964 resultados para Stickstoffmonoxyd (NO), endotheliale NO-Synthase (eNOS), NADPH-Oxidase, oxidativer Stress, Herzkreislauferkrankungen


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Nitric oxide (NO) mediates a variety of physiological functions in the central nervous system and acts as an important developmental regulator. Striatal interneurons expressing neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) have been described to be relatively spared from the progressive cell loss in Huntington's disease (HD). We have recently shown that creatine, which supports the phosphagen energy system, induces the differentiation of GABAergic cells in cultured striatal tissue. Moreover, neurotrophin-4/5 (NT-4/5) has been found to promote the survival and differentiation of cultured striatal neurons. In the present study, we assessed the effects of creatine and NT-4/5 on nNOS-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons of E14 rat ganglionic eminences grown for 1 week in culture. Chronic administration of creatine [5mM], NT-4/5 [10ng/ml], or a combination of both factors significantly increased numbers of nNOS-ir neurons. NT-4/5 exposure also robustly increased levels of nNOS protein. Interestingly, only NT-4/5 and combined treatment significantly increased general viability but no effects were seen for creatine supplementation alone. In addition, NT-4/5 and combined treatment resulted in a significant larger soma size and number of primary neurites of nNOS-ir neurons while creatine administration alone exerted no effects. Double-immunolabeling studies revealed that all nNOS-ir cells co-localized with GABA. In summary, our findings suggest that creatine and NT-4/5 affect differentiation and/or survival of striatal nNOS-ir GABAergic interneurons. These findings provide novel insights into the biology of developing striatal neurons and highlight the potential of both creatine and NT-4/5 as therapeutics for HD.


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Traditional NSAIDs, selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors, and inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) impair the healing of preexisting gastric ulcers. However, the role of COX-1 (with or without impairment of COX-2) and the interaction between COX and NOS isoforms during healing are less clear. Thus we investigated healing and regulation of COX and NOS isoforms during ulcer healing in COX-1 and COX-2 deficiency and inhibition mouse models. In this study, female wild-type COX-1(-/-) and COX-2(-/-) mice with gastric ulcers induced by cryoprobe were treated intragastrically with vehicle, selective COX-1 (SC-560), COX-2 (celecoxib, rofecoxib, and valdedoxib), and unselective COX (piroxicam) inhibitors. Ulcer healing parameters, mRNA expression, and activity of COX and NOS were quantified. Gene disruption or inhibition of COX-1 did not impair ulcer healing. In contrast, COX-2 gene disruption and COX-2 inhibitors moderately impaired wound healing. More severe healing impairment was found in dual (SC-560 + rofecoxib) and unselective (piroxicam) COX inhibition and combined COX impairment (in COX-1(-/-) mice with COX-2 inhibition and COX-2(-/-) mice with COX-1 inhibition). In the ulcerated repair tissue, COX-2 mRNA in COX-1(-/-) mice, COX-1 mRNA in COX-2(-/-) mice, and, remarkably, NOS-2 and NOS-3 mRNA in COX-impaired mice were more upregulated than in wild-type mice. This study demonstrates that COX-2 is a key mediator in gastric wound healing. In contrast, COX-1 has no significant role in healing when COX-2 is unimpaired but becomes important when COX-2 is impaired. As counterregulatory mechanisms, mRNA of COX and NOS isoforms were increased during healing in COX-impaired mice.


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Mitochondrial F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase is a molecular motor that couples the energy generated by oxidative metabolism to the synthesis of ATP. Direct visualization of the rotary action of the bacterial ATP synthase has been well characterized. However, direct observation of rotation of the mitochondrial enzyme has not been reported yet. Here, we describe two methods to reconstitute mitochondrial F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase into lipid bilayers suitable for structure analysis by electron and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Proteoliposomes densely packed with bovine heart mitochondria F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase were obtained upon detergent removal from ternary mixtures (lipid, detergent and protein). Two-dimensional crystals of recombinant hexahistidine-tagged yeast F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase were grown using the supported monolayer technique. Because the hexahistidine-tag is located at the F(1) catalytic subcomplex, ATP synthases were oriented unidirectionally in such two-dimensional crystals, exposing F(1) to the lipid monolayer and the F(o) membrane region to the bulk solution. This configuration opens a new avenue for the determination of the c-ring stoichiometry of unknown hexahistidine-tagged ATP synthases and the organization of the membrane intrinsic subunits within F(o) by electron microscopy and AFM.


