970 resultados para Uniform Pwm


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T his report presents population estimates for July 1, 1972 and provisional estimates for July 1, 1973, for counties and metropolitan areas prepared under the auspices of the Federal State Cooperative Program for Local Population Estimates. The objective of this program. is the development and publication of State - prepared estimates of the population of counties using uniform procedures largely standardized for data input and methodology. The methods used have been mutually agreed upon by the individual States and the Bureau of the Census on the basis of a test of methods against the 1970 census. For a more detailed description of the program.


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This report presents population estimates for July 1, 1973 and provisional estimates for July 1, for counties and metropolitan areas prepared under the auspices of the Federal State Cooperative Program for Local Population Estimates. The objective of this program. is the development and publication of State - prepared estimates of the population of counties using uniform procedures largely standardized for data input and methodology. The methods used have been mutually agreed upon by the individual States and the Bureau of the Census on the basis of a test of methods against the 1970 census. For a more detailed description of the program.


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The coupling between topography, waves and currents in the surf zone may selforganize to produce the formation of shore-transverse or shore-oblique sand bars on an otherwise alongshore uniform beach. In the absence of shore-parallel bars, this has been shown by previous studies of linear stability analysis, but is now extended to the finite-amplitude regime. To this end, a nonlinear model coupling wave transformation and breaking, a shallow-water equations solver, sediment transport and bed updating is developed. The sediment flux consists of a stirring factor multiplied by the depthaveraged current plus a downslope correction. It is found that the cross-shore profile of the ratio of stirring factor to water depth together with the wave incidence angle primarily determine the shape and the type of bars, either transverse or oblique to the shore. In the latter case, they can open an acute angle against the current (upcurrent oriented) or with the current (down-current oriented). At the initial stages of development, both the intensity of the instability which is responsible for the formation of the bars and the damping due to downslope transport grow at a similar rate with bar amplitude, the former being somewhat stronger. As bars keep on growing, their finite-amplitude shape either enhances downslope transport or weakens the instability mechanism so that an equilibrium between both opposing tendencies occurs, leading to a final saturated amplitude. The overall shape of the saturated bars in plan view is similar to that of the small-amplitude ones. However, the final spacings may be up to a factor of 2 larger and final celerities can also be about a factor of 2 smaller or larger. In the case of alongshore migrating bars, the asymmetry of the longshore sections, the lee being steeper than the stoss, is well reproduced. Complex dynamics with merging and splitting of individual bars sometimes occur. Finally, in the case of shore-normal incidence the rip currents in the troughs between the bars are jet-like while the onshore return flow is wider and weaker as is observed in nature.


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Biometric system performance can be improved by means of data fusion. Several kinds of information can be fused in order to obtain a more accurate classification (identification or verification) of an input sample. In this paper we present a method for computing the weights in a weighted sum fusion for score combinations, by means of a likelihood model. The maximum likelihood estimation is set as a linear programming problem. The scores are derived from a GMM classifier working on a different feature extractor. Our experimental results assesed the robustness of the system in front a changes on time (different sessions) and robustness in front a change of microphone. The improvements obtained were significantly better (error bars of two standard deviations) than a uniform weighted sum or a uniform weighted product or the best single classifier. The proposed method scales computationaly with the number of scores to be fussioned as the simplex method for linear programming.


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Chevrons provide additional emphasis and guidance for drivers. If spaced properly, chevrons can delineate the curve so drivers can interpret the sharpness of the curve. Table 2C-2 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (FHWA 2009a) recommends the size of chevron alignment (W1-8) signs by roadway type. Several agencies, including the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), have applied a larger chevron size to a roadway than suggested by this table. The idea is that larger chevrons will be more prominent and visible to drivers. These larger chevrons may be particularly useful if sight distance issues exist.


