960 resultados para Smallholder forestry
The objective of this study was determine the spatial distribution of genotypes of Terminalia argentea Mart et Suce. (Capitão-do-campo) in a natural population, aiming to outline strategy to genetic conservation in situ and ex situ. The population (Terminalia argentea) is located in an area of cerrado on the Teaching and Research Farm of FEIS / UNESP. It was sampled seeds in 30 trees to determine the biochemistry and technological traits. The trees were also located per GPS apparatus, with objective of obtaining geographic coordinate and to analysis the genotype spatial structure from I Moran Index. The analysis of spatial autocorrelations, from I Moran index, indicated the tendency of a larger structure among trees near spatially. In another hand, trees distant spatially showed smaller similarity. The spatial structure was more visible in a ray of 353m.
The present work evaluated urban forest indicators, acquired through airborne high-resolution multiespectral images, on the quality of the urban design and its vegetative fraction, in special its trees, in nine neighborhoods of Piracicaba, SP. There were made supervised classifications for characterization of intra-urban elements and the proportions obtained, as exposed soil, tree cover, lawns, asphalt, concrete pavements and roofs. They were studied for the measurement of the urban forest in each place. These variables were related to each other, as well as with the independent variables: population density, people with more than fifteen years of study and family heads with income above twenty minimum wages, obtained through population census. Through the analysis of linear regression variables were identified for intra-urban areas evaluation. Correlations were made and linear regressions among the data obtained from the image and among the proposed indicators. Negative correlations were obtained among population density and arboreal covering and the evaluated indices, in accordance with the predicted in the literature. Composite indicators are proposed, as: the proportion between arboreous space on waterproof space (PAW) and the proportion between arboreous space on building space (PAB). It is concluded by the possibility of the use of those indicators for evaluation of the urban forest and definition of priorities in the execution of ordinances to the improvement of the urban forestry, being prioritized the application of resources in the most lacking neighborhoods.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The erosion caused by running water constitutes important cause of environmental degradation and productivity reduction, which justifies its evaluation in areas of eucalypt commercial plantations, mainly in ondulated slope conditions. The present study was intended to evaluate the influence of different management systems, in an undulated eucalypt pos-planting area, upon soil and water losses by erosion. The experiment was installed in a very clayey Red Latosol (Oxisol) under three eucalypt management systems (downhill planting with burning of crop residues - EDq; downhill planting with maintenance of crop residues on soil surface - ED; level planting with maintenance of crop residues on soil surface - EN), native forest (FN), bare soil (SD), and native pasture (PN). The soil and water losses evaluations were performed in standard plots installed in the field. All eucalypt systems presented very low values of soil losses in relation to the established tolerance limit, indicating the adequacy of these management systems concerning water erosion. The sustainability of these environments regarding erosion is indicated by the fact that soil losses in eucalipt were very close to those observed in native forest (reference).
