1000 resultados para Viscosidade e digestão


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Alguns vegetais, como a soja (Glycine max L. Merr), despertam interesse, pois fornecem, entre outras substâncias, as isoflavonas, que apresentam importantes propriedades estrogênicas e, também, atuam como antioxidantes, antifúngicos e anticancerígenos. A menopausa, causada pela deficiência hormonal, é acompanhada de vários transtornos metabólicos, como perda de massa óssea, fenômenos vasomotores, dislipidemia, resistência insulínica, ganho de peso, depressão e aceleração do envelhecimento cutâneo. A terapia de reposição hormonal (TRH) é eficaz, embora possa causar efeitos secundários, como câncer de mama. Nestes casos, a fitoterapia com fitormônios por via cutânea é uma alternativa importante. Dentre as preparações de uso tópico, sistemas emulsionados e géis são muito utilizados, pois favorecem a solubilidade e a estabilidade de fármacos. Para avaliar a estabilidade das formulações, foram consideradas as características organolépticas (aspecto, cor, odor) e as características físico-químicas (valor de pH, viscosidade e densidade, etc.), separação de fases e/ou coalescência. Algumas formulações apresentam-se com características desejáveis e adequadas para a veiculação de isoflavonas presentes em extrato de soja, podendo-se sugeri-las como sistemas adequados e estáveis para sua veiculação pela via dérmica


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are adult multipotent cells with fibroblastoid morphology and adherent to plastic. Furthermore, they can be obtained from different sources. Besides bone marrow, these cells are taken from umbilical cord blood, umbilical vein, saphenous vein, peripheral blood, arteries, liver and fetal pancreas, placenta, dental pulp and adipose tissue. MSCs derived from adipose tissue are important because of the abundant number of cells that can be obtained from this tissue, easy access and little discomfort to the patient. This study compared two techniques for obtaining MSCs from adipose tissue: mechanical dissociation (MD) and enzymatic digestion (ED). We also analyzed the inter-species cross-reactions using commercial monoclonal antibodies directed against surface antigens of stem cells from different species: mouse, horse, rabbit, monkey and human. We found that MD technique is favorable in relation to ED within 15 days of culture, and ED is more efficient in the first days of culture. The data also showed that MD causes less damage to cellular DNA. About inter-species cross-reactions, the monoclonal antibody A69 directed against stem cells from rabbits, which can be used in veterinary medicine, particularly in research involving horses


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The new market, focused on sustainability and other environmental concerns, refers to innovations that seek alternative forms of production. In pulp and paper bleaching alternative reagents are studied, for example, hydrogen peroxide, in partial substitution of chlorine dioxide in order to reduce the formation of organochlorines. In this context, this study examined the burden of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on alkaline extraction stage (stage Ep) required for the bleaching of pulp with eucalyptus kraft pulp, pre-oxygen delignified to obtain equivalent brightness at 90 ± 0.5% ISO, as well as its effect on quality of pulp produced. The pulp was bleached by the sequence D(Ep)DP, with the application of factor kappa of 0.14 and varying the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in Ep stage three, five, seven and nine kilograms of reagent per ton of pulp absolutely drought. The final P stage was optimized with the use of six, nine and twelve pounds of hydrogen peroxide per ton of absolutely dry pulp to achieve the required brightness. The quality of the pulp produced was analyzed based on the kappa number, the brightness and the viscosity. The methods were performed according to standards set by the standard TAPPI (Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry). The best result was obtained using the following D0Ep(7)D1P(6), which showed a viscosity of 19.9 cP, 89.6% ISO brightness, consumption of 94.9 kg / t of reagents and reagent costs of US$ 28.15, because it showed better pulp quality for a lower cost compared to the others. It was found that the greater the amount of hydrogen peroxide in alkaline extraction, the lower the kappa number and increased the amount of residual hydrogen peroxide. The higher the charge of hydrogen peroxide in Ep stage, the lower the need for hydrogen peroxide in the final P stage, reducing the cost of bleaching


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A psoríase é uma doença inflamatória relativamente comum da pele e das articulações, podendo se tornar crônica. Nos últimos anos, a expansão do arsenal terapêutico para o paciente com psoríase tem permitido aos médicos combaterem, de forma mais agressiva, a patogênese da doença. Um fármaco utilizado para o tratamento é o metotrexato, que, apesar de ser bastante eficaz, possui potencial para a toxicidade sistêmica, como toxicidade hematológica, hepática e pulmonar. Sendo assim, muita atenção tem sido dada ao desenvolvimento de novos veículos com o objetivo não só de aumentar a eficácia terapêutica de substâncias ativas, como também de permitir a redução da sua dose total necessária, minimizando os efeitos colaterais tóxicos. Os cristais-líquidos são sistemas promissores para aplicação tópica, pois promovem liberação controlada de fármacos, contribuindo para amenizar efeitos adversos, por exemplo, do metotrexato. Uma vez que há possibilidade de as substâncias incorporadas em formulações tópicas serem absorvidas pela pele e mucosas, existe a necessidade de garantir que as formulações sejam seguras. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar a bioadesão e a citotoxicidade in vitro de três sistemas líquido-cristalinos contendo metotrexato para o tratamento da psoríase. Resultados de bioadesão revelaram que as três formulações analisadas apresentaram forças bioadesivas próximas, sendo o sistema A mais bioadesivo. Com relação a estudos de reologia, houve comportamento de fluido não-newtoniano, pseudoplástico e tixotrópico. Além disso, a adição de metotrexato à formulação A, aumentou a viscosidade do sistema. Ensaios de citotoxicidade sugerem a possibilidade de liberação prolongada de metotrexato, contribuindo para o aumento da viabilidade celular


