996 resultados para Unit vector fields


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The Meissner and diamagnetic shielding effects and the upper, lower, and thermodynamical critical fields have been studied in a Ba2HoCu3O7-x sample using magnetization measurements in fields up to 55 kOe. The diamagnetic shielding curve shows the existence of a transition at Tc=91.5 K followed by a broad transition extending from 85 to 25 K which may be related to inhomogeneities in the oxygen content of the sample. A rather low flux expulsion (13.5%) is observed which we attribute to flux pinning or trapping. We show that the coexistence of superconducting and nonsuperconducting regions within the sample at temperatures just below Tc leads to strong reductions in the critical magnetic fields.


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ABSTRACT Trichoderma species are non-pathogenic microorganisms that protect against fungal diseases and contribute to increased crop yields. However, not all Trichoderma species have the same effects on crop or a pathogen, whereby the characterization and identification of strains at the species level is the first step in the use of a microorganism. The aim of this study was the identification – at species level – of five strains of Trichoderma isolated from soil samples obtained from garlic and onion fields located in Costa Rica, through the analysis of the ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2 ribosomal RNA regions; as well as the determination of their individual antagonistic ability over S. cepivorum Berkeley. In order to distinguish the strains, the amplified products were analyzed using MEGA v6.0 software, calculating the genetic distances through the Tamura-Nei model and building the phylogenetic tree using the Maximum Likelihood method. We established that the evaluated strains belonged to the species T. harzianum and T. asperellum; however it was not possible to identify one of the analyzed strains based on the species criterion. To evaluate their antagonistic ability, the dual culture technique, Bell’s scale, and the percentage inhibition of radial growth (PIRG) were used, evidencing that one of the T. asperellum isolates presented the best yields under standard, solid fermentation conditions.


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The interest in alternative medicine (AM) is growing. In the USA and Canada, studies showed that 34% of adults and 11% of children use AM. In a prospective cohort study, we investigated the interest in AM among parents of critically ill children in the paediatric Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a university hospital. From January 1996 to April 1997, we distributed questionnaires to the parents of critically ill children. These strictly anonymous questionnaires were completed at home and returned by mail. Exclusion criteria were short ( < 1 day) or repeated hospitalizations, and insufficient proficiency of the German language. The inclusion criteria were fulfilled by 591 patients; 561 received the questionnaire (95%) and 289 (52%) were returned. Of the respondents, 70% would appreciate AM as a complementary therapy on the ICU, 23% found AM equally or more important than conventional medicine whereas only 7% regarded AM as unimportant. On the ICU, 18% used AM; surprisingly 41% of them did not discuss it with physicians or nurses. An additional 21% would have liked to use AM, but did not do so. Typically, AM-users administered AM also at home to their children and themselves. Their children were however, older.CONCLUSIONS: A substantial proportion of parents used measures of alternative medicine in the intensive care unit, or would have like to do so. However, few had the confidence to discuss this wish with the medical personal. This suggests that alternative medicine is of great interest, even on an intensive care unit. Nevertheless, discussion about alternative medicine seems to be taboo in doctor-patient relations.


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[Sommaire] Introduction. - 1. Quelques données de base: le contexte juridique, la violence domestique: une réalité chiffrée, principales institutions du réseau d'aide dans le canton de Vaud. - 2. Résumé de la recherche "10 ans de lutte contre la violence domestique dans le canton de Vaud": contexte, méthode, résultats, recommandations à l'intention de la CCLVD. - 3. Axes stratégiques de la politique cantonale de prévention de lutte contre la violence domestique 2011-2015. - Bibliographie [Introduction (extrait)] La violence entre membres d'une même famille ou entre proches, à savoir la violence domestique, a longtemps été considérée comme une affaire privée et un tabou. Un important changement de mentalité s'est toutefois opéré ces 20 dernières années. La lutte contre la violence envers les femmes d'une manière générale et contre la violence domestique en particulier préoccupe de plus en plus les organes internationaux, nationaux et locaux et est reconnue comme une tâche d'intérêt public. [...] Dans le canton de Vaud, en 1999, le Bureau de l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes (BEFH) a mandaté l'Unité de Prévention de l'Institut de médecine sociale et préventive du CHUV, afin de mener une étude sur la violence conjugale, auprès des institutions concernées2. Cette recherche visait à établir un état des lieux et à identifier les besoins prioritaires. En 2001, des recommandations ont émergé de cette étude sous la forme de 40 mesures. Six d'entre elles ont été retenues comme prioritaires par la Conseillère d'Etat Madame Jacqueline Maurer Mayor. Presque 10 ans après, en automne 2008, la Commission cantonale de lutte contre la violence domestique (CCLVD), instituée par le Conseil d'Etat afin de coordonner les efforts en vue de la prévention et de la lutte contre la violence domestique, a décidé de faire un bilan sur la réalisation de ces mesures, d'identifier les besoins actuels des professionnel-le-s de terrain et les problématiques émergeantes. Les résultats de cette étude, menée par L'Unité d médecine des violences (UMV) ont servi de fondement à la CCLVD dans l'établissement d'un plan stratégique 2011-2015, en matière de lutte contre la violence conjugale dans le canton de Vaud. Le présent document présente à la fois un éclairage contextuel sur la situation dans le canton de Vaud aujourd'hui et une synthèse de la recherche précitée.