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Understanding levels of population differentiation and inbreeding are important issues in conservation biology, especially for social Hymenoptera with fragmented and small population sizes. Isolated populations are more vulnerable to genetic loss and extinction than those with extended continuous distributions. However, small populations are not always a consequence of a recent reduction of their habitat. Thus, determining the history of population isolation and current patterns of genetic variation of a species is crucial for its conservation. Rossomyrmex minuchae is a slave-making ant with patchy distribution in South Eastern Spain and is classified as vulnerable by the IUCN. In contrast, the other three known species of the genus are presumed to show more uniform distributions. Here we investigate the genetic diversity and population structure of R. minuchae and compare it with that found in two other species of the genus: R. anatolicus and R. quandratinodum. We conclude that although genetic diversity of R. minuchae is low, there is no evidence of a recent bottleneck, suggesting a gradual and natural fragmentation process. We also show extreme population differentiation at nuclear and mitochondrial markers, and isolation by distance at a local scale. Despite some evidence for inbreeding and low genetic variation within populations, we found almost no diploid males, a finding which contrasts with that expected in inbred Hymenoptera with single locus complementary sex determination. This could mean that sex is determined by another mechanism. We argue that continued low population size means that detrimental effects of inbreeding and low genetic variation are likely in the future. We suggest that a policy of artificial gene flow aimed at increasing within population variation is considered as a management option.


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The objetive of this work was to rescue immature embryos of apple rootstocks Malus prunifolia (Marubakaido) and Malus pumila (M9) after 40-60 days of pollination and to put them into MS culture media supplemented with agar (6 g L-1) and casein hydrolysate (500 mg L-1). Embryos originated from interspecific crosses and open pollination showed differences in the in vitro responses, depending on the female parent, the developmental stage of the embryo, and the culture medium composition. Embryos of the M. pumila rootstock, rescued within 40 days after pollination and put in culture medium supplemented with indolacetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA3), kinetin and maltose, resulted in a normal development of plantlets. However, embryos originating from hand-pollination, cultivated in medium supplemented with 14 µM IAA, 5 µM kinetin and 1.5 µM Ga3 (MS1), mainly those of M. prunifolia x M. pumila, showed a high percentage of rusted embryos (96.2%). Embryos from open pollination of M. prunifolia and M. pumila formed calluses. It was possible to identify the influence of the female parent by the enhanced development of M. pumila shoots derived from open or hand-pollination. The crossing of responsive species and the use of the technique of embryo culture provided a rapid and uniform germination and, consequently, the development of fully normal seedlings.


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Four classes of variables are apparent in the problem of scour around bridge piers and abutments--geometry of piers and abutments, stream-flow characteristics, sediment characteristics, and geometry of site. The laboratory investigation, from its inception, has been divided into four phases based on these classes. In each phase the variables in three of the classes are held constant and those in the pertinent class are varied. To date, the first three phases have been studied. Typical scour bole patterns related to the geometry of the pier or abutment have been found. For equilibrium conditions of scour with uniform sand, the velocity of flow and the sand size do not appear to have any measurable effects on the depth of scour. This result is especially encouraging in the search for correlation between model and prototype since it would indicate that, primarily, only the depth of flow might be involved in the scale effect. The technique of model testing has been simplified, therefore, because rate of sediment transportation does not need to be scaled. Prior to the establishment of equilibrium conditions, however, depths of scour in excess of those for equilibrium conditions have been found. A concept of active scour as an imbalance between sediment transport capacity and rate of sediment supply has been used to explain the laboratory observations.


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A laboratory investigation was undertaken to determine the limiting model Reynolds number above which the scour behavior of rock protected structures can be reproduced in hydraulic models scaled according to the Froude criterion. A submerged jet was passed over an initially full scour pocket containing uniform glass spheres and the rate of scour was measured as a function of time. The dimensions of the scour pocket and jet and the particle diameters were varied as needed to maintain strict geometric similarity. For each of two different Froude numbers the Reynolds number was varied over a wide range. The normalized scour rate was found to be practically independent of the Reynolds number, R, (based on the jet velocity and particle diameter) at values of R above about 2.5 x 10^3, and to decrease with Rat smaller values. A grid placed in the jet was found to have a very strong effect on the scour rate. In an attempt to explain the effect of R on the scour behavior, turbulent pressure and velocity fluctuations were measured in air flows and water flows, respectively, over rigid scour pockets having the same geometry as those formed in the scour experiments. The normalized spectra of the fluctuations were found to be nearly independent of R, but the flow pattern was found to be very sensitive to the inlet condition, the jet deflecting upward or downward in a not wholly explainable manner. This indicates that scour behavior can be modeled only if the approach flow is also accurately modeled.


