974 resultados para Transmitting telescope


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This thesis presents details on both theoretical and experimental aspects of UV written fibre gratings. The main body of the thesis deals with the design, fabrication and testing of telecommunication optical fibre grating devices, but also an accurate theoretical analysis of intra-core fibre gratings is presented. Since more than a decade, fibre gratings have been extensively used in the telecommunication field (as filters, dispersion compensators, and add/drop multiplexers for instance). Gratings for telecommunication should conform to very high fabrication standards as the presence of any imperfection raises the noise level in the transmission system compromising its ability of transmitting intelligible sequence of bits to the receiver. Strong side lobes suppression and high and sharp reflection profile are then necessary characteristics. A fundamental part of the theoretical and experimental work reported in this thesis is about apodisation. The physical principle of apodisation is introduced and a number of apodisation techniques, experimental results and numerical optimisation of the shading functions and all the practical parameters involved in the fabrication are detailed. The measurement of chromatic dispersion in fibres and FBGs is detailed and an estimation of its accuracy is given. An overview on the possible methods that can be implemented for the fabrication of tunable fibre gratings is given before detailing a new dispersion compensator device based on the action of a distributed strain onto a linearly chirped FBG. It is shown that tuning of second and third order dispersion of the grating can be obtained by the use of a specially designed multipoint bending rig. Experiments on the recompression of optical pulses travelling long distances are detailed for 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s. The characterisation of a new kind of double section LPG fabricated on a metal-clad coated fibre is reported. The fabrication of the device is made easier by directly writing the grating through the metal coating. This device may be used to overcome the recoating problems associated with standard LPGs written in step-index fibre. Also, it can be used as a sensor for simultaneous measurements of temperature and surrounding medium refractive index.


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The development of sensing devices is one of the instrumentation fields that has grown rapidly in the last decade. Corresponding to the swift advance in the development of microelectronic sensors, optical fibre sensors are widely investigated because of their advantageous properties over the electronics sensors such as their wavelength multiplexing capability and high sensitivity to temperature, pressure, strain, vibration and acoustic emission. Moreover, optical fibre sensors are more attractive than the electronics sensors as they can perform distributed sensing, in terms of covering a reasonably large area using a single piece of fibre. Apart from being a responsive element in the sensing field, optical fibre possesses good assets in generating, distributing, processing and transmitting signals in the future broadband information network. These assets include wide bandwidth, high capacity and low loss that grant mobility and flexibility for wireless access systems. Among these core technologies, the fibre optic signal processing and transmission of optical and radio frequency signals have been the subjects of study in this thesis. Based on the intrinsic properties of single-mode optical fibre, this thesis aims to exploit the fibre characteristics such as thermal sensitivity, birefringence, dispersion and nonlinearity, in the applications of temperature sensing and radio-over-fibre systems. By exploiting the fibre thermal sensitivity, a fully distributed temperature sensing system consisting of an apodised chirped fibre Bragg grating has been implemented. The proposed system has proven to be efficient in characterising grating and providing the information of temperature variation, location and width of the heat source applied in the area under test.To exploit the fibre birefringence, a fibre delay line filter using a single high-birefringence optical fibre structure has been presented. The proposed filter can be reconfigured and programmed by adjusting the input azimuth of launched light, as well as the strength and direction of the applied coupling, to meet the requirements of signal processing for different purposes in microwave photonic and optical filtering applications. To exploit the fibre dispersion and nonlinearity, experimental investigations have been carried out to study their joint effect in high power double-sideband and single-sideband modulated links with the presence of fibre loss. The experimental results have been theoretically verified based on the in-house implementation of the split-step Fourier method applied to the generalised nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Further simulation study on the inter-modulation distortion in two-tone signal transmission has also been presented so as to show the effect of nonlinearity of one channel on the other. In addition to the experimental work, numerical simulations have also been carried out in all the proposed systems, to ensure that all the aspects concerned are comprehensively investigated.


