt insgesamt 340. Die Abweichung zwischen den durch Schwingungs-messungen identifizierten und gemessenen (bei einer Brücke durch eine Abhebekontrolle) bzw. aufgebrachten Spanngliedkräften war kleiner als 3 %. Ferner wurden die Auswirkungen äußerer Einflüsse infolge Temperaturschwankungen und Verkehr bei den durchgeführten Messungen untersucht. Bei der praktischen Anwendung sind Besonderheiten aufgetreten, die durch die Verwendung des Modellkorrekturverfahrens weitgehend erfasst werden konnten. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Verwendung dieses Verfahrens die Genauigkeit im Vergleich mit den bisherigen Schwingungsmessmethoden beachtlich erhöht. Ferner wird eine Erweiterung des Anwendungsbereiches auch auf Spezialfälle (z. B. bei einem unplanmäßigen Anliegen) gewährleistet.


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Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1) is an evolutionarily conserved protein required for formation of a higher-order chromatin structures and epigenetic gene silencing. The objective of the present work was to functionally characterise HP1-like proteins in Dictyostelium discoideum, and to investigate their function in heterochromatin formation and transcriptional gene silencing. The Dictyostelium genome encodes three HP1-like proteins (hcpA, hcpB, hcpC), from which only two, hcpA and hcpB, but not hcpC were found to be expressed during vegetative growth and under developmental conditions. Therefore, hcpC, albeit no obvious pseudogene, was excluded from this study. Both HcpA and HcpB show the characteristic conserved domain structure of HP1 proteins, consisting of an N-terminal chromo domain and a C-terminal chromo shadow domain, which are separated by a hinge. Both proteins show all biochemical activities characteristic for HP1 proteins, such as homo- and heterodimerisation in vitro and in vivo, and DNA binding activtity. HcpA furthermore seems to bind to K9-methylated histone H3 in vitro. The proteins thus appear to be structurally and functionally conserved in Dictyostelium. The proteins display largely identical subnuclear distribution in several minor foci and concentration in one major cluster at the nuclear periphery. The localisation of this cluster adjacent to the nucleus-associated centrosome and its mitotic behaviour strongly suggest that it represents centromeric heterochromatin. Furthermore, it is characterised by histone H3 lysine-9 dimethylation (H3K9me2), which is another hallmark of Dictyostelium heterochromatin. Therefore, one important aspect of the work was to characterise the so-far largely unknown structural organisation of centromeric heterochromatin. The Dictyostelium homologue of inner centromere protein INCENP (DdINCENP), co-localized with both HcpA and H3K9me2 during metaphase, providing further evidence that H3K9me2 and HcpA/B localisation represent centromeric heterochromatin. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) showed that two types of high-copy number retrotransposons (DIRS-1 and skipper), which form large irregular arrays at the chromosome ends, which are thought to contain the Dictyostelium centromeres, are characterised by H3K9me2. Neither overexpression of full-length HcpA or HcpB, nor deletion of single Hcp isoforms resulted in changes in retrotransposon transcript levels. However, overexpression of a C-terminally truncated HcpA protein, assumed to display a dominant negative effect, lead to an increase in skipper retrotransposon transcript levels. Furthermore, overexpression of this protein lead to severe growth defects in axenic suspension culture and reduced cell viability. In order to elucidate the proteins functions in centromeric heterochromatin formation, gene knock-outs for both hcpA and hcpB were generated. Both genes could be successfully targeted and disrupted by homologous recombination. Surprisingly, the degree of functional redundancy of the two isoforms was, although not unexpected, very high. Both single knock-out mutants did not show any obvious phenotypes under standard laboratory conditions and only deletion of hcpA resulted in subtle growth phenotypes when grown at low temperature. All attempts to generate a double null mutant failed. However, both endogenous genes could be disrupted in cells in which a rescue construct that ectopically expressed one of the isoforms either with N-terminal 6xHis- or GFP-tag had been introduced. The data imply that the presence of at least one Hcp isoform is essential in Dictyostelium. The lethality of the hcpA/hcpB double mutant thus greatly hampered functional analysis of the two genes. However, the experiment provided genetic evidence that the GFP-HcpA fusion protein, because of its ability to compensate the loss of the endogenous HcpA protein, was a functional protein. The proteins displayed quantitative differences in dimerisation behaviour, which are conferred by the slightly different hinge and chromo shadow domains at the C-termini. Dimerisation preferences in increasing order were HcpA-HcpA << HcpA-HcpB << HcpB-HcpB. Overexpression of GFP-HcpA or a chimeric protein containing the HcpA C-terminus (GFP-HcpBNAC), but not overexpression of GFP-HcpB or GFP-HcpANBC, lead to increased frequencies of anaphase bridges in late mitotic cells, which are thought to be caused by telomere-telomere fusions. Chromatin targeting of the two proteins is achieved by at least two distinct mechanisms. The N-terminal chromo domain and hinge of the proteins are required for targeting to centromeric heterochromatin, while the C-terminal portion encoding the CSD is required for targeting to several other chromatin regions at the nuclear periphery that are characterised by H3K9me2. Targeting to centromeric heterochromatin likely involves direct binding to DNA. The Dictyostelium genome encodes for all subunits of the origin recognition complex (ORC), which is a possible upstream component of HP1 targeting to chromatin. Overexpression of GFP-tagged OrcB, the Dictyostelium Orc2 homologue, showed a distinct nuclear localisation that partially overlapped with the HcpA distribution. Furthermore, GFP-OrcB localized to the centrosome during the entire cell cycle, indicating an involvement in centrosome function. DnmA is the sole DNA methyltransferase in Dictyostelium required for all DNA(cytosine-)methylation. To test for its in vivo activity, two different cell lines were established that ectopically expressed DnmA-myc or DnmA-GFP. It was assumed that overexpression of these proteins might cause an increase in the 5-methyl-cytosine(5-mC)-levels in the genomic DNA due to genomic hypermethylation. Although DnmA-GFP showed preferential localisation in the nucleus, no changes in the 5-mC-levels in the genomic DNA could be detected by capillary electrophoresis.


