987 resultados para Temperature dependence


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Protein functional motions are ultimately connected to water dynamics. The goal of this study is to link the conformational dynamics of albumin to a dynamic transition taking place at ∼ 42°C in water. We report the results of dynamic light scattering measurements of albumin aqueous solution in the temperature interval 20-65°C. The processing of the experimental data produced the temperature dependence of the macromolecular hydrodynamic radius. We demonstrate that the growth of the macromolecular size in this temperature range can be divided into two stages that are connected to the dynamical properties of water. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Based on dynamic renormalization group techniques, this letter analyzes the effects of external stochastic perturbations on the dynamical properties of cholesteric liquid crystals, studied in presence of a random magnetic field. Our analysis quantifies the nature of the temperature dependence of the dynamics; the results also highlight a hitherto unexplored regime in cholesteric liquid crystal dynamics. We show that stochastic fluctuations drive the system to a second-ordered Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition point, eventually leading to a Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class. The results go beyond quasi-first order mean-field theories, and provides the first theoretical understanding of a KPZ phase in distorted nematic liquid crystal dynamics.


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The strong couplings between different degrees of freedom are believed to be responsible for novel and complex phenomena discovered in transition metal oxides (TMOs). The physical complexity is directly responsible for their tunability. Creating surfaces/interfaces add an additional ' man-made' twist, approaching the quantum phenomena of correlated materials. ^ The dissertation focused on the structural and electronic properties in proximity of surface of three prototype TMO compounds by using three complementary techniques: scanning tunneling microscopy, angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and low energy electron diffraction, particularly emphasized the effects of broken symmetry and imperfections like defects on the coupling between charge and lattice degrees of freedom. ^ Ca1.5Sr0.5RuO4 is a layered ruthenate with square lattice and at the boundary of magnetic/orbital instability in Ca2-xSrxRuO4. That the substitution of Sr 2+ with Ca2+ causing RuO6 rotation narrows the dxy band width and changes the Fermi surface topology. Particularly, the γ(dxy) Fermi surface sheet exhibited hole-like in Ca1.5Sr0.5RuO4 in contrast to electron-like in Sr2RuO4, showing a strong charge-lattice coupling. ^ Na0.75CoO2 is a layered cobaltite with triangular lattice exhibiting extraordinary thermoelectric properties. The well-ordered CoO2-terminated surface with random Na distribution was observed. However, lattice constants of the surface are smaller than that in bulk. The surface density of states (DOS) showed strong temperature dependence. Especially, an unusual shift of the minimum DOS occurs below 230 K, clearly indicating a local charging effect on the surface. ^ Cd2Re2O7 is the first known pyrochlore oxide superconductor (Tc ∼ 1K). It exhibited an unusual second-order phase transition occurring at TS1 = 200 K and a controversial first-order transition at TS2 = 120 K. While bulk properties display large anomalies at TS1 but rather subtle and sample-dependent changes at TS2, the surface DOS near the EF show no change at T s1 but a substantial increase below TS2---a complete reversal as the signature for the transitions. We argued that crystal imperfections, mainly defects, which were considerably enhanced at the surface, resulted in the transition at TS2. ^