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We demonstrate that ultralong Raman lasers can be used to generate a transmission medium with simultaneous transparency over the spatial and the spectral domains. Numerical calculations show this cross-domain transparency to be preserved when the medium is used for transmitting high-intensity signals, which makes ultralong lasers an ideal experimental test bed for the study of multifrequency nonlinear interactions in optical fiber waveguides. Full spatiospectral transparency is experimentally obtained over a 20 nm x 20 km window.


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In this thesis a modified Canon IR optometer was used to record static and continuous responses of accommodation during sustained visual tasks. The instrument was assessed with regard to the ocular exit pupil used, its frequency response and noise levels. Experimental work concerned essentially the temporal characteristics and neurological basis of the accommodative mechanism. In the absence of visual stimuli, the accommodative system assumes a resting or tonic accommodative (TA) position, which may be modified by periods of sustained fixation. The rate of regression from a near task to TA in darkness has exhibited differences between regression rates for enunetropes (EMMs) compared with late-onset myopes (WMs). The rate of accommodative regression from a task set at 3D above TA was examined for a group of 10 EMMs and 10 LOMs for 3 conditions: saline, timolol and betaxolol. Timolol retarded the regression to TA for a sub-group of EMMs. The patterns of regression for the remaining emmetropes mirrored that for the LOMs, the drugs showing no difference in rate of regression compared with the saline condition. This provides support for the conjecture that LOMs and certain EMMs appear to be deficient in a sympathetic inhibitory component to the ciliary muscle which may attenuate adaptational changes in tonus and which leave them susceptible to the development of LOM. It is well established that the steady-state accommodative response is characterised by temporal changes in lens power having 2 dominant frequency components: a low frequency component (LFC: < 0.6Hz) and a high frequency component (HFC: 1.0-2.2Hz). This thesis investigates various aspects of these microfluctuations of accommodation.The HFC of accommodative fluctuations was shown to be present in central and peripheral lens zones, although the magnitude of the rms of accommodative microfluctuations was found to be reduced in the lens periphery. These findings concur with the proposal that the lens capsule acts as a force distributor, transmitting the tension from the zonules evenly over the whole of the lens surface.An investigation into the correlation between arterial pulse and the HFC of accommodative fluctuations showed that the peak frequency of the HFC was governed by the arterial pulse frequency. It was proposed that the microflucutations comprised a combination of neurological control (LFC) and physiological variations (HFC).The effect of timolol maleate on the steady-state accommodative response for a group of 10 emmetropes showed that timolol reduced significantly the rms of accommodative microfluctuations in treated but not untreated eyes. Consequently, the effect was considered to be locally, rather than systemically induced.The influence of the sympathetic system on within-task measurements of accommodation was examined by recording the accommodative response of 3 subjects to a sinusoidally moving target at 6 temporal frequencies from 0.05Hz to 0.5Hz for 3 drug conditions: saline, timolol and betaxolol. Timolol caused a reduced gain for frequencies below 0.3 whereas betaxolol reduced accommodative gain for all frequencies. It was proposed that the results for timolol were consistent with temporal response characteristics of sympathetic innervation of the ciliary muscle whereas the betaxolol results were thought to be a manifestation of fatigue resulting from the CNS depressant effect of the drug.


