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This is the second installment of a three-part project to publish a group of ten Ptolemaic papyri purchased by Yale’s Beinecke Library in 1998 (acquisition “1998b”), which came to the Beinecke as three hard wads that were apparently the stuffing from the stomach cavity of a mummified animal. This article publishes: (1) P.CtYBR inv. 5019, a fragment of line ends in iambic tetrameter catalectic meter from an unknown comedy; the format suggests that this is a further example of certain type of Ptolemaic writing exercise. (2) P.CtYBR inv. 5043, a fragmentary grammatical text of uncertain import.


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This paper describes the status of the 2008 edition of the HITRAN molecular spectroscopic database. The new edition is the first official public release since the 2004 edition, although a number of crucial updates had been made available online since 2004. The HITRAN compilation consists of several components that serve as input for radiative-transfer calculation codes: individual line parameters for the microwave through visible spectra of molecules in the gas phase; absorption cross-sections for molecules having dense spectral features, i.e. spectra in which the individual lines are not resolved; individual line parameters and absorption cross-sections for bands in the ultraviolet; refractive indices of aerosols, tables and files of general properties associated with the database; and database management software. The line-by-line portion of the database contains spectroscopic parameters for 42 molecules including many of their isotopologues. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd.


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Aus Anlass der 250. Wiederkehr der Erstauflage von Rousseaus Werk "Émile oder über die Erziehung" widmet sich der Text der Analyse seiner Illustrationen. Die französischen Ausgaben des 18. Jahrhunderts wurden mit Kupferstichen von unterschiedlichen Künstlern gestaltet. Dabei war das Bildprogramm der Erstausgabe des Jahres 1762 noch von Rousseau autorisiert, während die posthumen Auflagen dies nicht mehr waren und einen vollständigen Wechsel des Bildprogramms vollziehen. Diese beiden unterschiedlichen Bildprogramme werden analysiert und in den Kontext ihrer Druckgeschichte gestellt. Dabei zeigt sich, auf welche Art das pädagogische Hauptwerk Rousseaus bildlich illustriert wird. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The book provides an overview to the context of property development so that academics, students and professionals can examine the stages of development in the process - from initial consideration, to site finding, general appraisal, valuation, funding, construction and marketing, with a focus on two key areas of the process: appraisal and finance. The Second Edition reflects the developing research interests of the authors by putting property development and appraisal in a wider economic environment and the appraisal process was treated in a more holistic manner. Secondly, more case studies were included and the chapters framed with clear objectives key terms and summaries. Thirdly, this edition examined in more detail the property development and appraisal process in relation to sustainability and other key issues such as climate change, the changing financial environment, planning design and global influences. Research on appraisal techniques is incorporated in chapters 3-5. Research on property finance based on the original Property Lending Surveys carried out by the author and incorporated in other texts (Property Finance, 1994, 2003) is included in chapters 6-8. Research on property companies and their capital structures in included in chapter 8. Analysis of the relationship between sustainability and design is included in chapter 9. This is a key text in the area of property development, sales of the First Edition and Second Edition have been in the thousands globally to academics, students and practitioners.


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In the seventh edition, the book has been updated and revised to reflect changes in the market, the development of appraisal methods and the subsequent changes in professional practice. The intial overview in Part I of the book, The Economic and Legal Framework, has been revisd to show the present position. Changes in appraisal techniques based on the research of the authors have been incorporated in Part II on Investment Valuation. Revisions have also been made in part II, again based on the research activities of the authors, which examines Investment Appraisal.The serves a number of purposes. First, it provides a critical examination of valuation techniques, with particular reference to the investment method of valuation. Second, it supplies practising valuers and appraisers with more effective data, information and techniques to enable them to carry out their valuations, appraisals and negotiations in an increasily competitive field. Finally, it provides assistance to students and academics in understanding the context of and a range of approaches to the valuation and appraisal of property investments. This book has been a key text in property investment appraisal for more than 30 years, it has sold many thousands of copies globally to academics, students and practitioners.


