999 resultados para Subresultant PRS
Aproximadamente 20 a 22 % das fraturas em felinos são pélvicas e quase metade destas são em ilío, que muitas vezes estão associadas a outras lesões pélvicas ósseas e a tecidos moles. A indicação cirúrgica para o tratamento destas lesões depende do grau de instabilidade, de perda da continuidade óssea, colapso do canal pélvico, fraturas acetabulares, envolvimento de estruturas do eixo de sustentação de peso do animal, lesão nervosa e dor intratável mesmo com uso de analgésicos. O objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi comparar o uso de quatro métodos diferentes para a osteossíntese de ílio em gatos, sendo estes: as placas laterais, placas dorsais, placas em T e, parafusos, fios de Kirschner, fios de aço e polimetilmetacrilato usados em conjunto, em relação às implicações e complicações do uso de cada uma das técnicas. Foram utilizados artigos científicos retrospectivos e prospectivos publicados nas bases de dados informatizados PUBMED, Scielo, Periódico Capes e Google Schoolar que abordassem diferentes técnicas para a osteossíntese de ílio em gatos e foi realizada a análise e comparação de seus dados. Quatro artigos foram selecionados por serem adequados para abordar o tema indicado, todos redigidos em língua inglesa, porém, um sendo de origem francesa e três de origem britânica, cada artigo relatando um tipo diferente de método utilizado. A discussão e a conclusão se deram com base nestes artigos. Nenhuma das técnicas pode ser considerada perfeitamente adequada para qualquer osteossíntese de ílio. Cada uma das quatro possui prós e contras e tem demonstrado melhor eficácia para um tipo específico de fratura ilíaca em gatos, cabendo ao cirurgião veterinário reconhecer e selecionar a melhor a ser utilizada em cada situação
Profile enhancement most frequently involves mentoplasty. For this purpose, the author performs conchal grafts to the chin. A total of 28 women aged 15 to 76 years (mean age, 38.11 ± 15.11 years) requested mentoplasty by itself or combined with rhinoplasty, rhytidoplasty, or submental lipoplasty. The conchal cartilage was harvested subperichondrally through a posterior 3-cm incision. The specimen measured 3 x 1 cm, which was sufficient to project the chin 2 to 3 mm. For 4 to 5 mm of projection, both cartilages were used. The graft was positioned under the periosteum and held with two 5-0 nylon sutures. In these cases, the conchal cartilage graft was a suitable option for chin augmentations up to 5 mm.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Studies have suggested a relationship between drug abuse and compulsive behaviors. The present experiments investigated the relationship between schedule-induced polydipsia (SIP) and self-administration (SA) of ethanol and sucrose. SIP served as a model of compulsive behavior. and oral self-administration on a progressive-ratio (PR) schedule of reinforcement assessed the reinforcing value of either a 10% ethanol solution or an isocaloric sucrose solution. Rats first were exposed to PR sessions in which break points were the dependent variable and then switched to SIP sessions. with number of licks as the dependent variable. Results showed a positive relationship between PR and SIP for sucrose but not for ethanol: higher and lower PRs for sucrose were associated with higher and lower SIP levels. The order of the sessions then was reversed, such that SIP sessions were run before PR sessions. An opposite relationship was observed in which high and low SIP animals exhibited low and high PR break points, respectively. The relationship between SIP and SA was dependent on the reinforcing value of the substance and on prior SIP exposure. These results may reflect a common dopaminergic substrate and suggest that prior experience in coping with stress may reduce vulnerability to substance abuse behavior. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Background: Patients with severe ptosis caused by poor or absent function of the levator muscle but with good frontalis muscle excursion usually benefit from a frontalis sling procedure. This is currently carried out using organic or inorganic material to connect the upper eyelid to the frontalis muscle. Methods: The aim of this study was to evaluate retrospectively 112 patients who underwent frontalis sling procedures between 1989 and 2011 using a preformed silicone implant suspensor to correct severe ptosis. Results: The results obtained using this technique were good or fair in 95.54 percent of the cases and poor in 4.46 percent of the cases. The authors discuss the results of the study and the cases in which the procedure should be indicated and highlight the advantages of the method. Conclusion: The availability of this low-cost sterile device, together with the fact that it is ready to use, requires less invasive surgery, saves time, and is sufficiently versatile to allow adjustments to be made at any time, makes the silicone eyelid sling an attractive choice for correcting ptosis. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 129: 453e, 2012.)