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The principal aim of this work was to investigate the development of the S-cone colour-opponent pathway in human infants aged 4 weeks to 6 months. This was achieved by recording transient visual evoked responses to pattern-onset stimuli along a tritanopic confusion axis (tritan stimuli) at and around the adult isoluminant match. For comparison, visual evoked responses to red-green and luminance-modulated stimuli were recorded from the same infants at the same ages. Evoked responses were also recorded from colour-normal adults for comparison with those of the infants. The transient VEP allowed observation of response morphology as luminance differences were introduced to the chromatic stimuli. In this way, an estimate of isoluminance was possible in infants. Estimated isoluminant points for a group of six infants aged 6 to 10 weeks closely approximated the adult isoluminant match. This finding has implications for the use of photometric isoluminance in infant work, and suggests that photopic spectral sensitivity is similar in infants and adults. Abnormalities of the visual evoked responses to tritan, red-green and luminance-modulated stimuli in an infant with cystic fibrosis are reported. The results suggest abnormal function of the retino-striate visual pathway in this infant, and it is argued that these may be secondary to his illness, although data from more infants with cystic fibrosis are needed to clarify this further. A group of nine healthy infants demonstrated evoked responses to tritan stimuli by 4 to 10 weeks and to red-green stimuli by 6 to 11 weeks post-term age. Responses to luminance-modulated stimuli were present in all nine infants at the earliest age tested, namely 4 weeks post-term. The slightly earlier age of onset of evoked responses to tritan stimuli than for red-green may be explained by the relatively lower cone contrast afforded by red-green stimuli. Latency of the evoked response to both types of chromatic stimuli and to luminance-modulated stimuli decreased with age at a similar rate, suggesting that the visual pathways transmitting luminance and chromatic information mature at similar rates in young infants.


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FULL TEXT: Like many people one of my favourite pastimes over the holiday season is to watch the great movies that are offered on the television channels and new releases in the movie theatres or catching up on those DVDs that you have been wanting to watch all year. Recently we had the new ‘Star Wars’ movie, ‘The Force Awakens’, which is reckoned to become the highest grossing movie of all time, and the latest offering from James Bond, ‘Spectre’ (which included, for the car aficionados amongst you, the gorgeous new Aston Martin DB10). It is always amusing to see how vision correction or eye injury is dealt with by movie makers. Spy movies and science fiction movies have a freehand to design aliens with multiples eyes on stalks or retina scanning door locks or goggles that can see through walls. Eye surgery is usually shown in some kind of day case simplified laser treatment that gives instant results, apart from the great scene in the original ‘Terminator’ movie where Arnold Schwarzenegger's android character encounters an injury to one eye and then proceeds to remove the humanoid covering to this mechanical eye over a bathroom sink. I suppose it is much more difficult to try and include contact lenses in such movies. Although you may recall the film ‘Charlie's Angels’, which did have a scene where one of the Angels wore a contact lens that had a retinal image imprinted on it so she could by-pass a retinal scan door lock and an Eddy Murphy spy movie ‘I-Spy’, where he wore contact lenses that had electronic gadgetry that allowed whatever he was looking at to be beamed back to someone else, a kind of remote video camera device. Maybe we aren’t quite there in terms of devices available but these things are probably not the behest of science fiction anymore as the technology does exist to put these things together. The technology to incorporate electronics into contact lenses is being developed and I am sure we will be reporting on it in the near future. In the meantime we can continue to enjoy the unrealistic scenes of eye swapping as in the film ‘Minority Report’ (with Tom Cruise). Much more closely to home, than in a galaxy far far away, in this issue you can find articles on topics much nearer to the closer future. More and more optometrists in the UK are becoming registered for therapeutic work as independent prescribers and the number is likely to rise in the near future. These practitioners will be interested in the review paper by Michael Doughty, who is a member of the CLAE editorial panel (soon to be renamed the Jedi Council!), on prescribing drugs as part of the management of chronic meibomian gland dysfunction. Contact lenses play an active role in myopia control and orthokeratology has been used not only to help provide refractive correction but also in the retardation of myopia. In this issue there are three articles related to this topic. Firstly, an excellent paper looking at the link between higher spherical equivalent refractive errors and the association with slower axial elongation. Secondly, a paper that discusses the effectiveness and safety of overnight orthokeratology with high-permeability lens material. Finally, a paper that looks at the stabilisation of early adult-onset myopia. Whilst we are always eager for new and exciting developments in contact lenses and related instrumentation in this issue of CLAE there is a demonstration of a novel and practical use of a smartphone to assisted anterior segment imaging and suggestions of this may be used in telemedicine. It is not hard to imagine someone taking an image remotely and transmitting that back to a central diagnostic centre with the relevant expertise housed in one place where the information can be interpreted and instruction given back to the remote site. Back to ‘Star Wars’ and you will recall in the film ‘The Phantom Menace’ when Qui-Gon Jinn first meets Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine he takes a sample of his blood and sends a scan of it back to Obi-Wan Kenobi to send for analysis and they find that the boy has the highest midichlorian count ever seen. On behalf of the CLAE Editorial board (or Jedi Council) and the BCLA Council (the Senate of the Republic) we wish for you a great 2016 and ‘may the contact lens force be with you’. Or let me put that another way ‘the CLAE Editorial Board and BCLA Council, on behalf of, a great 2016, we wish for you!’


