994 resultados para Secord, Laura


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Violence can threaten individual wellbeing and tear at the social fabric of communities. At the same time, suffering can mobilize social coping and mutual support. Thus, the backdrop of political violence increases risk factors and stimulates resilience. The current study examined the moderating role of social coping as reflective of risk and resiliency in Northern Ireland, a setting of protracted conflict. Specifically, structural equation modeling was used to investigate whether social coping protects from or exacerbates the negative impact of sectarian crime and nonsectarian crime on maternal mental health (N?=?631). Nonsectarian crime predicted greater psychological distress for mothers in Belfast. Mixed support was found for the buffering and depletion moderation hypotheses; social coping functioned differently for nonsectarian crime and sectarian crime. Greater social coping buffered mothers' psychological distress from the negative effects of nonsectarian crime, but exacerbated maternal mental health problems when facing sectarian crime. Results suggest that social coping is a complex phenomenon, particularly in settings of protracted political violence. Implications for interventions aimed at alleviating psychological distress by enhancing mothers' social coping in contexts of intergroup conflict are discussed. We would like to thank the many families in Northern Ireland who have participated in the project. We would also like to express our appreciation for the project staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students at the University of Notre Dame and the University of Ulster. A special thanks to Cindy Bergeman and Dan Lapsley for feedback on earlier drafts of this manuscript. This research was supported by NICHD grant 046933-05 to the E. Mark Cummings.


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N-Heterocycles can be prepared using alcohol oxidation as a key synthetic step. Herein we report studies exploring the potential of Cu/TEMPO as an aerobic oxidation catalyst for the synthesis of substituted indoles and quinolines. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012


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Background: This follow-up study aims to determine the physical parameters which govern the differential radiosensitization capacity of two tumor cell lines and one immortalized normal cell line to 1.9 nm gold nanoparticles. In addition to comparing the uptake potential, localization, and cytotoxicity of 1.9 nm gold nanoparticles, the current study also draws on comparisons between nanoparticle size and total nanoparticle uptake based on previously published data.

Methods: We quantified gold nanoparticle uptake using atomic emission spectroscopy and imaged intracellular localization by transmission electron microscopy. Cell growth delay and clonogenic assays were used to determine cytotoxicity and radiosensitization potential, respectively. Mechanistic data were obtained by Western blot, flow cytometry, and assays for reactive oxygen species.

Results: Gold nanoparticle uptake was preferentially observed in tumor cells, resulting in an increased expression of cleaved caspase proteins and an accumulation of cells in sub G1 phase. Despite this, gold nanoparticle cytotoxicity remained low, with immortalized normal cells exhibiting an LD50 concentration approximately 14 times higher than tumor cells. The surviving fraction for gold nanoparticle-treated cells at 3 Gy compared with that of untreated control cells indicated a strong dependence on cell type in respect to radiosensitization potential.

Conclusion: Gold nanoparticles were most avidly endocytosed and localized within cytoplasmic vesicles during the first 6 hours of exposure. The lack of significant cytotoxicity in the absence of radiation, and the generation of gold nanoparticle-induced reactive oxygen species provide a potential mechanism for previously reported radiosensitization at megavoltage energies.


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Undecaprenyl phosphate (Und-P) is a universal lipid carrier of glycan biosynthetic intermediates for carbohydrate polymers that are exported to the bacterial cell envelope. Und-P arises from the dephosphorylation of undecaprenyl pyrophosphate (Und-PP) molecules produced by de novo synthesis and also from the recycling of released Und-PP after the transfer of the glycan component to other acceptor molecules. The latter reactions take place at the periplasmic side of the plasma membrane, while cytoplasmic enzymes catalyse the de novo synthesis. Four Und-PP pyrophosphatases were recently identified in Escherichia coli. One of these, UppP (formerly BacA), accounts for 75 % of the total cellular Und-PP pyrophosphatase activity and has been suggested to participate in the Und-P de novo synthesis pathway. Unlike UppP, the other three pyrophosphatases (YbjG, YeiU and PgpB) have a typical acid phosphatase motif also found in eukaryotic dolichyl-pyrophosphate-recycling pyrophosphatases. This study shows that double and triple deletion mutants in the genes uppP and ybjG, and uppP, ybjG and yeiU, respectively, are supersensitive to the Und-P de novo biosynthesis inhibitor fosmidomycin. In contrast, single or combined deletions including pgpB have no effect on fosmidomycin supersensitivity. Experimental evidence is also presented that the acid phosphatase motifs of YbjG and YeiU face the periplasmic space. Furthermore, the quadruple deletion mutant DeltauppP-DeltaybjG-DeltayeiU-DeltawaaL has a growth defect and abnormal cell morphology, suggesting that accumulation of unprocessed Und-PP-linked O antigen polysaccharides is toxic for these cells. Together, the results support the notion that YbjG, and to a lesser extent YeiU, exert their enzymic activity on the periplasmic side of the plasma membrane and are implicated in the recycling of periplasmic Und-PP molecules.


