994 resultados para Sensory trained panel


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Microalgae cultures are attracting great attentions in many industrial applications. However, one of the technical challenges is to cut down the capital and operational costs of microalgae production systems, with special difficulty in reactor design and scale-up. The thesis work open with an overview on the microalgae cultures as a possible answer to solve some of the upcoming planet issues and their applications in several fields. After the work offers a general outline on the state of the art of microalgae culture systems, taking a special look to the enclosed photobioreactors (PBRs). The overall objective of this study is to advance the knowledge of PBRs design and lead to innovative large scale processes of microalgae cultivation. An airlift flat panel photobioreactor was designed, modeled and experimentally characterized. The gas holdup, liquid flow velocity and oxygen mass transfer of the reactor were experimentally determined and mathematically modeled, and the performance of the reactor was tested by cultivation of microalgae. The model predicted data correlated well with experimental data, and the high concentration of suspension cell culture could be achieved with controlled conditions. The reactor was inoculated with the algal strain Scenedesmus obliquus sp. first and with Chlorella sp. later and sparged with air. The reactor was operated in batch mode and daily monitored for pH, temperature, and biomass concentration and activity. The productivity of the novel device was determined, suggesting the proposed design can be effectively and economically used in carbon dioxide mitigation technologies and in the production of algal biomass for biofuel and other bioproducts. Those research results favored the possibility of scaling the reactor up into industrial scales based on the models employed, and the potential advantages and disadvantages were discussed for this novel industrial design.


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The quality of fish products is indispensably linked to the freshness of the raw material modulated by appropriate manipulation and storage conditions, specially the storage temperature after catch. The purpose of the research presented in this thesis, which was largely conducted in the context of a research project funded by Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF), concerned the evaluation of the freshness of farmed and wild fish species, in relation to different storage conditions, under ice (0°C) or at refrigeration temperature (4°C). Several specimens of different species, bogue (Boops boops), red mullet (Mullus barbatus), sea bream (Sparus aurata) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), during storage, under the different temperature conditions adopted, have been examined. The assessed control parameters were physical (texture, through the use of a dynamometer; visual quality using a computer vision system (CVS)), chemical (through footprint metabolomics 1H-NMR) and sensory (Quality Index Method (QIM). Microbiological determinations were also carried out on the species of hake (Merluccius merluccius). In general obtained results confirmed that the temperature of manipulation/conservation is a key factor in maintaining fish freshness. NMR spectroscopy showed to be able to quantify and evaluate the kinetics for unselected compounds during fish degradation, even a posteriori. This can be suitable for the development of new parameters related to quality and freshness. The development of physical methods, particularly the image analysis performed by computer vision system (CVS), for the evaluation of fish degradation, is very promising. Among CVS parameters, skin colour, presence and distribution of gill mucus, and eye shape modification evidenced a high sensibility for the estimation of fish quality loss, as a function of the adopted storage conditions. Particularly the eye concavity index detected on fish eye showed a high positive correlation with total QIM score.


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Food suppliers currently measure apple quality considering basic pomological descriptors. Sensory analysis is expensive, does not permit to analyse many samples, and cannot be implemented for measuring quality properties in real time. However, sensory analysis is the best way to precisely describe food eating quality, since it is able to define, measure, and explain what is really perceivable by human senses and using a language that closely reflects the consumers’ perception. On the basis of such observations, we developed a detailed protocol for apple sensory profiling by descriptive sensory analysis and instrumental measurements. The collected sensory data were validated by applying rigorous scientific criteria for sensory analysis. The method was then applied for studying sensory properties of apples and their changes in relation to different pre- and post-harvest factors affecting fruit quality, and demonstrated to be able to discriminate fruit varieties and to highlight differences in terms of sensory properties. The instrumental measurements confirmed such results. Moreover, the correlation between sensory and instrumental data was studied, and a new effective approach was defined for the reliable prediction of sensory properties by instrumental characterisation. It is therefore possible to propose the application of this sensory-instrumental tool to all the stakeholders involved in apple production and marketing, to have a reliable description of apple fruit quality.