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[...] Der Autor fragt zunächst, weshalb Artikulationsförderung ins Abseits geraten ist. Es wird vorgeschlagen, neben dem kommunikativen Gebrauch der Stimme, unterrichtlich (wieder) den ursprünglichen Aspekt der ,Selbstvernahme' der Stimme zu berücksichtigen. Eine solche Aufmerksamkeit auf Stimme kann sich innerhalb der Pädagogik auf Konzepte basaler Förderung berufen. Wesentliche Impulse könnten jedoch aus Bereichen kommen, die außerhalb von Schule und Unterricht liegen. Damit sind insbesondere Künstler und Künstlerinnen gemeint, die im Bereich stimmlicher Performance arbeiten sowie Formen musikalischer Jugendkultur wie rap, hiphop und scat. Einige Unterrichtsbeispiele sollen altersangemessene Möglichkeiten der Artikulationsförderung in der Ober- und Werkstufe aufzeigen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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This paper presents the validation of five syntaxonomic concepts –two orders (Callitricho hamulatae-Ranunculetalia aquatilis, Zannichellietalia pedicellatae) and three alliances (Ranunculion aquatilis, Nelumbion nuciferae and Caricion viridulo-trinervis).


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We present descriptions of a new order (Ranunculo cortusifolii-Geranietalia reuteri and of a new alliance (Stachyo lusitanicae-Cheirolophion sempervirentis) for the herbaceous fringe communities of Macaronesia and of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, respectively. A new alliance, the Polygalo mediterraneae-Bromion erecti (mesophilous post-cultural grasslands), was introduced for the Peninsular Italy. We further validate and typify the Armerietalia rumelicae (perennial grasslands supported by nutrient-poor on siliceous bedrocks at altitudes characterized by the submediterranean climate of central-southern Balkan Peninsula), the Securigero-Dasypyrion villosae (lawn and fallow-land tall-grass annual vegetation of Italy), and the Cirsio vallis-demoni-Nardion (acidophilous grasslands on siliceous substrates of the Southern Italy). Nomenclatural issues (validity, legitimacy, synonymy, formal corrections) have been discussed and clarified for the following names: Brachypodio-Brometalia, Bromo pannonici-Festucion csikhegyensis, Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae, Heleochloion, Hieracio-Plantaginion radicatae, Nardetea strictae, Nardetalia strictae, Nardo-Callunetea, Nardo-Galion saxatilis, Oligo-Bromion, Paspalo-Heleochloetalia, Plantagini-Corynephorion and Scorzoneret alia villosae. 


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Fourty-two high-rank syntaxa and seven associations of the thallophyte system of syntaxa are either described as new or validated in this paper. Among those, there are the following nine classes: Aspicilietea candidae, Caulerpetea racemosae, Desmococcetea olivacei, Entophysalidetea deustae, Gloeocapsetea sanguineae, Mesotaenietea berggrenii, Naviculetea gregariae, Porpidietea zeoroidis, Roccelletea phycopsis. Eleven orders and ten alliances as well as three associations are described or validated: the Aspicilietalia verruculosae (incl. Aspicilion mashiginensis and Teloschistion contortuplicati), the Caulerpetalia racemosae (incl. Caulerpion racemosae), the Desmococcetalia olivacei (incl. Desmococcion olivacei), the Dirinetalia massiliensis, the Fucetalia vesiculosi (incl. Ascophyllion nodosi), the Gloeocapsetalia sanguineae, the Lecideetalia confluescentis (incl. Lecideion confluescentis), the Mesotaenietalia berggrenii (incl. Mesotaenion berggrenii, Mesotaenietum berggrenii and Chloromonadetum nivalis), the Naviculetalia gregariae (incl. Oscillatorion limosae and Oscillatorietum limosae), the Porpidietalia zeoroidis (incl. Porpidion zeoroidis), and the Roccelletalia fuciformis (incl. Paralecanographion grumulosae). Further, five orders, seven alliances and four associations, classified in known classes, were described as well. These include: the Bacidinetalia phacodis, the Agonimion octosporae and the Dendrographetalia decolorantis (all in the Arthonio radiatae-Lecidelletea elaeochromae), the Staurothelion solventis (in the Aspicilietea lacustris), the Pediastro duplicis-Scenedesmion quadricaudae and the Pediastro duplicis-Scenedesmetum quadricaudae (both in the Asterionelletea formosae), the Peccanion coralloidis and the Peltuletalia euplocae (both in the Collematetea cristati), the Laminarion hyperboreae, the Saccorhizo polyschidi-Laminarietum and the Alario esculenti-Himanthalietum elongatae (all in the Cystoseiretea crinitae), the Delesserietalia sanguinei, the Delesserion sanguinei and the Delesserietum sanguineae (all in the Lithophylletea soluti), as well as the the Rinodino confragosae-Rusavskietalia elegantis and the Rhizocarpo geographici-Rusavskion elegantis (both in the Rhizocarpetea geographici).


