994 resultados para University graduation


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A new radiocarbon preparation facility was set up in 2010 at the Godwin Laboratory for Palaeoclimate Research, at the University of Cambridge. Samples are graphitized via hydrogen reduction on an iron powder catalyst before being sent to the Chrono Centre, Belfast, or the Australian National University for accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) analysis. The experimental setup and procedure have recently been developed to investigate the potential for running small samples of foraminiferal carbonate. By analyzing background values of samples ranging from 0.04 to 0.6 mg C along with similar sized secondary standards, the setup and experimental procedures were optimized for small samples. “Background” modern 14C contamination has been minimized through careful selection of iron powder, and graphitization has been optimized through the use of “small volume” reactors, allowing samples containing as little as 0.08 mg C to be graphitized and accurately dated. Graphitization efficiency/fractionation is found not to be the main limitation on the analysis of samples smaller than 0.07 mg C, which rather depends primarily on AMS ion beam optics, suggesting further improvements in small sample analysis might yet be achieved with our methodology.


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From a macro perspective, it is widely acknowledged that University incubation models within a region are important stimulants of economic development through innovation and job creation. With the emergence of quadruple helix innovation ecosystems, universities have had re-evaluate their University incubation activity and models to engage more fully with industry and end users. However, within a given region, the type of University may influence their ability to engage with quadruple helix stakeholders and consequently impact their incubation activity. To date there is a scarcity of research which explores this 'meso' environment and its subsequent impact on University incubation models. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to use a stakeholder lens to explore University Incubation models within unique regional and organisational characteristics and constraints. The research methodology employed was based on a comparative case analysis of incubation of two different Universities within a UK peripheral region. It was found that variances existed in relation to the two universities incubation models which were found to result from both regional (macro environment) and organisational (meso environment) influences (i.e. university type). This research contributes to both regional and national agendas by empirically illustrating the need for appropriate design and tailoring of university incubation models (via acknowledgement of quadruple helix stakeholder influence) to incorporate contextual influences rather than adopting a best practise approach.


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Management control in public university hospitals is a challenging task because of continuous changes due to external pressures (e.g. economic pressures, stakeholder focuses and scientific progress) and internal complexities (top management turnover, shared leadership, technological evolution, and researcher oriented mission). Interactive budgeting contributed to improving vertical and horizontal communication between hospital and stakeholders and between different organizational levels. This paper describes an application of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to enhance interactive budgeting in one of the biggest public university hospital in Italy. AHP improved budget allocation facilitating elicitation and formalization of units' needs. Furthermore, AHP facilitated vertical communication among manager and stakeholders, as it allowed multilevel hierarchical representation of hospital needs, and horizontal communication among staff of the same hospital, as it allowed units' need prioritization and standardization, with a scientific multi-criteria approach, without using complex mathematics. Finally, AHP allowed traceability of a complex decision making processes (as budget allocation), this aspect being of paramount importance in public sectors, where managers are called to respond to many different stakeholders about their choices.


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The start of university is presented as a crucial stage in the life of the student. If, on the one hand, it is a period of increased autonomy and freedom, on the other, it is a period that also increases the sense of responsibility and self discipline. In this study, based on a quantitative approach, we identified the main risk situations experienced by freshmen at the University of Evora, by applying a questionnaire developed for this purpose and the Beck inventory. Key findings are highlighted, such as the consumption of harmful substances (tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs), whose values exceed the average population. The consumption of alcoholic beverages begins early and is continuous and excessive. Also, the presence of symptoms compatible with dysphoria and depression is noted in about 9% of students. Self-medication practices were found in 58.7% of the freshmen. Our findings reveal the need for preventive intervention by health professionals, due to these young people’s great exposure to health risks.