Objective: To evaluate numerically the facial profile of children with isolated Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) and to compare them with a control group that has no pathologies and exhibits regular and balanced facial growth, with no skeletal alterations. Patients: Eighty-three children aged 5 to 10 years (PRS group, n = 60; control group, n = 23) were selected. Setting: Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of Sao Paulo (HRAC-USP). Children from the control group were taken from the program of Interceptive Orthodontics at HRAC-USP. Design: Angular and ratio analyses of the facial profiles in both groups were realized through digital photographs. The PRS group was subdivided into two groups-complete and incomplete-according to the sagittal extension of the cleft palate, to investigate the possible influence of cleft extension on the face. Results: The facial convexity angle and the facial inferior third angle were considerably higher in the PRS groups than in the control group and were not significantly different between PRS groups. Nasolabial angle did not differ between groups. Conclusion: The facial profile was more convex in individuals with PRS than in those with regular facial growth and with no pathology. The mandible was responsible for the convexity of the profile in PRS because of its lack off anterior projection. An important relationship between the extension of the cleft palate and alterations in facial profile in PRS was not observed.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate results obtained in 48 cases of perineal rectosigmoidectomy in patients with rectal procidentia. METHODS: 48 medical records of patients undergoing PRS were analyzed, retrospectively. RESULTS: Before surgery, 44 patients (77.1%) reported complaints of anal mass and rectal bleeding was reported 13 times (22.8%). The period of hospitalization was 3.91 days (2 to 12 days). Women were the majority (85.4%). The mean age was 73.8 years (49 to 101 years). The average time of surgery was 72 minutes (40 to 90 minutes). Mechanical anastomosis was performed in 72.9% and manual in 27.1%. Among the 12 (25%) patients with fecal incontinence, continence was achieved in 2 cases. Postoperative complications occurred in five cases - 10.5% (two pneumonia and three anastomotic leakages). Recurrence was verified in four patients (8,3%). There were no deaths related to the procedure. CONCLUSION: Perineal rectosigmoidectomy is a good surgical option for rectal procidentia, with low morbidity and mortality, low recurrence rate and short hospitalization length.
A modern management of crop protection should be based on integrated control programmes, including the use of environmentally safe products. Antagonistic/beneficial bacteria and resistance inducers may have a great potential in the prophylaxis of diseases caused by common and quarantine pathogens. This work was carried out to confirm the ability of the known strain IPV-BO G19 (Pseudomonas fluorescens) against fire blight (Erwinia amylovora), as well as to evaluate their efficacy against southern bacterial wilt of tomato (Ralstonia solanacearum) and grapevine crown gall (Agrobacterium vitis). A virulent strain of R. solanacearum race 3 was inhibited by the antagonist on plate. When the pathogen was inoculated 48 h after their application to the root apparatus of tomato plants grown in a climatic chamber, bacterial wilt progression rate was clearly reduced. Moreover the defence response evoked by IPV-BO G19 was studied in tomato plants by monitoring the transcription of genes codifying for three PRs as PR-1a, PR-4, PR-5 and for an intracellular chitinase using multiplex RT-PCR and Real Time RT-PCR. In two field trials during 2005 and 2006, the strain IPV-BO G19 was compared with biofungicides and some abiotic elicitors to protect actively growing shoots of pear scions against fire blight. In both trials, IPV-BO G19 plus Na-alginate gave a high level of protection, three weeks after wound inoculation with E. amylovora. In pear leaf tissues treated with the antagonistic strain IPV-BO G19, catalase, superoxyde dismutase and peroxidise activity was evaluated as markers of induced resistance. The IPV-BO G19 strain was compared with other bioagents and resistance inducers to prevent grapevine crown gall under glasshouse and vineyard conditions.
