984 resultados para Vapor baths.


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Agências financiadoras: FCT - PEstOE/FIS/UI0618/2011; PTDC/FIS/098254/2008 ERC-PATCHYCOLLOIDS e MIUR-PRIN


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Ferreira de Castro (1898-1974) e Miguel Torga (1907-1995) viveram ambos, no início da adolescência, a dura experiência de emigração para o Brasil. O primeiro partiu com apenas doze anos, em 1911, o segundo, com treze, em 1920. Ambos procuraram o ―Eldorado‖, cruzaram o Atlântico num vapor, cresceram, amadureceram, regressaram a Portugal, revisitaram novamente o Brasil e escreveram sobre essas vivências, como é corroborado por Emigrantes e A Selva de Ferreira de Castro, o Diário, A Criação do Mundo, Traço de União de Miguel Torga que constituem o nosso corpus de trabalho. No presente artigo, analisaremos à luz da imagologia, um dos métodos da literatura comparada, que visa precisamente o estudo das imagens, as representações do Brasil que emergem da obra destes dois escritores. Nesta sequência, analisaremos, numa óptica comparatista, a ficcionalização das vivências dos autores, a trajectórias das suas personagens, contemplando, na configuração do espaço estrangeiro, as primeiras impressões e sua evolução, as descrições da paisagem, do povo, da vida e da cultura brasileiras. Além disso, seguiremos os caminhos da alteridade para desvendarmos igualmente o modo como é visto o ―outro‖, e a forma como se inscreve no discurso. Em suma, analisaremos o impacto da vivência da emigração, a importância desempenhada pelo país de acolhimento na obra dos dois escritores supramencionados, atendendo às ressonâncias da luso-brasilidade, alicerçadoras de uma maior abertura e dum diálogo mais próximo com o Brasil.


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Soil vapor extraction (SVE) and bioremediation (BR) are two of the most common soil remediation technologies. Their application is widespread; however, both present limitations, namely related to the efficiencies of SVE on organic soils and to the remediation times of some BR processes. This work aimed to study the combination of these two technologies in order to verify the achievement of the legal clean-up goals in soil remediation projects involving seven different simulated soils separately contaminated with toluene and xylene. The remediations consisted of the application of SVE followed by biostimulation. The results show that the combination of these two technologies is effective and manages to achieve the clean-up goals imposed by the Spanish Legislation. Under the experimental conditions used in this work, SVE is sufficient for the remediation of soils, contaminated separately with toluene and xylene, with organic matter contents (OMC) below 4 %. In soils with higher OMC, the use of BR, as a complementary technology, and when the concentration of contaminant in the gas phase of the soil reaches values near 1 mg/L, allows the achievement of the clean-up goals. The OMC was a key parameter because it hindered SVE due to adsorption phenomena but enhanced the BR process because it acted as a microorganism and nutrient source.


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Como seriam as nossas cidades hoje, sem elevadores? Os prédios teriam apenas 3 a 4 pisos e uma grande parte da arquitetura do século 19 não poderia ter sido realizada. A construção em altura como a conhecemos hoje não teria sido possível. Para que fosse possível chegar ao nível de sofisticação das soluções de tração hoje utilizadas em elevadores, muitas diferentes fases tiveram de ser vencidas. Nos primórdios da indústria de elevadores em finais do século 19, foram instalados os primeiros elevadores com máquinas a vapor. Assim, em 1857 foi instalado em Nova Iorque, num edifício na esquina da Broadway e Broome Street, o primeiro elevador de pessoas, com um sistema de tração a vapor. Com o surgimento da eletrificação das cidades e dos motores eléctricos, as máquinas a vapor rapidamente caíram em desuso como sistema de tração para elevadores. Apesar de hoje ainda serem utilizados outros sistemas de tração, como por exemplo sistemas hidráulicos, no presente artigo iremos abordar apenas a evolução da máquina elétrica nos elevadores.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the health risk of exposure to benzene for a community affected by a fuel leak. METHODS: Data regarding the fuel leak accident with, which occurred in the Brasilia, Federal District, were obtained from the Fuel Distributor reports provided to the environmental authority. Information about the affected population (22 individuals) was obtained from focal groups of eight individuals. Length of exposure and water benzene concentration were estimated through a groundwater flow model associated with a benzene propagation model. The risk assessment was conducted according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry methodology. RESULTS: A high risk perception related to the health consequences of the accident was evident in the affected community (22 individuals), probably due to the lack of assistance and a poor risk communication from government authorities and the polluting agent. The community had been exposed to unsafe levels of benzene (> 5 µg/L) since December 2001, five months before they reported the leak. The mean benzene level in drinking water (72.2 µg/L) was higher than that obtained by the Fuel Distributer using the Risk Based Corrective Action methodology (17.2 µg/L).The estimated benzene intake from the consumption of water and food reached a maximum of 0.0091 µg/kg bw/day (5 x 10-7 cancer risk per 106 individuals). The level of benzene in water vapor while showering reached 7.5 µg/m3 for children (1 per 104 cancer risk). Total cancer risk ranged from 110 to 200 per 106 individuals. CONCLUSIONS: The population affected by the fuel leak was exposed to benzene levels that might have represented a health risk. Local government authorities need to develop better strategies to respond rapidly to these types of accidents to protect the health of the affected population and the environment.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Reabilitação de Edifícios


