959 resultados para Stable And Unstable Manifolds


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Reduced susceptibility or resistance to vancomycin has been reported among clinical isolates of staphylococci in previous studies. In the present study we report on the isolation of four vancomycin-resistant staphylococcal strains from healthy carriers inside and outside the hospital environment. These carriers did not receive treatment with any antibiotic. All coagulase-negative staphylococcal strains showed variable levels of resistance to several antimicrobial agents, including oxacillin, and unstable resistance to vancomycin, with decreased vancomycin MICs (<4 mg/liter) after 10 days of passage in a nonselective medium. However, exposure of these revertants to vancomycin selected staphylococcal strains resistant to vancomycin at very high frequencies (10(-2) and 10(-3)). The vancomycin resistance in these staphylococcal strains was not mediated by the van gene. The cell wall of the staphylococcal strains studied became thickest after culture in medium containing vancomycin, and the differences in cell wall thickness were statistically significant (P < 0.001). Thus, the thickening of the cell wall in these staphylococcal strains may be an important contributor to vancomycin resistance.


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A fast flotation assay was used to select new floating yeast strains. The flotation ability did not seem to be directly correlated to total extracellular protein concentration of the culture. However, the hydrophobicity of the cell was definitely correlated to the flotation capacity. The Saccharomyces strains (FLT strains) were highly hydrophobic and showed an excellent flotation performance in batch cultures without additives (flotation agents) and with no need for a special flotation chamber or flotation column. A stable and well-organized structure was evident in the dried foam as shown by scanning electron microscopy which revealed its unique structure showing mummified cells (dehydrated) attached to each other. The attachment among the cells and the high protein concentration of the foams indicated that proteins might be involved in the foam formation. The floating strains (strains FLT) which were not flocculent and showed no tendency to aggregate, were capable of growing and producing ethanol in a synthetic medium containing high glucose concentration as a carbon source. The phenomenon responsible for flotation seems to be quite different from the flocculation phenomenon. (C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The plating efficiency of standard mycological media such as brain heart infusion (BHI) agar is poor for Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. We prepared a water-extract of yeast phase cells of P. brasiliensis and examined it for growth-enhancing activity for the fungus. The water-extract, when added to BHI agar to a concentration of 5%, improved the plating efficiency of the medium for the fungus to some extent, but the degree of improvement was considerably varied among P. brasiliensis isolates. By contrast, when the water-extract was added in combination with horse serum (4%), the plating efficiency was highly improved (to 94-99%) for all the P. brasiliensis isolates employed. The growth-enhancing factor(s) in the water-extract was heat-stable and heating at 120-degrees-C for 15 min had little, if any, effect on growth-enhancing activity.


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This study investigated the structure and properties of a tropical stream food web in a small spatial scale, characterizing its planktonic, epiphytic and benthic compartments. The study was carried out in the Potreirinho Creek, a second-order stream located in the south-east of Brazil. Some attributes of the three subwebs and of the conglomerate food web, composed by the trophic links of the three compartments plus the fish species, were determined. Among compartments, the food webs showed considerable variation in structure. The epiphytic food web was consistently more complex than the planktonic and benthic webs. The values of number of species, number of links and maximum food chain length were significantly higher in the epiphytic compartment than in the other two. Otherwise, the connectance was significantly lower in epiphyton. The significant differences of most food web parameters were determined by the increase in the number of trophic species, represented mainly by basal and intermediate species. High species richness, detritus-based system and high degree of omnivory characterized the stream food web studied. The aquatic macrophytes probably provide a substratum more stable and structurally complex than the sediment. We suggest that the greater species richness and trophic complexity in the epiphytic subweb might be due to the higher degree of habitat complexity supported by macrophyte substrate. Despite differences observed in the structure of the three subwebs, they are highly connected by trophic interactions, mainly by fishes. The high degree of fish omnivory associated with their movements at different spatial scales suggests that these animals have a significant role in the food web dynamic of Potreirinho Creek. This interface between macrophytes and the interconnections resultant from fish foraging, diluted the compartmentalization of the Potreirinho food web.