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A preocupação com a qualidade do ensino online tem vindo a aumentar, emconsequência da expansão de cursos na Internet que, frequentemente, possuem um fraco ou nulo interesse de aprendizagem. Com o desígnio demudar o rumo é necessário avaliar para que se tome consciência dos errosque se cometem e das verdadeiras potencialidades deste modelo de ensino. O intuito desta dissertação foi elaborar uma avaliação da parte curricular doMestrado em Multimédia em Educação 2002/2004, que decorreu naUniversidade de Aveiro e, com suporte nesse trabalho, propor um referencial para a avaliação de acções de pós-graduação que utilizem um modelo de ensino baseado em tecnologias eLearning. A avaliação do presente Mestrado surge da necessidade de aferir qual o realimpacto do modelo de ensino utilizado, pois pela primeira vez em Portugal foi leccionado um curso de pós-graduação com base em suportes tecnológicos, que permitiam, aos alunos e professores, a construção de conhecimento sema necessidade permanente da presença física numa sala de aula. Para possibilitar esta avaliação foi necessário construir um referencial contendo aspectos que influenciaram no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. O estudo foi efectuado tendo em conta a percepção dos intervenientes, que foirecolhida através de questionários, e da análise dos registos da plataforma,que suportou, em termos tecnológicos, a maioria das comunicações viaInternet. Para avaliar é fundamental saber o que se pretende analisar, por conseguinteao longo deste projecto foi elaborado um referencial que suporta todo oprocesso de avaliação. As suas categorias são as seguintes: perfil dos alunos, modelo de aprendizagem, atitudes dos intervenientes, pedagogia, tecnologia, aspectos logísticos e apreciação global. Para especificar cada categoria foram delineadas algumas dimensões,que, por sua vez, foram mensuradas a partir de um conjunto de indicadores. Esta dissertação tem a pretensão de oferecer uma ferramenta avaliativa para todos aqueles que de alguma forma interfiram no processo de ensino online, possibilitando a tomada de consciência dos aspectos críticos que devem ser ponderados em toda a acção educativa. ABSTRACT: The concern with the quality of education online has come to increase, inconsequence of the expansion of courses in the Internet that, frequently, possess a weak or null interest of learning. With the design to change the pathit is necessary to evaluate so that if it takes conscience of the errors that ifcommit and the true potentialities of this model of education. The intentionof this dissertation was to elaborate an evaluation of curricularpart of the Master’s in Multimedia in Education 2002/2004, that it elapsed in the University of Aveiro and, with base in this work, to consider a referential for theevaluation of after-graduation eventsthat use a model of education based on technologies eLearning. The evaluation of the Master’s appears of the necessity to survey which the real impact of the model of used education, therefore in Portugal a after-graduation course was teach for the first time on the basis of technological supports, that the student and teachers allowed to the construction ofknowledge without the permanent necessity of the physical presence in aclassroom. To make possible this evaluation was necessary to construct a referential contend aspects that had influenced in the teaching/apprenticeship process. The study it was realize having in account the perception of the intervenient,that it was collected through questionnaire, and the analysis of the registers of the platform,that it supported, in technological terms, the majority of thecommunications trough Internet. To evaluate it is basic to know what if it intends to analyze, therefore to long ofthis project was elaborated a referential that supports the evaluation process all. Its categories are the following ones: profile of the students, attitudes ofintervenient, model of learning, pedagogy, technology, logistic aspects, and global appreciation. To specify each category some dimensions had been delineated, which,for its time, had been observed from a set of indicators. This dissertation has the pretension to offer to a tool for all those that of someform intervene with the education process online, making possible the taking of conscience of the critical aspects that must be weighed in the entire educativeevents.