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro. Área de especialização: pedra


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia dos Materiais


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Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau académico de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na especialidade de Reabilitação de Edifícios pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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An integration of undoped InOx and commercial ITO thin films into laboratory assembled light shutter devices is made. Accordingly, undoped transparent conductive InOx thin films, about 100 nm thick, are deposited by radiofrequency plasma enhanced reactive thermal evaporation (rf-PERTE) of indium teardrops with no intentional heating of the glass substrates. The process of deposition occurs at very low deposition rates (0.1-0.3 nm/s) to establish an optimized reaction between the oxygen plasma and the metal vapor. These films show the following main characteristics: transparency of 87% (wavelength, lambda = 632.8 nm) and sheet resistance of 52 Omega/sq; while on commercial ITO films the transparency was of 92% and sheet resistance of 83 Omega/sq. The InOx thin film surface characterized by AFM shows a uniform grain texture with a root mean square surface roughness of Rq similar to 2.276 nm. In contrast, commercial ITO topography is characterized by two regions: one smoother with Rq similar to 0.973 nm and one with big grains (Rq similar to 3.617 nm). For the shutters assembled using commercial ITO, the light transmission coefficient (Tr) reaches the highest value (Tr-max) of 89% and the lowest (Tr-min) of 1.3% [13], while for the InOx shutters these values are 80.1% and 3.2%, respectively. Regarding the electric field required to achieve 90% of the maximum transmission in the ON state (E-on), the one presented by the devices assembled with commercial ITO coated glasses is 2.41 V/mu m while the one presented by the devices assembled with InOx coated glasses is smaller, 1.77 V/mu m. These results corroborate the device quality that depends on the base materials and fabrication process used. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau académico de Mestre em Engenharia Civil, na especialidade de Reabilitação de Edifícios. A presente dissertação foi preparada no âmbito do Convénio existente entre o Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil(LNEC) e a Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, tendo sido realizada no LNEC


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This study is primarily focused in establishing the solid-state sensory abilities of several luminescent polymeric calix[4]arene-based materials toward selected nitroaromatic compounds (NACs), creating the foundations for their future application as high performance materials for detection of high explosives. The phenylene ethynylene-type polymers possessing bis-calix[4]arene scaffolds in their core were designed to take advantage of the known recognition abilities of calixarene compounds toward neutral guests, particularly in solid-state, therefore providing enhanced sensitivity and selectivity in the sensing of a given analyte. It was found that all the calix[4]arene-poly(para-phenylene ethynylene)s here reported displayed high sensitivities toward the detection of nitrobenzene, 2,4-dinitrotoluene and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). Particularly effective and significant was the response of the films (25-60 nm of thickness) upon exposure to TNT vapor (10 ppb): over 50% of fluorescence quenching was achieved in only 10 s. In contrast, a model polymer lacking the calixarene units showed only reduced quenching activity for the same set of analytes, clearly highlighting the relevance of the macrocyclics in promoting the signaling of the transduction event. The films exhibited high photostability (less than 0.5% loss of fluorescence intensity up to 15 min of continuous irradiation) and the fluorescence quenching sensitivity could be fully recovered after exposure of the quenched films to saturated vapors of hydrazine (the initial fluorescence intensities were usually recovered within 2-5 min of exposure to hydrazine).


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The phase diagram of a simple model with two patches of type A and ten patches of type B (2A10B) on the face centred cubic lattice has been calculated by simulations and theory. Assuming that there is no interaction between the B patches the behavior of the system can be described in terms of the ratio of the AB and AA interactions, r. Our results show that, similarly to what happens for related off-lattice and two-dimensional lattice models, the liquid-vapor phase equilibria exhibit reentrant behavior for some values of the interaction parameters. However, for the model studied here the liquid-vapor phase equilibria occur for values of r lower than 1/3, a threshold value which was previously thought to be universal for 2AnB models. In addition, the theory predicts that below r = 1/3 (and above a new condensation threshold which is < 1/3) the reentrant liquid-vapor equilibria are so extreme that it exhibits a closed loop with a lower critical point, a very unusual behavior in single-component systems. An order-disorder transition is also observed at higher densities than the liquid-vapor equilibria, which shows that the liquid-vapor reentrancy occurs in an equilibrium region of the phase diagram. These findings may have implications in the understanding of the condensation of dipolar hard spheres given the analogy between that system and the 2AnB models considered here.