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., Solanum lycopersicon L.) is one of the most popular vegetable throughout the world, and the importance of its cultivation is threatened by a wide array of pathogens. In the last twenty years this plant has been successfully used as a model plant to investigate the induction of defense pathways after exposure to fungal, bacterial and abiotic molecules, showing triggering of different mechanisms of resistance. Understanding these mechanisms in order to improve crop protection is a main goal for Plant Pathology. The aim of this study was to search for general or race-specific molecules able to determine in Solanum lycopersicon immune responses attributable to the main systems of plant defense: non-host, host-specific and induced resistance. Exopolysaccharides extracted by three fungal species (Aureobasidium pullulans, Cryphonectria parasitica and Epicoccum purpurascens), were able to induce transcription of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins and accumulation of enzymes related to defense in tomato plants cv Money Maker,using the chemical inducer Bion® as a positive control. During the thesis, several Pseudomonas spp. strains were also isolated and tested for their antimicrobial activity and ability to produce antibiotics. Using as a positive control jasmonic acid, one of the selected strain was shown to induce a form of systemic resistance in tomato. Transcription of PRs and reduction of disease severity against the leaf pathogen Pseduomonas syringae pv. tomato was determined in tomato plants cv Money Maker and cv Perfect Peel, ensuring no direct contact between the selected rhizobacteria and the aerial part of the plant. To conclude this work, race-specific resistance of tomato against the leaf mold Cladosporium fulvum is also deepened, describing the project followed at the Phytopathology Laboratory of Wageningen (NL) in 2007, dealing with localization of a specific R-Avr interaction in transfected tomato protoplast cultures through fluorescence microscopy.
Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit stand das große L-Hüllprotein (L) des Hepatitis B - Virus. L bildet eine ungewöhnliche duale Topologie in der ER-Membran aus, welche auch im reifen Viruspartikel erhalten bleibt. In einem partiellen, posttranslationalen Reifungsprozess wird die sogenannte PräS-Region von der zytosolischen Seite der Membran aus in das ER-Lumen transloziert. Aufgrund seiner dualen Topologie und der damit verbundenen Multifunktionalität übernimmt L eine Schlüsselfunktion im viralen Lebenszyklus. Ein Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit lag deshalb darin, neue zelluläre Interaktionspartner des L-Hüllproteins zu identifizieren. Ihre Analyse sollte helfen, das Zusammenspiel des Virus mit der Wirtszelle besser zu verstehen. Hierfür wurde das Split - Ubiquitin Hefe - Zwei - Hybrid System eingesetzt, das die Interaktionsanalyse von Membranproteinen und Membran-assoziierten Proteinen ermöglicht. Zwei der neu identifizierten Interaktionspartner, der v-SNARE Bet1 und Sec24A, die Cargo-bindende Untereinheit des CoPII-vermittelten vesikulären Transports, wurden weitergehend im humanen Zellkultursystem untersucht. Sowohl für Bet1 als auch für Sec24A konnte die Interaktion mit dem L-Hüllprotein bestätigt und der Bindungsbereich eingegrenzt werden. Die Depletion des endogenen Bet1 reduzierte die Freisetzung L-haltiger, nicht aber S-haltiger subviraler Partikel (SVP) deutlich. Im Gegensatz zu Bet1 interagierte Sec24A auch mit dem mittleren M- und kleinen S-Hüllprotein von HBV. Die Inhibition des CoPII-vermittelten vesikulären Transportweges durch kombinierte Depletion der vier Sec24 Isoformen blockierte die Freisetzung sowohl L- als auch S-haltiger SVP. Dies bedeutet, dass die HBV - Hüllproteine das ER CoPII-vermittelt verlassen, wobei sie aktiv Kontakt zur Cargo-bindenden Untereinheit Sec24A aufnehmen. Der effiziente Export der Hüllproteine aus dem ER ist für die Virusmorphogenese und somit für den HBV - Lebenszyklus essentiell. rnEin weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit basierte auf der Interaktion des L-Hüllproteins mit dem ER-luminalen Chaperon BiP. