981 resultados para Turbomachines - fluid dynamics


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This study examined the effect of a spanwise angle of attack gradient on the growth and stability of a dynamic stall vortex in a rotating system. It was found that a spanwise angle of attack gradient induces a corresponding spanwise vorticity gradient, which, in combination with spanwise flow, results in a redistribution of circulation along the blade. Specifically, when modelling the angle of attack gradient experienced by a wind turbine at the 30% span position during a gust event, the spanwise vorticity gradient was aligned such that circulation was transported from areas of high circulation to areas of low circulation, increasing the local dynamic stall vortex growth rate, which corresponds to an increase in the lift coefficient, and a decrease in the local vortex stability at this point. Reversing the relative alignment of the spanwise vorticity gradient and spanwise flow results in circulation transport from areas of low circulation generation to areas of high circulation generation, acting to reduce local circulation and stabilise the vortex. This circulation redistribution behaviour describes a mechanism by which the fluctuating loads on a wind turbine are magnified, which is detrimental to turbine lifetime and performance. Therefore, an understanding of this phenomenon has the potential to facilitate optimised wind turbine design.


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The European CloudSME project that incorporated 24 European SMEs, besides five academic partners, has finished its funded phase in March 2016. This presentation will provide a summary of the results of the project, and will analyze the challenges and differences when developing “SME Gateways”, when compared to “Science Gateways”. CloudSME started in 2013 with the aim to develop a cloud-based simulation platform for manufacturing and engineering SMEs. The project was based around industry use-cases, five of which were incorporated in the project from the start, and seven additional ones that were added as an outcome of an open call in January 2015. CloudSME utilized science gateway related technologies, such as the commercial CloudBroker Platform and the WS-PGRADE/gUSE Gateway Framework that were developed in the preceding SCI-BUS project. As most important outcome, the project successfully implemented 12 industry quality demonstrators that showcase how SMEs in the manufacturing and engineering sector can utilize cloud-based simulation services. Some of these solutions are already market-ready and currently being rolled out by the software vendor companies. Some others require further fine-tuning and the implementation of commercial interfaces before being put into the market. The CloudSME use-cases came from a very wide application spectrum. The project implemented, for example, an open marketplace for micro-breweries to optimize their production and distribution processes, an insole design validation service to be used by podiatrists and shoe manufacturers, a generic stock management solution for manufacturing SMEs, and also several “classical” high-performance computing case-studies, such as fluid dynamics simulations for model helicopter design, and dual-fuel internal combustion engine simulation. As the project generated significant impact and interest in the manufacturing sector, 10 CloudSME stakeholders established a follow-up company called CloudSME UG for the future commercialization of the results. Besides the success stories, this talk would also like to highlight the difficulties when transferring the outcomes of an academic research project to real commercial applications. The different mindset and approach of academic and industry partners presented a real challenge for the CloudSME project, with some interesting and valuable lessons learnt. The academic way of supporting SMEs did not always work well with the rather different working practices and culture of many participants. Also, the quality of support regarding operational solutions required by the SMEs is well beyond the typical support services academic institutions are prepared for. Finally, a clear lack of trust in academic solutions when compared to commercial solutions was also imminent. The talk will highlight some of these challenges underpinned by the implementation of the CloudSME use-cases.


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Oscillating wave surge converters are a promising technology to harvest ocean wave energy in the near shore region. Although research has been going on for many years, the characteristics of the wave action on the structure and especially the phase relation between the driving force and wave quantities like velocity or surface elevation have not been investigated in detail. The main reason for this is the lack of suitable methods. Experimental investigations using tank tests do not give direct access to overall hydrodynamic loads, only damping torque of a power take off system can be measured directly. Non-linear computational fluid dynamics methods have only recently been applied in the research of this type of devices. This paper presents a new metric named wave torque, which is the total hydrodynamic torque minus the still water pitch stiffness at any given angle of rotation. Changes in characteristics of that metric over a wave cycle and for different power take off settings are investigated using computational fluid dynamics methods. Firstly, it is shown that linearised methods cannot predict optimum damping in typical operating states of OWSCs. We then present phase relationships between main kinetic parameters for different damping levels. Although the flap seems to operate close to resonance, as predicted by linear theory, no obvious condition defining optimum damping is found.