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Chronic lung infection by opportunistic pathogens, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and members of the Burkholderia cepacia complex, is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with cystic fibrosis. Outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of gram-negative bacteria are promising vaccine antigen candidates. In this study, we evaluated the immunogenicity, protection, and cross-protection conferred by intranasal vaccination of mice with OMPs from B. multivorans plus the mucosal adjuvant adamantylamide dipeptide (AdDP). Robust mucosal and systemic immune responses were stimulated by vaccination of naive animals with OMPs from B. multivorans and B. cenocepacia plus AdDP. Using a mouse model of chronic pulmonary infection, we observed enhanced clearance of B. multivorans from the lungs of vaccinated animals, which correlated with OMP-specific secretory immunoglobulin A responses. Furthermore, OMP-immunized mice showed rapid resolution of the pulmonary infection with virtually no lung pathology after bacterial challenge with B. multivorans. In addition, we demonstrated that administration of B. multivorans OMP vaccine conferred protection against B. cenocepacia challenge in this mouse infection model, suggesting that OMPs provide cross-protection against the B. cepacia complex. Therefore, we concluded that mucosal immunity to B. multivorans elicited by intranasal vaccination with OMPs plus AdDP could prevent early steps of colonization and infection with B. multivorans and also ameliorate lung tissue damage, while eliciting cross-protection against B. cenocepacia. These results support the notion that therapies leading to increased mucosal immunity in the airways may help patients with cystic fibrosis.


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WecA is an integral membrane protein that initiates the biosynthesis of enterobacterial common antigen and O-antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by catalyzing the transfer of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)-1-phosphate onto undecaprenyl phosphate (Und-P) to form Und-P-P-GlcNAc. WecA belongs to a large family of eukaryotic and prokaryotic prenyl sugar transferases. Conserved aspartic acids in putative cytoplasmic loops 2 (Asp90 and Asp91) and 3 (Asp156 and Asp159) were targeted for replacement mutagenesis with either glutamic acid or asparagine. We examined the ability of each mutant protein to complement O-antigen LPS synthesis in a wecA-deficient strain and also determined the steady-state kinetic parameters of the mutant proteins in an in vitro transfer assay. Apparent K(m) and V(max) values for UDP-GlcNAc, Mg(2+), and Mn(2+) suggest that Asp156 is required for catalysis, while Asp91 appears to interact preferentially with Mg(2+), possibly playing a role in orienting the substrates. Topological analysis using the substituted cysteine accessibility method demonstrated the cytosolic location of Asp90, Asp91, and Asp156 and provided a more refined overall topological map of WecA. Also, we show that cells expressing a WecA derivative C terminally fused with the green fluorescent protein exhibited a punctate distribution of fluorescence on the bacterial surface, suggesting that WecA localizes to discrete regions in the bacterial plasma membrane.


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Genetic evidence suggests that a family of bacterial and eukaryotic integral membrane proteins (referred to as Wzx and Rft1, respectively) mediates the transbilayer movement of isoprenoid lipid-linked glycans. Recent work in our laboratory has shown that Wzx proteins involved in O-antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) assembly have relaxed specificity for the carbohydrate structure of the O-antigen subunit. Furthermore, the proximal sugar bound to the isoprenoid lipid carrier, undecaprenyl-phosphate (Und-P), is the minimal structure required for translocation. In Escherichia coli K-12, N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) is the proximal sugar of the O16 and enterobacterial common antigen (ECA) subunits. Both O16 and ECA systems have their respective translocases, WzxO16 and WzxE, and also corresponding polymerases (WzyO16 and WzyE) and O-antigen chain-length regulators (WzzO16 and WzzE), respectively. In this study, we show that the E. coli wzxE gene can fully complement a wzxO16 translocase deletion mutant only if the majority of the ECA gene cluster is deleted. In addition, we demonstrate that introduction of plasmids expressing either the WzyE polymerase or the WzzE chain-length regulator proteins drastically reduces the O16 LPS-complementing activity of WzxE. We also show that this property is not unique to WzxE, since WzxO16 and WzxO7 can cross-complement translocase defects in the O16 and O7 antigen clusters only in the absence of their corresponding Wzz and Wzy proteins. These genetic data are consistent with the notion that the translocation of O-antigen and ECA subunits across the plasma membrane and the subsequent assembly of periplasmic O-antigen and ECA Und-PP-linked polymers depend on interactions among Wzx, Wzz, and Wzy, which presumably form a multiprotein complex.


