975 resultados para Virtual engineering


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The purpose of this thesis is to examine what elements of value co-creation create value for participants of Oma Olivia magazine through Olivia magazine’s virtual community environment. Furthermore the aim is to discover why readers take part in creating Oma Olivia in order to discover is Oma Olivia worth publishing in the future. The data is collected from secondary and primary sources by scanning the existing academic literature and by conducting interviews and surveys. The empirical results state that the hypothesis model created from the academic literature is statistically significant and the elements of value co- creation process create value for readers. Magazine publishing organization may want to consider publishing Oma Olivia also in the future due to its nature of creating value for customers.


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Diplomityöni tavoitteena oli tutkia Panssariprikaatin Panssarijääkärikomppaniassa vuonna 2012 toteutetun Virtual Battlespace 2 – simulaattorijärjestelmän hyötypilotoinnin yhteyttä yksikössä palvelleiden varusmiesten taisteluteknisen osaamisen kehittymiseen. Tutkimuksella on liityntäpintoja Puolustusvoimien maapuolustuksen kehittämisohjelmaan ja se tukee jalkaväen taistelukoulutuksen kehittämistä. Kyseessä on laadullinen tutkimus, jossa tutkittava ilmiö on VBS2-järjestelmän koulutuskäytön yhteys ja mahdollinen vaikutus koulutettavien oppimiseen. Ilmiötä tarkastellaan koulutettavien henkilökohtaisten kokemusten ja oppimisen reflektion näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen viitekehys on muodostettu toimintakyvyn kehittämistä, taisteluteknisen osaamisen rakentumista sekä virtuaalisia oppimisympäristöjä käsittelevistä teorioista. Tutkimusmenetelmänä sovellettiin tapaustutkimusta, jonka empiirinen aineisto kerättiin Panssarijääkärikomppanian varusmiesten ja henkilökunnan teemahaastatteluin. Aineisto käsiteltiin aineistolähtöisen analyysin periaattein. Tutkimuksen tuloksina ilmeni, että VBS2:n käytöllä ja Panssarijääkärikomppanian varusmiesten oppimisella oli heidän kokemuksensa perusteella havaittavissa yhteys. Keskeisenä havaintona VBS2-koulutus auttoi koulutettavia luomaan itselleen mielikuvan tavoitellusta toiminnasta, joka toimi sisäisenä vertailukohtana maastossa toteutettavassa taistelukoulutuksessa. Varusmiesten näkemykset VBS2-koulutuksen vaikutuksista oman taisteluteknisen osaamisensa kehittymiseen vaihtelevat hieman koulutustason ja tehtävän mukaan. Upseerikokelailla ja ryhmänjohtajilla oppimisessa korostuivat taistelukentän tapahtumien sekä oman joukon toiminnan kokonaisuuden hahmottamisen merkitys, jota tuki virtuaalisen oppimisympäristön avulla aikaan saatu poikkeuksellinen havainnollisuus. Miehistön jäsenet kiinnittivät johtajia enemmän huomiota järjestelmän tekniseen toimivuuteen liittyviin seikkoihin sekä eri toiminnallisuuksien realistisuuteen. Henkilökunta koki VBS2-koulutuksen vähentävän erityisesti teoriaoppituntien tarvetta ja nopeuttavan varusmiesten taisteluteknisten aiheiden oppimisprosessia siten, että maastossa toteutettaville soveltaville taisteluharjoituksille on käytettävissä aiempaa enemmän aikaa. VBS2-koulutus tukee käytännön kokemusten perusteella pitkävaikutteisesti maastossa tapahtuvaa taistelukoulutusta. Käytännön taisteluharjoitusten laadun koettiin lisäksi parantuneen varusmiesten ollessa totuttua aiemmin valmiita soveltamaan oppimaansa, sillä tyypillisimmät virheet oli saatu karsittua jo hyvin lyhytkestoisen VBS2-koulutuksen avulla. Yleisesti haastatellut varusmiehet pitivät VBS2:ta mielekkäänä ja motivoivana välineenä nykyaikaisen taistelukentän olosuhteiden ja oman sekä vihollisen toiminnan havainnollistamiseen ja opettamiseen. Myönteisten koulutustulosten aikaan saaminen edellyttää kouluttajilta korkeaa ammattitaitoa sekä VBS2:n käytön monipuolista hallintaa. Järjestelmäalustan tekniseen laatuun, toimivuuteen ja luotettavuuteen on panostettava, sillä erilaisista laitteisto-ongelmista johtuneet häiriötilanteet koettiin yhtenä eniten oppimista haittaavana ja motivaatiota laskevana tekijänä.