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Based on theoretical considerations an explanation for the temperature dependence of the thermal expansion and the bulk modulus is proposed. A new equation state is also derived. Additionally a physical explanation for the latent heat of fusion is presented. These theoretical predictions are tested against experiments on highly symmetrical monatomic structures. ^ The volume is not an independent variable and must be broken down into its fundamental components when the relationships to the pressure and temperature are defined. Using zero pressure and temperature reference frame, the initial parameters, volume at zero pressure and temperature[V°], bulk modulus at zero temperature [K°] and volume coefficient of thermal expansion at zero pressure[α°] are defined. ^ The new derived EoS is tested against the experiments on perovskite and epsilon iron. The Root-mean-square-deviations (RMSD) of the residuals of the molar volume, pressure, and temperature are in the range of the uncertainty of the experiments. ^ Separating the experiments into 200 K ranges, the new EoS was compared to the most widely used finite strain, interatomic potential, and empirical isothermal EoSs such as the Burch-Murnaghan, the Vinet, and the Roy-Roy respectively. Correlation coefficients, RMSD's of the residuals, and Akaike Information Criteria were used for evaluating the fitting. Based on these fitting parameters, the new p-V-T EoS is superior in every temperature range relative to the investigated conventional isothermal EoS. ^ The new EoS for epsilon iron reproduces the preliminary-reference earth-model (PREM) densities at 6100-7400 K indicating that the presence of light elements might not be necessary to explain the Earth's inner core densities. ^ It is suggested that the latent heat of fusion supplies the energy required for overcoming on the viscous drag resistance of the atoms. The calculated energies for melts formed from highly symmetrical packing arrangements correlate very well with experimentally determined latent heat values. ^ The optical investigation of carhonado-diamond is also part of the dissertation. The collected first complete infrared FTIR absorption spectra for carhonado-diamond confirm the interstellar origin for the most enigmatic diamonds known as carbonado. ^


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Reliable temperature estimates from both surface and subsurface ocean waters are needed to reconstruct past upper water column temperature gradients and past oceanic heat content. This work examines the relationships between trace element ratios in fossil shells and seawater temperature for surface-dwelling foraminifera species, Globigerinoides ruber (white) and Globigerina bulloides, and deep-dwelling species, Globorotalia inflata, Globorotalia truncatulinoides (dextral and sinistral) and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata. Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in shells picked in 29 modern core tops from the North Atlantic Ocean are calibrated using calculated isotopic temperatures. Mg/Ca ratios on G. ruber and G. bulloides agree with published data and relationships. For deep-dwelling species, Mg/Ca calibration follows the equation Mg/Ca = 0.78 (±0.04) * exp (0.051 (±0.003) * T) with a significant correlation coefficient of R**2 = 0.74. Moreover, there is no significant difference between the different deep-dwellers analyzed. For the Sr/Ca ratio, the surface dwellers and P. obliquiloculata do not record any temperature dependence. For the Globorotalia species, the thermo dependence of Sr/Ca ratio can be described by a single linear relationship: Sr/Ca = (0.0182 (±0.001) * T) + 1.097 (±0.018), R**2 = 0.85. Temperature estimates with a 1 sigma error of ±2.0°C and ±1.3°C can be derived from the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios, respectively, as long as the Sr geochemistry in the ocean has been constant through time.


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Using bathymetric transects of surface sediments underlying similar sea surface temperatures but exposed to increasing dissolution, we examined the processes which affect the relationship between foraminiferal Mg/Ca and d18O. We found that Globigerinoides saccculifer calcifies over a relatively large range of water depth and that this is apparent in their Mg content. On the seafloor, foraminiferal Mg/Ca is substantially altered by dissolution with the degree of alteration increasing with water depth. Selective dissolution of the chamber calcite, formed in surface waters, shifts the shell's bulk Mg/Ca and d18O toward the chemistries of the secondary crust acquired in colder thermocline waters. The magnitude of this shift depends on both the range of temperatures over which the shell calcified and the degree to which it is subsequently dissolved. In spite of this shift the initial relationship between Mg/Ca and d18O, determined by their temperature dependence, is maintained. We conclude that paired measurements of d18O and Mg/Ca can be used for reconstructing d18Owater, though care must be taken to determine where in the water column the reconstruction applies.