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Lactococcus lactis IL1403, a lactic acid bacterium widely used for food fermentation, is often exposed to stress conditions. One such condition is exposure to copper, such as in cheese making in copper vats. Copper is an essential micronutrient in prokaryotes and eukaryotes but can be toxic if in excess. Thus, copper homeostatic mechanisms, consisting chiefly of copper transporters and their regulators, have evolved in all organisms to control cytoplasmic copper levels. Using proteomics to identify novel proteins involved in the response of L. lactis IL1403 to copper, cells were exposed to 200 muM copper sulfate for 45 min, followed by resolution of the cytoplasmic fraction by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. One protein strongly induced by copper was LctO, which was shown to be a NAD-independent lactate oxidase. It catalyzed the conversion of lactate to pyruvate in vivo and in vitro. Copper, cadmium, and silver induced LctO, as shown by real-time quantitative PCR. A copper-regulatory element was identified in the 5' region of the lctO gene and shown to interact with the CopR regulator, encoded by the unlinked copRZA operon. Induction of LctO by copper represents a novel copper stress response, and we suggest that it serves in the scavenging of molecular oxygen.


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BACKGROUND: nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in the regulation of cardiovascular and glucose homeostasis. Mice lacking the gene encoding the neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) are insulin-resistant, but the underlying mechanism is unknown. nNOS is expressed in skeletal muscle tissue where it may regulate glucose uptake. Alternatively, nNOS driven NO synthesis may facilitate skeletal muscle perfusion and substrate delivery. Finally, nNOS dependent NO in the central nervous system may facilitate glucose disposal by decreasing sympathetic nerve activity. METHODS: in nNOS null and control mice, we studied whole body glucose uptake and skeletal muscle blood flow during hyperinsulinaemic clamp studies in vivo and glucose uptake in skeletal muscle preparations in vitro. We also examined the effects of alpha-adrenergic blockade (phentolamine) on glucose uptake during the clamp studies. RESULTS: as expected, the glucose infusion rate during clamping was roughly 15 percent lower in nNOS null than in control mice (89 (17) vs 101 (12) [-22 to -2]). Insulin stimulation of muscle blood flow in vivo, and intrinsic muscle glucose uptake in vitro, were comparable in the two groups. Phentolamine, which had no effect in the wild-type mice, normalised the insulin sensitivity in the mice lacking the nNOS gene. CONCLUSIONS: insulin resistance in nNOS null mice was not related to defective insulin stimulation of skeletal muscle perfusion and substrate delivery or insulin signaling in the skeletal muscle cell, but to a sympathetic alpha-adrenergic mechanism.


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Cytochrome P450 proteins are involved in metabolism of drugs and xenobiotics. In the endoplasmic reticulum a single nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) P450 oxidoreductase (POR) supplies electrons to all microsomal P450s for catalytic activity. POR is a flavoprotein that contains both flavin mononucleotide and flavin adenine dinucleotide as cofactors and uses NADPH as the source of electrons. We have recently reported a number of POR mutations in the patients with disordered steroidogenesis. In the first report we had described missense mutations (A287P, R457H, V492E, C569Y, and V608F) identified in four patients with defects in steroid production. Each POR variant was produced as recombinant N-27 form of the enzyme in bacteria and as full-length form in yeast. Membranes from bacteria or yeast expressing normal or variant POR were purified and their activities were characterized in cytochrome c and CYP17A1 assays. Later we have published a larger study that described a whole range of POR mutations and characterized the mutants/polymorphisms A115V, T142A, M263V, Y459H, A503V, G539R, L565P, R616X, V631I, and F646del from the sequencing of patient DNA. We also studied POR variants Y181D, P228L, R316W, G413S, and G504R that were available in public databases or published literature. Three-dimensional structure of rat POR is known and we have used this structure to deduce the structure-function correlation of POR mutations in human. The missense mutations found in patients with disordered steroidogenesis are generally in the co-factor binding and functionally important domains of POR and the apparent polymorphisms are found in regions with lesser structural importance. A variation in POR can alter the activity of all microsomal P450s, and therefore, can affect the metabolism of drugs and xenobiotics even when the P450s involved are otherwise normal. It is important to study the genetic and biochemical basis of POR variants in human population to gain information about possible differences in P450 mediated reactions among the individuals carrying a variant or polymorphic form of POR that could impact their metabolism.


