974 resultados para Teologia feminista
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Between 1894 and 1899 Kate Chopin (1850 – 1904), one of the main exponents of American Realism and Feminism, published seven critical essays in newspapers and journals. To this number, it might be added the sketch ―Confidences‖ and the two first entrances of Impressions, her second diary, totalizing nine texts. These texts unveil a refined critical spirit, an outspoken and edge-cutting style in writing, sometimes sarcastically merciless, and an eager reader, all of them aspects that would be put into practice by the Feminist criticism expressed in the author‘s novels and short stories. To introduce and briefly discuss these essays are the main purposes of this paper.
O estudo da proposta foucaultiana sobre o poder possibilita focalizar as diferenças sociais de gênero como “multiformes e integradas” com outros pontos de poder, os quais não podem ser reduzidos à estrutura binária dominante/dominado, na relação homem/mulher. Portanto, não existe uma estrutura de “opressão de gênero” universal e mono-causal, pois os diferentes contextos discursivos geram campos atravessados por relações de forças muito diversas e variadas, e uma dinâmica de posições de sujeito que também é regulada e aberta a contingências. Por um lado, pensando nas diferenças de gênero e no posicionamento do sujeito dentro do marco de referência nas primeiras décadas do século XX, no qual há a afirmação do papel da mulher como um sujeito social, público, intelectual e artista, mas também assumindo sua categoria de Mãe e Mulher em uma sociedade patriarcalmente estruturada e, por outro lado, vislumbradas a partir das contribuições teóricas da crítica feminista, da crítica literária feminista e, especialmente, da crítica pós-feminista, denominada pósfoucaultiana por July Cháneton (2007), no sentido em que estas teóricas incorporam critica e produtivamente as idéias de Foucault sobre gênero, subjetividade e poder, verificamos como o discursivo-literário de Alfonsina Storni representa a construção de uma subjetividade feminina de posição identitária “múltipla e contraditória”, como parte constitutiva de uma diversidade de posições-sujeito feminina.
This paper presents the trajectory traced by the Literary Criticism on the poetry of Alfonsina Storni, an Argentine writer of the early twentieth century. The first literary production of Alfonsina Storni, called modernist or tardorromántica (SARLO, 1988), is produced in the period 1916-1925; from Ocre (1926), she marks a break, confirmed in their last two books of poetry, Mundo de siete Pozos (1935) and Mascarilla y Trébol (1938), with the label of vanguardism and new aesthetic experiences such as antisoneto. Regarding the Criticism built over the poetic work of Alfonsina Storni by his contemporaries, we have three positions of reading: approaches biographical criticism and proposals for readings of critics and poets linked to Vanguard Argentina and made some critical texts by women from the middle academic. According to Salomone (2006), the criticism made by third trend marks another landmark of the constitutive deed of Alfonsina Storni, show tensions and positions that differ from the hegemonic critical. Subsequently, there is setting up a Women's Literature, along with a normative critique, which will consider the production book produced by women as produced by a subject biological woman, and that represents certain textuality with naturalized features peculiar to women. Today, in light of the Critical Feminist and contributions of Discourse Analysis, especially on the concepts and the connections between language and power, a critical reading of the production female, consists of texts of women writers since the mid-nineteenth century, is focused as a result of an ideological perspective and typically androcentric patriarchal, for example, on poems by Alfonsina Storni. According to Alice Salomone (2006), from the 80s of last century, the look on the production literary Latin American writers has another approach, which she calls "critical current: feminist criticism and modernity cultural".
This essay intends to think critically and theoretically on the interrelations among subject, identity, and Feminism in the context of Postmodernity, a context which will be herein denominated ―Age of Crises. These three aspects will be approached under a Historical perspective and put into question in a philosophical sight guided by Post-structuralistic theories, especially Derridian Deconstruction. In general, the main objective is to reach into a discussion about the undecidable inter-relation between Feminist thinking and Postmodernity, which is one of the configurations of the many contemporary crises. In order to do so, it will be necessary a previous discussion on the postmodern subject and its identity. This discussion will open up the possibility of contextualizing and discussing Feminism inside the intended objective. This discussion will be structured around the word ―crises which, in a compositional relation to the word ―age, will be taken as a synonym for ―Postmodernity and ―contemporary. ―Age of Crises, ―Postmodernity, ―contemporary, and ―Feminism will be words haunted by the phármakon phenomenon, a key aspect for Derridian Deconstruction, which will be the gravitational force that approximates and separates, in an undecidable relation, those signs.
