960 resultados para Tnf Family-member


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An aqueous extract prepared from Kernels of the fruit of Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) Schumann (Family : Apocynaceae) was found under experimental conditions, to be toxic ti the slug Laevicaulis alte (Férussac) and the snail Achatina fulica Bowdich, the important agrihorticultural pests of Indo-Pacific countries. Concentrations as low as 1% (w/v) killed all the slugs exposed in less than 981.00 (± SD 22.76) min, and 2% of the extract killed 100% of the slugs L. alte and 50%, 50% and 30% of the snail A. fulica in between 92.34 (± SD 6.63) - 321.33 (± SD 4.14) and 271.20 (± SD 17.54) - 298.26 (± SD 16.69) min respectively. The most effective concentration of the extract was 20%; it killed 100% of exposed slugs and snails within a short time (40-50 and 90-1440 min respectively) when the extract was exposed on the soil in experimental trays or when it was applied to potato slices offered as food to the gastropods.


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Background: A nti-TNF d rugs (Infliximab (IFX), Adalimumab (ADA), Certolizumab pegol (CZP)) are effective in inducing and maintaining response a nd remission in i nflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Insufficient response or side effects may lead to a switch o f the anti-TNF d rug. W e aimed to e valuate the frequency and reasons for anti-TNF switches. Methods: Analysis of data from the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort (SIBDCS). Eighty percent of included patients were recruited in hospitals and 20% from private practice. Results: From 2,058 patients ( 1,172 with Crohn's disease (CD), 842 with ulcerative colitis (UC) and 44 with indeterminate colitis (IC)), 772 received at least one anti-TNF. Forty-eight % of patients w ith CD, 23% with U C, a nd 30% with IC w ere ever treated with an anti-TNF drug. There was no gender difference with respect to the frequency of a nti-TNF treatment. A total of 584 patients (76%) were treated with one, 142 (18%) with two, and 46 (6%) with three anti-TNF (of which 32 were female). A total of 89% patients were treated with IFX, 28% ADA and 13% with CZP. Overall response rate (defined as drop in CDAI >100 points) to anti-TNF was 50%, with best response rates for the first used anti-TNF. Reasons t o switch t he anti-TNF w ere in 11% a primary non-response, in 38% a loss of response and in 36% anti-TNF s ide effects o r intolerance ( reasons for 15% of treatment failures not documented). Conclusion: A nti-TNF d rugs were used in h alf of the CD patients a nd in o ne quarter of U C patients. Anti-TNF d rug switch d ue to insufficient response a nd/or side effects w as necessary in one quarter of IBD patients. IFX was mainly used as first-line therapy. Best response rates were observed for the first used anti-TNF. Following analyses will identify risk median treatment duration as well as risk factors for anti-TNF switch.


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Erythrokeratodermia variabilis (EKV) is an autosomal dominant keratinization disorder characterized by migratory erythematous lesions and fixed keratotic plaques. All families with EKV show mapping to chromosome 1p34-p35, and mutations in the gene for connexin 31 (Cx31) have been reported in some but not all families. We studied eight affected and three healthy subjects in an Israeli family, of Kurdish origin, with EKV. After having mapped the disorder to chromosome 1p34-p35, we found no mutations in the genes for Cx31, Cx31.1, and Cx37. Further investigation revealed a heterozygous T-->C transition leading to the missense mutation (F137L) in the human gene for Cx30.3 that colocalizes on chromosome 1p34-p35. This nucleotide change cosegregated with the disease and was not found in 200 alleles from normal individuals. This mutation concerns a highly conserved phenylalanine, in the third transmembrane region of the Cx30.3 molecule, known to be implicated in the wall formation of the gap-junction pore. Our results show that mutations in the gene for Cx30.3 can be causally involved in EKV and point to genetic heterogeneity of this disorder. Furthermore, we suggest that our family presents a new type of EKV because of the hitherto unreported association with erythema gyratum repens.


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The apical membrane antigen (AMA-1) family of malaria merozoite proteins is characterised by a high degree of inter-species conservation. Evidence that the protein (PK66/AMA-1) from the simian parasite Plasmodium knowlesi was protective in rhesus monkeys suggested that the 83kDa P. falciparum equivalent (PF83/AMA-1) should be investigated for protective effects in humans. Here we briefly review pertinent comparative data, and describe the use of an eukaryotic full length recombinant PF83/AMA-1 molecule to develop a sensitive ELISA for the determination of serological responses in endemic populations. The assay has revealed surprisingly high levels of humoral response to this quantitatively minor antigen. We also show that PK66/AMA-1 inhibitory mAb's are active against merozoites subsequent to release from schizont-infected red cells, further implicating AMA-1 molecules in red cell invasion.


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Unlike other tumor necrosis factor family members, the cytotoxic ligand tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)/Apo-2L contains an unpaired cysteine residue (Cys(230)) in its receptor-binding domain. Here we show that the biological activity of both soluble recombinant TRAIL and cell-associated, full-length TRAIL is critically dependent on the presence of Cys(230). Mutation of Cys(230) to alanine or serine strongly affected its ability to kill target cells. Binding to its receptors was decreased by at least 200-fold, and the stability of its trimeric structure was reduced. In recombinant TRAIL, Cys(230) was found engaged either in interchain disulfide bridge formation, resulting in poorly active TRAIL, or in the chelation of one zinc atom per TRAIL trimer in the active, pro-apoptotic form of TRAIL.