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Translocation of lipid-linked oligosaccharide (LLO) intermediates across membranes is an essential but poorly understood process in eukaryotic and bacterial glycosylation pathways. Membrane proteins defined as translocases or flippases are implicated to mediate the translocation reaction. The membrane protein Wzx has been proposed to mediate the translocation across the plasma membrane of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O antigen subunits, which are assembled on an undecaprenyl pyrophosphate lipid carrier. Similarly, PglK (formerly WlaB) is a Campylobacter jejuni-encoded ABC-type transporter proposed to mediate the translocation of the undecaprenylpyrophosphate-linked heptasaccharide intermediate involved in the recently identified bacterial N-linked protein glycosylation pathway. A combination of genetic and carbohydrate structural analyses defined and characterized flippase activities in the C. jejuni N-linked protein glycosylation and the Escherichia coli LPS O antigen biosynthesis. PglK displayed relaxed substrate specificity with respect to the oligosaccharide structure of the LLO intermediate and complemented a wzx deficiency in E. coli O-antigen biosynthesis. Our experiments provide strong genetic evidence that LLO translocation across membranes can be catalyzed by two distinct proteins that do not share any sequence similarity.


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Although cystic fibrosis pulmonary infection is polymicrobial, routine laboratory methods focus on the detection of a small number of known pathogens. Recently, the use of strict anaerobic culture techniques and molecular technologies have identified other potential pathogens including anaerobic bacteria. Determining the role of all bacteria in a complex bacterial community and how they interact is extremely important; individual bacteria may affect how the community develops, possess virulence factors, produce quorum-sensing signals, stimulate an immune response or transfer antibiotic resistance genes, which could all contribute to disease progression. There are many challenges to managing cystic fibrosis lung infection but as knowledge about the airway microbiome continues to increase, this may lead to advances in the therapeutic management of the disease. © 2011 Future Medicine Ltd.


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The Escherichia coli MarA protein mediates a response to multiple environmental stresses through the activation or repression in vivo of a large number of chromosomal genes. Transcriptional activation for a number of these genes has been shown to occur via direct interaction of MarA with a 20-bp degenerate asymmetric "marbox" sequence. It was not known whether repression by MarA was also direct. We found that purified MarA was sufficient in vitro to repress transcription of both purA and hdeA. Transcription and electrophoretic mobility shift experiments in vitro using mutant promoters suggested that the marbox involved in the repression overlapped the -35 promoter motif and was in the "backward" orientation. This organization contrasts with that of the class II promoters activated by MarA, in which the marbox also overlaps the -35 motif but is in the "forward" orientation. We conclude that MarA, a member of the AraC/XylS family, can act directly as a repressor or an activator, depending on the position and orientation of the marbox within a promoter.


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Schottky-barrier structures with a resistive metal electrode are examined using the 4-point probe method where the probes are connected to the metal electrode only. The observation of a significant decrease in resistance with increasing temperature (over a range of similar to 100 K) in the diode resistance-temperature (R(D)-T) characteristic is considered due to charge carrier confinement to the metal electrode at low temperature (high resistance), with the semiconductor progressively opening up as a parallel current carrying channel (low resistance) with increasing temperature due to increasing thermionic emission across the barrier. A simple model is constructed, based on thermionic emission at quasi-zero bias, that generates good fits to the experimental data. The negative differential resistance (NDR) region in the R(D)-T characteristic is a general effect and is demonstrated across a broad temperature range for a variety of Schottky structures grown on Si-, GaAs- and InP-substrates. In addition the NDR effect is harnessed in micro-scaled Pd/n-InP devices for the detection of low levels of hydrogen in an ambient atmosphere of nitrogen.