977 resultados para Trawl Nets
The effect of lunar and tidal influence on the landing of pelagic fish with drift gill nets has been studied for the first time from Bay of Bengal along the Orissa coast. The catchability of the gear was highest during the first quarter and lowest in the fourth quarter of the moon. The variation in catch rates during the four different quarters was not statistically significant. Contrary to the earlier belief, landing with gill net was not poor during the moonlit nights. The extensive use of bluish grey nylon twine matching with seawater in place of indigenous hemp or cotton twine, has largely eliminated the visibility of gear during the brighter phase of the moon. The rate of exploitation was found to be significantly higher during the nights of neap tide, compared to those of spring tide. A plausible explanation for this phenomenon has been offered.
Fisheries sector contributes about 5.3% to GDP and about 6% of the export earnings of Bangladesh. There are about 4.1 million ha of inland water bodies in Bangladesh. However, over last two decades the catch from inland capture fishery has decreased due to filling of wet lands and other anthropogenic reasons. Accordingly, the production of inland fish has decreased not only for the decrease of water bodies but also due to irrational catch of fish fries, brood fishes and use of current nets for fishing. Significant responses from the fisheries entrepreneurs have not been received for the small loan scheme of the Bangladesh Bank. The bank could not disburse more than Tk. 500 million under the scheme. The total revolving credit under the scheme was Tk. 1,000 million with the assistance from the World Bank. The business houses having fixed assets of value not more than Tk. 10 million will be eligible to borrow from this fund. About Tk. 0.2-5.0 million can be borrowed as term loan and working capital from Bangladesh Bank through commercial banks. The loan was given to the commercial banks at 5% interest (bank rate) and the commercial banks shall also bridge finance to the entrepreneurs at a lower rate of interest. Working capital time limit is for a maximum of 1 year with half yearly rest, mid-term loan maximum of 3 years in 5 installments and with 6 months grace period and long-term loan maximum of 5 years in 9 installments with 6 months grace period.
The effect of overhang and its optimum size on a bulged belly type trawl net was studied and the results reported in this paper.
Samples of tannin-containing preservatives used by fishermen in India for treating cotton nets were collected and qualitative and quantitative characterisation of the tannins made. The concentrations of different tannins required to impart optimum periods of preservation to the net were worked out and found to be 2% in 8 out of 10 materials studied.
Earlier investigations with 13.69 m (45') four seam shrimp trawl indicated the optimum depth of belly to be 70 meshes. Present communication details further experiments on similar lines with a bigger shrimp trawl of size 17.07 m (56') without overhang. The results obtained have not only given corroborating evidence in support of the earlier findings but also helped in arriving at a relationship that for a given stretched width of belly ‘L’ the stretched depth of belly could be either 2L/5 or 40% of ‘L’ with an allowance of ± 2 meshes.
The most suitable otter trawl for small boats was found to be a 10.9 to 15m 2-seam trawl with 100cm x 50cm x 35kg horizontally curved otter boards together with long single sweep line. For operation from medium sized trawls, 18.26m 2-seam 18.3m 4-seam and 29.26m long wing trawl were found suitable. An 18.3m 4-seam trawl was netting a considerable quantity of off-bottom fishes. Shrimps predominated in the catches of the 29.26m trawl. Productive grounds for Cynagris species, Psenus species and Decapterus species within 50 to 100m depth ranges off Kakinada were available for profitable exploitation.
An attempt has been made to evolve a suitable mesh size for the commercially significant size group of S. guttatus. To obtain maximum sustainable yield taking biological factors also into consideration, 52 mm mesh bar nets are suggested for exploiting the fishery on both the East coasts of India.
Of the three main methods of capturing fish, namely luring, attacking and snaring, the last mentioned has hitherto proved to be relatively more effective and apparently yielded better returns. Trawling falls under this method. The trawl is an economic gear, in terms of investment and yield, even in spite of the fact that the total trawl catches come only second to that of the seines. Commercial trawling in Indian seas is of recent origin and seems to have been initially introduced for the purpose of ground resources survey.
The merits and demerits of cotton, polyethylene and combination of the two materials ascertained on the basis of cost, wear and tear, maintenance, total catch and qualitative analysis of the catch are discussed by making comparative fishing experiments with the three trawl gears made of these materials. The study can be concluded with a suggestion for switching over to polyethylene twisted monofilaments for better, in case of bottom trawls without in any way adversely affecting the catch of shrimps and at the same time for enhanced fish catch. Even though the combination net is found to be equal in efficiency as the polyethylene net this idea cannot be conveniently adopted from the point of view of economy.
Oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) is widely reported from the Indian Ocean and southeast Asia coasts. It is found, with other less important spp of Sardinella, around both coasts of India. Landings have shown wide variations from yr to yr. Figures were 7412 tons in 1956 and 301,641 tons in 1968. Various possible reasons for this are noted. The main fishery is concentrated in coastal waters 12-15 km from shore in waters up to 15 m deep. The gears used are mostly seine nets. Though the fish has a good protein value, its prices do not compare well to other fish, often due to handling and preservation difficulties. Problems encountered during preservation and transportation of the fish are considered. These include bursting and rancidity.
Size grade composition of different species of prawn caught by various back water fishing gear have been enumerated. 57 to 75% of P. indicus captured was less than 10 cm in length. M. dobsoni and M. monoceros captured were less than 10 cm in length. A cod end mesh size of 20-25 mm has been recommended for stake nets for the capture of P. indicus of 10 cm length along with other species.
Fishing experiments with gill nets were carried out at different centres of Gobindsagar reservoir through the years 1964-70. The seasonal abundance of main species of fishes and their zone of distribution were studied. Labeo diplostoma, Labeo bata, Barbus tor and Mystus seenghala are the main fish species of the reservoir. The abundance of the above species were observed to be the highest towards the Lunkhar arm of the reservoir.
A radical and revolutionary change from the hitherto employed shrimp trawling is reported for better productivity and economy in deep sea trawling with medium and large vessels. Studies carried out off Veraval with a 13.7 m. four seam shrimp trawl as conventional single-rig and two 6.8 m four seam shrimp trawls as double-rig from a 15.2 m fishing vessel showed an increase of 98% shrimp catch by double-rig over single-rig at 86.3 % of the power utilised by the latter. It has also been worked out, theoretically, how better this available power can be utilised for further improvement of catch. An increase of 15% head rope length in case of double-rig over the optimum single-rig gear of any vessel is recommended.
Twin trawling; a new concept in shrimp trawling is described in this paper. It essentially involves towing of two trawls of equal size connected in sequence at the inner head and foot rope legs and using a pair of outer otter boards and central neutral door or dummy door with triple bridles and single tow warp. A comparative study with conventional stern trawling using a standard 13.7 m four seam shrimp trawl and two 6 8 m standard four seam trawls as twin-rig has shown considerable reduction in the utilization of power (20 %) with better efficiency in shrimp fishing.
Results of trawl fishing experiments conducted in Hirakud reservoir are discussed. Trawling has been found to be efficient than conventional gear in removing predators and trash fishes especially of the bottom. This method can be of much help in controlling the proliferation of such fishes in many Indian reservoirs.