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A novel surrogate model is proposed in lieu of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solvers, for fast nonlinear aerodynamic and aeroelastic modeling. A nonlinear function is identified on selected interpolation points by
a discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM). The flow field is then reconstructed using a least square approximation of the flow modes extracted
by proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). The aeroelastic reduce order
model (ROM) is completed by introducing a nonlinear mapping function
between displacements and the DEIM points. The proposed model is investigated to predict the aerodynamic forces due to forced motions using
a N ACA 0012 airfoil undergoing a prescribed pitching oscillation. To investigate aeroelastic problems at transonic conditions, a pitch/plunge airfoil
and a cropped delta wing aeroelastic models are built using linear structural models. The presence of shock-waves triggers the appearance of limit
cycle oscillations (LCO), which the model is able to predict. For all cases
tested, the new ROM shows the ability to replicate the nonlinear aerodynamic forces, structural displacements and reconstruct the complete flow
field with sufficient accuracy at a fraction of the cost of full order CFD


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The spouted bed was widely used due to its good mixing of particles and effective phase transferability between the gas and solid phase. In this paper, the transportation process of particles in a 3D spouted bed was studied using the Computational Particle Fluid Dynamics (CPFD) numerical method. Experiments were conducted to verify the validity of the simulation results. Distributions of the pressure, velocities and particle concentration of transportation devices were investigated. The motion state and characteristics of multiphase flows in the transportation device were demonstrated under various operating conditions. The results showed that a good consistency was obtained between the simulated results and the experimental results. The motion characteristics of the gas-solid two-phase flow in the device was effectively predicted, which could assist the optimal operating condition estimation for the spouted transportation process.


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Steady-state computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are an essential tool in the design process of centrifugal compressors. Whilst global parameters, such as pressure ratio and efficiency, can be predicted with reasonable accuracy, the accurate prediction of detailed compressor flow fields is a much more significant challenge. Much of the inaccuracy is associated with the incorrect selection of turbulence model. The need for a quick turnaround in simulations during the design optimisation process, also demands that the turbulence model selected be robust and numerically stable with short simulation times.
In order to assess the accuracy of a number of turbulence model predictions, the current study used an exemplar open CFD test case, the centrifugal compressor ‘Radiver’, to compare the results of three eddy viscosity models and two Reynolds stress type models. The turbulence models investigated in this study were (i) Spalart-Allmaras (SA) model, (ii) the Shear Stress Transport (SST) model, (iii) a modification to the SST model denoted the SST-curvature correction (SST-CC), (iv) Reynolds stress model of Speziale, Sarkar and Gatski (RSM-SSG), and (v) the turbulence frequency formulated Reynolds stress model (RSM-ω). Each was found to be in good agreement with the experiments (below 2% discrepancy), with respect to total-to-total parameters at three different operating conditions. However, for the off-design conditions, local flow field differences were observed between the models, with the SA model showing particularly poor prediction of local flow structures. The SST-CC showed better prediction of curved rotating flows in the impeller. The RSM-ω was better for the wake and separated flow in the diffuser. The SST model showed reasonably stable, robust and time efficient capability to predict global and local flow features.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Le prestazioni dei motori a combustione interna sono fortemente influenzate dalla formazione di un film fluido, a seguito dell'impatto di uno spray con una parete. Nell'ottica di favorire la formazione della miscela e di ridurre le emissioni, lo studio approfondito di tale fenomeno deve essere supportato da un processo di simulazione assistita dal calcolatore. Pertanto, la Fluidodinamica Computazionale (Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD) ed i modelli ad essa associati rappresentano al giorno d'oggi uno strumento vantaggioso e sempre più utilizzato. In questo ambito si colloca il presente lavoro di tesi, che si propone di validare il modello di film fluido implementato nel software OpenFOAM-2.3.0, confrontando i risultati ottenuti, in termini di altezza del film fluido, con quelli del caso sperimentale di Le Coz et al.


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L’obiettivo di questa tesi è illustrare quali siano stati i metodi di studio e le soluzioni adottate per ottimizzare gli impianti di raffreddamento e lubrificazione della monoposto da competizione sviluppata dal team Unibo Motorsport, in preparazione alla stagione di gara 2016 della Formula SAE®. Inizialmente saranno analizzate le principali problematiche di entrambi gli impianti attraverso simulazioni CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) e dati telemetrici degli anni passati. In seguito, saranno mostrati i diversi procedimenti di progettazione e il completamento degli impianti unitamente ad una loro valutazione economica. Infine, per verificare l’effettivo successo delle operazioni svolte a bordo vettura, verranno mostrate acquisizioni telemetriche relative alle gare ed altre simulazioni relative alle nuove geometrie sviluppate. Un altro obiettivo della trattazione è mettere a disposizione dei futuri membri del reparto motore un documento che contenga tutte le considerazioni fatte a riguardo degli impianti studiati. Questo è fondamentale all’interno di un ambiente come un team di Formula SAE®, dove ogni anno si ha il ricambio di una buona parte dei membri. Se gli studi svolti sugli impianti venissero persi, i nuovi arrivati si troverebbero a mettere le mani su un qualcosa di sconosciuto e lo sviluppo della vettura negli anni si troverebbe enormemente rallentato. Il “learning by doing” che ha sempre caratterizzato questo progetto viene infatti affiancato con armonia dalla possibilità di consultare esperienze pregresse relative al caso di studio considerato.


