984 resultados para Software modeling
O presente trabalho demonstra a utilização da linguagem UML na modelação (também se aplica à projecção e desenvolvimento) de sistemas. Incorpora um estudo de caso que consiste na modelação (também, propostas de implementação, sobretudo ao nível do modelo de dados) de um subsistema que faz parte do Sistema de Gestão Académico (SIAC) na Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde (Unipiaget).O trabalho surge após a percepção das dificuldades em que os alunos e não só, se enfrentam para terem acessos aos dados académicos, principalmente nos períodos em que estes se encontram de férias, daí a necessidade de implementação da Universidade Digital. Assim, aproveitando as boas práticas do desenvolvimento de sistemas, iniciou-se o processo da subdivisão do problema maior (Universidade Digital) em subproblemas (vários subsistemas), cujo projecto se concentra na análise e modelação do subsistema de secretaria digital. A metodologia adoptada foi a do diálogo directo programado e não programado, aplicação de questionários e entrevistas, assim como a da proposta de melhorias.Sendo assim, o trabalho iniciou-se com o levantamento de requisitos e avaliado face ao comportamento de subsistema no seu modo presencial (estado actual). E, por fim foram efectuadas propostas de melhorias, as quais permitirão alcançar a satisfação dos potênciais actores (utilizador do sistema).
Carbon and oxygen isotope studies of the host and gangue carbonates of Mississippi Valley-type zinc-lead deposits in the San Vicente District hosted in the Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic dolostones of the Pucara basin (central Peru) were used to constrain models of the ore formation. A mixing model between an incoming hot saline slightly acidic radiogenic (Pb, Sr) fluid and the native formation water explains the overall isotopic variation (delta(13)C = - 11.5 to + 2.5 parts per thousand relative to PDB and delta(18)O = + 18.0 to + 24.3 parts per thousand relative to SMOW) of the carbonate generations. The dolomites formed during the main ore stage show a narrower range (delta(13)C = - 0.1 to + 1.7 parts per thousand and delta(18)O = + 18.7 to + 23.4 parts per thousand) which is explained by exchange between the mineralizing fluids and the host carbonates combined with changes in temperature and pressure. This model of fluid-rock interaction explains the pervasive alteration of the host dolomite I and precipitation of sphalerite I. The open-space filling hydrothermal white sparry dolomite and the coexisting sphalerite II formed by prolonged fluid-host dolomite interaction and limited CO2 degassing. Late void-filling dolomite III (or calcite) and the associated sphalerite III formed as the consequence of CO2 degassing and concomitant pH increase of a slightly acidic ore fluid. Widespread brecciation is associated to CO2 outgassing. Consequently, pressure variability plays a major role in the ore precipitation during the late hydrothermal events in San Vicente. The presence of native sulfur associated with extremely carbon-light calcites replacing evaporitic sulfates (e.g., delta(13)C = - 11.5 parts per thousand), altered native organic matter and heavier hydrothermal bitumen (from - 27.0 to - 23.0 parts per thousand delta(13)C) points to thermochemical reduction of sulfate and/or thiosulfate. The delta(13)C- and delta(18)O-values of the altered host dolostone and hydrothermal carbonates, and the carbon isotope composition of the associated organic matter show a strong regional homogeneity. These results coupled with the strong mineralogical and petrographic similarities of the different MVT occurrences perhaps reflects the fact that the mineralizing processes were similar in the whole San Vicente belt, suggesting the existence of a common regional mineralizing hydrothermal system with interconnected plumbing.
Con este TFM se muestra un laboratorio virtual de química a través de diversos experimentos para la preparación de disoluciones en función de sus expresiones de concentración.
Identification of optimal structural connectivity using functional connectivity and neural modeling.
The complex network dynamics that arise from the interaction of the brain's structural and functional architectures give rise to mental function. Theoretical models demonstrate that the structure-function relation is maximal when the global network dynamics operate at a critical point of state transition. In the present work, we used a dynamic mean-field neural model to fit empirical structural connectivity (SC) and functional connectivity (FC) data acquired in humans and macaques and developed a new iterative-fitting algorithm to optimize the SC matrix based on the FC matrix. A dramatic improvement of the fitting of the matrices was obtained with the addition of a small number of anatomical links, particularly cross-hemispheric connections, and reweighting of existing connections. We suggest that the notion of a critical working point, where the structure-function interplay is maximal, may provide a new way to link behavior and cognition, and a new perspective to understand recovery of function in clinical conditions.