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We investigate the use of different direct detection modulation formats in a wavelength switched optical network. We find the minimum time it takes a tunable sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector laser to recover after switching from one wavelength channel to another for different modulation formats. The recovery time is investigated utilizing a field programmable gate array which operates as a time resolved bit error rate detector. The detector offers 93 ps resolution operating at 10.7 Gb/s and allows for all the data received to contribute to the measurement, allowing low bit error rates to be measured at high speed. The recovery times for 10.7 Gb/s non-return-to-zero on–off keyed modulation, 10.7 Gb/s differentially phase shift keyed signal and 21.4 Gb/s differentially quadrature phase shift keyed formats can be as low as 4 ns, 7 ns and 40 ns, respectively. The time resolved phase noise associated with laser settling is simultaneously measured for 21.4 Gb/s differentially quadrature phase shift keyed data and it shows that the phase noise coupled with frequency error is the primary limitation on transmitting immediately after a laser switching event.


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We show that using a shortened delay in the demodulator for DQPSK channels can significantly reduce the XPM penalties caused by transmitting 40Gb/s DQPSK channels alongside 10Gb/s OOK channels. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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In this paper, we propose a resource allocation scheme to minimize transmit power for multicast orthogonal frequency division multiple access systems. The proposed scheme allows users to have different symbol error rate (SER) across subcarriers and guarantees an average bit error rate and transmission rate for all users. We first provide an algorithm to determine the optimal bits and target SER on subcarriers. Because the worst-case complexity of the optimal algorithm is exponential, we further propose a suboptimal algorithm that separately assigns bit and adjusts SER with a lower complexity. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the performance of multicast orthogonal frequency division multiple access systems and that the performance of the suboptimal algorithm is close to that of the optimal one. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This paper proposes optimal and suboptimal algorithms for minimizing transmitting power of multicast orthogonal frequency division multiple access systems with guaranteed average bit error rate and data rate requirement. The proposed scheme allows users to have different symbol error rate across subcarriers and guarantees an average bit error rate and transmission rate for all users. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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IMPORTANCE Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) indicate that single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the CACNA1C and ANK3 genes increase the risk for bipolar disorder (BD). The genes influence neuronal firing by modulating calcium and sodium channel functions, respectively. Both genes modulate ?-aminobutyric acid-transmitting interneuron function and can thus affect brain regional activation and interregional connectivity. OBJECTIVE To determine whether the genetic risk for BD associated with 2 GWAS-supported risk single-nucleotide polymorphisms at CACNA1C rs1006737 and ANK3 rs10994336 is mediated through changes in regional activation and interregional connectivity of the facial affect-processing network. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Cross-sectional functional magnetic resonance imaging study at a research institute of 41 euthymic patients with BD and 46 healthy participants, all of British white descent. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Blood oxygen level-dependent signal and effective connectivity measures during the facial affect-processing task. RESULTS In healthy carriers, both genetic risk variants were independently associated with increased regional engagement throughout the facial affect-processing network and increased effective connectivity between the visual and ventral prefrontal cortical regions. In contrast, BD carriers of either genetic risk variant exhibited pronounced reduction in ventral prefrontal cortical activation and visual-prefrontal effective connectivity. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Our data demonstrate that the effect of CACNA1C rs1006737 and ANK3 rs10994336 (or genetic variants in linkage disequilibrium) on the brain converges on the neural circuitry involved in affect processing and provides a mechanism linking BD to genome-wide genetic risk variants.


