970 resultados para Urban planning


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Context: What determines mammal occurrence across wildland-urban edges? A better understanding of the variables involved will help update edge effects theory and improve our ability to conserve biota in urbanizing landscapes. Objectives: For the first time, we tested whether the occurrence of mammals across urban-forest edges and forest interiors was best predicted by: (1) edge variables (i.e. edge type and distance to an urban boundary), (2) local habitat structure (e.g. proportion of understory cover), or (3) edge variables after accounting for local habitat structure. Methods: Using 77 camera stations in South-Eastern Australia, we quantified the factors influencing the occurrence of five native mammals (brown antechinus, bush rat, common brushtail possum, black wallaby and long-nosed bandicoot) and three non-native mammals (red fox, cat, and dog). Results: The occurrence of most native and non-native mammals was best predicted by local habitat structure rather than by edge variables. Although edge variables had effects on most species occurrences, local habitat structure outweighed the impacts of edge effects. Conclusions: Our findings are important for management and urban planning as they suggest that local-scale management of habitat and habitat retention at urban edges will mitigate urban impacts on fauna. Our work reveals a critical mismatch in the spatial scale of predictive variables commonly used in edge effects models (edge types and distance to a boundary) compared with the smaller scale of local habitat variables, which underlie most species occurrence. We emphasize the need to consider heterogeneity within patches in predictive frameworks of edge effects.


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Employment is a well-known social determinant of health and wellbeing and important for the liveability of a region. Yet, spatial data are rarely used to understand barriers and facilitators of accessing employment within a city. Therefore it remains challenging to plan cities that provide equitable opportunities for urban job seekers. This paper sought to: (1) identify urban planning and neighbourhood spatial attributes that facilitate access to employment; (2) conceptualise how neighbourhood attributes that facilitate accessible urban employment may be related to health and wellbeing behaviours and outcomes; and (3) isolate potentially important neighbourhood-level spatial measures that policy-makers and planners could use to assess urban employment accessibility. A conceptual framework was developed through a social determinants of health lens, where more upstream (e.g., neighbourhood attributes) and more downstream (e.g., behaviours, intermediate outcomes) determinants of urban employment were identified in relation to long-term health and social outcomes of interest. Six potential neighbourhood spatial measures of employment were identified. These were classified into measures of: access to employment (n = 4), local employment (n = 1), and neighbourhood employment level (n = 1). The spatial measures proposed rely on routinely collected administrative datasets existing within Australia (i.e., census data); therefore can be replicated over time and data are available nationally. Together, this research identified a suite of potential (and readily available) spatial measures that can be used to assess selected neighbourhood attributes as they relate to urban employment access. Such spatial measures can be used to inform future planning decisions that integrate policies across multiple sectors, thereby improving employment accessibility in an urban context.


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Religion and Urbanism contributes to an expanded understanding of 'sustainable cities' in South Asia by demonstrating the multiple, and often conflicting ways in which religion enables or challenges socially equitable and ecologically sustainable urbanisation in the region. In particular, this collection focuses on two aspects that must inform the sustainable cities discourse in South Asia: the intersections of religion and urban heritage, and religion and various aspects of informality.<br /><br />This book makes a much-needed contribution to the nexus between religion and urban planning for researchers, postgraduate students and policy makers in Sustainable Development, Development Studies, Urban Studies, Religious Studies, Asian Studies, Heritage Studies and Urban and Religious Geography.


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The high seas have always engendered a range of emotions and reactions from humans. Curiosity, fear, even terror, of this great expanse of ocean which cover 70 % of Earth the blue planet. Yet the sheer size of the oceans and the difficulty of transporting across them meant the high seas were largely ignored by the vast majority of humans for centuries. Humans were largely confined to land with the only interest in the seas being as trade routes and the defence of the land. In fact all the way up to the last quarter of the twentieth century a nations territorial sea extended only three nautical miles off shore the distance that a cannon ball could be fired.<br /><br />This almost casual relationship to the oceans changed dramatically in the 1960s and 1970s as technology played an ever icnreasing role in the exploitation of the natural resources of the seas. Fishing was made far easier by being able to use sophisticated sonar systems to detect the fish and by advanced nets and vessels. But it was probably the technological ability to first find and then extract oil and gas off shore on continental shelfs, and at increasing depths, which stimulated interest in exploiting marine resources. Dreams of other deep sea mineral resources (e.g. manganese nodules) simply fuelled interest in the oceans, not to mentino some of the pharmaceuticals that were being discovered. <br /><br />


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Over the last two decades new and significant demographic, economic, social and environmental changes and challenges have shaped the production and consumption of housing in Australia and the policy settings that attempt to guide these processes. These changes and challenges, as outlined in this book, are many and varied. While these issues are new they raise timeless questions around affordability, access, density, quantity, type and location of housing needed in Australian towns and cities. The studies presented in this text also provide a unique insight into a range of housing production, consumption and policy issues that, while based in Australia, have implications that go beyond this national context. For instance how do suburban-based societies adjust to the realities of aging populations, anthropogenic climate change and the significant implications such change has for housing? How has policy been translated and assembled in specific national contexts? Similarly, what are the significantly different policy settings the production and consumption of housing in a post-Global Financial Crisis period require? Framed in this way this book accounts for and responds to some of the key housing issues of the 21st century.