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Mutations in NADPH P450 oxidoreductase (POR) cause a broad spectrum of human disease with abnormalities in steroidogenesis. We have studied the impact of P450 reductase mutations on the activity of CYP19A1. POR supported CYP19A1 activity with a calculated Km of 126 nm for androstenedione and a Vmax of 1.7 pmol/min. Mutations R457H and V492E located in the FAD domain of POR that disrupt electron transfer caused a complete loss of CYP19A1 activity. The A287P mutation of POR decreased the activities of CYP17A1 by 60-80% but had normal CYP19A1 activity. Molecular modeling and protein docking studies suggested that A287P is involved in the interaction of POR:CYP17A1 but not in the POR:CYP19A1 interaction. Mutations C569Y and V608F in the NADPH binding domain of POR had 49 and 28% of activity of CYP19A1 compared with normal reductase and were more sensitive to the amount of NADPH available for supporting CYP19A1 activity. Substitution of NADH for NADPH had a higher impact on C569Y and V608F mutants of POR. Similar effects were obtained at low/high (5.5/8.5) pH, but using octanol to limit the flux of electrons from POR to CYP19A1 inhibited activity supported by all variants. High molar ratios of KCl also reduced the CYP19A1 supporting activities of C569Y and V608F mutants of POR to a greater extent compared to normal POR and A287P mutant. Because POR supports many P450s involved in steroidogenesis, bone formation, and drug metabolism, variations in the effects of POR mutations on specific enzyme activities may explain the broad clinical spectrum of POR deficiency.


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Homozygous mutations in the Reelin gene result in severe disruption of brain development. The histogenesis of layered regions, like the neocortex, hippocampus and the cerebellum, is most notably affected in mouse reeler mutants and similar traits are also present in mice lacking molecular components of the Reelin signalling pathway. Moreover, there is evidence for an additional role of Reelin in sustaining synaptic plasticity in adult networks. Nitric oxide is an important gaseous messenger that can modulate neuronal plasticity both in developing and mature synaptic networks and has been shown to facilitate synaptic changes in the hippocampus, cerebellum and olfactory bulb. We studied the distribution and content of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the olfactory bulbs of reeler and wildtype mice. Immunocytochemistry reveals that Reelin and neuronal nitric oxide synthase containing interneurons are two distinct, non overlapping cell populations of the olfactory bulb. We show by in situ hybridization that both nitrergic and Reelin expressing cells represent only a subset of olfactory bulb GABAergic neurons. Immunoblots show that neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein content is decreased by two thirds in reeler mice causing a detectable loss of immunolabelled cells throughout the olfactory bulb of this strain. However, neuronal nitric oxide synthase mRNA levels, essayed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, are unaffected in the reeler olfactory bulb. Thus, disruption of the Reelin signalling pathway may modify the turnover of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the olfactory bulb and possibly affects nitric oxide functions in reeler mice.