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We report a case of a female patient who underwent corrective aortic coarctation surgery that progressed to chylothorax on the fifth postoperative day. Because the patient was clinically stable and had a functioning digestive tract, the nutritional team decided to treat her by oral nutritional support with a low-lipid diet, rich in medium-chain triacylglycerols. After 20 d, the patient returned to her habitual home diet and did not develop pleural spilling, showing full healing of the thoracic duct. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aim: To evaluate the healing at implants with a moderately rough surface placed and stabilized in recipient sites of dimensions deeper and larger than that of the implants to avoid any contact between parent bone and the implant.Material & methods: In six Labrador dogs, premolars and first molars were extracted bilaterally in the mandible. After 3 months of healing, mucoperiosteal full-thickness flaps were elevated and the premolar area of the alveolar bony crest was selected. Three recipient sites were prepared to place three implants. One implant was used as control. The other two were placed in recipient sites which left a circumferentially and periapical prepared defect of 0.7 mm (small) and 1.2 mm (large), respectively. All implants were stabilized with passive fixation plates to maintain the implants stable and without any contact with the implant bed. After 3 months of submerged healing, the animals were sacrificed. Ground sections were prepared and analyzed histomorphometrically.Results: The BIC% was 5.3% and 0.3% for implants placed in small and large defect sites, respectively, whereas it was 46.1% for control implants. The differences were statistically significant. The width of the residual defects was 0.4 and 0.5 mm at the small and large defects, respectively. An approximately 0.09 mm layer of dense connective tissue (DCT) rich in fibers and fibroblast-like cells was observed adherent to the implant surfaces. The percentage of implant surface covered by DCT was 92.8% and 95.6% at the small and large defects, respectively.Conclusion: Osseointegration was observed at the test sites, and the dimensions of the defects influenced the outcomes. However, the degree of osseointegration at both small and large defects was very low compared with the control sites.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pentacarbonyliron was oxidized with H2O2, in organic solvents, to give colloidal sols. The aqueous-ethanolic sol is highly stable and undergoes thermally-reversible coagulation. Its solid phase was found to be a non-crystalline Fe (III) hydroxoacetate which is transformed to α-Fe2O3 when heated to 300°C. Iron-bound acetate groups are assumed to have a major role in the sol stability, by preserving the amorphous solid phase. Dry hydroxoacetate particles were heated under vacuum; scanning electron microscopy revealed that these particles coalesce and grow, as in a sintering process but at low temperatures (100-250°). © 1987.


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The oxidative dissolution of research-grade chalcopyrite was characterized in respirometric and growth experiments with Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. In respirometric experiments with chalcopyrite, the pH of mineral salts medium increased to values that inhibited the oxygen uptake activity of T. ferrooxidans. In glycine-H 2SO 4 buffered medium the pH remained stable and oxygen uptake was not inhibited. In cultures growing with chalcopyrite as the sole source of energy, pH changes were only minor during the incubation. The redox potential values increased to about 600 mV during the bacterial oxidation of chalcopyrite in the presence and absence of additional Fe 2+, while they remained at about 350 mV in abiotic control flasks. Iron in chalcopyrite was solubilized and oxidized to Fe 3+ by T. ferrooxidans. In the abiotic controls, by comparison, less iron was solubilized and it remained as Fe 2+. Jarosite was a major solid- phase product in T. ferrooxidans cultures. The solub'flization of copper from chalcopyrite in inoculated flasks was enhanced in the presence of additional Fe 2+.Accumulation of S 0, reflecting partial oxidation of the S-entity of chalcopyrite, was apparent from the x-ray diffraction analysis of solid residues from the inoculated flasks as well the abiotic controls. © 1997 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Throughout this article, it is assumed that the no-central chi-square chart with two stage samplings (TSS Chisquare chart) is employed to monitor a process where the observations from the quality characteristic of interest X are independent and identically normally distributed with mean μ and variance σ2. The process is considered to start with the mean and the variance on target (μ = μ0; σ2 = σ0 2), but at some random time in the future an assignable cause shifts the mean from μ0 to μ1 = μ0 ± δσ0, δ >0 and/or increases the variance from σ0 2 to σ1 2 = γ2σ0 2, γ > 1. Before the assignable cause occurrence, the process is considered to be in a state of statistical control (defined by the in-control state). Similar to the Shewhart charts, samples of size n 0+ 1 are taken from the process at regular time intervals. The samplings are performed in two stages. At the first stage, the first item of the i-th sample is inspected. If its X value, say Xil, is close to the target value (|Xil-μ0|< w0σ 0, w0>0), then the sampling is interrupted. Otherwise, at the second stage, the remaining n0 items are inspected and the following statistic is computed. Wt = Σj=2n 0+1(Xij - μ0 + ξiσ 0)2 i = 1,2 Let d be a positive constant then ξ, =d if Xil > 0 ; otherwise ξi =-d. A signal is given at sample i if |Xil-μ0| > w0σ 0 and W1 > knia:tl, where kChi is the factor used in determining the upper control limit for the non-central chi-square chart. If devices such as go and no-go gauges can be considered, then measurements are not required except when the sampling goes to the second stage. Let P be the probability of deciding that the process is in control and P 1, i=1,2, be the probability of deciding that the process is in control at stage / of the sampling procedure. Thus P = P1 + P 2 - P1P2, P1 = Pr[μ0 - w0σ0 ≤ X ≤ μ0+ w 0σ0] P2=Pr[W ≤ kChi σ0 2], (3) During the in-control period, W / σ0 2 is distributed as a non-central chi-square distribution with n0 degrees of freedom and a non-centrality parameter λ0 = n0d2, i.e. W / σ0 2 - xn0 22 (λ0) During the out-of-control period, W / σ1 2 is distributed as a non-central chi-square distribution with n0 degrees of freedom and a non-centrality parameter λ1 = n0(δ + ξ)2 / γ2 The effectiveness of a control chart in detecting a process change can be measured by the average run length (ARL), which is the speed with which a control chart detects process shifts. The ARL for the proposed chart is easily determined because in this case, the number of samples before a signal is a geometrically distributed random variable with parameter 1-P, that is, ARL = I /(1-P). It is shown that the performance of the proposed chart is better than the joint X̄ and R charts, Furthermore, if the TSS Chi-square chart is used for monitoring diameters, volumes, weights, etc., then appropriate devices, such as go-no-go gauges can be used to decide if the sampling should go to the second stage or not. When the process is stable, and the joint X̄ and R charts are in use, the monitoring becomes monotonous because rarely an X̄ or R value fall outside the control limits. The natural consequence is the user to pay less and less attention to the steps required to obtain the X̄ and R value. In some cases, this lack of attention can result in serious mistakes. The TSS Chi-square chart has the advantage that most of the samplings are interrupted, consequently, most of the time the user will be working with attributes. Our experience shows that the inspection of one item by attribute is much less monotonous than measuring four or five items at each sampling.