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde überprüft, ob BiP, ähnlich wie das zytosolische Chaperon Hsc70, an der Ausbildung der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins beteiligt ist. Hierfür wurde BiP durch die ektopische Expression seiner Ko-Chaperone BAP und ERdj4 in seiner Substrat-bindenen Kapazität manipuliert. ERdj4, ein Mitglied der Hsp40 - Proteinfamilie, stimuliert die ATPase-Aktivität von BiP, was die Substratbindung stabilisiert. Der Nukleotid - Austauschfaktor BAP hingegen vermittelt die Auflösung des BiP - Substrat - Komplexes. Die Auswirkung der veränderten in vivo-Aktivität von BiP auf die posttranslationale PräS-Translokation wurde mit Proteaseschutz - Versuchen untersucht. Die ektopische Expression des positiven als auch des negativen Regulators von BiP resultierte in einer drastischen Reduktion der posttranslationalen PräS-Translokation. Ein vergleichbarer Effekt wurde nach Manipulation des BiP ATPase - Zyklus durch Depletion der zellulären ATP - Konzentration beobachtet. Dies spricht dafür, dass das ER-luminale Chaperon BiP, zusammen mit Hsc70, eine zentrale Rolle in der Ausbildung der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins spielt. rnZwei weitere Proteine, Sec62 und Sec63, die sich für die posttranslationale Translokation in der Hefe als essentiell erwiesen haben, wurden in die Analyse der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins einbezogen. Interessanterweise konnte eine rein luminale Ausrichtung der PräS-Region nach kombinierter Depletion des endogenen Sec62 und Sec63 beobachtet werden. Dies deutet an, dass sowohl Sec62 als auch Sec63 an der Ausbildung der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins beteiligt sind. In Analogie zur Posttranslokation der Hefe könnte Sec62 als Translokon-assoziierter Rezeptor für Substrate der Posttranslokation, und damit der PräS-Region, dienen. Sec63 könnte mit seiner J-Domäne BiP zum Translokon rekrutieren und daraufhin dessen Substrat-bindende Aktivität stimulieren. BiP würde dann, einer molekularen Ratsche gleich, die PräS-Region durch wiederholtes Binden und Freisetzen aktiv in das ER-Lumen hereinziehen, bis eine stabile duale Topologie des L-Hüllproteins ausgebildet ist. Die Bedeutung von Sec62 und Sec63 für den HBV - Lebenszyklus wird dadurch untermauert, dass sowohl die ektopische Expression als auch die Depletion des endogenen Sec63 die Freisetzung L-haltiger SVP deutlich reduziert. rn
Over the last 60 years, computers and software have favoured incredible advancements in every field. Nowadays, however, these systems are so complicated that it is difficult – if not challenging – to understand whether they meet some requirement or are able to show some desired behaviour or property. This dissertation introduces a Just-In-Time (JIT) a posteriori approach to perform the conformance check to identify any deviation from the desired behaviour as soon as possible, and possibly apply some corrections. The declarative framework that implements our approach – entirely developed on the promising open source forward-chaining Production Rule System (PRS) named Drools – consists of three components: 1. a monitoring module based on a novel, efficient implementation of Event Calculus (EC), 2. a general purpose hybrid reasoning module (the first of its genre) merging temporal, semantic, fuzzy and rule-based reasoning, 3. a logic formalism based on the concept of expectations introducing Event-Condition-Expectation rules (ECE-rules) to assess the global conformance of a system. The framework is also accompanied by an optional module that provides Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming (PILP). By shifting the conformance check from after execution to just in time, this approach combines the advantages of many a posteriori and a priori methods proposed in literature. Quite remarkably, if the corrective actions are explicitly given, the reactive nature of this methodology allows to reconcile any deviations from the desired behaviour as soon as it is detected. In conclusion, the proposed methodology brings some advancements to solve the problem of the conformance checking, helping to fill the gap between humans and the increasingly complex technology.