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An L-amino acid oxidase (LAAO), NA-LAAO, was purified from the venom of Naja atra. Its N-terminal sequence shows great similarity with LAAOs from other snake venoms. NA-LAAO dose-dependently induced aggregation of washed human platelets. However, it had no activity on platelets in platelet-rich plasma. A low concentration of NA-LAAO greatly promoted the effect of hydrogen peroxide, whereas hydrogen peroxide itself had little activation effect on platelets. NA-LAAO induced tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of platelet proteins including Src kinase, spleen tyrosine kinase, and phospholipase Cgamma2. Unlike convulxin, Fc receptor gamma chain and T lymphocyte adapter protein are not phosphorylated in NA-LAAO-activated platelets, suggesting an activation mechanism different from the glycoprotein VI pathway. Catalase inhibited the platelet aggregation and platelet protein phosphorylation induced by NA-LAAO. NA-LAAO bound to fixed platelets as well as to platelet lysates of Western blots. Furthermore, affinity chromatography of platelet proteins on an NA-LAAO-Sepharose 4B column isolated a few platelet membrane proteins, suggesting that binding of NA-LAAO to the platelet membrane might play a role in its action on platelets.


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Listeria monocytogenes (LM) is a Gram-positive facultative intracellular bacterium that causes fatal meningoencephalitis in humans and ruminants. A current paradigm predicts that intracellular bacteria are controlled by nitric oxide (NO) whose synthesis is catalyzed by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). The ability of macrophages (Mphi) to express iNOS shows extreme interspecies variability. Here the expression of iNOS and synthesis of NO was studied in listeric encephalitis of cattle, sheep, and goats. iNOS was expressed by a subset of Mphi in cerebral microabscesses in all three species. The level of iNOS expression and the density of cells per lesion expressing iNOS was highest in cattle, intermediate in sheep, and lowest in goats. The accumulation of nitrotyrosine (NT), an indicator of local NO synthesis, was observed in lesions of cattle but not in those of small ruminants. The density of iNOS-expressing cells in lesions was inversely correlated with the number of bacteria. No species differences were observed in regard to reactive oxygen intermediate (ROI) production by stimulated granulocytes, using the flow cytometric dihydrorhodamine-123 (DHR) method indicating ROI generation. Thus, the marked species differences in iNOS expression, NT accumulation, and LM content in lesions of ruminants with listeric encephalitis are explained by different amounts of ROI produced. It suggests that variations in the ability of Mphi to synthesize NO are of pathophysiological significance in listeriosis.


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Nitric oxide mediates a wide array of cellular functions in many tissues. It is generated by three known isoforms of nitric oxide synthases (NOS). Recently, the endothelial isoform, NOSIII, was shown to be abundantly expressed in the rat thyroid gland and its expression increased in goitrous glands. In this study, we analyzed whether NOSIII is expressed in human thyroid tissue and whether levels of expression vary in different states of thyroid gland function. Semiquantitative RT-PCR was used to assess variations in NOSIII gene expression in seven patients with Graves' disease, one with a TSH-receptor germline mutation and six hypothyroid patients (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). Protein expression and subcellular localization were determined by immunohistochemistry (two normal thyroids, five multinodular goiters, ten hyperthyroid patients and two hypothyroid patients). NOSIII mRNA was detected in all samples: the levels were significantly higher in tissues from hyperthyroid patients compared with euthyroid and hypothyroid patients. NOSIII immunoreactivity was detected in vascular endothelial cells, but was also found in thyroid follicular cells. In patients with Graves' disease, the immunostaining was diffusely enhanced in all follicular cells. A more intense signal was observed in toxic adenomas and in samples obtained from a patient with severe hyperthyroidism due to an activating mutation in the TSH receptor. In multinodular goiters, large follicles displayed a weak signal whereas small proliferative follicles showed intense immunoreactivity near the apical plasma membrane. In hypothyroid patients, NOSIII immunoreactivity was barely detectable. In summary, NOSIII is expressed both in endothelial cells and thyroid follicular cells. The endothelial localization of NOSIII is consistent with a role for nitric oxide in the vascular control of the thyroid. NOSIII expression in thyroid follicular cells and the variations in its immunoreactivity suggest a possible role for nitric oxide in thyrocyte function and/or growth.


