995 resultados para Sociedade de Concertos da Madeira


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The steady increase in the price of oil and its derivatives, carbon credits, the concern with the environment combined with the precipitation of rain water and lack of water resources that Brazil has suffered in 2014 caused a migration of participation sources of energy in the Brazilian energy matrix. The hydropower sector suffered big drop at 2013 and is suffering so far, contributing thus to the generation and cogeneration of thermal energy using renewable energy sources such as: sugarcane bagasse, wood chips, rice husks, among others. The selling price of the electricity market reached the level of R$ 807, 00 MWh in January 2014 (Source: ANEEL), heating the Brazilian thermoelectric sector. Although thermoelectric use in bulk water as vaporizing fluid to produce electricity and use in various processes, water reuse plans have become an important factor in these industries. The increased use of biomass has been the bagasse which is allied to the sugarcane sector, strong market in Brazil, and consists basically use the rest of sugar cane, sugarcane industries that would play out. The sugar and ethanol industry is very unstable and only lasts for 6-8 months a year, and the remaining time in the period known as between crop that corresponds to the planting and harvesting of sugarcane and then enter the period of vintage which is the constant cane harvesting and crushing it. This instability of the market and the thermoelectric idle period leads the thermoelectric industries to seek other sources of renewable energy, such as wood chips (pine, Eucalyptus, Orange), rice husk, sorghum among others, to not be dependent on alcohol sector. The present work aims to study the use of wood chips as an alternative biomass for burning a fuel that essentially uses bagasse, the thermoelectric in question consists of two boilers that produce together 350 t / h ... (Complete Abstract click electronic access below)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho visa definir o conceito de escravidão moderna como as condições análogas ao trabalho escravo e como este afeta a vida de milhares de cidadãos brasileiros na vasta região amazônica. Serão apresentados dados de organizações mundiais sobre o trabalho escravo moderno, estudos brasileiros que corroboram a argumentação de que existem milhares de pessoas na Amazônia que são escravizadas e que estão em condições degradantes de vida nas mais diversas atividades econômicas. Focar-se-á na atividade de criação bovina, pois, além de ser muito difícil analisar todas as atividades econômicas com a devida importância que cada uma merece, a atividade em estudo é a que mais emprega mão-de-obra escrava atualmente na região Amazônica


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In Brazil there are many cases of cities that suffer from flooding. It often destroys much of the structure of the city, and isolates many families. Relying on emergency measures for these cases and similar cases is of utmost importance. This paper proposes the development of a project of a timber bridge that can be used in emergency situations such as occurs in situations of floods and especially on side roads. It is considered one type of structural bridge which has, among other characteristics, an easy transportation and assembly of the elements. The development is carried out, at this early stage of the project, only about the verification and sizing of structural elements of the superstructure of the bridge. For this purpose, it relies on computer programs, and fundamentally on PCFrame Visual Taco. The first allows you to model the structure and determine the efforts of calculating the elements, and the second one assists at the scaling and the verifications in accordance with the Brazilian technical standards for timber bridges. The wood used in the project comes from the tree Eucalyptus saligna, which is easy to acquaint and manipulate and comes from the region Vale do Paraíba. The bridge in this case of application should have the characteristics mentioned below: short execution time, simplicity of structure and an assembly of a relatively low cost


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The present work has for objective to analyze the issue of training environmental awareness and its role in contemporary society. With the alarming scenario of degradation and environmental imbalance , political, social and non-governmental institutions have established the urgent need for an education that make changes in social behavior in relation to the environment. With this design is establishing environmental education, however the economic , financial and social scenario in which is inserted dismantles its effectiveness , since the transformations of modernity incited alienation, reification , individualization , indifference and consumerism . In this juncture it is noticed that environmental education needs to be analyzed by the perspective of a man in critical reflection of the capitalist structure. Given this need , it is proposed to reading Italo Calvino's work , since it approach the whole context of modern man , with his ailments , anxiety, exploitation , selfishness and destructive action of itself, others and the environment in living


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Considering the dynamics observed in bioethics conceptualization and its projection at the current society, this work, initially, provides a retrospective on the transformation of society over the centuries and, consequently on the emergence of new branches of scientific knowledge. Besides, offers a distinction between law, morality and ethics as a way to make the approximation of a definition of biolaw and bioethics, central theme of this study. Finally, emphasizes the importance of the use of bioethics and biolaw in the solution of conflicts of interest involving the so-called "actuality society law", all aimed at providing better protection for the current society, and particularly to guarantee the protection of fundamental rights for the citizen.


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Características da técnica moderna -- O direito à vida perante aos avanços da técnica -- O direito à saúde na sociedade técnica -- O direito ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado -- A restrição da liberdade e a violação da privacidade e da intimidade pelo devassamento de bancos de dados.


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Contextualiza e descreve o trabalho desenvolvido pela equipe da UNESP de Araraquara no município de Axixá do Tocantins durante o Projeto Rondon. Apresenta proposta multidisciplinar desenvolvida e voltada para os anos finais do Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio, entendendo-se que a rede municipal de ensino constitui-se num espaço estratégico para desencadear processos formativos que possam atingir, direta ou indiretamente, o público escolar e população em contato com esta. Focando a Serra do Estrondo, patrimônio natural local, a proposta objetiva a articulação de conhecimentos teóricos e práticos a partir de conteúdos relacionados à temática ambiental para enfrentamento de problemas socioambientais.


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The information society is increasingly incorporating the immense volume of content available on the net. Access by electronic devices and the resulting ease of mobility and portability feed discussions on actual capacity of appropriation of this knowledge that circulates through cyberspace. Address and discuss the possibilities of educating across the network, therefore, gains more and more importance. On models of educational quality well developed – as is the case in Finland, for example-, Brazilian education is, year after year, failing in international marathons to achieve below average indexes required. Creates a field of analysis, in which this article arises, in the quest to understand more deeply the opportunity of use of Information and communication technologies (ICT) for a quality education, plunging by cultural issues that fall in the construction of objective conditions offered to students. This is an effort in understanding the historical factors that limit efforts to offering a quality education in Brazil.


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The questions that guide this article deal with the nation-State configuration and civil society organization, as well as the contours of the relation between both in the globalization context. As a qualitative change of internationalization, globalization brings to the social sciences field the discussion about its social impacts and the problematization about extinction of State. Thus, the article is guided by the debate between determined authors that deal with the analysis about new strategies of the State action, in order to understand where national States go, seeking to adapt themselves to the new context of Capital globalization.


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During a long historical process of over a century, the trade union movement gathered a significant amount of achievements. The limits and the extent of these achievements cannot be dissociated form the complex relations between State and civil society in Brazil.


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The companies who produce goods and services taking of the demanding of the customers correctly use the management of the production. The verification of the costs decisive becomes. This article presents a model of measurement of the results of production for the elaborated budgetary planning for an industry of wooden manufacture. This research intends to evidence the importance of the planning and the budget. It presents main given the necessary ones to the budgetary methods, which are used by the company as instruments of control of the planning, providing the concentration of the efforts of the managers in the point-key, minimizing the tension in the process of decision taking.