974 resultados para Taylor and Forsyth


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Selected papers from the 3rd Edition of the International Conference on Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities


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Background The relationship between exposure to indoor aeroallergens in early life and subsequent eczema is unclear. We have previously failed to show any significant associations between early life exposure to house dust mite and cat fur allergens and either sensitization to these allergens or wheeze. We have also previously reported a lower prevalence of parent-reported, doctor-diagnosed eczema by age 2 years for children exposed to higher concentrations of house dust mite, but no other associations with other definitions of eczema or for exposure to cat allergen. Objectives To extend the exposure–response analysis of allergen exposure and eczema outcomes measured up to age 8 years, and to investigate the role of other genetic and environmental determinants. Methods A total of 593 children (92Æ4% of those eligible) born to all newly pregnant women attending one of three general practitioner surgeries in Ashford, Kent, were followed from birth to age 8 years. Concentrations of house dust mite and cat allergen were measured in dust samples collected from the home at 8 weeks after birth. The risk of subsequent eczema as defined by the U.K. diagnostic criteria was determined according to different levels (quintiles) of allergen exposure at birth. Results By age 8 years, 150 (25Æ3%) children had met the diagnostic criteria for eczema at least once. Visible flexural dermatitis was recorded at least once for 129 (28Æ0%). As in other studies, parental allergic history was positively associated with most eczema outcomes, as were higher maternal education and less crowded homes. No clear linear associations between early exposure to house dust mite or cat allergen were found, regardless of the definition of eczema used. The risk of eczema appeared to increase for the three lowest quintiles of house dust mite allergen exposure (odds ratio, OR 1Æ37 for third quintile compared with first), and then to fall for the two highest quintiles (OR 0Æ66 and 0Æ71) even after controlling for confounding factors. Conclusions The lack of any clear exposure–disease relationship between allergens in early life and subsequent eczema argues against allergen exposure being a major factor causing eczema. If the lower levels of eczema at higher levels of house dust mite are confirmed, then interventions aimed at reducing house dust mite in early infancy could paradoxically increase the risk of subsequent eczema.


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Individual and collective efforts to mitigate climate change in the form of carbon offsetting and emissions trading schemes have recently become the focus of much media attention. In this paper we explore a subset of the UK national press coverage centered on such schemes. The articles, selected from general as well as specialized business and finance newspapers, make use of gold rush, Wild West and cowboy imagery which is rooted in deeply entrenched myths and metaphors and allows readers to make sense of very complex environmental, political, ethical, and financial issues associated with carbon mitigation. They make what appears complicated and unfamiliar, namely carbon trading and offsetting, seem less complex and more familiar. A critical discussion of this type of imagery is necessary in order to uncover and question tacit assumptions and connotations which are built into it and which might otherwise go unnoticed and unchallenged in environmental communication.


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This article examines discourses associated with a new environmental movement, “Carbon Rationing Action Groups” (CRAGs). This case study is intended to contribute to a wider investigation of the emergence of a new type of language used to debate climate change mitigation. Advice on how to reduce one's “carbon footprint,” for example, is provided almost daily. Much of this advice is framed by the use of metaphors and “carbon compounds”—lexical combinations of at least two roots—such as “carbon finance” or “low carbon diet.” The study uses a combination of tools from frame analysis and lexical pragmatics within the general framework of ecolinguistics to compare and contrast language use on the CRAGs' website with press coverage reporting on them. The analysis shows how the use of such lexical carbon compounds enables and facilitates different types of metaphorical frames such as dieting, finance and tax paying, war time rationing, and religious imperatives in the two corpora.


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This article examines the constellation of factors that come to bear in the family domain for bisexually desiring, behaving, or identifying individuals. Specifically, it interrogates the prevailing conditions that hinder or encourage disclosure of bisexuality and the consequences of such action. It argues that the family is uniquely situated at the interface of private and public domains of sociality, and, thus, negotiation of sexuality is herein constructed through the articulation of the "the family closet." Analysis draws on doctoral research that investigated the sociological nexus of sex, gender, and bisexuality in an Australian sample. Data collected via 47 in-depth interviews comprised a sex-/gender-diverse cohort including men and women, as well as transgender, cross-dressing, genderqueer, and intersex individuals. From this diversity of narratives the family environ emerged as a primary locus of personal and social challenge. Case studies taken from the data demonstrate how disclosure of bisexuality to family of origin was a selective process predicated by a range of sociocultural considerations such as religion, geographical location, and dominant discourses of gender and sexuality. These narratives foreground a spectrum of family responses spanning total estrangement, silence and/or denial, tentative acknowledgement, or complete acceptance and support. Whether encountered as sites of negative resistance or positive acceptance, respondents' stories illuminate the capacity to forge strategies of coping, resilience, and empowerment. A theoretical framework informed by the nomadic philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari is deployed in order to explain these findings.