Levels of genetic variability for in situ and ex situ genetic conservation were estimated in a population of Myracrodruon urundeuva using the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technique with the AFLP (Amplified fragment-length polymorphism) genetic marker. Seeds for progeny tests were collected from 30 open-pollination trees (matrices) at Paulo de Faria Ecological Station - SP. From this genetic material, three progeny tests were installed on the Teaching and Research Farm of Ilha Solteira Faculty of Engineering - University of São Paulo State (UNESP), which is located in Selvlria - MS, Brazil. The analysis by genetic marker was conducted with three combinations of different starters EcoRl-Msel, resulting in a total number of 137 polymorphic bands, thus forming a table of binary data. These data were used for the analysis of genetic divergence and distance between progenies. High levels of genetic divergence were observed among families. Based on the Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA), it was shown that 16.2% of genetic diversity is found among progenies and 83.8% within progenies, which suggests deviances of random matings. The grouping of progenies, based on genetic distances, suggests that progenies deriving from trees which are close to each other tend to be more similar. This, in turn, indicates that the population originating the seeds may be genetically structured.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Mensuração do comprimento das fibras para a determinação da madeira juvenil em Eucalyptus citriodora
The juvenile wood has peculiar characteristics from the anatomical structure and physical-mechanical properties, considering these aspects the knowledge of the wood is essential for wood adequate utilization. The aim of this work was to determinate the zone of juvenile wood of pith-bark direction in Eucalyptus citriodora. The juvenile and mature wood zones were determined across fiber length measurement in various height in the tree stem. Results showed that juvenile wood zone occurs approximately up to the 45 at 55 mm from the pith.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Sebastiania commersoniana (Euphorbiaceae) is a tree species of riparian forests in Brazil. Seeds of this species released from mature fruits have heteromorphy in coat colour: dark (dark-brown to black), striated (dark with light-grey stria) and clear (light-grey to whitish). In this work two experiments were carried out in order to study the effect of temperature on seed germination in interaction with coat colour. Germination final percentage and speed index were evaluated. In the first experiment seeds of the three colours were submitted to constant (30°C) and alternating (20-35°C) temperatures. For all the seed colours, best results were obtained at alternating temperature. Physiological quality of striated seeds was greater than those clear seeds and dark seeds were intermediate. In the second experiment striated and clear seeds were submitted to three amplitudes of alternating temperature: 5°C (20-25°C and 25-30°C), 10°C (20-30°C and 25-35°C) and 15°C (20-35°C). Both germination percentage and speed were higher in striated seeds and for the two seed colours, best results were obtained at 20-30°C and 20-35°C. These temperatures are recommended for the germination test.
This work had as objective to quantify the reforestation for water retention in the Palmital Stream watershed, County of Jaboticabal, SP, by using the methodology of compensatory forestation for retention of water in watersheds. This methodology esteems the retention of water in watersheds considering the world medium value of destiny of the water in the hydrologic cycle, the use/occupation of the soil (forest, pasture and agriculture) and its permeability. The watershed in this study presents an area of 10,625.21 ha, being 237.75 ha at forest, 467.01 ha in pasture and 9,237.57 ha in agriculture. The medium values of the permeability identified in the soils were of 94.81 mm h -1 in forest, 8.99 mm t -1 in pasture and 36.01 mm h -1 in agriculture (sugar cane). Considering that should infiltrate in the soil 20.55% of the water that precipitates on the watershed, and, that the losses of water in forest areas is considered standard, the total estimated volume to compensate the excessive loss that occur in the areas of pasture and agriculture is 12.21 million of m 3ano. The compensatory forestation to retain that volume of loss should contemplate an area of 942.73 ha (8.87% of the area of the watershed). The reforestation can be priority in permanent conservation area or in areas of Legal Reserve.
Ipê amarelo Tabebuia chrysotricha (Mart. Ex DC.) Standl. is a native forest species that presents heavy and durable wood: it is common to be used for urban arborization. The species is latte secondary and heliophyta. Occurs from Espirito Santo State until Santa Catarina in the Pluvial Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica). The seedling production is hard because their seeds have short longevity after dispersion, and so due to the difficulty to harvest winged seeds that are quickly dispersed by the wind. The present study was carried out to evaluate the physiological maturity of Ipê Amarelo seeds, to establish the best moment to harvest them. The study was to accompany the maturation of 100 fruits in just beginning development, from eleven different trees. Morphological characteristic measures were made weekly, with fruits still on trees, starting from the second week development when fruits presented the following averages: 6.3 cm length, 0.71 cm thickness, and 0.82 cm width. From the sixth week of fruit development we harvest them to proceed the germination test, water content rate, and electric