1000 resultados para Teoria da matemática elementar
Artikkeli on vastine professori Tatu Vanhasen teoriaa kommentoiviin kirjoituksiin älykkyysosamäärän vaikutuksesta bruttokansantuotteeseen
La modelización matemática pretende describir la realidad en términos matemáticos,una tarea difícil y que, sin embargo,está jalonada de éxitos sorprendentes. Elproceso de modelización matemática puede esquematizarse en el cuadro de la figura.A partir de un problema dado, de Índole físi ca, tecnológica, biológica. económica.ete., la primera etapa consiste en la formulación matemática del problema. Suobjetivo es asocia rle un modelo matemático que lo describa. Ello obliga a teneren cuenta únicamente una parte de las características que in tervienen en el problemainicial y prescindir de otras que se consideran accesorias o incluso irrclevantespara su resolución. Hay que hacer hipótesis sobre la influencia de los diferentesfactores que intervienen . Son elecciones difíciles y susceptibles de ser modificadasposteriormente. Para obtener el modelo matemático tenemos que conseguir traduciral lenguaje matemático las características seleccionadas. En el modelo matemáticoéstas apareceran en la forma de variables, funciones, ecuaciones, ete. A continuacióndebemos resolver el problema matemático resultante para obtener resultados concretos,normalmente numéricos.
Abstract: Psychoanalythical theory and the performative view of politics: body and gender as a political signifier according to Judith Butler
We analyse the use of the ordered weighted average (OWA) in decision-making giving special attention to business and economic decision-making problems. We present several aggregation techniques that are very useful for decision-making such as the Hamming distance, the adequacy coefficient and the index of maximum and minimum level. We suggest a new approach by using immediate weights, that is, by using the weighted average and the OWA operator in the same formulation. We further generalize them by using generalized and quasi-arithmetic means. We also analyse the applicability of the OWA operator in business and economics and we see that we can use it instead of the weighted average. We end the paper with an application in a business multi-person decision-making problem regarding production management
El novembre de 1859 Riemann envià un manuscrit de sis fulls a l’Acadèmia de Berlín titulat Sobre el nombre de primers menors que una quantitat donada, el qual seria l’única publicació dedicada a la teoria de nombres de tota la seva producció científica. Aquest treball, sens dubte una de les peces mestres de les matemàtiques de tots els temps, és pioner en l’aplicació de tècniques analítiques per a l’estudi de problemes aritmètics. En ell Riemann introdueix la funció Z i en dóna diverses propietats, de les quals en treu conseqüències sobre l’acumulació dels nombres primers. També hi enuncia la famosa conjectura sobre els seus zeros que ha passat a la història amb el nom d’hipòtesi de Riemann, i que, havent resistit els esforços de molts dels millors matemàtics del segle xx, és considerada avui dia el problema obert més important de les matemàtiques. L’objectiu d’aquestes notes és explicar el contingut del treball de Riemann i el paper fonamental que ha jugat en l’estudi de la distribució dels nombres primers.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a assimilação de enxofre elementar (S0), aplicado nas folhas de soja, e sua eficiência comparada à adubação feita ao solo, de acordo com a dose e a natureza da fonte do nutriente. O S0 aplicado às folhas, independentemente da dose e fonte, foi assimilado pela planta, o que acarretou em aumento no teor de proteína total na folha. Todas as fontes de S aplicadas às folhas aumentaram a produção de grãos, semelhantemente à aplicação ao solo. Observou-se uma mesma produtividade com o uso de 20 kg ha-1 de S0 no solo ou de 6 kg ha-1 via foliar. A eficiência da aplicação de S via foliar, com base no conteúdo de proteína solúvel total, foi superior à da aplicação ao solo.
A new method for decision making that uses the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator in the aggregation of the information is presented. It is used a concept that it is known in the literature as the index of maximum and minimum level (IMAM). This index is based on distance measures and other techniques that are useful for decision making. By using the OWA operator in the IMAM, we form a new aggregation operator that we call the ordered weighted averaging index of maximum and minimum level (OWAIMAM) operator. The main advantage is that it provides a parameterized family of aggregation operators between the minimum and the maximum and a wide range of special cases. Then, the decision maker may take decisions according to his degree of optimism and considering ideals in the decision process. A further extension of this approach is presented by using hybrid averages and Choquet integrals. We also develop an application of the new approach in a multi-person decision-making problem regarding the selection of strategies.
El trabajo muestra un estudio comparativo de las soluciones que plantean diferentes soluciones comerciales y/o libres para la adecuación o no a su integración en un entorno como es el campus virtual de la UOC. Para esto se ha elaborado una lista de indicadores clave y más adelante se ha hecho una valoración de la integración en el entorno UOC, relacionando los indicadores anteriores con los requerimientos de la UOC. Investigando previamente cuales son estos. Por último se ha comprobado y corroborado la posible integración de la solución elegida al campus virtual, con el desarrollo de una pequeña aplicación web.
L'Univers cultural humà és extremamwnt complex i inclou des de creences dogmàtiques fins a explicacions científiques, que coexisteixen en la societat i fins i tot en la ment de l'individu.
We analyse the use of the ordered weighted average (OWA) in decision-making giving special attention to business and economic decision-making problems. We present several aggregation techniques that are very useful for decision-making such as the Hamming distance, the adequacy coefficient and the index of maximum and minimum level. We suggest a new approach by using immediate weights, that is, by using the weighted average and the OWA operator in the same formulation. We further generalize them by using generalized and quasi-arithmetic means. We also analyse the applicability of the OWA operator in business and economics and we see that we can use it instead of the weighted average. We end the paper with an application in a business multi-person decision-making problem regarding production management
This bachelor's degree thesis deals with homomorphic public-key cryptography, or in other words cryptosystems with special addition properties. Such cryptosystems are widely used in real life situations, for instance to make electronic voting secure. In Chapter 1 a few basic algebra results and other key concepts are introduced. Chapters 2 and 3 contain the algorithms and properties of the two cryptosystems which are considered to be the best for e-voting: Paillier and Joye-Libert. The thesis is concluded in Chapter 4, by comparing running times of the two above-mentioned cryptosystems, in simulations of real-life e-voting systems, with up to tens of thousands of voters, and different levels of security. Through these simulations, we discern the situations where each of the two cryptosystems is preferable.