A remarkable feature of the carcinogenicity of inorganic arsenic is that while human exposures to high concentrations of inorganic arsenic in drinking water are associated with increases in skin, lung, and bladder cancer, inorganic arsenic has not typically caused tumors in standard laboratory animal test protocols. Inorganic arsenic administered for periods of up to 2 yr to various strains of laboratory mice, including the Swiss CD-1, Swiss CR:NIH(S), C57Bl/6p53(+/-), and C57Bl/6p53(+/+), has not resulted in significant increases in tumor incidence. However, Ng et al. (1999) have reported a 40% tumor incidence in C57Bl/6J mice exposed to arsenic in their drinking water throughout their lifetime, with no tumors reported in controls. In order to investigate the potential role of tissue dosimetry in differential susceptibility to arsenic carcinogenicity, a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for inorganic arsenic in the rat, hamster, monkey, and human (Mann et al., 1996a, 1996b) was extended to describe the kinetics in the mouse. The PBPK model was parameterized in the mouse using published data from acute exposures of B6C3F1 mice to arsenate, arsenite, monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) and validated using data from acute exposures of C57Black mice. Predictions of the acute model were then compared with data from chronic exposures. There was no evidence of changes in the apparent volume of distribution or in the tissue-plasma concentration ratios between acute and chronic exposure that might support the possibility of inducible arsenite efflux. The PBPK model was also used to project tissue dosimetry in the C57Bl/6J study, in comparison with tissue levels in studies having shorter duration but higher arsenic treatment concentrations. The model evaluation indicates that pharmacokinetic factors do not provide an explanation for the difference in outcomes across the various mouse bioassays. Other possible explanations may relate to strain-specific differences, or to the different durations of dosing in each of the mouse studies, given the evidence that inorganic arsenic is likely to be active in the later stages of the carcinogenic process. [Authors]
El presente manual de uso del software de visualización de datos “Ocean Data View” (ODV) describe la exploración, análisis y visualización de datos oceanográficos según el formato de la colección mundial de base de datos del océano “World Ocean Database” (WOD). El manual comprende 6 ejercicios prácticos donde se describe paso a paso la creación de las metavariables, la importación de los datos y su visualización mediante mapas de latitud, longitud y gráficos de dispersión, secciones verticales y series de tiempo. Se sugiere el uso extensivo del ODV para la visualización de datos oceanográficos por el personal científico del IMARPE.
Aquest projecte intenta donar una alternativa al software privatiu, fent servir el software lliure, i per aconseguir aquest objectiu es crea una distribució GNU/Linux adaptada a les necessitats del institut IES Sabadell. També es realitza un petit estudi dels dos tipus de software, lliure i privatiu, en que es mostrà la historia, tipus de llicències, models de negoci i les avantatges que tenen.
Lesions of anatomical brain networks result in functional disturbances of brain systems and behavior which depend sensitively, often unpredictably, on the lesion site. The availability of whole-brain maps of structural connections within the human cerebrum and our increased understanding of the physiology and large-scale dynamics of cortical networks allow us to investigate the functional consequences of focal brain lesions in a computational model. We simulate the dynamic effects of lesions placed in different regions of the cerebral cortex by recording changes in the pattern of endogenous ("resting-state") neural activity. We find that lesions produce specific patterns of altered functional connectivity among distant regions of cortex, often affecting both cortical hemispheres. The magnitude of these dynamic effects depends on the lesion location and is partly predicted by structural network properties of the lesion site. In the model, lesions along the cortical midline and in the vicinity of the temporo-parietal junction result in large and widely distributed changes in functional connectivity, while lesions of primary sensory or motor regions remain more localized. The model suggests that dynamic lesion effects can be predicted on the basis of specific network measures of structural brain networks and that these effects may be related to known behavioral and cognitive consequences of brain lesions.
Although all brain cells bear in principle a comparable potential in terms of energetics, in reality they exhibit different metabolic profiles. The specific biochemical characteristics explaining such disparities and their relative importance are largely unknown. Using a modeling approach, we show that modifying the kinetic parameters of pyruvate dehydrogenase and mitochondrial NADH shuttling within a realistic interval can yield a striking switch in lactate flux direction. In this context, cells having essentially an oxidative profile exhibit pronounced extracellular lactate uptake and consumption. However, they can be turned into cells with prominent aerobic glycolysis by selectively reducing the aforementioned parameters. In the case of primarily oxidative cells, we also examined the role of glycolysis and lactate transport in providing pyruvate to mitochondria in order to sustain oxidative phosphorylation. The results show that changes in lactate transport capacity and extracellular lactate concentration within the range described experimentally can sustain enhanced oxidative metabolism upon activation. Such a demonstration provides key elements to understand why certain brain cell types constitutively adopt a particular metabolic profile and how specific features can be altered under different physiological and pathological conditions in order to face evolving energy demands.
