975 resultados para Volunteers in Service to America.


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This paper explores how the surface permeability of sandstone blocks changes over time in response to repeated salt weathering cycles. Surface permeability controls the amount of moisture and dissolved salt that can penetrate in and facilitate decay. Connected pores permit the movement of moisture (and hence soluble salts) into the stone interior, and where areas are more or less permeable soluble salts may migrate along preferred pathways at differential rates. Previous research has shown that salts can accumulate in the near-surface zone and lead to partial pore blocking which influences subsequent moisture ingress and causes rapid salt accumulation in the near-surface zone.

Two parallel salt weathering simulations were carried out on blocks of Peakmoor Sandstone of different volumes. Blocks were removed from simulations after 2, 5, 10, 20 and 60 cycles. Permeability measurements were taken for these blocks at a resolution of 20 mm, providing a grid of 100 permeability values for each surface. The geostatistical technique of ordinary kriging was applied to the data to produce a smoothed interpolation of permeability for these surfaces, and hence improve understanding of the evolution of permeability over time in response to repeated salt weathering cycles.

Results illustrate the different responses of the sandstone blocks of different volumes to repeated salt weathering cycles. In both cases, after an initial subtle decline in the permeability (reflecting pore blocking), the permeability starts to increase — reflected in a rise in mean, maximum and minimum values. However, between 10 and 20 cycles, there is a jump in the mean and range permeability of the group A block surfaces coinciding with the onset of meaningful debris release. After 60 cycles, the range of permeability in the group A block surface had increased markedly, suggesting the development of a secondary permeability. The concept of dynamic instability and divergent behaviour is applied at the scale of a single block surface, with initial small-scale differences across a surface having larger scale consequences as weathering progresses.

After cycle 10, group B blocks show a much smaller increase in mean permeability, and the range stays relatively steady — this may be explained by the capillary conditions set up by the smaller volume of the stone, allowing salts to migrate to the ‘back’ of the blocks and effectively relieving stress at the ‘front’ face.


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Growth-promoting agents are illicitly used during animal rearing processes and the detection of their use is limited by new compounds and dosing practices that limit the efficiency of current testing which is based on residue analysis by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) methodology. An alternative approach is to use indirect biological evidence as a screening tool to identify growth-promoter treated animals thus improving the effectiveness of residue testing through the targeted sampling of these animals. Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is a glycoprotein which binds and controls the levels of sex-hormones within the circulation. Using a biosensor assay based on measurement of binding to an immobilised 1a-dihydrotestosterone (1a-DHT) derivative, reduced SHBG binding capacities were detected in growth-promoter treated animals. During the course of a veal treatment regime based on repeated oestradiol benzoate, nortestosterone decanoate and dexamethasone administrations, treated male and female calves were shown to have significantly lower SHBG capacities. To assess the effectiveness of using SHBG binding capacities as a biomarker of treatment and to investigate the role of individual growth-promoter components to the SHBG capacity lowering effects, adult heifer animals were subjected to repeated doses of nortestosterone decanoate. These animals also demonstrated a reduction in SHBG capacity levels at Day 39 of the study, in contrast to oestradiol benzoate treated adult steers who were found to have unaltered levels. These findings suggest that the measurement of SHBG binding capacities using a biosensor assay has potential in the identification of illegally treated animals, particularly those exposed to androgens.


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Eight indoor-reared crossbred sheep with no pre-exposure to Fasciola hepatica were infected, by oral gavage, with 200 metacercarial cysts of the triclabendazole (TCBZ)-susceptible Cullompton isolate of F. hepatica. Anthelmintic dosing occurred at 4 weeks post-infection with 10 mg/kg triclabendazole. Two treated sheep were euthanized at 48 h, 72 h and 96 h post-treatment with triclabendazole. Two control sheep were euthanized alongside the 48 h triclabendazole-treated sheep. Juvenile flukes were recovered from each of the sheeps’ liver and processed for scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

Flukes were still active 48 h post-treatment and displayed limited morphological disruption. There was some blebbing and sloughing of the tegument around the oral sucker. In several of the specimens, an extra layer had been deposited on the fluke surface, giving it a flattened appearance. At 72 h post-treatment, only one fluke remained alive and the disruption varied in degree. In the majority of flukes, there was severe swelling of the tegument, accompanied by isolated areas of flattening along the lateral margins of the flukes and in the tail region. Limited areas of sloughing occurred in the tail region. In more seriously affected specimens, the syncytium had been stripped away to reveal the basal lamina and some deeper lesions were also observed. By 96 h post-treatment, all the flukes were dead and were grossly disrupted. They were totally devoid of tegument and deep lesions exposed the internal tissues of the fluke.


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Enhanced phosphate removal from wastewaters is dependent on the synthesis and intracellular accumulation of polyphosphate by sludge microorganisms. However the role played by polyphosphate in microbial metabolism and the factors that trigger its formation remain poorly-understood. Many examples of the accumulation of the biopolymer by environmental microorganisms are documented; these include a recent report of the presence of large polyphosphate inclusions in sulfur-oxidizing marine bacteria. To investigate whether any link might exist outside the marine environment between the presence of reduced sulfur compounds and enhanced levels of microbial phosphate uptake and polyphosphate accumulation, activated sludge cultures were grown under laboratory conditions in media that contained sulfite, thiosulfate, hydrosulfite or tetrathionate. Only in the presence of sulfite was there any evidence of a stimulatory effect; in medium that contained 0.5 mM sodium sulfite some 17% more phosphate was removed by the sludge, whilst there was an almost two-fold increase in intracellular polyphosphate levels. No indications of sulfite toxicity were observed.


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Although members of the p63 family of transcription factors are known for their role in the development and differentiation of epithelial surfaces, their function in cancer is less clear. Here, we show that depletion of the Delta Np63 alpha and beta isoforms, leaving only Delta Np63 gamma, results in epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in the normal breast cell line MCF10A. EMT can be rescued by the expression of the Delta Np63 alpha isoform. We also show that Delta Np63 gamma expressed in a background where all the other Delta Np63 are knocked down causes EMT with an increase in TGF beta-1, -2, and -3 and downstream effectors Smads2/3/4. In addition, a p63 binding site in intron 1 of TGF beta was identified. Inhibition of the TGF beta response with a specific inhibitor results in reversion of EMT in Delta Np63 alpha- and beta-depleted cells. In summary, we show that p63 is involved in inhibiting EMT and reduction of certain p63 isoforms may be important in the development of epithelial cancers.