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This paper deals with heat transfer on a moving plate by mean of an impinging jet. Three different turbulence models are used and it turns out that Lam-Bremhorst model is in good agreement with measurements when Re is lower that 5000. In case of moving strip (ratio m=V strip/V jet lower than 1/3), there is almost no effect of m on Nusselt distribution in the stagnation region.


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The FIREDASS (FIRE Detection And Suppression Simulation) project is concerned with the development of fine water mist systems as a possible replacement for the halon fire suppression system currently used in aircraft cargo holds. The project is funded by the European Commission, under the BRITE EURAM programme. The FIREDASS consortium is made up of a combination of Industrial, Academic, Research and Regulatory partners. As part of this programme of work, a computational model has been developed to help engineers optimise the design of the water mist suppression system. This computational model is based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and is composed of the following components: fire model; mist model; two-phase radiation model; suppression model and detector/activation model. The fire model - developed by the University of Greenwich - uses prescribed release rates for heat and gaseous combustion products to represent the fire load. Typical release rates have been determined through experimentation conducted by SINTEF. The mist model - developed by the University of Greenwich - is a Lagrangian particle tracking procedure that is fully coupled to both the gas phase and the radiation field. The radiation model - developed by the National Technical University of Athens - is described using a six-flux radiation model. The suppression model - developed by SINTEF and the University of Greenwich - is based on an extinguishment crietrion that relies on oxygen concentration and temperature. The detector/ activation model - developed by Cerberus - allows the configuration of many different detector and mist configurations to be tested within the computational model. These sub-models have been integrated by the University of Greenwich into the FIREDASS software package. The model has been validated using data from the SINTEF/GEC test campaigns and it has been found that the computational model gives good agreement with these experimental results. The best agreement is obtained at the ceiling which is where the detectors and misting nozzles would be located in a real system. In this paper the model is briefly described and some results from the validation of the fire and mist model are presented.


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A large class of computational problems are characterised by frequent synchronisation, and computational requirements which change as a function of time. When such a problem is solved on a message passing multiprocessor machine [5], the combination of these characteristics leads to system performance which deteriorate in time. As the communication performance of parallel hardware steadily improves so load balance becomes a dominant factor in obtaining high parallel efficiency. Performance can be improved with periodic redistribution of computational load; however, redistribution can sometimes be very costly. We study the issue of deciding when to invoke a global load re-balancing mechanism. Such a decision policy must actively weigh the costs of remapping against the performance benefits, and should be general enough to apply automatically to a wide range of computations. This paper discusses a generic strategy for Dynamic Load Balancing (DLB) in unstructured mesh computational mechanics applications. The strategy is intended to handle varying levels of load changes throughout the run. The major issues involved in a generic dynamic load balancing scheme will be investigated together with techniques to automate the implementation of a dynamic load balancing mechanism within the Computer Aided Parallelisation Tools (CAPTools) environment, which is a semi-automatic tool for parallelisation of mesh based FORTRAN codes.


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The use of unstructured mesh codes on parallel machines is one of the most effective ways to solve large computational mechanics problems. Completely general geometries and complex behaviour can be modelled and, in principle, the inherent sparsity of many such problems can be exploited to obtain excellent parallel efficiencies. However, unlike their structured counterparts, the problem of distributing the mesh across the memory of the machine, whilst minimising the amount of interprocessor communication, must be carefully addressed. This process is an overhead that is not incurred by a serial code, but is shown to rapidly computable at turn time and tailored for the machine being used.


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The difficulties encountered in implementing large scale CM codes on multiprocessor systems are now fairly well understood. Despite the claims of shared memory architecture manufacturers to provide effective parallelizing compilers, these have not proved to be adequate for large or complex programs. Significant programmer effort is usually required to achieve reasonable parallel efficiencies on significant numbers of processors. The paradigm of Single Program Multi Data (SPMD) domain decomposition with message passing, where each processor runs the same code on a subdomain of the problem, communicating through exchange of messages, has for some time been demonstrated to provide the required level of efficiency, scalability, and portability across both shared and distributed memory systems, without the need to re-author the code into a new language or even to support differing message passing implementations. Extension of the methods into three dimensions has been enabled through the engineering of PHYSICA, a framework for supporting 3D, unstructured mesh and continuum mechanics modeling. In PHYSICA, six inspectors are used. Part of the challenge for automation of parallelization is being able to prove the equivalence of inspectors so that they can be merged into as few as possible.