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An accurate knowledge of the fluorescence yield and its dependence on atmospheric properties such as pressure, temperature or humidity is essential to obtain a reliable measurement of the primary energy of cosmic rays in experiments using the fluorescence technique. In this work, several sets of fluorescence yield data (i.e. absolute value and quenching parameters) are described and compared. A simple procedure to study the effect of the assumed fluorescence yield on the reconstructed shower parameters (energy and shower maximum depth) as a function of the primary features has been developed. As an application, the effect of water vapor and temperature dependence of the collisional cross section on the fluorescence yield and its impact on the reconstruction of primary energy and shower maximum depth has been studied. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Incumbent telecommunication lasers emitting at 1.5 µm are fabricated on InP substrates and consist of multiple strained quantum well layers of the ternary alloy InGaAs, with barriers of InGaAsP or InGaAlAs. These lasers have been seen to exhibit very strong temperature dependence of the threshold current. This strong temperature dependence leads to a situation where external cooling equipment is required to stabilise the optical output power of these lasers. This results in a significant increase in the energy bill associated with telecommunications, as well as a large increase in equipment budgets. If the exponential growth trend of end user bandwidth demand associated with the internet continues, these inefficient lasers could see the telecommunications industry become the dominant consumer of world energy. For this reason there is strong interest in developing new, much more efficient telecommunication lasers. One avenue being investigated is the development of quantum dot lasers on InP. The confinement experienced in these low dimensional structures leads to a strong perturbation of the density of states at the band edge, and has been predicted to result in reduced temperature dependence of the threshold current in these devices. The growth of these structures is difficult due to the large lattice mismatch between InP and InAs; however, recently quantum dots elongated in one dimension, known as quantum dashes, have been demonstrated. Chapter 4 of this thesis provides an experimental analysis of one of these quantum dash lasers emitting at 1.5 µm along with a numerical investigation of threshold dynamics present in this device. Another avenue being explored to increase the efficiency of telecommunications lasers is bandstructure engineering of GaAs-based materials to emit at 1.5 µm. The cause of the strong temperature sensitivity in InP-based quantum well structures has been shown to be CHSH Auger recombination. Calculations have shown and experiments have verified that the addition of bismuth to GaAs strongly reduces the bandgap and increases the spin orbit splitting energy of the alloy GaAs1−xBix. This leads to a bandstructure condition at x = 10 % where not only is 1.5 µm emission achieved on GaAs-based material, but also the bandstructure of the material can naturally suppress the costly CHSH Auger recombination which plagues InP-based quantum-well-based material. It has been predicted that telecommunications lasers based on this material system should operate in the absence of external cooling equipment and offer electrical and optical benefits over the incumbent lasers. Chapters 5, 6, and 7 provide a first analysis of several aspects of this material system relevant to the development of high bismuth content telecommunication lasers.


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The anharmonic phonon properties of SnSe in the Pnma phase were investigated with a combination of experiments and first-principles simulations. Using inelastic neutron scattering (INS) and nuclear resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (NRIXS), we have measured the phonon dispersions and density of states (DOS) and their temperature dependence, which revealed a strong, inhomogeneous shift and broadening of the spectrum on warming. First-principles simulations were performed to rationalize these measurements, and to explain the previously reported anisotropic thermal expansion, in particular the negative thermal expansion within the Sn-Se bilayers. Including the anisotropic strain dependence of the phonon free energy, in addition to the electronic ground state energy, is essential to reproduce the negative thermal expansion. From the phonon DOS obtained with INS and additional calorimetry measurements, we quantify the harmonic, dilational, and anharmonic components of the phonon entropy, heat capacity, and free energy. The origin of the anharmonic phonon thermodynamics is linked to the electronic structure.


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Alkenone sediment data from the Nordic seas and North Atlantic are compared to those from Sikes et al. (1997) for the Southern Ocean to evaluate further UK37 and UK37' as proxies to estimate cold temperatures (<10°C) and the effect of salinity and temperature in the relative abundance of 37:4 to the total abundance of C37 alkenones (37:4%). UK37 and UK37' are found to be equally viable as proxies, but there are significant regional differences in their cold temperature dependence. The measurement of 37:4% in cores from the North Atlantic region can be used to identify situations when UK37' is not a reliable paleothermometer. Variations in salinity are probably responsible for changes in the sedimentary record of 37:4%, and a preliminary calibration has been obtained for 37:4%=f(salinity). This new relationship should be further confirmed through field or laboratory experiments, but it paves the way to derive a molecular proxy to reconstruct paleosalinity in surface waters.