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By way of definition, dictionaries such as the Oxford Dictionary note that the word &lsquo;icon&rsquo; is a noun meaning &lsquo;a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration&rsquo; (p. 654). More recently, the phrase &lsquo;iconic development&rsquo; has crept into the town planning vernacular making reference to built or planned works that are intended to be an urban &lsquo;benchmark&rsquo;. However, in terms of planning practice in the State of Victoria, Australia, the meaning of &lsquo;iconic development&rsquo; is unclear amongst property development professionals &ndash; one only needs to peruse the local newspaper, The Age on any given week and publications by key bodies such as the Planning Institute of Australia, the Victorian Planning and Environment Law Association, the Urban Development Institute of Australia and the Property Council of Australia on their websites and in professional newsletters, to appreciate the different ways the phrase is used in the property development context. This paper reports on key themes arising from interviews with 52 Victorian property development professionals, who were interviewed to determine their perceptions about what constitutes &lsquo;iconic development&rsquo; in Victoria. Arising from the interviews, the study confirms that &lsquo;iconic development&rsquo; is the new buzz phrase in property development circles, it is no longer just being used as a sales and marketing tool, but has been appropriated by technical professionals and introduced into different planning documents including certain local clauses in the Victorian Planning Provisions. Different professionals in the development industry, such as architects, planners and lawyers ascribe different meanings to this phrase, thereby presenting confusion in the property development industry. By understanding what these different professionals mean by the phrase &lsquo;iconic development&rsquo; a more collaborative understanding of the phrase is arrived at to provide the practitioner and public with a more informed understanding to review realised and/or planned 'iconic development&rsquo;.


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Dojunkai apartments were constructed by the Japanese Government as a work of relief, after the Great Kanto Earthquake in Tokyo. These apartments were leading examples in concrete construction in Japan and were innovative in their exterior space design ideas and building organizational themes. Dojunkai apartments were designed not only as solutions to particular sites, but as possible models for the further development of well-planned, secure, and communal neighbourhood style residential developments. During 1920&ndash;1930, Japanese architects and designers were actively involved in experimenting with foreign concepts of urban remodelling and town planning. However while these town-planning concepts and theories were embraced by Japanese architects and town planners, the resultant apartment complexes suggest that they endeavoured to adapt and transform them to suit Japanese sensibilities and urban requirements. This paper examines the nature of these adaptations and transformations. The principles of exterior space design are deployed to examine and identify patterns in building arrangement and exterior space design for six selected Dojunkai apartments. This paper discusses the pre-existing models of urban planning in Japan to establish a relationship between the adopted foreign town-planning models and the pre-existing ideas of urban settlements in the Japanese society.


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Precise estimation of solar energy on building roofs plays a critical role in sustainable development and renewable energy consumption of high-density human habitats. Conventional solar radiation models based on costly Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data are only adequate for existing buildings, not for future construction areas. In this paper, a pixel-based methodology is constructed for estimating solar energy potential over roofs. Buildings with flat roofs in a newly planned construction area are chosen as a case study. The solar radiation at a certain cell is mathematically formulated in the pixel unit, and its yields over a certain time period are calculated by considering multiple instantaneous solar irradiances and are visually presented by image processing. Significant spatial and temporal variations in solar radiation are measured. Within the study area, the maximum and minimum annual radiation yields are estimated at 4717.72&nbsp;MJ/m2/year and 342.58&nbsp;MJ/m2/year respectively. Radiation contour lines are then mapped for outlining installation ranges of various solar devices. For each apartment building, around 20% of roof areas can obtain 4500&nbsp;MJ/m2/year or more solar radiation yields. This study will benefit energy investors and urban planners in accurately predicting solar radiation potential and identifying regions with high radiation over building roofs. The results can be utilised in government policies and urban planning to raise awareness of the use of renewable energy sources.


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Purpose: The rapid and ongoing expansion of urbanised impervious areas could lead to more frequent flood inundation in urban flood-prone regions. Nowadays, urban flood inundation induced by rainstorm is an expensive natural disaster in many countries. In order to reduce the flooding risk, eco-roof systems (or green roof systems) could be considered as an effective mechanism of mitigating flooding disasters through their rainwater retention capability. However, there is still a lack of examining the stormwater management tool. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effects on flooding disaster from extensive green roofs. Design/methodology/approach: Based on geographical information system (GIS) simulation, this research presents a frame of assessing eco-roof impacts on urban flash floods. The approach addresses both urban rainfall-runoff and underground hydrologic models for traditional impervious and green roofs. Deakin University&rsquo;s Geelong Waurn Ponds campus is chosen as a study case. GIS technologies are then utilised to visualise and analyse the effects on flood inundation from surface properties of building roofs. Findings: The results reveal that the eco-roof systems generate varying degrees of mitigation of urban flood inundation with different return period storms. Originality/value: Although the eco-roof technology is considered as an effective stormwater management tool, it is not commonly adopted and examined in urban floods. This study will bring benefits to urban planners for raising awareness of hazard impacts and to construction technicians for considering disaster mitigation via roof technologies. The approach proposed here could be used for the disaster mitigation in future urban planning.