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Objective. To evaluate the influence of previous adaptation to different computational environments in visuo-spacial tasks performance of healthy individuals. Method. Healthy volunteers (n = 30), 15 male, mean age 25.3 ± 3.3 years, were divided in three groups: the first group, considered control, was not adapted to the proposed environments; the second group was adapted to a closed environment (stable and expected), and the third group was adapted to an open environment A (unexpected). The proposed task was to go through two open environments B and C (maze). The dependent variables Time and Error were considered for the analysis. Results. It was observed that during the adaptation phase, in the Time variable, the groups presented a progressive improvement in the performance to each task (p = 0.0036). The group adapted in the A open environment, showed a tendency to be faster in the execution of B and C open environments tasks, than the group adapted in the closed environment (p = 0.068). Conclusion. The study suggests that subjects adapted to visuo-spacial tasks execution involving unknown and no guided situations, present a tendency to a better time performance in these tasks when compared to subjects adapted in fixed and guided situations.


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This paper presents a new methodology for the operation and control of a single-phase current-source (CS) Boost Inverter, considering that the conventional current-source inverter (CSI) has a right-half-plane (RHP) zero in its control-to-output transfer function, and this RHP zero causes the known non-minimum-phase effects. In this context, a special design with low boost inductance and a multi-loop control is developed in order to assure stable and very fast dynamics. Furthermore, the Inverter presents output voltage with very low total harmonic distortion (THD), reduced components and high power density. Therefore, this paper presents the inverter operation, the proposed control technique, and main simulation and experimental results in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal. © 2010 IEEE.


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Microemulsions (ME) are thermodynamically stable and isotropic systems of two immiscible liquids (oil/water), stabilized by an interfacial film of surfactants, discovered by Hoar and Schulman in 1943. The study of ME formation is based on three areas of theory: (1) solubilization, (2) interfacial tension and (3) thermodynamics. ME structures are influenced by the physicochemical properties and proportions of their ingredients. The goal of this review is to assess the state of the art of microemulsified systems, from a theoretical viewpoint. Also, recent progress on their clinical application and use as carriers for insoluble compounds is discussed.


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Background: Previous studies have pointed out that the mere elevation of the maxillary sinus membrane promotes bone formation without the use of augmentation materials. Purpose: This experimental study aimed at evaluating if the two-stage procedure for sinus floor augmentation could benefit from the use of a space-making device in order to increase the bone volume to enable later implant installation with good primary stability. Materials and Methods: Six male tufted capuchin primates (Cebus apella) were subjected to extraction of the three premolars and the first molar on both sides of the maxilla to create an edentulous area. The sinuses were opened using the lateral bone-wall window technique, and the membrane was elevated. One resorbable space-making device was inserted in each maxillary sinus, and the bone window was returned in place. The animals were euthanatized after 6 months, and biopsy blocks containing the whole maxillary sinus and surrounding soft tissues were prepared for ground sections. Results: The histological examination of the specimens showed bone formation in contact with both the schneiderian membrane and the device in most cases even when the device was displaced. The process of bone formation indicates that this technique is potentially useful for two-stage sinus floor augmentation. The lack of stabilization of the device within the sinus demands further improvement of space-makers for predictable bone augmentation. Conclusions: It is concluded that (1) the device used in this study did not trigger any important inflammatory reaction; (2) when the sinus membrane was elevated, bone formation was a constant finding; and (3) an ideal space-making device should be stable and elevate the membrane to ensure a maintained connection between the membrane and the secluded space. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.