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TRIZ is one of the well-known tools, based on analytical methods for creative problem solving. This thesis suggests adapted version of contradiction matrix, a powerful tool of TRIZ and few principles based on concept of original TRIZ. It is believed that the proposed version would aid in problem solving, especially those encountered in chemical process industries with unit operations. In addition, this thesis would help fresh process engineers to recognize importance of various available methods for creative problem solving and learn TRIZ method of creative problem solving. This thesis work mainly provides idea on how to modify TRIZ based method according to ones requirements to fit in particular niche area and solve problems efficiently in creative way. Here in this case, the contradiction matrix developed is based on review of common problems encountered in chemical process industry, particularly in unit operations and resolutions are based on approaches used in past to handle those issues.


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Julkaisumaa: 056 BE BEL Belgia


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This doctoral thesis describes the development work performed on the leachand purification sections in the electrolytic zinc plant in Kokkola to increase the efficiency in these two stages, and thus the competitiveness of the plant. Since metallic zinc is a typical bulk product, the improvement of the competitiveness of a plant was mostly an issue of decreasing unit costs. The problems in the leaching were low recovery of valuable metals from raw materials, and that the available technology offered complicated and expensive processes to overcome this problem. In the purification, the main problem was consumption of zinc powder - up to four to six times the stoichiometric demand. This reduced the capacity of the plant as this zinc is re-circulated through the electrolysis, which is the absolute bottleneck in a zinc plant. Low selectivity gave low-grade and low-value precipitates for further processing to metallic copper, cadmium, cobalt and nickel. Knowledge of the underlying chemistry was poor and process interruptions causing losses of zinc production were frequent. Studies on leaching comprised the kinetics of ferrite leaching and jarosite precipitation, as well as the stability of jarosite in acidic plant solutions. A breakthrough came with the finding that jarosite could precipitate under conditions where ferrite would leach satisfactorily. Based on this discovery, a one-step process for the treatment of ferrite was developed. In the plant, the new process almost doubled the recovery of zinc from ferrite in the same equipment as the two-step jarosite process was operated in at that time. In a later expansion of the plant, investment savings were substantial compared to other technologies available. In the solution purification, the key finding was that Co, Ni, and Cu formed specific arsenides in the “hot arsenic zinc dust” step. This was utilized for the development of a three-step purification stage based on fluidized bed technology in all three steps, i.e. removal of Cu, Co and Cd. Both precipitation rates and selectivity increased, which strongly decreased the zinc powder consumption through a substantially suppressed hydrogen gas evolution. Better selectivity improved the value of the precipitates: cadmium, which caused environmental problems in the copper smelter, was reduced from 1-3% reported normally down to 0.05 %, and a cobalt cake with 15 % Co was easily produced in laboratory experiments in the cobalt removal. The zinc powder consumption in the plant for a solution containing Cu, Co, Ni and Cd (1000, 25, 30 and 350 mg/l, respectively), was around 1.8 g/l; i.e. only 1.4 times the stoichiometric demand – or, about 60% saving in powder consumption. Two processes for direct leaching of the concentrate under atmospheric conditions were developed, one of which was implemented in the Kokkola zinc plant. Compared to the existing pressure leach technology, savings were obtained mostly in investment. The scientific basis for the most important processes and process improvements is given in the doctoral thesis. This includes mathematical modeling and thermodynamic evaluation of experimental results and hypotheses developed. Five of the processes developed in this research and development program were implemented in the plant and are still operated. Even though these processes were developed with the focus on the plant in Kokkola, they can also be implemented at low cost in most of the zinc plants globally, and have thus a great significance in the development of the electrolytic zinc process in general.


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The significance of services as business and human activities has increased dramatically throughout the world in the last three decades. Becoming a more and more competitive and efficient service provider while still being able to provide unique value opportunities for customers requires new knowledge and ideas. Part of this knowledge is created and utilized in daily activities in every service organization, but not all of it, and therefore an emerging phenomenon in the service context is information awareness. Terms like big data and Internet of things are not only modern buzz-words but they are also describing urgent requirements for a new type of competences and solutions. When the amount of information increases and the systems processing information become more efficient and intelligent, it is the human understanding and objectives that may get separated from the automated processes and technological innovations. This is an important challenge and the core driver for this dissertation: What kind of information is created, possessed and utilized in the service context, and even more importantly, what information exists but is not acknowledged or used? In this dissertation the focus is on the relationship between service design and service operations. Reframing this relationship refers to viewing the service system from the architectural perspective. The selected perspective allows analysing the relationship between design activities and operational activities as an information system while maintaining the tight connection to existing service research contributions and approaches. This type of an innovative approach is supported by research methodology that relies on design science theory. The methodological process supports the construction of a new design artifact based on existing theoretical knowledge, creation of new innovations and testing the design artifact components in real service contexts. The relationship between design and operations is analysed in the health care and social care service systems. The existing contributions in service research tend to abstract services and service systems as value creation, working or interactive systems. This dissertation adds an important information processing system perspective to the research. The main contribution focuses on the following argument: Only part of the service information system is automated and computerized, whereas a significant part of information processing is embedded in human activities, communication and ad-hoc reactions. The results indicate that the relationship between service design and service operations is more complex and dynamic than the existing scientific and managerial models tend to view it. Both activities create, utilize, mix and share information, making service information management a necessary but relatively unknown managerial task. On the architectural level, service system -specific elements seem to disappear, but access to more general information elements and processes can be found. While this dissertation focuses on conceptual-level design artifact construction, the results provide also very practical implications for service providers. Personal, visual and hidden activities of service, and more importantly all changes that take place in any service system have also an information dimension. Making this information dimension visual and prioritizing the processed information based on service dimensions is likely to provide new opportunities to increase activities and provide a new type of service potential for customers.