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Audit report on the Iowa Department of Human Services – Targeted Case Management Unit for the year ended June 30, 2011


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INTRODUCTION: Cefepime has been associated with a greater risk of mortality than other beta-lactams in patients treated for severe sepsis. Hypotheses for this failure include possible hidden side-effects (for example, neurological) or inappropriate pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) parameters for bacteria with cefepime minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) at the highest limits of susceptibility (8 mg/l) or intermediate-resistance (16 mg/l) for pathogens such as Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. We examined these issues in a prospective non-interventional study of 21 consecutive intensive care unit (ICU) adult patients treated with cefepime for nosocomial pneumonia. METHODS: Patients (median age 55.1 years, range 21.8 to 81.2) received intravenous cefepime at 2 g every 12 hours for creatinine clearance (CLCr) >or= 50 ml/min, and 2 g every 24 hours or 36 hours for CLCr < 50 ml/minute. Cefepime plasma concentrations were determined at several time-points before and after drug administration by high-pressure liquid chromatography. PK/PD parameters were computed by standard non-compartmental analysis. RESULTS: Seventeen first-doses and 11 steady states (that is, four to six days after the first dose) were measured. Plasma levels varied greatly between individuals, from two- to three-fold at peak-concentrations to up to 40-fold at trough-concentrations. Nineteen out of 21 (90%) patients had PK/PD parameters comparable to literature values. Twenty-one of 21 (100%) patients had appropriate duration of cefepime concentrations above the MIC (T>MIC >or= 50%) for the pathogens recovered in this study (MIC <or= 4 mg/l), but only 45 to 65% of them had appropriate coverage for potential pathogens with cefepime MIC >or= 8 mg/l. Moreover, 2/21 (10%) patients with renal impairment (CLCr < 30 ml/minute) demonstrated accumulation of cefepime in the plasma (trough concentrations of 20 to 30 mg/l) in spite of dosage adjustment. Both had symptoms compatible with non-convulsive epilepsy (confusion and muscle jerks) that were not attributed to cefepime-toxicity until plasma levels were disclosed to the caretakers and symptoms resolved promptly after drug arrest. CONCLUSIONS: These empirical results confirm the suspected risks of hidden side-effects and inappropriate PK/PD parameters (for pathogens with upper-limit MICs) in a population of ICU adult patients. Moreover, it identifies a safety and efficacy window for cefepime doses of 2 g every 12 hours in patients with a CLCr >or= 50 ml/minute infected by pathogens with cefepime MICs <or= 4 mg/l. On the other hand, prompt monitoring of cefepime plasma levels should be considered in case of lower CLCr or greater MICs.


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Purpose: Previous studies of the visual outcome in bilateral non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) have yielded conflicting results, specifically regarding congruity between fellow eyes. Prior studies have used measures of acuity and computerized perimetry but none has compared Goldmann visual field outcomes between fellow eyes. In order to better define the concordance of visual loss in this condition, we reviewed our cases of bilateral sequential NAION, including measures of visual acuity, pupillary function and both pattern and severity of visual field loss.Methods: We performed a retrospective chart review of 102 patients with a diagnosis of bilateral sequential NAION. Of the 102 patients, 86 were included in the study for analysis of final visual outcome between the affected eyes. Visual function was assessed using visual acuity, Goldmann visual fields, color vision and RAPD. A quantitative total visual field score and score per quadrant was analyzed for each eye using the numerical Goldmann visual field scoring method previously described by Esterman and colleagues. Based upon these scores, we calculated the total deviation and pattern deviation between fellow eyes and between eyes of different patients. Statistical significance was determined using nonparametric tests.Results: A statistically significant correlation was found between fellow eyes for multiple parameters, including logMAR visual acuity (P = 0.0101), global visual field (P = 0.0001), superior visual field (P = 0.0001), and inferior visual field (P = 0.0001). In addition, the mean deviation of both total (P = 0.0000000007) and pattern (P = 0.000000004) deviation analyses was significantly less between fellow eyes ("intra"-eyes) than between eyes of different patients ("inter"-eyes).Conclusions: Visual function between fellow eyes showed a fair to moderate correlation that was statistically significant. The pattern of vision loss was also more similar in fellow eyes than between eyes of different patients. These results may help allow better prediction of visual outcome for the second eye in patients with NAION. These findings may also be useful for evaluating efficacy of therapeutic interventions.