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Flowers attract honeybees using colour and scent signals. Bimodality (having both scent and colour) in flowers leads to increased visitation rates, but how the signals influence each other in a foraging situation is still quite controversial. We studied four basic questions: When faced with conflicting scent and colour information, will bees choose by scent and ignore the “wrong” colour, or vice versa? To get to the bottom of this question, we trained bees on scent-colour combination AX (rewarded) versus BY (unrewarded) and tested them on AY (previously rewarded colour and unrewarded scent) versus BX (previously rewarded scent and unrewarded colour). It turned out that the result depends on stimulus quality: if the colours are very similar (unsaturated blue and blue-green), bees choose by scent. If they are very different (saturated blue and yellow), bees choose by colour. We used the same scents, lavender and rosemary, in both cases. Our second question was: Are individual bees hardwired to use colour and ignore scent (or vice versa), or can this behaviour be modified, depending on which cue is more readily available in the current foraging context? To study this question, we picked colour-preferring bees and gave them extra training on scent-only stimuli. Afterwards, we tested if their preference had changed, and if they still remembered the scent stimulus they had originally used as their main cue. We came to the conclusion that a colour preference can be reversed through scent-only training. We also gave scent-preferring bees extra training on colour-only stimuli, and tested for a change in their preference. The number of animals tested was too small for statistical tests (n = 4), but a common tendency suggested that colour-only training leads to a preference for colour. A preference to forage by a certain sensory modality therefore appears to be not fixed but flexible, and adapted to the bee’s surroundings. Our third question was: Do bees learn bimodal stimuli as the sum of their parts (elemental learning), or as a new stimulus which is different from the sum of the components’ parts (configural learning)? We trained bees on bimodal stimuli, then tested them on the colour components only, and the scent components only. We performed this experiment with a similar colour set (unsaturated blue and blue-green, as above), and a very different colour set (saturated blue and yellow), but used lavender and rosemary for scent stimuli in both cases. Our experiment yielded unexpected results: with the different colours, the results were best explained by elemental learning, but with the similar colour set, bees exhibited configural learning. Still, their memory of the bimodal compound was excellent. Finally, we looked at reverse-learning. We reverse-trained bees with bimodal stimuli to find out whether bimodality leads to better reverse-learning compared to monomodal stimuli. We trained bees on AX (rewarded) versus BY (unrewarded), then on AX (unrewarded) versus BY (rewarded), and finally on AX (rewarded) and BY (unrewarded) again. We performed this experiment with both colour sets, always using the same two scents (lavender and rosemary). It turned out that bimodality does not help bees “see the pattern” and anticipate the switch. Generally, bees trained on the different colour set performed better than bees trained on the similar colour set, indicating that stimulus salience influences reverse-learning.