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Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), is an environmental Gram-positive spore-forming bacterium that produces crystalline parasporal protein (Cry) during sporulation. The inclusions often exhibit strong and specific insecticidal activity, making Bt an agent for agricultural controlling insects pest, mites, protozoa and nematodes. Recent studies reported that some of these Crys do not show cytotoxicity against insects but they are capable to kill some human and animal cancer cells. These proteins were denominated parasporins (PS). However, antitumor activity of Bt parasporin on the development of murine colorectal cancer (CT-26), are not well studies and these are no reports on the in vivo effect of these proteins. Thus, the present study evaluated the in vitro and in vivo anti-tumoral activity of Bt parasporin against the murine colorectal cancer line CT-26. Therefore, Balb/c mice were s.c. inoculated with CT-26 cells and weekly treated with parasporin (i.p.) pre-activated by enzymatic digestion with trypsin or proteinase K. Our results have shown, for the first time, that despite the anti-tumor activity in vitro, parasporin crystals couldn’t combat tumor growth in vivo. Instead, this protein was highly toxic, affecting the liver and spleen, with possible effect on other organs, decreasing the survival of treated animals. The results indicate the need for studies to better detoxification or manipulation of parasporin for therapeutic use and new studies for analysis of toxicological effects of repetitive exposure of farmers to this toxin


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This project aimed to analyze the feasibility of the methane yield associated to the anaerobic digestion of brewery residues, checking whether the energetic balance of the system is favorable. The methane yield efficiency was calculated for the parameters of two papers that treated solids with a particle-size <1mm. Theses solids are not degraded in conventional treatment systems. Calculations were based in the reactions of anaerobic degradation of the macromolecules that compose brewery residues, considering the theoretical production and the effective production of methane. The results were 50.44% and 52.86%. Regarding to the energy balance of the anaerobic treatment, we noted the high influence of the selection and operating regime of electrical equipment over the potential energy. The best situation, in which the energetic self-sufficiency was reached, was observed when using the mixer under an intermittent regime (1min/h), without employing the heating recirculator, for the maximum organic loading of 4.0 gVS/L.day (days 248-258). In this case, the system would generate an amount of energy equal to 0.0356 kWh/day, able to overcome the energy required by the equipment in about 6.5 times. Moreover, we also noted the interference of the application of different solid loadings in the reactors, once the application of the higher organic load generated 5 times more energy than the application of the smaller one


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The gastrointestinal tract is the main route of nutrients absorption and drugs delivery. Is important to know the parameters related to the tract, like gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit, in order to better understand the behavior of different kind of meals or drugs passing through the GIT. Many techniques are used to study these parameters, such as manometry, scintigraphy, phenol red, activated charcoal and carbon-13 reading. However, these methods use radiation, are invasive and require animal sacrifice. As an alternative proposal, the Alternate Current Biosusceptometry (ACB), a magnetic technique, has proved to be effective for these studies with small animals, in a noninvasive way, low cost, radiation free and avoiding the animal death. Associating the ACB to magnetic micro or nanoparticles used as tracers, it is possible to observe the meal behavior inside of the GIT. Focusing meanly on liquid meals digestion, this paper had the objective to evaluate the efficiency of the ACB technique in gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit evaluation of liquid meals in rats. To perform the experiments, magnetic nanoparticles (ferrite, MgFe2O4) were used on a 1,5 ml solution introduced by gavage on similar weight and age rats. The sensor made by 2 pairs of coils, capable of generating and detecting magnetic fields, creates a field on the interest place and when this field is in contact with the marked meal, it changes, resulting on a variation of the measured voltage. The voltage variation is analyzed and is obtained a particle concentration on the interest region. The results showed that is possible to apply the ACB technique on the GIT evaluation of liquid particles digestion, gastric emptying and meal cecum arrival time curves were obtained and from that, is possible to observe a pattern of gastrointestinal transit. Both mean process time values were acquired, proving the technique capability of ...