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Geochemical variations in shallow water corals provide a valuable archive of paleoclimatic information. However, biological effects can complicate the interpretation of these proxies, forcing their application to rely on empirical calibrations. Carbonate clumped isotope thermometry (Delta47) is a novel paleotemperature proxy based on the temperature dependent "clumping" of 13C-18O bonds. Similar ?47-temperature relationships in inorganically precipitated calcite and a suite of biogenic carbonates provide evidence that carbonate clumped isotope variability may record absolute temperature without a biological influence. However, large departures from expected values in the winter growth of a hermatypic coral provided early evidence for possible Delta47 vital effects. Here, we present the first systematic survey of Delta47 in shallow water corals. Sub-annual Red Sea Delta47 in two Porites corals shows a temperature dependence similar to inorganic precipitation experiments, but with a systematic offset toward higher Delta47 values that consistently underestimate temperature by ~8 °C. Additional analyses of Porites, Siderastrea, Astrangia and Caryophyllia corals argue against a number of potential mechanisms as the leading cause for this apparent Delta47 vital effect including: salinity, organic matter contamination, alteration during sampling, the presence or absence of symbionts, and interlaboratory differences in analytical protocols. However, intra- and inter-coral comparisons suggest that the deviation from expected Delta47 increases with calcification rate. Theoretical calculations suggest this apparent link with calcification rate is inconsistent with pH-dependent changes in dissolved inorganic carbon speciation and with kinetic effects associated with CO2 diffusion into the calcifying space. However, the link with calcification rate may be related to fractionation during the hydration/hydroxylation of CO2 within the calcifying space. Although the vital effects we describe will complicate the interpretation of Delta47 as a paleothermometer in shallow water corals, it may still be a valuable paleoclimate proxy, particularly when applied as part of a multi-proxy approach.


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The thermal structure of the Pacific Ocean between water depths of about 1 and 4.5 kilometers is estimated from the oxygen isotopic ratio of benthonic foraminifera from deep-drilled and piston cores of early Pliocene age (about 3 to 5 million years ago). The ratio of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 in the early Pliocene at each site varies by an average of only ± 0.12 per mil (1 standard deviation). A plot of the oxygen isotopic ratio against modern bottom-water temperature is adequately fit by a line having a slope of - 0.26 per mil per degree Celsius (the equilibrium temperature dependence of calcite-water fractionation), suggesting that the temperature gradient of the Pacific Ocean during the early Pliocene was similar to that of today.


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Zr-Excel alloy (Zr-3.5Sn-0.8Nb-0.8Mo) is a dual phase (α + β) alloy in the as-received pressure tube condition. It has been proposed to be the pressure tube candidate material for the Generation-IV CANDU-Supercritical Water Reactor (CANDU-SCWR). In this dissertation, the effects of heavy ion irradiation, deformation and heat treatment on the microstructures of the alloy were investigated to enable us to have a better understanding of the potential in-reactor performance of this alloy. In-situ heavy ion (1 MeV) irradiation was performed to study the nucleation and evolution of dislocation loops in both α- and β-Zr. Small and dense type dislocation loops form under irradiation between 80 and 450 °C. The number density tends to saturate at ~ 0.1 dpa. Compared with the α-Zr, the defect yield is much lower in β-Zr. The stabilities of the metastable phases (β-Zr and ω-Zr) and the thermal-dynamically equilibrium phase, fcc Zr(Mo, Nb)2, under irradiation were also studied at different temperatures. Chemi-STEM elemental mapping was carried out to study the elemental redistribution caused by irradiation. The stability of these phases and the elemental redistribution are strongly dependent on irradiation temperature. In-situ time-of-flight neutron diffraction tensile and compressive tests were carried out at different temperatures to monitor lattice strain evolutions of individual grain families during these tests. The β-Zr is the strengthening phase in this alloy in the as-received plate material. Load is transferred to the β-Zr after yielding of the α-Zr grains. The temperature dependence of static strain aging and the yielding sequence of the individual grain families were discussed. Strong tensile/compressive asymmetry was observed in the {0002} grain family at room temperature. The microstructures of the sample deformed at 400 °C and the samples only subjected to heat treatment at the same temperature were characterized with TEM. Concentration of β phase stabilizers in the β grain and the morphology of β grain have significant effect on the stability of β- and ω-Zr under thermal treatment. Applied stress/strain enhances the decomposition of isothermal ω phase but suppresses α precipitation inside the β grains at high temperature. An α → ω/ZrO phase transformation was observed in the thin foils of Zr-Excel alloy and pure Zr during in-situ heating at 700 °C in TEM.