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In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird ein Körpergrößengedächtnis untersucht. Es wird dargestellt, wie diese Information über die Reichweite der Fliege beim Lückenklettern unter kotrollierten Umweltbedingungen erworben und prozessiert wird. Zusätzlich wird geklärt, welche biochemischen Signale benötigt werden, um daraus ein lang anhalten-des Gedächtnis zu formen. Adulte Fliegen sind in der Lage, ihre Körperreichweite zu lernen. Naive Fliegen, die in der Dunkelheit gehalten wurden, versuchen erfolglos, zu breite Lücken zu überqueren, während visuell erfahrene Fliegen die Kletterversuche an ihre Körpergröße anpassen. Erfahrene kleine Fliegen scheinen Kenntnis ihres Nachteils zu haben. Sie kehren an Lückenbreiten um, welche ihre größeren Artgenos-sen durchaus noch versuchen. Die Taufliegen lernen die größenabhängige Reichweite über die visuelle Rückmeldung während des Laufens (aus Parallaxenbewegung). Da-bei reichen 15 min in strukturierter, heller Umgebung aus. Es gibt keinen festgelegten Beginn der sensiblen Phase. Nach 2 h ist das Gedächtnis jedoch konsolidiert und kann durch Stress nicht mehr zerstört oder durch sensorische Eingänge verändert werden. Dunkel aufgezogene Fliegen wurden ausgewählten Streifenmustern mit spezifischen Raumfrequenzen ausgesetzt. Nur die Insekten, welche mit einem als „optimal“ klassi-fizierten Muster visuell stimuliert wurden, sind in der Lage, die Körperreichweite einzu-schätzen, indem die durchschnittliche Schrittlänge in Verbindung mit der visuellen Wahrnehmung gebracht wird. Überraschenderweise ist es sogar mittels partieller Kompensation der Parallaxen möglich, naive Fliegen so zu trainieren, dass sie sich wie kleinere Exemplare verhalten. Da die Experimente ein Erlernen der Körperreich-weite vermuten lassen, wurden lernmutante Stämme beim Lückenüberwinden getes-tet. Sowohl die Ergebnisse von rut1- und dnc1-Mutanten, als auch das defizitäre Klet-tern von oc1-Fliegen ließ eine Beteiligung der cAMP-abhängigen Lernkaskade in der Protocerebralbrücke (PB) vermuten. Rettungsexperimente der rut1- und dnc1-Hinter-gründe kartierten das Gedächtnis in unterschiedliche Neuronengruppen der PB, wel-che auch für die visuelle Ausrichtung des Kletterns benötigt werden. Erstaunlicher-weise haben laterale lokale PB-Neurone und PFN-Neurone (Projektion von der PB über den fächerförmigen Körper zu den Noduli) verschiedene Erfordernisse für cAMP-Signale. Zusammenfassend weisen die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass hohe Mengen an cAMP/PKA-Signalen in den latero-lateralen Elementen der PB benötigt werden, wäh-rend kolumnäre PFN-Neurone geringe oder keine Mengen an cAMP/PKA erfordern. Das Körperreichweitengedächtnis ist vermutlich das am längsten andauernde Ge-dächtnis in Drosophila. Wenn es erst einmal konsolidiert ist hält es länger als drei Wo-chen.rnAußerdem kann die Fruchtliege Drosophila melanogaster trainiert werden, die kom-plexe motorische Aufgabe des Lückenkletterns zu optimieren. Die trainierten Fliegen werden erfolgreicher und schneller beim Überqueren von Lücken, welche größer sind als sie selbst. Dabei existiert eine Kurzeitkomponente (STM), die 40 min nach dem ersten Training anhält. Nach weiteren vier Trainingsdurchläufen im Abstand von 20 min wird ein Langzeitgedächtnis (LTM) zum Folgetag geformt. Analysen mit Mutati-onslinien wiesen eine Beteiligung der cAMP-abhängigen Lernkaskade an dieser Ge-dächtnisform auf. Rettungsexperimente des rut2080-Hintergrunds kartierten sowohl das STM, als auch das LTM in PFN-Neuronen. Das STM kann aber ebenso in den alpha- und beta- Loben der Pilzkörper gerettet werden.rnLetztendlich sind wildtypische Fliegen sogar in der Lage, sich an einen Verlust eines Mittelbeintarsuses und dem einhergehenden Fehlen des Adhäsionsorgans am Tarsusende anzupassen. Das Klettern wird zwar sofort schlechter, erholt sich aber bis zum Folgetag wieder auf ein normales Niveau. Dieser neue Zustand erfordert ein Ge-dächtnis für die physischen Möglichkeiten, die nur durch plastische Veränderungen im Nervensystem des Insekts erreicht werden können.


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With the outlook of improving seismic vulnerability assessment for the city of Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), the global dynamic behaviour of four nine-storey r.c. large-panel buildings in elastic regime is studied. The four buildings were built during the Soviet era within a serial production system. Since they all belong to the same series, they have very similar geometries both in plan and in height. Firstly, ambient vibration measurements are performed in the four buildings. The data analysis composed of discrete Fourier transform, modal analysis (frequency domain decomposition) and deconvolution interferometry, yields the modal characteristics and an estimate of the linear impulse response function for the structures of the four buildings. Then, finite element models are set up for all four buildings and the results of the numerical modal analysis are compared with the experimental ones. The numerical models are finally calibrated considering the first three global modes and their results match the experimental ones with an error of less then 20%.


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Navigation through a previously deployed and deformed stent is a difficult interventional task. Inadvertent navigation through the struts of a stent can potentially lead to incomplete secondary stent extension and vessel occlusion. Better visualisation of the pathway through the stent can reduce the risks of the procedural complications and reduce the reluctance of the interventionalist to navigate through a previously deployed stent. We describe a technique of visualisation of the pathway navigated by a guidewire through a previously deployed deformed and fractured carotid stent by the use of DynaCT. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the stent/microwire allows excellent visualisation of the correct pathway of the microwire within the stent.


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CBV is a vital perfusion parameter in estimating the viability of brain parenchyma (eg, in cases of ischemic stroke or after interventional vessel occlusion). Recent technologic advances allow parenchymal CBV imaging tableside in the angiography suite just before, during, or after an interventional procedure. The aim of this work was to analyze our preliminary clinical experience with this new imaging tool in different neurovascular interventions.