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This final report contains two separate reports which describe the retroreflectivity levels of various traffic signs and pavement markings on the Iowa primary road system. The data was collected in the fall/winter of 1994 and given to the Federal Highway Administration in March of 1995. This information is currently being combined with similar information from other jurisdictions across the country for the purpose of determining the impact of mandated minimum retroreflectivity levels. The FHWA will be releasing their report sometime in 1996. In October 1992, Congress mandated (Public Law 102-388) the Secretary of Transportation to revise the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to include a minimum level of retroreflectivity for pavement markings and traffic signs which shall apply to all roads open to public travel. In 1994, the FHWA initiated research studies to determine the retroreflectivity levels which currently exist for signs and markings in an attempt to develop standards which are reasonable to implement. The Iowa Department of Transportation participated in both of the studies and the final reports are included. After compilation and analysis of the collected retroreflectivity data, the FHWA will propose the new MUTCD standards through the federal rule making process. It is estimated that the actual MUTCD change will occur sometime in late 1997 or early 1998.


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From the point of view of uniform bounds for the birationality of pluricanonical maps, irregular varieties of general type and maximal Albanese dimension behave similarly to curves. In fact Chen-Hacon showed that, at least when their holomorphic Euler characteristic is positive, the tricanonical map of such varieties is always birational. In this paper we study the bicanonical map. We consider the natural subclass of varieties of maximal Albanese dimension formed by primitive varieties of Albanese general type. We prove that the only such varieties with non-birational bicanonical map are the natural higher-dimensional generalization to this context of curves of genus $2$: varieties birationally equivalent to the theta-divisor of an indecomposable principally polarized abelian variety. The proof is based on the (generalized) Fourier-Mukai transform.


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English summary: Delictum publicum, delictum privatum: The emergence of a uniform concept of crime in medieval and early modern legal literature (s. 687)


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Approximately 40,000 tons of deteriorated asphalt concrete has been removed from Interstate 80 in Cass County and stockpiled. Laboratory tests indicate that this material has considerable value when upgraded with new aggregate and asphalt cement. This report documents the procedures used and results obtained on an experimental recycling project. It was demonstrated that present drum mixing-recycling equipment and procedures can be used to utilize this material with satisfactory results. Laboratory analyses of material components and mixtures were performed; these analyses indicate mixture can be produced that is uniform, stable, and very closely resembles mixture produced with all virgin material. A 1700 foot long test section was constructed on US 169 in Kossuth County wherein salvaged asphalt concrete from I-80 in Cass County was utilized. The salvaged mix was blended with virgin aggregate and recycled through a modified drum mixing plant, the reprocessed mixture was satisfactorily placed 1 1/2 inches thick as a resurfacing course on an old PCC pavement. An inspection of the test section was made in December of 1978 to evaluate the performance after one full year of service. There was no evidence of rutting or shoving from traffic. The surface does, however, have a very dry and somewhat ravelled appearance. This can be related to a low asphalt content in the mix and some temperature control problems which were difficult to get fully corrected on such a short project and with a short supply of readily available materials.