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The uninterrupted rise in emission of greenhouse gases open way to the use of biofuels, due to politics that focus on fuel safe, clean and renewable. The use of microalgae for biodiesel production has been described as one of the most promising sources of biomass for biofuels. The aim of this study was to evaluate the extraction and lipid profile of the microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta, Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselsim gracilis. The extractions were performed with solvents chloroform /methanol and petroleum ether. The lipid profile was analyzed by gas chromatography after transesterification.The petroleum ether showed more efficiency in the extraction, the best result obtained was in the microalgae D. tertiolecta with 19.52% of lipid. The lipid profile analysis indicated a biodiesel stable to oxidation and elevated viscosity


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Millipedes are macro-arthropods of soil which perform a important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem, since they feed on decaying organic matter and because they promotes the soil enrichment, aeration and humidification. These animals are usually found in humid with low light places, under rocks and trunks. The diplopods exoskeleton is much resistant and impregnated with calcium salts. Due the secretion of defense, with strong and unpleasant smell, the animals of this class have few or no predators. Large diplopods populations are not observed, but explosions population can occur for unbalances enviromnmental, by climate change and by use of pesticides that may eliminate potential competitors. In this sense, the millipede Urostreptus atrobrunneus Pierozzi & Fontanetti, 2006, has presented points of infestation in urban centers of Sao Paulo state, causing many disorders of the human population. Because it is a newly described species, little is known of its aspects biological and morphological. Thus, the purpose of this study was to describe the structure and function of the digestive tract of the species U. atrobrunneus by means of histological, histochemistry and ultrastructural techniques. The results demonstrated that the digestive tract of U. atrobrunneus is similar to the descriptions given for other species. The foregut consists of a simple epithelium, composed of cells of different heights, covered by a cuticular intima, leaning on a thin basal membrane, followed by a well-developed muscular layer and an external membrane, around the foregut have a pair of salivary glands. The midgut epithelium has a pseudostratified, supported by a thick basal membrane, followed by a muscular layer and a layer of hepatic cells. The muscle is distributed unevenly coated with an external membrane, this portion is marked by the absence of cuticular intima... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O uso de plantas medicinais especialmente na América do Sul contribui significativamente para os cuidados básicos com a saúde. Para o tratamento de infecções comuns, muitas plantas são utilizadas no Brasil na forma de extrato bruto, infusões ou emplastros, sem nenhuma evidência científica de sua eficácia (PESSINI et al., 2003). AYRES et al. (2008) afirma que a busca de substâncias com atividades antimicrobianas tem direcionado a atenção sobre os produtos naturais e, entre estes, os derivados das plantas superiores têm, nos últimos anos, despertado a investigação para o potencial da flora brasileira. Byrsonima pachyphylla Griseb é uma árvore típica do cerrado. Na medicina popular, a casca é utilizada como antifebril, contra tosses e doenças pulmonares, os ramos com folhas são diuréticos e os frutos são laxantes brandos (SILVA JÚNIOR et al., 2005). Levantamento no NAPRALERT indicou que espécies deste gênero são comumente empregadas como antiasmáticas, contra a febre e infecção de pele (MENDES et al., 1999). Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar qual o melhor método de extração, sendo eles a maceração, a maceração dinâmica, a digestão e a digestão + maceração dinâmica, visando à obtenção de extratos brutos de folhas de Byrsonima pachyphylla Griseb., considerando sua atividade biológica frente a bactéria Gram-positiva: Staphylococcus aureus; as bactérias Gram-negativas: Escherichia coli e Pseudomonas aeruginosa, e a levedura Cândida albicans, testada pelo método de diluição seriada de extratos em microplacas; além de comparar perfis cromatográficos dos extratos obtidos em cromatografia de camada delgada (CCD), bem como pesquisar as principais classes de metabólitos secundários nos extratos. Os resultados obtidos na cromatografia em camada delgada e na triagem fitoquímica preliminar possibilitaram sugerir a presença de taninos, flavonoides, terpenos e saponinas na espécie ...


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Atualmente, os compostos bioativos presentes em alimentos in natura vem sendo amplamente estudados, já que cada vez mais fica comprovado sua importância para saúde do homem devido suas funções e ações biológicas. Hoje já associa-se a ingestão de frutas e vegetais e a diminuição do risco de diversas doenças, tais como câncer, inflamações, doenças cardiovasculares, degeneração macular e outras, sendo os carotenóides e compostos fenólicos alguns dos grupos de compostos bioativos aos quais são atribuídas tais ações.1As pimentas têm significativa importância nesse cenário, uma vez que desde a época do Brasil colônia, até hoje, são muito utilizadas na culinária, nas crenças, na medicina e inclusive com arma de defesa. Os compostos presentes na pimenta são utilizados como remédios para artrites (pomadas a base de capsaicina), dores musculares (emplastro ‘Sabiá’), má digestão, dor de cabeça e gastrite. O presente estudo teve como objetivo quantificar os teores de ácido ascórbico, acidez, flavonóides totais, fenólicos totais, carotenóides totais e atividade antioxidante de duas variedades mais comuns da espécie C. Baccatum: pimenta “Dedo-de-Moça” e pimenta “Cambuci”. Além disso, fez-se um estudo para analisar o efeito do cozimento versus compostos bioativos, a fim de avaliar possíveis perdas de atividade devido ao processamento das amostras. Em todos os ensaios, a pimenta Dedo-de-Moça apresentou valores maiores de todos os compostos bioativos, quando comparados aos da pimenta Cambuci. Após o cozimento em água fervente, a maioria dos compostos sofreu redução, exceto nos testes de quantificação de Flavonóides e Carotenóides, os quais demonstraram aumento na concentração após o processamento.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)