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Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) is a key transducer in the NO-cGMP signaling pathway. In this line, PKG has been considered an important drug target for treating hypertensive cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. However, the investigation of PKG’s allosteric activation mechanism has been hampered by a lack of structural information. One of the fundamental questions on the cGMP-dependent activation of PKG is how the enzyme can distinguish cGMP over cAMP and selectively respond to cGMP. To ensure proper signaling, PKG must have developed unique features to ensure its activation upon the right activation signal. In this thesis, the cGMP-selective activation mechanism of PKG was studied through determining crystal structures of three truncated constructs of the regulatory domain [CNB-A (92-227), CNB-B (271-369), and CNB-A/B (92-351)] of PKG Iβ in the absence or presence of cyclic nucleotides. Herein, two individual CNB domain structures with biochemical data revealed that the C-terminal CNB domain (CNB-B) is responsible for cGMP selectivity, while the N-terminal CNB-domain (CNB-A) has a higher binding affinity for both cGMP and cAMP without showing any selectivity. Based on these crystal structures, mutagenesis studies were performed in which the critical residues for cyclic nucleotide selectivity and activation were identified. Furthermore, we discovered that the conformational changes of the C-terminal helix of the CNB-B that bridges between the regulatory and catalytic domains including the hydrophobic capping interaction are crucial for PKG activation. In addition, to observe the global conformation of the activated R-domain, I solved a co-crystal structure of the CNB-A/B with cGMP. Although a monomeric construct was crystallized, the structure displays a dimer. Strikingly, the CNB-A domain and its bound cGMP provide a key interface for this dimeric interaction. Using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), the existence of the cGMP-mediated dimeric interface within the CNB domains was confirmed. Furthermore, measuring cGMP-binding affinities (EC50) of the dimeric interface mutants as well as determining activation constants (Ka) revealed that the interface formation is important for PKG activation. To conclude, this thesis study provides a new mechanistic insight in PKG activation along with a newly found interface that can be targeted for designing PKG-specific activity modulators.


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La tecnología LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), basada en el escaneado del territorio por un telémetro láser aerotransportado, permite la construcción de Modelos Digitales de Superficie (DSM) mediante una simple interpolación, así como de Modelos Digitales del Terreno (DTM) mediante la identificación y eliminación de los objetos existentes en el terreno (edificios, puentes o árboles). El Laboratorio de Geomática del Politécnico de Milán – Campus de Como- desarrolló un algoritmo de filtrado de datos LiDAR basado en la interpolación con splines bilineares y bicúbicas con una regularización de Tychonov en una aproximación de mínimos cuadrados. Sin embargo, en muchos casos son todavía necesarios modelos más refinados y complejos en los cuales se hace obligatorio la diferenciación entre edificios y vegetación. Este puede ser el caso de algunos modelos de prevención de riesgos hidrológicos, donde la vegetación no es necesaria; o la modelización tridimensional de centros urbanos, donde la vegetación es factor problemático. (...)