Cet extrait (le début du projet) peut être essentiellement considéré comme un travail de synthèse, de traduction et d’argumentation concernant un des textes de référence parmi les plus importants au sujet de la littérature picaresque : “La literatura picaresca desde la historia social” écrit par Jose Antonio Maravall. Mon but en développant ce projet était de me focaliser sur les idées principales contenues dans ce volume et en particulier sur la relation existante entre la littérature picaresque et le concept de ville, en termes urbanistiques. Je tiens à souligner le fait que ce travail a été longuement approfondi dans mes nombreuses activités d’étude et de recherche et en me référant, volontairement, au texte lui-même. La raison fondamentale de mon désir de rester près du texte se justifie par le fait que je venais de commence ce qui seraient mes futures activités de recherche de doctorat. J’ai utilisé ces idées à propos de la littérature picaresque, idées qui sont aujourd’hui universellement acceptées, afin de m’orienter moi-même dans ce genre littéraire. Les autres idées que j’ai étudiées et décrites au cours de mes activités de recherche successives sont plus personnelles, car j’avais eu l’occasion de les analyser auparavant. Ce travail n’inclut pas seulement des activités de recherche , mais il s’est agi aussi d’un projet de traduction puisque j’ai dû traduire de l’espagnol(texte original) en italien, pour ensuite concevoir et puis rédiger ma synthèse et mon argumentation en langue française. En conclusion, je peux affirmer que j’ai été capable de construire de solides bases pour élaborer et planifier ma thèse de Doctorat, avec les typiques thèmes de la littérature picaresque, pour exemple la recherche de la nourriture dans la ville.
Questa tesi riassume il lavoro di ricerca da me effettuato per studiare i meccanismi della relazione uomo - pianta su cui si basa l’orticoltura terapeutica, le sue modalità di attuazione e le risposte dei pazienti al lavoro in giardino. La ricerca si è svolta in due diversi giardini terapeutici con pazienti adulti con varie tipologie di disabilità fisica o psichica. Partendo dalla analisi delle basi teoriche su cui si fonda l’ortoterapia, l’obiettivo era di capire come creare le condizioni migliori per ottenere i massimi benefici dall’uso dell’orticoltura e del giardinaggio per il benessere delle persone. Due elementi sono apparsi fondamentali per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi terapeutici: il primo è lo stretto legame esistente tra la forma del giardino e delle piante e la sua funzione terapeutica; il secondo sta nella necessità di creare nel paziente una connessione profonda con il giardino e il lavoro con le piante è risultato essere un fattore determinante per farlo. Utilizzando questionari e osservazioni degli utenti, sono stati raccolti ed elaborati dati relativi al benessere dei pazienti durante e dopo le attività in giardino e si è cercato di trovare un indice, individuato poi nella variazione di percezione del pollice verde, che potesse essere utilizzato per esprimere la soddisfazione del paziente. Infine si è cercato di capire come potesse variare la capacità ristorativa del giardino, in funzione della frequenza di visita e dell’attività che vi si svolgeva, attraverso la somministrazione della versione italiana della scala PRS a chi era impegnato nelle attività di orticoltura e giardinaggio, a chi passeggiava nel parco e a chi invece non lo frequentava regolarmente ma lo conosceva bene: è risultato che le tre modalità di fruizione del giardino davano ai fruitori un potenziale rigenerativo diverso e significativamente più alto per chi metteva le mani nella terra.