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Middle section module of InnoTrackTM moving walk was re-engineered according to value analysis process. Self-supporting steel structure for moving walk was created as a result of this process. Designed structure was verified and validated by prototype tests and finite element method calculations. Self-supporting steel structure replaces the original design of middle section module in InnoTrackTM. Designed structure provides higher satisfaction to customers’ needs and at the same time, it uses less resources. The redesigned middle section module provides higher value to the customer.


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End-user development is a very common but often largely overlooked phenomenon in information systems research and practice. End-user development means that regular people, the end-users of software, and not professional developers are doing software development. A large number of people are directly or indirectly impacted by the results of these non-professional development activities. The numbers of users performing end-user development activities are difficult to ascertain precisely. But it is very large, and still growing. Computer adoption is growing towards 100% and many new types of computational devices are continually introduced. In addition, other devices not previously programmable are becoming so. This means that, at this very moment, hundreds of millions of people are likely struggling with development problems. Furthermore, software itself is continually being adapted for more flexibility, enabling users to change the behaviour of their software themselves. New software and services are helping to transform users from consumers to producers. Much of this is now found on-line. The problem for the end-user developer is that little of this development is supported by anyone. Often organisations do not notice end-user development and consequently neither provide support for it, nor are equipped to be able to do so. Many end-user developers do not belong to any organisation at all. Also, the end-user development process may be aggravating the problem. End-users are usually not really committed to the development process, which tends to be more iterative and ad hoc. This means support becomes a distant third behind getting the job done and figuring out the development issues to get the job done. Sometimes the software itself may exacerbate the issue by simplifying the development process, deemphasising the difficulty of the task being undertaken. On-line support could be the lifeline the end-user developer needs. Going online one can find all the knowledge one could ever need. However, that does still not help the end-user apply this information or knowledge in practice. A virtual community, through its ability to adopt the end-user’s specific context, could surmount this final obstacle. This thesis explores the concept of end-user development and how it could be supported through on-line sources, in particular virtual communities, which it is argued here, seem to fit the end-user developer’s needs very well. The experiences of real end-user developers and prior literature were used in this process. Emphasis has been on those end-user developers, e.g. small business owners, who may have literally nowhere to turn to for support. Adopting the viewpoint of the end-user developer, the thesis examines the question of how an end-user could use a virtual community effectively, improving the results of the support process. Assuming the common situation where the demand for support outstrips the supply.


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This study discusses the procedures of value co-creation that persist in gaming industry. The purpose of this study was to identify the procedures that persist in current video gaming industry which answers the main research problem how value is co-created in video gaming industry followed by three sub questions: (i) What is value co-creation in gaming industry? (ii) Who participates in value co-creation in gaming industry? (iii) What are the procedures that are involved in value co-creation in gaming industry? The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the theory of marketing i.e., notion of value, conventional understanding of value creation, value chain, co-creation approach, co-production approach. The research adopted qualitative research approach. As a platform of relationship researcher used web 2.0 tool interface. Data were collected from the social networks and netnography method was applied for analyzing them. Findings show that customer and company both co-create optimum level of value while they interact with each other and within the customers as well. However mostly the C2C interaction, discussions and dialogues threads that emerged around the main discussion facilitated to co-create value. In this manner, companies require exploiting and further motivating, developing and supporting the interactions between customers participating in value creation. Hierarchy of value co-creation processes is the result derived from the identified challenges of value co-creation approach and discussion forums data analysis. Overall three general sets and seven topics were found that explored the phenomenon of customer to customer (C2C) and business to customer (B2C) interaction/debating for value co-creation through user generated contents. These topics describe how gamer contributes and interacts in co-creating value along with companies. A methodical quest in current research literature acknowledged numerous evolving flows of value in this study. These are general management perspective, new product development and innovation, virtual customer environment, service science and service dominant logic. Overall the topics deliver various realistic and conceptual implications for using and handling gamers in social networks for augmenting customers’ value co-creation process.


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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