Faremos uma leitura do poema 754 de Emily Dickinson, “My Life had stood – a Loaded Gun”, à luz da teoria feminista de Sandra Gilbert e Suzan Gubar com o intuito de entender o dilema da autoria feminina no século XIX: a necessidade de auto-afirmação poética em contraposição à impossibilidade de auto-afirmação como mulher em uma sociedade patriarcal. O poema 754 dramatiza esse dilema criando uma cena pastoril na qual é a personagem feminina que fala e age em nome do homem, invertendo os papéis do gênero pastoril e da sociedade norte-americana da época. Esta inversão é que possibilita a superação do dilema, na medida em que pressupõe um eu-lírico de voz forte e eloquente, capaz de se pronunciar afirmativamente sobre assuntos do universo masculino enquanto silencia a voz masculina.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the contents of the feminist discourses on the body, as regards the continuities and changes in the social practices related to reproduction. It covers the period going from the 70’s to nowadays, when the growing improvement of medical science and technology has started interfering with the body and reproductive practices. We seek to understand how the inaugural discourses on the contemporary feminism related to the body have developed during this period, with the increasing use of reproductive technologies in France and Brazil. The feminist concept of self-control of the body has turned into the analysis of the fusion of body and technologies that build new identities
The historical and social process has built models of masculinity and femininity that culminate in standards and norms to be followed by individuals in their social interactions. In recent decades studies based on the discussions that originated in the feminist movement have been investigating how social institutions, including medicine and other health sciences, have established standards of masculinity and femininity throughout the history, nurturing this sexist discourse on common sense and sciences. Social roles are assigned to the genera specifying rigid boundaries of behavior and social control. The notion of the female predisposition to physical and emotional disorders has prompted speculation within academic strands culminating in the creation of specialized medical illness that would prevent the female, the male permeated by notions of endurance and strength has become synonymous of a healthy body, confirming the male domination and the economic and political role of men. This research concerned to study and investigate through semi-structured interviews and content analysis, conceptions of gender and the differences between men and women in reports of 11 health professionals. The results indicate that in large part the conceptions of health professionals reproduce the hegemonic discourse about what being a man and woman. Further research could investigate the relationship between women and men with health care as well the care provided by health professionals
Las músicas populares urbanas participan en la construcción, transmisión y deconstrucción de las imágenes de género. Es trascendental comprender su influencia entre los oyentes. Para ello, realizamos una investigación basada en encuestas a jóvenes universitarios que mostró la permanencia de prejuicios y una escasa capacidad crítica, lo que refuerza algunas de las hipótesis de la sociología de la música de T. W. Adorno y plantea cuestiones importantes para la musicología feminista. Es necesario tener conciencia de la existencia de estos prejuicios si pretendemos una educación emancipatoria.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Esta monografia tem como objetivo abordar o ciberfeminismo, um fenômeno social e político recente, na construção do feminismo na era da Web 2.0 a partir de conteúdos produzidos por mulheres, para mulheres e sobre mulheres e veiculados na internet por meio de blogs e redes sociais. Para isso, será feito um estudo de caso do think tank Olga e seus desdobramentos em blog, redes sociais e campanhas contra o assédio sexual batizadas de Chega de Fiu Fiu. Para analisar esse material, o pensamento pós-estruturalista foi o escolhido, junto ao saber situado, por suas afinidades com a perspectiva feminista
Based on Clovis Bevilaqua’s four biographies which present three stigmas of the character - being the son of a priest, engaged in a large grammatical legal controversy with Rui Barbosa in making the Civil Code of 1917 and married to a wife of exotic modes - we discuss the built memory of Amelia Carolina Freitas Bevilaqua, who is marked as a pioneer of the feminist movement in Brazil and also upstart writer who aspired to join the Brazilian Academy of Letters. Among other negative adjectives, she was sloppy, not vain and misaligned in dress, futile or adulterous.
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
The Folha Universal, newspaper produced by the Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (Iurd, abbreviation in Portuguese for Universal Church of the Kingdom of God), reaches an average weekly circulation from 2.5 to 3.5 million copies. Studies indicate that the Folha Universal is not merely an institutional newspaper. It is systematically dedicated to be a source of political information to their readers, in order to publicize candidates and politicians who defend the Iurd’s proposals for the Brazilian public life. This paper describes results of an empirical study on the frames built by the Folha Universal about the social demands, economic and political governance considered as priorities to the public management by the Iurd around five themes of analysis: public safety; children and adolescents care; public health; environment; politics and economy. The results indicate that, as characteristics of the Folha Universal in the four months prior to the 2010 Brazilian elections, aspects that differ from those indicated by previous studies on the newspaper. Previously detected in the pages of Folha Universal as a mean for finding solutions to social problems, the theology of prosperity was in our sample replaced by the formulation of public policies.