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In 2006, a large and prolonged bloom of the dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi occurred in Scottish coastal waters, causing extensive mortalities of benthic organisms including annelids and molluscs and some species of fish ( Davidson et al., 2009). A coupled hydrodynamic-algal transport model was developed to track the progression of the bloom around the Scottish coast during June–September 2006 and hence investigate the processes controlling the bloom dynamics. Within this individual-based model, cells were capable of growth, mortality and phototaxis and were transported by physical processes of advection and turbulent diffusion, using current velocities extracted from operational simulations of the MRCS ocean circulation model of the North-west European continental shelf. Vertical and horizontal turbulent diffusion of cells are treated using a random walk approach. Comparison of model output with remotely sensed chlorophyll concentrations and cell counts from coastal monitoring stations indicated that it was necessary to include multiple spatially distinct seed populations of K. mikimotoi at separate locations on the shelf edge to capture the qualitative pattern of bloom transport and development. We interpret this as indicating that the source population was being transported northwards by the Hebridean slope current from where colonies of K. mikimotoi were injected onto the continental shelf by eddies or other transient exchange processes. The model was used to investigate the effects on simulated K. mikimotoi transport and dispersal of: (1) the distribution of the initial seed population; (2) algal growth and mortality; (3) water temperature; (4) the vertical movement of particles by diurnal migration and eddy diffusion; (5) the relative role of the shelf edge and coastal currents; (6) the role of wind forcing. The numerical experiments emphasized the requirement for a physiologically based biological model and indicated that improved modelling of future blooms will potentially benefit from better parameterisation of temperature dependence of both growth and mortality and finer spatial and temporal hydrodynamic resolution.


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In 2006, a large and prolonged bloom of the dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi occurred in Scottish coastal waters, causing extensive mortalities of benthic organisms including annelids and molluscs and some species of fish ( Davidson et al., 2009). A coupled hydrodynamic-algal transport model was developed to track the progression of the bloom around the Scottish coast during June–September 2006 and hence investigate the processes controlling the bloom dynamics. Within this individual-based model, cells were capable of growth, mortality and phototaxis and were transported by physical processes of advection and turbulent diffusion, using current velocities extracted from operational simulations of the MRCS ocean circulation model of the North-west European continental shelf. Vertical and horizontal turbulent diffusion of cells are treated using a random walk approach. Comparison of model output with remotely sensed chlorophyll concentrations and cell counts from coastal monitoring stations indicated that it was necessary to include multiple spatially distinct seed populations of K. mikimotoi at separate locations on the shelf edge to capture the qualitative pattern of bloom transport and development. We interpret this as indicating that the source population was being transported northwards by the Hebridean slope current from where colonies of K. mikimotoi were injected onto the continental shelf by eddies or other transient exchange processes. The model was used to investigate the effects on simulated K. mikimotoi transport and dispersal of: (1) the distribution of the initial seed population; (2) algal growth and mortality; (3) water temperature; (4) the vertical movement of particles by diurnal migration and eddy diffusion; (5) the relative role of the shelf edge and coastal currents; (6) the role of wind forcing. The numerical experiments emphasized the requirement for a physiologically based biological model and indicated that improved modelling of future blooms will potentially benefit from better parameterisation of temperature dependence of both growth and mortality and finer spatial and temporal hydrodynamic resolution.