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El uso de agroquímicos en Argentina se ha fortalecido junto con la expansión agrícola. El objetivo de este trabajo es la elaboración de una metodología para calcular el impacto ambiental que los pesticidas causan en el medio ambiente teniendo en cuenta los siguientes factores: "ecotoxicología": categoría toxicológica, toxicidad en abejas, aves y peces; "Toxicidad humana": carcinogenicidad, neurotoxicidad, alteraciones endocrinas, genotoxicidad y capacidad irritativa; "Comportamiento ambiental": la persistencia en el agua / sedimento, persistencia en el suelo y bioconcentración. Estos factores fueron clasificados como bajo, medio, alto o muy alto, de acuerdo con su nivel de toxicidad. Los resultados indican que los plaguicidas más tóxicos son los insecticidas. La mayoría de los pesticidas utilizados son la toxicidad media (43,75%), seguido de baja y alta toxicidad (21,88%) y, los de muy alta toxicidad (12,5%). La metodología propuesta podría ser utilizada como una herramienta de monitoreo, gestión o educación ambiental.


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The control and elimination of prionic infective agents that may be present in the effluents, turns out to be a complicated mechanism inside a High Containment bological Facility. There are two ways to carry out this neutralization: Installation of thermal systems to ensure achieve a minimum temperature of 134 ° C sterilization plateau for a residence time of 18 minutes, and the use of chemical reactors based on the addition of sodium hypochlorite so the mixture maintained 2% of free chlorine during the reaction period. This study presents the design phases, elements and benefits, of a chemical reactor that allows the treatment of prion effluents in order to serve as a model to biocontainment facilities with areas of animal experimentation, who want to develop their work with prions.


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Theatre is a cultural and artistic form that involves a process of communication between creators and is received in a space and time located in the public sphere, which has meant that, over the centuries, it has acted as a space for expression, exchange and debate regarding all manner of ideas, causes and struggles. Implicit within this process are processes of expression, creation and reception, by way of which people demonstrate, analyse and question ways of seeing and understanding life, and ways of being and existing in the world. This gives rise to educational, cultural, social and political potential, which has been endorsed in numerous studies and investigations. In this work, in which theoretical orientation is established through a review of the relevant literature, we consider different intersections that occur between theatre and social work in order to also show that dramatic and theatrical expression offers substantive methodologies for achieving some objectives of social work, particularly in areas such as critical literacy, reflexivity and recognition, awareness raising, social participation, personal and/or community development, ownership of cultural capital and access to personal and social wellbeing.


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This article presents the application of a theatrical technique—Playback Theatre, which was developed in the United States during the 1970s—to social intervention, as a narrative and listening space that confers value and dignity upon the person and the unique and distinct individual experiences that facilitate their social and relational integration. This art of being oneself, as the author states, uses the oral tradition and spontaneous and creative communication of psychodrama and combines them with theatrical expression. This technique has been shown to be pertinent to both community social work and support groups for persons in problematic situations. The aim of this is to celebrate some specific moment of their lives, as individuals or as a community, and to define strategies for improving living conditions or resolving or alleviating conflicts. It is also used to assess the achievements of the proposed objectives, to strengthen the motivation to change and to transform existing relationships into collaborative ones. This is possible not only owing to the participation of persons, but also to the assumption of different roles that can permit the overcoming of certain traumatic events.In addition to support groups, it is used for the training and supervision of social work professionals. The theatrical technique in question allows them to assume roles as diverse as narrator, audience or actor, whether simultaneously or successively. Taking the role of «performer» or guide to the theatrical action requires prior preparation in order for the group of participants to be able to pool their individualities and their emotions and reflect on them. The participatory methodology that Playback Theatre proposes is important in community social work and is posed in a new and transformative key.