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Major highway concrete pavements in Iowa have exhibited premature deterioration attributed to effects of ettringite formation, alkali-silica expansive reactions, and to frost attack, or some combination of them. These pavements were constructed in the mid- 1980s as non-reinforced, dual-lane, roads ranging in thickness between 200 mm and 300 mm, with skewed joints reinforced with dowels. Deterioration was initially recognized with a darkening of joint regions, which occurred for some pavements as soon as four years after construction. Pavement condition ranges from severe damage to none, and there appeared to be no unequivocal materials or processing variables correlated with failure. Based upon visual examinations, petrographic evaluation, and application of materials models, the deterioration of concrete highway pavements in Iowa appear related to a freeze-thaw failure of the coarse aggregate and the mortar. Crack patterns sub-parallel to the concrete surface transecting the mortar fraction and the coarse aggregate are indicative of freeze-thaw damage of both the mortar and aggregate. The entrained air void system was marginal to substandard, and filling of some of the finer-sized voids by ettringite appears to have further degraded the air void system. The formation of secondary ettringite within the entrained air voids probably reflects a relatively high degree of concrete saturation causing the smaller voids to be filled with pore solution when the concrete freezes. Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) affects some quartz and shale in the fine aggregate, but is not considered to be a significant cause of the deterioration. Delayed ettringite formation was not deemed likely as no evidence of a uniform paste expansion was observed. The lack of field-observed expansion is also evidence against the ASR and DEF modes of deterioration. The utilization of fly ash does not appear to have affected the deterioration as all pavements with or without fly ash exhibiting substantial damage also exhibit significant filling of the entrained air void system, and specimens containing fly ash from sound pavements do not have significant filling. The influence of the mixture design, mixing, and placing must be evaluated with respect to development of an adequate entrained air void system, concrete homogeneity, longterm drying shrinkage, and microcracking. A high-sand mix may have contributed to the difficult mixture characteristics noted upon placement and exacerbate concrete heterogeneity problems, difficulty in developing an adequate entrained air void system, poor consolidation potential, and increased drying shrinkage and cracking. Finally, the availability of moisture must also be considered, as the secondary precipitation of ettringite in entrained air voids indicates they were at least partially filled with pore solution at times. Water availability at the base of the slabs, in joints, and cracks may have provided a means for absorbing water to a point of critical saturation.


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During the harvest season in Iowa, it is common to have single axle loads on secondary roads and bridges that are excessive (typical examples are grain carts) and well beyond normal load limits. Even though these excessive loads occur only during a short time of the year, they may do significant damage to pavements and bridges. In addition, the safety of some bridges may be compromised because of the excessive loads, and sometimes there may be little indication to the users that damage may be imminent. At this time there are no Iowa laws regulating axle loads allowed for agricultural equipment. This study looks at the potential problems this may cause on secondary roads and timber stringer bridges. Both highway pavement and timber bridges are evaluated in this report. A section (panel) of Iowa PCC paved county road was chosen to study the effects of heavy agricultural loads on pavements. Instrumentation was applied to the panel and a heavily loaded grain cart was rolled across. The collected data were analyzed for any indication of excessive stresses of the concrete. The second study, concerning excessive loads on timber stringer bridges, was conducted in the laboratory. Four bridge sections were constructed and tested. Two of the sections contained five stringers and two sections had three stringers. Timber for the bridges came from a dismantled bridge, and deck panels were cut from new stock. All timber was treated with creosote. A hydraulic load was applied at the deck mid-span using a foot print representing a tire from a typical grain cart. Force was applied until failure of the system resulted. The collected data were evaluated to provide indications of load distribution and for comparison with expected wheel loads for a typical heavily loaded single axle grain cart. Results of the pavement tests showed that the potential of over-stressing the pavement is a possibility. Even though most of the tension stress levels recorded were below the rupture strength of the concrete, there were a few instances where the indicated tension stress level exceeded the concrete rupture strength. Results of the bridge tests showed that when the static ultimate load capacity of the timber stringer bridge sections was reached, there was sudden loss of capacity. Prior to reaching this ultimate capacity, the load sharing between the stringers was very uniform. The failure was characterized by loss of flexural capacity of the stringers. In all tests, the ultimate test load exceeded the wheel load that would be applied by an 875 bushel single axle grain cart.