967 resultados para Type I And Ii Fibers
Material elaborado durante dos cursos académicos en seminarios, en el que se hace un recorrido por el Patrimonio regional y se formalizan actividades para cada materia y nivel de Secundaria, con el objetivo de conocer el legado de los antepasados.
Este material está dirigido a los centros educativos de la Comunidad de Madrid que tengan programas de integración para inmigrantes extranjeros con dificultades en el aprendizaje del idioma español. Facilita un compendio léxico de 550 palabras de uso cotidiano en el ámbito escolar, familiar y social. Cada término está traducido del español al árabe, búlgaro, chino, francés, inglés, polaco, portugués, rumano, ruso y ucraniano. Incluye un buscador para localizar más fácilmente los términos y ejercicios para comprobar la compresión oral y escrita de dichos términos. Adjunta material de apoyo para los profesores..
Bibliografía estructurada por temas
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Se estudia este turbulento período de la historia británica, en el que estalla el conflicto entre la Corona y el Estado que llevó a la guerra civil. Se repasan los problemas del reinado de Carlos I, su figura como mecenas de las artes, el ascenso al poder de Oliver Cromwell, las causas de la guerra que dividió al país, así como la vida durante el período de los Estuardo y los inventos y descubrimientos de la época.
Unitat de recerca amb aparells com el d’espectrometria de masses amb plasma d’acoblament inductiu, el de líquid-masses, d’anàlisi elemental, de difracció de raigs X de pols i de monocristall o de fluorescència de raigs X
This paper discusses a study that examined acoustic measures and the relationship to speech intelligibility of children with cochlear implants.
This paper discusses a study done with chinchillas and their ability to organize speech sounds into auditory concepts.
For vegetated surfaces, calculation of soil heat flux, G, with the Exact or Analytical method requires a harmonic analysis of below-canopy soil surface temperature, to obtain the shape of the diurnal course of G. When determining G with remote sensing methods, only composite (vegetation plus soil) radiometric brightness temperature is available. This paper presents a simple equation that relates the sum of the harmonic terms derived for the composite radiometric surface temperature to that of belowcanopy soil surface temperature. The thermal inertia, Gamma(,) for which a simple equation has been presented in a companion paper, paper I, is used to set the magnitude of G. To assess the success of the method proposed in this paper for the estimation of the diurnal shape of G, a comparison was made between 'remote' and in situ calculated values from described field sites. This indicated that the proposed method was suitable for the estimation of the shape of G for a variety of vegetation types and densities. The approach outlined in paper I, to obtain Gamma, was then combined with the estimated harmonic terms to predict estimates of G, which were compared to values predicted by empirical remote methods found in the literature. This indicated that the method proposed in the combination of papers I and II gave reliable estimates of G, which, in comparison to the other methods, resulted in more realistic predictions for vegetated surfaces. This set of equations can also be used for bare and sparsely vegetated soils, making it a universally applicable method. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Viral fusion proteins mediate the merger of host and viral membranes during cell entry for all enveloped viruses. Baculovirus glycoprotein gp64 (gp64) is unusual in promoting entry into both insect and mammalian cells and is distinct from established class I and class II fusion proteins. We report the crystal structure of its postfusion form, which explains a number of gp64's biological properties including its cellular promiscuity, identifies the fusion peptides and shows it to be the third representative of a new class (III) of fusion proteins with unexpected structural homology with vesicular stomatitis virus G and herpes simplex virus type 1 gB proteins. We show that domains of class III proteins have counterparts in both class I and II proteins, suggesting that all these viral fusion machines are structurally more related than previously thought.
The structural transformations between cesium silver-copper cyanides under modest conditions, both in solution and in the solid state, are described. Three new cesium silver(I) copper(I) cyanides with three-dimensional (3-D) framework structures were prepared as single crystals from a one-pot reaction initially heated under hydrothermal conditions. The first product to appear, Cs3Ag2Cu3(CN)(8) (I), when left in contact with the supernatant produced CsAgCu(CN)(3) (II) and CsAgCu(CN)(3)center dot 1/3H(2)O (III) over a few months via a series of thermodynamically controlled cascade reactions. Crystals of the hydrate (III) can be dehydrated to polycrystalline CsAgCu(CN)(3) (II) on heating at 100 degrees C in a remarkable solid-state transformation involving substantial breaking and reconnection of metal-cyanide linkages. Astonishingly, the conversion between the two known polymorphs of CsAg2Cu(CN)(4), which also involves a major change in connectivity and topology, occurs at 180 degrees C as a single-crystal to single-crystal transformation. Structural features of note in these materials include the presence of helical copper-cyanide chains in (I) and (II), which in the latter compound produce a chiral material. In (II) and (III), the silver-copper cyanide networks are both self- and interpenetrating, features also seen in the known polymorphs of CsAg2Cu(CN)(4).
Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies show that the extended structure of dipeptide I Boc-beta-Ala-m-ABA-OMe (m-ABA: meta-aminobenzoic acid) self-assembles in the solid state by intermolecular hydrogen bonding to create an infinite parallel P-sheet structure. In dipeptide II Boc-gamma-Abu-m-ABA-OMe (gamma-Abu: gamma-aminobutyric acid), two such parallel beta-sheets are further cross-linked by intermolecular hydrogen bonding through m-aminobenzoic acid moieties. SEM (scanning electron microscopy) studies reveal that both the peptides I and II form amyloid-like fibrils in the solid state. The fibrils are also found to be stained readily by Congo red, a characteristic feature of the amyloid fiber whose accumulation causes several fatal diseases such as Alzheimer's, prion-protein etc.
X-ray diffraction studies show that peptides Boc-Leu-Aib-m-ABA-OMe (I) (Aib, alpha-aminoisobutyric acid; m-ABA, meta-aminobenzoic acid) and Boc-Phe-Aib-m-ABA-OMe, (II) adopt a type-II beta-turn conformation, solely stabilized by co-operative steric interactions amongst the amino acid residues. This type of U-turn without any intramolecular hydrogen bonding is generally referred to as an open turn. Although there are some examples of constrained cyclic peptides in which o-substituted benzenes have been inserted to mimic the turn region of the neurotrophin, a nerve growth factor, peptides I and II present novel two examples where m-aminobenzoic acid has been incorporated in the beta-turn of acyclic tripeptides. The result also demonstrates the first crystallographic evidence of a beta-turn structure containing an inserted m-aminobenzoic acid, which can be considered as a rigid gamma-aminobutyric acid with an all-trans extended configuration. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies and solvent dependent NMR titration reveal that the designed pepticles I and 11, Boc-Xx(1)-Aib(2)-Yy(3)-NH(CH2)(2)NH-Yy(3)-Aib(2)-Xx(1)-Boc, where Xx and Yy are lie and Leu in peptide I and Leu and Val in peptide 11, respectively, fold into a turn-linker-turn (T-L-T) conformation both in the solid state and in solution. In the crystalline state the T-L-T foldamers; of peptide I and II self-assemble to form a three-dimensional framework of channels. The insides of the channels are hydrophilic and found to contain solvent CHCl3 hydrogen bonded to exposed C=O of Aib located at the turn regions. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.