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The social agency of museums in countering prejudices and fostering respect for differences is increasingly recognised and empirical research has begun to illuminate the impacts of exhibitions devoted to difficult subjects on audiences. This paper draws on an ongoing research project conducted by two Australian universities in collaboration with the Immigration Museum Melbourne aimed at understanding the role of the Identity: Yours, Mine, Ours exhibition in countering racism and increasing the acceptance of differences among Australian high school students. The paper focuses on narrative interviews with students which offer insights into how differences are experienced and prejudices become negotiated through processes of meaning-making and embodied engagements. The empirical evidence indicates that the exhibition moves beyond the orchestration of an abstract tolerance by unsettling the Self and destabilising stereotyped interpretations of the Other. Identity: Yours, Mine, Ours creates a place and space of encounter in which differences are humanised, thus facilitating understandings of broader contexts through individual experiences. At the same time, the research findings suggest that the life worlds of students, their personal backgrounds and schools, are intertwined with their interpretive engagements with the exhibition and need to be considered for museum practices and further research.


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The influence of instructor support, family support and psychological capital (PsyCap) on the subjective well-being of postgraduate business students, including whether PsyCap mediates the proposed support – well-being relationship were examined in this study. It was further investigated whether family support moderates this proposed mediated relationship. Direct positive relationships between instructor support and well-being, and between PsyCap and well-being were found. It was also found that PsyCap mediates the instructor support – well-being relationship. Finally, it was found that family support moderates this mediated relationship in such a way that the relationship is stronger among students with lower levels of family support.


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The aim of this study was to establish reliability and validity of the Gambling Urge Scale (GUS) in a clinical population of problem gamblers. This cohort study was conducted in South Australia between March 2008 and March 2009. Participants were problem gamblers aged ≥18 years (n = 158) who were seeking treatment from a range of gambling help services. Measures included gambling urge, problem gambling screening, gambling behaviour and problems caused by gambling, such as personal health and relationships. The psychometric properties investigated were internal reliability, criterion-related validity, concurrent validity and construct validity. Results showed high internal consistency for GUS (α = 0.93) and significant item-rest correlations ranging from 0.72 to 0.86. For criterion-related validity, a GUS cut score of three correctly classified 81.13% of participants as problem gambling with sensitivity 84.75% and specificity 76.6%. Concurrent validity was significant with a number of gambling-related symptoms and problems including psychological disturbance, work and social functioning and gambling-related cognitions (p < 0.001). An insignificant correlation was found between gambling urge and sensation seeking traits (p = 0.663). When controlling for gender and age the instrument was shown to have significant predictive properties for different levels of gambling severity (p < 0.001). A principal component analysis for the one component showed an overall explained variance of 75.54%. These findings indicate that GUS is a valid and reliable instrument for problem gambling screening, to measure treatment outcomes and may predict relapse in problem gambling.


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The aim of the study was to validate the self-report Multimedia Activity Recall for Children and Adolescents (MARCA) against accelerometry for the assessment of physical activity in New Zealand children. Participants (n = 716, 10-18 years) recalled 3-4 days of activity using the MARCA and underwent a partially overlapping 7-day accelerometry protocol during a national survey. Spearman correlation coefficients (ρ) assessed the association between accelerometer-derived counts per minute and MARCA-derived physical activity level and time in locomotion. Both data sources estimated time spent in light and moderate-vigorous physical activity. Association and agreement between methods for light physical activity and moderate-vigorous physical activity was assessed using correlations and Bland-Altman plots respectively, and paired t-tests conducted. Accelerometer-derived activity counts were moderately correlated with both MARCA-derived physical activity level and locomotion (ρ = 0.38, P < 0.0001). The correlation between methods was -0.14 for light physical activity and 0.28 for moderate-vigorous physical activity (P < 0.0001). The MARCA overestimated moderate-vigorous physical activity compared with accelerometry (120 min, P < 0.0001), which increased as moderate-vigorous physical activity time increased. Some sex and ethnicity (Māori [indigenous] versus non-Māori) differences were observed. Overall, the MARCA indicated moderate validity for assessment of physical activity level, locomotion and moderate-vigorous physical activity and poor validity for assessment of light physical activity. This was comparable to other self-report tools. The MARCA has utility for future large-scale research.