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En l'apartat de “Docència” es presenta el text íntegre de la conferència que va pronunciar la Dra Blanca Palmada en el transcurs de l’acte acadèmic d’inauguració del curs 2009-2010 que es va fer a la l’Escola Politècnica Superior el passat 9 d’octubre. El text inclou reflexions sobre l’educació i el procés d’aprenentatge. Pel que fa alconcurs de ponts, ha estat l’etapa final i més visible de les pràctiques de l’assignatura Estructures III de l’estudi d’Arquitectura. Els professors de l’assignatura han estat l’Antoni Blàzquez i l’Antoni Solé de l’àrea de Mecànica de Medis Continus i Teoria d’Estructures (Dept. Enginyeria Mecànica i de la Construcció Industrial). El concurs de ponts ha estat coordinat per l’Antoni Solé


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A decentralized model reference controller is designed to reduce the magnitude of the transversal vibration of a flexible cable-stayed beam structure induced by a seismic excitation. The controller design is made based on the principle of sliding mode such that a priori knowledge


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This paper deals with the problem of stabilizing a class of structures subject to an uncertain excitation due to the temporary coupling of the main system with another uncertain dynamical subsystem. A Lyapunov function based control scheme is proposed to attenuate the structural vibration. In the control design, the actuator dynamics is taken into account. The control scheme is implemented by using only feedback information of the main system. The effectiveness of the control scheme is shown for a bridge platform with crossing vehicle


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La Fibrosis Quística es la enfermedad autosómica recesiva mas frecuente en caucásicos. En Colombia no se conoce la incidencia de la enfermedad, pero investigaciones del grupo de la Universidad del Rosario indican que podría ser relativamente alta. Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de afectados por Fibrosis Quística en una muestra de recién nacidos de la ciudad de Bogotá. Metodología: Se analizan 8.297 muestras de sangre de cordón umbilical y se comparan tres protocolos de tamizaje neonatal: TIR/TIR, TIR/DNA y TIR/DNA/TIR. Resultados: El presente trabajo muestra una incidencia de 1 en 8.297 afectados en la muestra analizada. Conclusiones: Dada la relativamente alta incidencia demostrada en Bogotá, se justifica la implementación de Tamizaje Neonatal para Fibrosis Quística en Colombia.


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Las regiones en los procesos institucionales europeos se han visto afectados en su rol político como consecuencia de la importancia económica que ellas han tenido en la Unión Europea. Graves problemas como el déficit democrático y la falta de una inclusión mayor de los ciudadanos a los procesos de integración amenazan la unidad europea. La gobernanza multinivel y el principio de subsidiariedad no han creado un sentimiento de identidad con los ciudadanos. Bajo este umbral, las regiones se muestran como los puentes que podrían acercar más las Instituciones Europeas a los ciudadanos.


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El Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), es el tumor cerebral más frecuente, con pronóstico grave y baja sensibilidad al tratamiento inicial. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar si la Difusión en RM (IDRM), es un biomarcador temprano de respuesta tumoral, útil para tomar decisiones tempranas de tratamiento y para obtener información pronostica. Metodología La búsqueda se realizo en las bases de datos EMBASE, CENTRAL, MEDLINE; las bibliografías también fueron revisadas. Los artículos seleccionados fueron estudios observacionales (casos y controles, cohortes, corte transversal), no se encontró ningún ensayo clínico; todos los participante tenían diagnostico histopatológico de GBM, sometidos a resección quirúrgica y/o radio-quimioterapia y seguimiento de respuesta al tratamiento con IDRM por al menos 6 meses. Los datos extraídos de forma independiente fueron tipo de estudio, participantes, intervenciones, seguimiento, desenlaces (sobrevida, progresión/estabilización de la enfermedad, muerte) Resultados Quince estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Entre las técnicas empleadas de IDRM para evaluar respuesta radiológica al tratamiento, fueron histogramas del coeficiente aparente de difusion ADC (compararon valores inferiores a la media y el percentil 10 de ADC, con los valores superiores); encontrando en términos generales que un ADC bajo es un fuerte predictor de sobrevida y/o progresión del tumor. (Esto fue significativo en 5 estudios); mapas funcionales de difusion (FDM) (midieron el porcentaje de cambio de ADC basal vs pos tratamiento) que mostro ser un fuerte predictor de sobrevida en pacientes con progresión tumoral. DISCUSION Desafortunadamente la calidad de los estudios fue intermedia-baja lo que hace que la aplicabilidad de los estudios sea limitada.