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As mudanças sociais que, na actualidade, pressionam e desafiam a Escola, nomeadamente quanto aos papéis, funções e desempenho dos professores, implicam a necessidade de repensar a sua formação para que possam responder mais adequadamente aos desafios emergentes. Estes têm particularmente a ver com os novos saberes que essas condições exigem a todos os cidadãos e que são entendidos, do ponto de vista epistemológico, como saberes para agir responsavelmente. Assim, o principal objectivo deste estudo consiste em aprofundar o conhecimento acerca das ambiências e culturas de formação inicial de professores do 1. º Ciclo do Ensino Básico na Universidade de Aveiro, nomeadamente dos processos de supervisão ao nível da disciplina de Prática Pedagógica, tendo em consideração que as características de monodocência dos profissionais deste ciclo de ensino pressupõem um perfil de competência específico. A investigação, de natureza qualitativa, desenvolveu-se de acordo com as abordagens próprias da complexidade e da sistémica, das quais relevamos os princípios da totalidade em que os fenómenos são percebidos como sistemas globais e dinâmicos e da recursividade ao admitirmos a possibilidade de uma relação dialéctica entre os diversos subsistemas considerados. Do ponto de vista metodológico, no sentido de construir uma visão integrada do objecto em estudo, foi utilizado um conjunto de procedimentos específicos (mixed-methods), nomeadamente análise documental, inquirição por questionário e por entrevista semi-estruturada. O questionário foi aplicado à totalidade de licenciados em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico pela Universidade de Aveiro, compreendendo o período de 1998 até 2005. A entrevista foi realizada junto de supervisores (cooperantes e institucionais) que vêm acompanhando os núcleos de Prática Pedagógica, no decurso e ao longo do 4.º ano da referida Licenciatura. Quanto aos resultados do estudo, estes podem ser lidos em função de três eixos. Relativamente ao primeiro, que genericamente se refere à evolução dos saberes básicos dos alunos, os contributos parecem sugerir a necessidade de alicerçar os processos de ensino/aprendizagem não apenas nas literacias ler, escrever e contar, como também no desenvolvimento de saberes básicos de natureza geral e transversal, percebidos como competências, tais como aprender a pensar, aprender a aprender, aprender a comunicar e a resolver problemas, numa perspectiva de aprender a ser. O segundo eixo de leitura tem a ver com as competências requeridas aos professores para o desenvolvimento desses saberes estruturantes. De acordo com os dados recolhidos na fase extensiva do estudo, estes parecem coerentes com a revisão de literatura realizada, bem como com os normativos legais que, em Portugal, enquadram o perfil de desempenho dos professores do 1.º Ciclo. Porém, sugerem a necessidade de interligar as dimensões saber, saber-fazer e saber ser, com ênfase nesta última. À semelhança dos resultados referidos no ponto anterior, também o referencial de competências proposto para os professores integra as dimensões saber, saber fazer e saber ser, no qual são valorizadas as competências de reflexão crítica, de aprender a aprender e, de igual forma, o conhecimento profissional nas suas múltiplas dimensões. O terceiro eixo relaciona-se com a qualidade das ambiências e culturas de formação e supervisão. De forma geral, os dados apontam que ambientes que possibilitem uma dimensão de prática curricular alargada em contextos diversificados, que valorizem os princípios da pessoalidade e respeito pelo Outro e que estimulem a reflexão crítica, a auto-implicação dos formandos, o desenvolvimento de competências pessoais e de desenvolvimento profissional (destacando-se as competências para aprender a aprender, a comunicar, a investigar e reflectir), parecem adequar se melhor ao desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional destes professores, no contexto das sociedades contemporâneas. Assim, é possível verificar que os eixos considerados remetem para um conjunto recursivo de saberes e competências que, em diferentes níveis, implicam um compromisso com a acção, numa visão de mundo comprometida com as ideias de bem comum, ou seja, de cidadania universal.


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This publication is a short address made by William H. Kilpatrick to the Southern Club of Columbia University calling on Southerners to gather and preserve their own history.


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Abstract: The project for researching the role played by libraries in canon-formation (namely through their policies regarding the creation, organization, preservation, and utilization of the collections) will be presented and discussed. We selected the Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Lisbon University, a modern academic library, created in 1859, by royal decree of D. Pedro V, following his canonical choice. Actually, the two contemporary rulers of new Britannia— Prince Albert, his cousin, and Queen Victoria—held this king in high consideration for his outstanding contribution to Portuguese modernisation. Representing various fields of study, the collections were decisive to canon-formation in the Faculty of Humanities. Thus, we have been trying to answer the following questions: who has been creating, organizing, preserving, and utilizing the collections, from the mid-nineteenth century onwards? When, where and how? Presently, we are studying the collections in English, namely the works belonging or referring to the long nineteenth century. Richard Garnett’s “The International Library of Famous Literature” (London, 1899) is our first case-study. The anthology determined the Western literary, cultural and visual canon at the turning of the century, as evidenced by comparing it to the Portuguese and Spanish editions, published at the beginning of the twentieth century.