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Ewing's sarcoma is a member of Ewing's family tumors (EFTs) and the second most common solid bone and soft tissue malignancy of children and young adults. It is associated in 85% of cases with the t(11;22)(q24:q12) chromosomal translocation that generates fusion of the 5' segment of the EWS gene with the 3' segment of the ETS family gene FLI-1. The EWS-FLI-1 fusion protein behaves as an aberrant transcriptional activator and is believed to contribute to EFT development. However, EWS-FLI-1 induces growth arrest and apoptosis in normal fibroblasts, and primary cells that are permissive for its putative oncogenic properties have not been discovered, hampering basic understanding of EFT biology. Here, we show that EWS-FLI-1 alone can transform primary bone marrow-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells and generate tumors that display hallmarks of Ewing's sarcoma, including a small round cell phenotype, expression of EFT-associated markers, insulin like growth factor-I dependence, and induction or repression of numerous EWS-FLI-1 target genes. These observations provide the first identification of candidate primary cells from which EFTs originate and suggest that EWS-FLI-1 expression may constitute the initiating event in EFT pathogenesis.


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NK cell function is regulated by a dual receptor system, which integrates signals from triggering receptors and MHC class I-specific inhibitory receptors. We show here that the src family kinase Fyn is required for efficient, NK cell-mediated lysis of target cells, which lack both self-MHC class I molecules and ligands for NKG2D, an activating NK cell receptor. In contrast, NK cell inhibition by the MHC class I-specific receptor Ly49A was independent of Fyn, suggesting that Fyn is specifically required for NK cell activation via non-MHC receptor(s). Compared to wild type, significantly fewer Fyn-deficient NK cells expressed the inhibitory Ly49A receptor. The presence of a transgenic Ly49A receptor together with its H-2(d) ligand strongly reduced the usage of endogenous Ly49 receptors in Fyn-deficient mice. These data suggest a model in which the repertoire of inhibitory Ly49 receptors is formed under the influenced of Fyn-dependent NK cell activation as well as the respective MHC class I environment. NK cells may acquire Ly49 receptors until they generate sufficient inhibitory signals to balance their activation levels. Such a process would ensure the induction of NK cell self-tolerance.


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Purpose:to describe the clinical features in a five generations family segregating autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa and to identify the causative gene Patient and Methods:Twenty five individuals of a large five-generation family originating from Western Switzerland were ascertained for phenotypic and genotypic characterization. Ophthalmologic evaluations included color vision testing, Goldman perimetry and digital fundus photography. Some patients had autofluorescence (AF) imaging, ocular coherence tomography (OCT) and ISCEV-standard full-field electroretinography (ERG). Blood samples were collected from 10 affected (4 to 70 years of age) and 15 unaffected members after informed consent. DNA was isolated and exons and intron-exons junctions of known adRP genes were sequenced using a Big Dye sequencing kit 1.1. Results:Age of onset of nightblindness and severity of progression of the disease was variable between members of the family. Some patients had early onset of nightblindess aged 3, others at mid-twenties. Most patients had visual acuity above 0.6 for the first 4 decades. Two older patients still had good vision (0.4) in their seventies. Myopia (range: -2 to -5) was noticed in most affected subjects. Fundus findings showed areas of atrophy along the arcades. The AF imaging showed a large high density ring bilaterally. A T494M change was found in exon 11 of PRPF3 gene. The change segregates with the disease in the family. Conclusion: A mutation in the PRPF3 gene is rare compared with other genes causing ADRP. Although a T494M change has been reported, our family is the first one with a variable expressivity. Mutations in PRPF3 gene can cause a variable phenotype of ADRP unlike the previously described Danish and English families. Our report gives a better understanding as to the phenotype/genotype description of ADRP due to PRPF3 mutation.


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Monocytes serve as a central defense system against infection and injury but can also promote pathological inflammatory responses. Considering the evidence that monocytes exist in at least two subsets committed to divergent functions, we investigated whether distinct factors regulate the balance between monocyte subset responses in vivo. We identified a microRNA (miRNA), miR-146a, which is differentially regulated both in mouse (Ly-6C(hi)/Ly-6C(lo)) and human (CD14(hi)/CD14(lo)CD16(+)) monocyte subsets. The single miRNA controlled the amplitude of the Ly-6C(hi) monocyte response during inflammatory challenge whereas it did not affect Ly-6C(lo) cells. miR-146a-mediated regulation was cell-intrinsic and depended on Relb, a member of the noncanonical NF-κB/Rel family, which we identified as a direct miR-146a target. These observations not only provide mechanistic insights into the molecular events that regulate responses mediated by committed monocyte precursor populations but also identify targets for manipulating Ly-6C(hi) monocyte responses while sparing Ly-6Clo monocyte activity.


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With the outbreak of an epidemic neuropathy (EN) of unknown ethiology, a study of the prevalence and factors associated to the disease was carried out in the Zamora community, municipality of Marianao, Havana City. There were 11 patients identified with EN for a prevalence rate of 1.7/100. The major risk group was the one between 45 and 64 years of age, female sex, black skin. In the univaried analysis, a high prevalence ratio (PR) was found linked to beverage intake (PR=5.32 95%; confidence intervals (CI) = 1.2-24.4), frequent drugs intake (PR=6.59; CI=1.8-24.6), consumption of edible of non certified fats (PR=4.48; CI=1.2-16.7) and the smoking habit (PR=3.6; CI=1.1-12.2). More than73/100 (CI= 68.7-78.3) of the people under serologic study were infected with Coxsakie virus A-9 (strain 47) isolated from a patient still under research. It seems there are many factors like linder intake, antecedents of hemorrhagic conjuntivitis, nutritional aspects and others that, with the virus isolated were associated with this epidemiologic situation.