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Many would argue that the dramatic rise in autism has reached critical mass, and this council echoes that statement. Iowa, like many states in the nation, is currently ill equipped to handle the large influx of children and adults with autism. When this council was initially formed we were facing diagnosis rates of 1 in 150 and currently the diagnosis rate is 1 in 91. Current resource strains in education, qualified trained professionals, access to care, and financial services are rapidly deteriorating Iowa’s ability to deliver quality services to children, adults, and families affected by autism. If Iowa leadership fails to act quickly the already strained system will face a breaking point in the following areas: financing, coordination of care, educational resources, early identification, adult services, and access to service delivery - just to name a few. This council has taken the past 12 plus months hearing testimony from state officials, providers, and caregivers to ensure that care for those with autism is effective, cost efficient, and accessible. This council will be making recommendations on three major areas; early identification, seamless support/coordination of care, and financing of care. While these areas will be highlighted in this first annual report it in no way minimizes other areas that need to be addressed such as early intervention, special education, training, in-home support services, financing options, and data collection. Implementing the initial recommendations of this council will lay foundational support for the areas mentioned above. Often those in position to help ask what can be done to help families in Iowa. This council has provided a roadmap to help facilitate effective and proven treatments to children and adults with autism.


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Audit report of the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, and its discretely presented component unit as of and for the years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011


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Extracorporeal life support systems (ECLS) have become common in cardiothoracic surgery, but are still "Terra Incognita" in other medical fields due to the fact that perfusion units are normally bound to cardiothoracic centres. The Lifebridge B2T is an ECLS that is meant to be used as an easy and fast-track extracorporeal cardiac support to provide short-term perfusion for the transport of a patient to a specialized centre. With the Lifebridge B2T it is now possible to provide extracorporeal bypass for patients in hospitals without a perfusion unit. The Lifebridge B2T was tested on three calves to analyze the handling, performance and security of this system. The Lifebridge B2T safely can be used clinically and can provide full extracorporeal support for patients in cardiac or pulmonary failure. Flows up to 3.9 +/- 0.2l/min were reached, with an inflow pressure of -103 +/- 13mmHg, using a 21Fr. BioMedicus (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA) venous cannula. The "Plug and Play" philosophy, with semi-automatic priming, integrated check-list, a long battery time of over two hours and instinctively designed user interface, makes this device very interesting for units with high-risk interventions, such as catheterisation labs. If a system is necessary in an emergency unit, the Lifebridge can provide a high security level, even in centres not acquainted with cardiopulmonary bypass.


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Audit report on the Iowa Department of Human Services – Targeted Case Management Unit for the year ended June 30, 2012


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Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) treatment plan verification by comparison with measured data requires having access to the linear accelerator and is time consuming. In this paper, we propose a method for monitor unit (MU) calculation and plan comparison for step and shoot IMRT based on the Monte Carlo code EGSnrc/BEAMnrc. The beamlets of an IMRT treatment plan are individually simulated using Monte Carlo and converted into absorbed dose to water per MU. The dose of the whole treatment can be expressed through a linear matrix equation of the MU and dose per MU of every beamlet. Due to the positivity of the absorbed dose and MU values, this equation is solved for the MU values using a non-negative least-squares fit optimization algorithm (NNLS). The Monte Carlo plan is formed by multiplying the Monte Carlo absorbed dose to water per MU with the Monte Carlo/NNLS MU. Several treatment plan localizations calculated with a commercial treatment planning system (TPS) are compared with the proposed method for validation. The Monte Carlo/NNLS MUs are close to the ones calculated by the TPS and lead to a treatment dose distribution which is clinically equivalent to the one calculated by the TPS. This procedure can be used as an IMRT QA and further development could allow this technique to be used for other radiotherapy techniques like tomotherapy or volumetric modulated arc therapy.


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The paper presents a novel method for monitoring network optimisation, based on a recent machine learning technique known as support vector machine. It is problem-oriented in the sense that it directly answers the question of whether the advised spatial location is important for the classification model. The method can be used to increase the accuracy of classification models by taking a small number of additional measurements. Traditionally, network optimisation is performed by means of the analysis of the kriging variances. The comparison of the method with the traditional approach is presented on a real case study with climate data.