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This dissertation examines the quality of hazard mitigation elements in a coastal, hazard prone state. I answer two questions. First, in a state with a strong mandate for hazard mitigation elements in comprehensive plans, does plan quality differ among county governments? Second, if such variation exists, what drives this variation? My research focuses primarily on Floridas 35 coastal counties, which are all at risk for hurricane and flood hazards, and all fall under Floridas mandate to have a comprehensive plan that includes a hazard mitigation element. Research methods included document review to rate the hazard mitigation elements of all 35 coastal county plans and subsequent analysis against demographic and hazard history factors. Following this, I conducted an electronic, nationwide survey of planning professionals and academics, informed by interviews of planning leaders in Florida counties. I found that hazard mitigation element quality varied widely among the 35 Florida coastal counties, but were close to a normal distribution. No plans were of exceptionally high quality. Overall, historical hazard effects did not correlate with hazard mitigation element quality, but some demographic variables that are associated with urban populations did. The variance in hazard mitigation element quality indicates that while state law may mandate, and even prescribe, hazard mitigation in local comprehensive plans, not all plans will result in equal, or even adequate, protection for people. Furthermore, the mixed correlations with demographic variables representing social and disaster vulnerability shows that, at least at the county level, vulnerability to hazards does not have a strong effect on hazard mitigation element quality. From a theory perspective, my research is significant because it compares assumptions about vulnerability based on hazard history and demographics to plan quality. The only vulnerability-related variables that appeared to correlate, and at that mildly so, with hazard mitigation element quality, were those typically representing more urban areas. In terms of the theory of Neo-Institutionalism and theories related to learning organizations, my research shows that planning departments appear to have set norms and rules of operating that preclude both significant public involvement and learning from prior hazard events.


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El inters de comprender la manera en la que los instrumentos de planificacin afectan la dinmica del mercado inmobiliario, dio origen a la presente investigacin que estudia el desarrollo urbano de Bogot a partir de la implementacin del Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial, Decreto 190 de 2004. A travs del estudio de las tendencias espaciales de licenciamiento, se evalu si se logr consolidar el modelo de ocupacin propuesto en el POT; encontrndose que las decisiones de localizacin de los agentes privados no respondieron a la estructura urbana deseada, al no haberse concretado en el territorio por ejemplo la red de centralidades y el programa de renovacin urbana.


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El inters de este caso de estudio es reflexionar sobre los procesos participativos en la formulacin de instrumentos de planeamiento urbano y sus efectos en la gestin de las ciudades, particularmente en el espacio pblico. Esto se realiza partir de una revisin normativa en el presente y de algunos aspectos histricos de los procesos de Participacin Ciudadana y del concepto de Espacio Pblico como escenarios propicios para que la ciudadana aporte en las decisiones de planificacin. Adems, se plantea una revisin de cmo estos se constituyen en elementos estructurantes de la ciudad que la dotan de identidad, referentes simblicos y apropiacin ciudadana. Para este efecto, se realiz un balance de la estrategia de gestin social y participativa propuesta por el Plan Maestro de Espacio Pblico de 2005, con el fin de resaltar la importancia de la participacin ciudadana en la gestin de los instrumentos de planificacin con los que cuenta la ciudad y sus resultados en la gestin de espacio pblico en Bogot.


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Los modelos de gestin urbana a nivel global, incorporan en la planeacin y en el desarrollo de los entornos urbanos, al suelo natural de soporte como estructura fundamental; debido principalmente a sus funciones ecosistmicas y a los bienes ambientales que provee, incluyendo la biodiversidad y la conservacin de entornos con calidad paisajstica, entre otros. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, el objetivo principal de esta investigacin, consiste en hacer un seguimiento y caracterizacin del ecosistema estratgico del corredor biolgico borde norte en la ciudad de Bogot, con el fin de identificar y dar visibilidad a los aspectos crticos, que son necesarios a tener en cuenta en la poltica e instrumentos de planeacin, para el tratamiento de sta rea. En el desarrollo de esta investigacin, se aplicaron las nociones metodolgicas de la ecologa urbana, dando inicio con una fase de diagnstico y caracterizacin de la situacin actual, seguido de la formulacin de alternativas, entre las que se destacan, la restauracin ecolgica. En el diagnstico se pudo identificar que, si bien existe disponibilidad de agua y de cobertura vegetal en las condiciones de suelo, tambin est presente una gran presin inmobiliaria en el sector, lo cual, ha promovido la alteracin de los predios, haciendo urgente un tratamiento integral de restauracin ecolgica de ste corredor, que permita la recuperacin de la funcin ecosistmica, aportando beneficios a la ciudad.