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We show that using a shortened delay in the demodulator for DQPSK channels can significantly reduce the XPM penalties caused by transmitting 40Gb/s DQPSK channels alongside 10Gb/s OOK channels. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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In this paper, we present experimental results for monitoring long distance WDM communication links using a line monitoring system suitable for legacy optically amplified long-haul undersea systems. This monitoring system is based on setting up a simple, passive, low cost high-loss optical loopback circuit at each repeater that provides a connection between the existing anti-directional undersea fibres, and can be used to define fault location. Fault location is achieved by transmitting a short pulse supervisory signal along with the WDM data signals where a portion of the overall signal is attenuated and returned to the transmit terminal by the loopback circuit. A special receiver is used at the terminal to extract the weakly returned supervisory signal where each supervisory signal is received at different times corresponding to different optical repeaters. Therefore, the degradation in any repeater appears on its corresponding supervisory signal level. We use a recirculating loop to simulate a 4600 km fibre link, on which a high-loss loopback supervisory system is implemented. Successful monitoring is accomplished through the production of an appropriate supervisory signal at the terminal that is detected and identified in a satisfactory time period after passing through up to 45 dB attenuation in the loopback circuit. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present experimental results for monitoring long distance WDM communication links using a line monitoring system suitable for legacy optically amplified long-haul undersea systems. This monitoring system is based on setting up a simple, passive, low cost high-loss optical loopback circuit at each repeater that provides a connection between the existing anti-directional undersea fibres, and can be used to define fault location. Fault location is achieved by transmitting a short pulse supervisory signal along with the WDM data signals where a portion of the overall signal is attenuated and returned to the transmit terminal by the loopback circuit. A special receiver is used at the terminal to extract the weakly returned supervisory signal where each supervisory signal is received at different times corresponding to different optical repeaters. Therefore, the degradation in any repeater appears on its corresponding supervisory signal level. We use a recirculating loop to simulate a 4600 km fibre link, on which a high-loss loopback supervisory system is implemented. Successful monitoring is accomplished through the production of an appropriate supervisory signal at the terminal that is detected and identified in a satisfactory time period after passing through up to 45 dB attenuation in the loopback circuit. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Projects exposed to an uncertain environment must be adapted to deal with the effective integration of various planning elements and the optimization of project parameters. Time, cost, and quality are the prime objectives of a project that need to be optimized to fulfill the owner's goal. In an uncertain environment, there exist many other conflicting objectives that may also need to be optimized. These objectives are characterized by varying degrees of conflict. Moreover, an uncertain environment also causes several changes in the project plan throughout its life, demanding that the project plan be totally flexible. Goal programming (GP), a multiple criteria decision making technique, offers a good solution for this project planning problem. There the planning problem is considered from the owner's perspective, which leads to classifying the project up to the activity level. GP is applied separately at each level, and the formulated models are integrated through information flow. The flexibility and adaptability of the models lies in the ease of updating the model parameters at the required level through changing priorities and/or constraints and transmitting the information to other levels. The hierarchical model automatically provides integration among various element of planning. The proposed methodology is applied in this paper to plan a petroleum pipeline construction project, and its effectiveness is demonstrated.


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JPEG2000 is a new coming image standard. In this paper we analyze the performance of error resilience tools in JPEG2000, and present an analytical model to estimate the quality of JPEG2000 encoded image transmitted over wireless channels. The effectiveness of the analytical model is validated by simulation results. Furthermore, analytical model is utilized by the base station to design efficient unequally error protection schemes for JPEG2000 transmission. In the design, a utility function is denned to make a tradeoff between the image quality and the cost for transmitting the image over wireless channel. © 2002 IEEE.