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Aminolevulinic acid synthase 1 (ALAS1) is the rate-limiting enzyme of heme synthesis in the liver and is highly regulated to adapt to the metabolic demand of the hepatocyte. In the present study, we describe human hepatic ALAS1 as a new direct target of the bile acid-activated nuclear receptor farnesoid X receptor (FXR). Experiments in primary human hepatocytes and in human liver slices showed that ALAS1 messenger RNA (mRNA) and activity is increased upon exposure to chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA), the most potent natural FXR ligand, or the synthetic FXR-specific agonist GW4064. Moreover, overexpression of a constitutively active form of FXR further increased ALAS1 mRNA expression. In agreement with these observations, an FXR response element was identified in the 5' flanking region of human ALAS1 and characterized in reporter gene assays. A highly conserved FXR binding site (IR1) within a 175-bp fragment at -13 kilobases upstream of the transcriptional start site was able to trigger an FXR-specific increase in luciferase activity upon CDCA treatment. Site-directed mutagenesis of IR1 abolished this effect. Binding of FXR/retinoid acid X receptor heterodimers was demonstrated by mobility gel shift experiments. Conclusion: These data strongly support a role of bile acid-activated FXR in the regulation of human ALAS1 and, consequently, hepatic porphyrin and heme synthesis. These data also suggest that elevated endogenous bile acids may precipitate neuropsychiatric attacks in patients with acute hepatic porphyrias.


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Cupiennin 1a (GFGALFKFLAKKVAKTVAKQAAKQGAKYVVNKQME-NH2) is a potent venom component of the spider Cupiennius salei. Cupiennin 1a shows multifaceted activity. In addition to known antimicrobial and cytolytic properties, cupiennin 1a inhibits the formation of nitric oxide by neuronal nitric oxide synthase at an IC50 concentration of 1.3 +/- 0.3 microM. This is the first report of neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibition by a component of a spider venom. The mechanism by which cupiennin 1a inhibits neuronal nitric oxide synthase involves complexation with the regulatory protein calcium calmodulin. This is demonstrated by chemical shift changes that occur in the heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectrum of 15N-labelled calcium calmodulin upon addition of cupiennin 1a. The NMR data indicate strong binding within a complex of 1 : 1 stoichiometry.


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Alterations in nitric oxide synthase (NOS) are implicated in ischemia and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Changes in the 3 NOS isoforms in human skeletal muscle subjected to acute ischemia and reperfusion were studied. Muscle biopsies were taken from patients undergoing total knee replacement. Distribution of the specific NOS isoforms within muscle sections was studied using immunohistochemistry. NOS mRNA levels were measured using real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and protein levels studied using Western blotting. NOS activity was also assessed using the citrulline assay. All 3 NOS isoforms were found in muscle sections associated with muscle fibers and microvessels. In muscle subjected to acute ischemia and reperfusion, NOS I/neuronal NOS mRNA and protein were elevated during reperfusion. NOS III/endothelial NOS was also upregulated at the protein level during reperfusion. No changes in NOS II/inducible NOS expression or NOS activity occurred. In conclusion, alterations in NOS I and III (neuronal NOS and endothelial NOS) at different levels occurred after acute ischemia and reperfusion in human skeletal muscle; however, this did not result in increased NOS activity. In the development of therapeutic agents based on manipulation of the NO pathway, targeting the appropriate NOS isoenzymes may be important.


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BACKGROUND: Dysfunction of the nitric oxide pathway is implicated in peripheral arterial disease. Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms and NOS activity were studied in muscle from patients with critical leg ischaemia (CLI). Alterations in NOS during revascularization surgery were also assessed. METHODS: Muscle biopsies were taken from patients with CLI undergoing amputation and also from patients undergoing femorodistal bypass at the start of surgery, after arterial clamping and following reperfusion. The presence of NOS within muscle sections was confirmed using reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase histochemistry. NOS isoform distribution was studied by immunohistochemistry. NOS mRNA and protein levels were measured using real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and western blotting. NOS activity was assessed with the citrulline assay. RESULTS: All three NOS isoforms were found in muscle, associated with muscle fibres and microvessels. NOS I and III protein expression was increased in CLI (P = 0.041). During revascularization, further ischaemia and reperfusion led to a rise in NOS III protein levels (P = 0.008). NOS activity was unchanged. CONCLUSION: Alterations in NOS I and III occurred in muscle from patients with CLI and further changes occurred during bypass surgery.