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Aims: Little is known about the social and functional aspects of alcohol mixed with energy drink(AmED) consumption. Using a functional substance use perspective and via the lens of socialidentity theory, this paper aims to explore the role of AmED consumption amongst the milieuof nightlife and party culture. Methods: Twenty-five regular AmED consumers aged 18–33participated in semi-structured interviews. Qualitative thematic analysis of transcripts wasundertaken, with a focus on the social contexts and perceived functions of AmED consumption,group dynamics and social identity. Findings: Three main themes were identified: (i) AmED usewas restricted to specific social contexts, (ii) AmED use performed a social function and(iii) AmED users identified with a coherent and consistent social identity. AmED use was almostexclusively reported to occur within group drinking scenarios at parties and licensed venues,particularly nightclubs. AmED users identified with a clear and consistent social identity thatwas distinct from other alcohol consumers, typified by gregarious and extroverted behaviour.AmED use was seen to facilitate these ideals and strengthen group cohesion in appropriatecontexts. Conclusions: Future efforts aiming to elicit changes in AmED consumption practices must account for the fundamental importance of social contexts to AmED use.


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BACKGROUND: Death anxiety is a known phenomenon in older people of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD) hospitalised for end-of-life (EOL) care . Little is known about how nurses assuage death anxiety in this population. AIMS: To investigate strategies used by nurses to assuage death anxiety and facilitate a good death in older CALD Australians hospitalised for EOL care.

METHODS: Advanced as a qualitative descriptive inquiry, a purposeful sample of 22 nurses was recruited from four Victorian healthcare services. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using thematic analysis processes.

FINDINGS: Nurses used three key strategies: recognising death anxiety; delineating its dimensions; and initiating conventional nursingcaring behaviours to help contain it. Contrary to expectations, cultural similarities rather than differences were found in the strategies used.

CONCLUSIONS: Nursing strategies for recognising, delineating, and managing death anxiety in older CALD people hospitalised at the EOL is an important component of quality EOL care.


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Background: Alcohol consumption in women is known to be perceived by men as signaling sexual intent. The current study investigated the influence of gender, female clothing style, and female alcohol use on the perception of sexual intent.Method: Eighty-seven men and 72 women viewed a one-minute video of a male–female interaction where clothing style and alcohol use were experimentally manipulated. Participants were then asked to rate the female target on sexual intent.Results: The female actor was rated higher on sexual intent when she was dressed revealingly, and consuming alcohol, compared to when she was wearing conservative clothing and drinking water. Gender differences were not found with respect to the effect of personality characteristics (sociosexual effectiveness, sexually preoccupation, masculine sex role orientation, limited sexual experience and negative sexual attitudes, and low self-esteem and traditional attitudes toward women) on sexual intent.Conclusions: These findings suggest that alcohol may be a social cue used by men to process sexual intent. The implications of the findings are discussed with reference to how women are viewed when consuming alcohol.


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Metaphors are powerful forms of communication that can both facilitate and constrain disciplinary discourse, so the choice of metaphor used to explain concepts of disciplinary importance should not be undertaken lightly. A single case study methodology involving an ‘upstream’ firm considering whether to manufacture products with environmental attributes was consequently used to test three previously unexamined assumptions associated with the upstream/downstream metaphor, a metaphorical distinction that continues to have sway within the social marketing discipline. Contrary to these assumptions, the flows of behavioural influence between ‘upstream’ and ‘downstream’ actors were found to be bidirectional (rather than unidirectional), interactive (rather than independent), and distinctive (rather than non-distinctive). These findings suggest the need for alternative models that can better reflect the complex, multidirectional relationships responsible for the emergence of many social issues.


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Wool is a textile material that is valued for its strength, warmth, water resistance, and texture. But this natural fiber of the protein keratin lacks the stain resistance of synthetic fabrics and is also generally susceptible to harsh processing conditions. In this study, raw and oxidized wool fabrics were treated with nano titanium dioxide (TiO2) powder in an ultrasonic bath. These particles were linked to the wool surface by butane tetra carboxylic acid and also sodium hypophosphite was used as a catalyst. The photo-catalytic activity of TiO2 nanoparticles deposited on the wool fabrics was followed by the degradation of Acid Blue 113 as a stain and also determined by the degradation rate of food stains such as coffee, tea, and fruit juice under the ultraviolet rays. The results showed that increasing the amount of nano TiO2 leads to improved degradation of stains on the treated fabric.