993 resultados para University of Michigan--Students--Social life and customs--1841-1850
Full Squad posed on practice field.
Football squad on practice field, 1912
Football squad on practice field. 1913
Back Row: Chester Morrison, ?, Angus Goetz, Harold Cherry, ?, Abraham Cohn, ?, Eddy, Ward Culver, ?
Third Row: ?, Archie Weston, Oscar Cartwright, Skinner, trainer Harold Tuthill
Second Row: ?, J .Orton Goodsell, William Fortune, ?, Alan W. Boyd, Tad Wieman, Clifford Sparks
Front Row: Fred Hendershott, others unidentified
Others on team bur not identified in this picture:Charles Booth, Lee Bonar, William Cruse, Harold Froemke, Thomas Garrett, Lowell Genebach, Joseph Hanzlik, Oscar Lambert, L.O. Lindstom, Harold Rye, Richard F. Weske
Top Row: Dick Bodycomb, Gus Eaton, Bud Marshall, Tony Cybulski, Herb Taggart, Bob Kash, Burl Selden (ass't coach), Cliff Keen (coach).
Third Row: Gene Kiddon, Gordon Smith, Vaughn Lowther, Jim Coleman, Larry Shaw, James Johnson, Frank Whitehouse, Gene Freed, Everet Knapp, George Sipp, Stan Emerling.
Second Row: Bill Clark, James Richter, Jack Keller, Dave Bradbury Fred Koehn, Hyman Berman, Bill Parshall, Bill Connoly, M. Richard Fleishman, Frank Murphy, Jim Briskin, Leon Hinz.
Bottom Row: John Wilcox, Prentice Ryan, Ed Morey, Jim Costa, Barry Breakey, Jere Ogle, Jim Armelagos, Don O'Connell, Jerry Burns, John Picard, James Sakai, Ted Karmazin.
l-r: Ray Jackson, Chris Webber, Juwan Howard, Jalen Rose, Jimmy King
[l-r: Ray Jackson, Juwan Howard, Jalen Rose, Jimmy King, Chris Webber]
[End of Game(?) in win to clinch first CCHA title]
Top Row: Everett Bentley, Robert Roy Huebel, Arthur Cone(?), Martin Galt, Leland Benton, John Lyons, Clyde Bastian, Maurice Dunne, Edward DePree, student mngr. John Leonard
Third Row: Harry Meade, Frank McHale, Efton James, Donald James, Walter Niemann, Clyde Craven, James Whalen, Donald Finkbeiner, Floyd Morse, John Norton, Frank Quail
Second Row: Karl Staatz, Egmont Hildner, Fred Rehor, William Cochrane, captain James Raynsford, Robert Watson, Frank Millard, Lawrence Roehm, Ernest Hughitt
Front Row: James Catlett, John Maulbetsch, Lewis Reiman, Lamar Splawn, John McNamara
Top Row:mngr. Dell Dawes Dutton, Edward Dunne, Frank Sanger, John Loell, William Patterson, Maxwell Emmerman
Middle Row: Henry Taft, John Sullivan, Fred DeNeffe, Carmel Martin
Front Row: Falconer O'Brien, captain Roswell Wendell, George Kelly
Top Row: Leo? Kenyon, student mngr. Earl Good, ? Warehin, Thomas Wheat, Roy Baribeau
3rd Row:Francis Scully, Donald Duncanson, captain Elmer D Mitchell, coach Branch Rickey, Cecil Corbin, Goodloe Rogers, Charles Hippler, ? Ward
2nd Row:Francis Scully, Donald Duncanson, captain Elmer D Mitchell, coach Branch Rickey, Cecil Corbin, Goodloe Rogers, Charles Hippler, ? Ward
Front Row: ? Creamer (mascot), Emery Munson
L-R: Edward Kline, Julian Zemon, Frederco Sanchez, captain Johann Rorich
L-R: Frank Steketee, captain John Winters, jr., Hugh Smith, M.S. Crosby, Henry W. Slaughter
Back Row: David Barclay, Roger Kessler, Charles MacCallum, Douglas Beath, Tom Messinger
Front Row: Ed Scahlon, coach Bert Katzenmeyer, ?, Morton Cohn