conductivity test. The germination has begun by the seventh week development with 28% of germinated seedlings. The highest germination rate happened by the eighth week development, with 74.5% of germinated seedlings and on the ninth week the rate decrease to 65.5%, when the seeds were already in dispersion. Through the electric conductivity test the highest value obtained was 378.06 μS.g -1.cm -1 on the seventh week development and the lowest one was 183.28 μpS.g -1.cm -1 on eighth week. These results support those obtained in the germination test, because as higher is the electric conductivity of seeds, as higher is their deterioration level. Finally, the study allows concluding that the physiological maturation of ipê amarelo seeds has occurred before dispersion close to the eighth week development when fruits presented the following averages: 22.2 cm length, 1.37 cm width, and 1.05 cm thickness; water content rate was 61.8% and electric conductivity was 183.28 μS.g -1.cm -1. In that moment, the fruits presented greened brown coloration and started to show fissures.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of this work was to study the effect of selective thinning on the genetic divergence in progenies of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis, aiming to identify the most productive and divergent progenies for the use of improvement program. The test of progenies containing 119 progenies and two commercial controls were planted in March 1990, using 11 × 11 square lattice design, sextuple, partially balanced, disposed in lineal plots with six trees in the spacing of 3,0 × 3,0m. 13 years after planting thinning was realized (selection for DBH), with 50% selection intensity based on Multi-effect index, leaving three trees per plot in all the experiment. The evaluations were done at four situations: A (before the thinning); B (thinned trees); C (remaining trees after thinning) and D (one year after thinning). The analyzed traits were: height, diameter at breast height (DBH), volume, form of stem and wood density. The genetic divergence among the progenies was studied with aid of the canonical variables and of clustering of Tocher method, using the generalized distance matrix of Mahalanobis (D2) as estimate of the genetic similarity. The progenies were grouped in four groups in situation A, fourteen in the situation B, two in the situation C and three in the situation D. The selective thinning of the trees within of the progenies caused a change in the genetic divergence among the progenies, genetically homogenizing the progenies, as demonstrated by the generalized distances of Mahalanobis, clustering of Tocher' and canonical variables methods. The thinning made possible a high uniformity in respect to the relative contribution of the traits for the total genetic divergence. The techniques of clustering were efficient to identify groups of divergent progenies for the use hybridization and little divergent progenies for the use in backcross program.
Six microsatellite loci were used to quantify the mating system of two small fragmented populations (Selviria - SEL and Aparecida do Tabuado - APT, Mato Grosso do Sul State) and isolated trees in pastures, of the bat-pollinated tropical tree Hymenaea stignocarpa, growing in the Center-west region of Brazil. In SEL population, seeds were collected from 11 mother-trees; in APT, from three trees and, in the case of isolated trees, from six individuals growing at least 500 m apart in pastures. To investigate if there are differences on mating system between trees in populations and isolated trees, trees from populations were pooled as a group and, likewise, the isolated trees were pooled to another group. The outcrossing rate was higher in the populations (t̂ m= 0.873) than in isolated trees (t̂ m=0.857), but the difference was not significant. Significant and high differences between multi-locus and single-locus outcrossing rate were detected in populations (t̂ m- t̂ s=0.301, P<0.05) and isolated trees (t̂ m- t̂ s=0.276, P<0.05), suggesting mating between relatives. Higher paternity correlation was observed in trees from population (r̂ p=0.636) than in isolated trees (r̂ p=0.377), indicating the occurrence of some correlated matings and that part of offspring are full-sibs. It was not observed increased in self-fertilization rate in isolated trees in pastures. In general terms, the unique observed difference in mating system between populations and isolate trees was the high rate of correlated matings in trees from populations, due probably to the small distance among coespecifics and the pollinator behavior, visiting near trees.
This paper aims to evaluate the physiological quality of Sebastiania commersoniana seeds stored in cloth bag, plastic bag and glass container and kept in two conditions: laboratory workbench and cold chamber (4 ± 2°C e 80% relative humidity - RH) for 531 days. Periodically, samples were taken in order to determine the moisture content and to perform germination tests. The experimental design was completely randomized, in factorial scheme of 3 × 2 (wrappings × conditions), for each period of storage evaluated (0, 158, 271, 389 and 531 days of storage). Supplementary, a polynomial regression was adjusted in order to describe the physiological quality of the seeds for the different conditions during the experimental period. The results lead to the following considerations: a) storage under variable temperature and air humidity (laboratory workbench) can be used for periods of over five and a half months, with the seeds stored in cloth bag, plastic bag or glass container; b) the physiological quality of the seeds was not hardly altered when stored in cold chamber in cloth bag, plastic bag and glass container for over 18 months.