PURPOSE: Few studies compare the variabilities that characterize environmental (EM) and biological monitoring (BM) data. Indeed, comparing their respective variabilities can help to identify the best strategy for evaluating occupational exposure. The objective of this study is to quantify the biological variability associated with 18 bio-indicators currently used in work environments. METHOD: Intra-individual (BV(intra)), inter-individual (BV(inter)), and total biological variability (BV(total)) were quantified using validated physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) models coupled with Monte Carlo simulations. Two environmental exposure profiles with different levels of variability were considered (GSD of 1.5 and 2.0). RESULTS: PBTK models coupled with Monte Carlo simulations were successfully used to predict the biological variability of biological exposure indicators. The predicted values follow a lognormal distribution, characterized by GSD ranging from 1.1 to 2.3. Our results show that there is a link between biological variability and the half-life of bio-indicators, since BV(intra) and BV(total) both decrease as the biological indicator half-lives increase. BV(intra) is always lower than the variability in the air concentrations. On an individual basis, this means that the variability associated with the measurement of biological indicators is always lower than the variability characterizing airborne levels of contaminants. For a group of workers, BM is less variable than EM for bio-indicators with half-lives longer than 10-15 h. CONCLUSION: The variability data obtained in the present study can be useful in the development of BM strategies for exposure assessment and can be used to calculate the number of samples required for guiding industrial hygienists or medical doctors in decision-making.
El software lliure està tenint últimament un pes cada cop més important en les empreses, però encara és el gran desconegut per a molta gent. Des de la seva creació als anys 80 fins ara, hi ha hagut un creixement exponencial de software lliure de gran qualitat, oferint eines per a tot tipus de necessitats, eines ofimàtiques, gestors de correu, sistemes de fitxer, sistemes operatius…. Tot aquest moviment no ha passat desapercebut per a molts usuaris i empreses, que s’han aprofitat d’ell per cobrir les seves necessitats. Pel que fa a les empreses, cada cop n’hi ha més que en petita o gran mesura, utilitzen el software lliure, ja sigui per el seu menor cost d’adquisició, o bé per la seva gran fiabilitat o per que és fàcilment adaptable o per no establir cap lligam tecnològic, en definitiva per tenir més llibertat. En el moment de la creació d’una nova empresa, on es parteix de zero en tota la tecnologia informàtica, és el moment menys costòs d’implementar l’arquitectura informàtica amb software lliure, és quan l’impacte que té sobre l’empresa, usuaris i clients és menor. En les empreses que ja tenen un sistema informàtic, caldrà establir un pla de migració, ja sigui total o parcial. La finalitat d’aquest projecte no és la de dir quin software és millor que l’altre o de dir quin s’ha d’instal•lar, sinó el de donar a conèixer el món del software lliure, mostrar part d’aquest software, fer alguna comparativa de software lliure amb software propietari, donant idees i un conjunt de solucions per a empreses, per què una empresa pugui agafar idees d’implementació d’algunes de les solucions informàtiques exposades o seguir algun dels consells proposats. Actualment ja hi ha moltes empreses que utilitzen software lliure. Algunes només n’utilitzen una petita part en les seves instal•lacions, ja que el fet de que una empresa funcioni al 100% amb software lliure, tot i que n’hi comença ha haver, de moment ho considero una mica arriscat, però que en poc temps, aquest fet serà cada cop més habitual.
El departament d’electrònica i telecomunicacions de la Universitat de Vic ha dissenyat un conjunt de plaques entrenadores amb finalitat educativa. Perquè els alumnes puguin utilitzar aquestes plaques com a eina d’estudi, és necessari disposar d’un sistema de gravació econòmic i còmode. La major part dels programadors, en aquest cas, no compleixen amb aquests requeriments. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és dissenyar un sistema de programació que utilitzi la comunicació sèrie i que no requereixi d'un hardware ni software específics. D’aquesta manera, obtenim una placa autònoma i un programador gratuït, de muntatge ràpid i simple d’utilitzar. El sistema de gravació dissenyat s’ha dividit en tres blocs. Per una banda, un programa que anomenem “programador” encarregat de transferir codi de programa des de l’ordinador al microcontrolador de la placa entrenadora. Per altra banda, un programa anomenat “bootloader”, situat al microcontrolador, permet rebre aquest codi de programa i emmagatzemar-lo a les direccions de memòria de programa corresponents. Com a tercer bloc, s’implementa un protocol de comunicació i un sistema de control d’errors per tal d’assegurar una correcta comunicació entre el “programador” i el “bootloader”. Els objectius d’aquest projecte s’han complert i per les proves realitzades, el sistema de programació ha funcionat correctament.