991 resultados para Sao Paulo Continental Shelf


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The occurrence of two alien alpheid shrimps of the genus Athanas Leach, 1814 [in Leach 1813-1814], the Indo-West Pacific A. dimorphus Ortmann, 1894 and the Eastern Atlantic A. nitescens (Leach, 1813 [in Leach 1813-1814]), on the coast of the state of So Paulo, Brazil, is reported. The presence of A. dimorphus extends the range of this species in the western Atlantic farther to the south in Brazil, whereas A. nitescens is reported for the first time in the western Atlantic, representing the second alien alpheid species on this side of the Atlantic and the twenty-first decapod crustacean introduced in Brazil. We provide morphological accounts of the material examined and illustrate the most important diagnostic characters of both species. An overview of the possible mechanisms of their introduction on the coast of So Paulo is also provided.


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The deep-water molluscs collected during the expedition MD55 off SE Brazil have been gradually studied in some previous papers. The present one is focused on samples belonging to caenogastropod taxa Xenophoridae Troschel, 1852, Cypraeoidea Rafinesque, 1815, mitriforms and Terebridae Morch, 1852. Regarding the Xenophoridae, Onustus aquitanus n. sp. is a new species, collected off the littoral of Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 430-637 m depth (continental slope). The main characters of the species include the small size (c. 20 mm), the proportionally wide shell, the white colour, the short peripheral flange, the oblique riblets weakly developed and a brown multispiral protoconch. This appears to be the smallest living species of the family, resembling in this aspect fossil species. In respect to the Cypraeoidea, the following results were obtained: family Cypraeidae Rafinesque, 1815: Erosaria acicularis (Gmelin, 1791) and Luria cinerea (Gmelin, 1791) had the deepest record, respectively 607-620 m and 295-940 m, although the samples were all dead, eroded shells. Family Lamellariidae d'Orbigny, 1841: a total of three lots were collected, provisionally identified as Lamellaria spp. as the samples consist of only vestigial shells; possibly each lot represents a different species. Family Pediculariidae Gray, 1853: a sample of Pedicularia tibia Simone, 2005 was found, expanding the range c. 1000 km southwards, from Ceara to Espirito Santo. Family Ovulidae Fleming, 1822: Pseudosimnia lacrima n. sp., collected off Espirito Santo, 607-620 m depth, is described here and is mainly characterised by its strong biconic outline, small size (c. 7 mm), and a thick peripheral callus. Family Triviidae Troschel, 1863: Cleotrivia antillarum (Schilder, 1922) is recorded for the first time as deep as 620 m, and its distribution expanded from Rio Grande do Norte to Espirito Santo; Dolichupis akangus n. sp. with rounded outline and c. 15 transverse ribs; D. pingius n. sp. with the outer lip expanded posteriorly and c. 10 ribs. In respect to the mitriform neogastropods, the following species are emphasised: family Costellariidae MacDonald, 1860: Vexillum sp., 607-620 m depth; Turricostellaria amphissa n. sp., 295 m depth; T. jukyry n. sp.; T. apyrahi n. sp., both 790-1575 m depth; T. ovir n. sp., 1200 m depth; Nodicostellaria crassa (Simone, 1995), 240-600 m depth, with extension northwards of the range up to Espirito Santo; Austromitra decresca n. sp., 60-105 m depth. Family Mitridae Swainson, 1829: Subcancilla joapyra n. sp., 295 m depth; S. cf. straminea (Adams, 1853), 607-620 m depth. Family Volutomitridae Gray, 1854: Microvoluta corona n. sp., 1500-1575 m depth. Family Mitromorphidae Casey, 1904: Mitromorpha sama n. sp., 607-940 m depth; M. mirim n. sp., 60105 m depth. Regarding the conoidean Terebridae, this paper is a complement of a previous study. It deals with a new species Terebra assu Simone n. sp., from the Abrolhos Bank, 295 m depth, characterised by its narrow outline, yellowish colour, weak sculpture on the last whorls, and a proportionally broad, paucispiral protoconch. A second finding of Terebra alagoensis Lima, Tenorio & Barros, 2007 expands the geographic range from Alagoas to north Espirito Santo. A discussion on the systematics of the "complex Terebra doellojuradoi" in South American coast is also provided, highlighting the improbability of synonymy between T. leptapsis Simone, 1999 and T doellojuradoi Carcelles, 1953. Differences in size, sculpture, spire angulation, aperture, and mainly in protoconch, indicate specific separations. The presently studied terebrids belong to the "complex Terebra doellojuradoi", which encompasses closely related, deep-water, small species, possessing a relatively high degree of endemicity.


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A ocupação do espaço geográfico é determinada historicamente pelo modelo socioeconômico e pelo dinamismo de suas relações sociais, políticas e ideológicas. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a distribuição espacial e o efeito de indicadores socioeconômicos no adoecimento e morte por câncer de boca e orofaríngeo no Município de São Paulo, Brasil, no período de 1997 a 2008. Os dados foram coletados no Registro de Câncer de Base Populacional e no Programa de Aprimoramento das Informações de Mortalidade - PRO-AIM e georreferenciados pelos softwares Terraview e GeoDa. O referencial teórico para avaliação dos resultados foi baseado na teoria de Milton Santos. As taxas de incidência apresentaram um índice de autocorrelação Global de Moran de 0,226 e as taxas de mortalidade de 0,337. A Incidência de câncer de boca e orofaríngeo não apresenta um padrão espacial bem definido no Município de São Paulo, mas é bastante desigual no que se refere à Mortalidade, concentrando as suas menores taxas na área central, mais rica e economicamente menos desigual.


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Foi realizada uma análise espacial da ocorrência de leptospirose humana e canina na Supervisão de Vigilância em Saúde do Butantã, situada no município de São Paulo, no ano de 2007, associada a variáveis ambientais de risco, tais como: focos de enchente e áreas de desratização. Foram encontrados aglomerados espaciais de pontos de alagamentos em 12 setores censitários e de casos de leptospirose humana em quatro setores censitários, sem correlação entre ambos. Não foram encontrados agrupamentos de casos em cães, possivelmente devido à subnotificação. As proporções casos humanos de leptospirose : população humana dentro e fora da área de desratização foram 7:199.600 e 9:257.980, respectivamente. Conclui-se que medidas de controle de roedores como a desratização foram responsáveis pela minimização dos efeitos dos fatores de risco para a transmissão de leptospirose para humanos.


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Glacigenic diamictite successions of the Macaubas Group are widespread in the western domain of the Aracuai orogen, east of the Sao Francisco craton (Brazil). Diamictites also occur on this craton and in the African counterpart of the Aracuai orogen, the West Congo belt. Detrital zircon grains from the matrix of diamictites and sandstones from the Macaubas Group were dated by the U-Pb SHRIMP technique. The geochronological study sets the maximum depositional age of the glacial diamictites at 900 Ma, and indicates multiple sources for the Macaubas basin with ages ranging from 900 to 2800 Ma. Sm-Nd T-DM model ages, determined on whole rock samples, range from 1.8 Ga to 2.5 Ga and get older up-section. Comparison of our data with those from the cratonic area suggest that these glacial deposits can be correlated to the Jequitai and Carrancas diamictites in the Sao Francisco craton, and to the Lower Mixtite Formation of the West Congolian Group, exposed in Africa. The 900-1000 Ma source is most probably represented by the Zadinian-Mayumbian volcanic rocks and related granites from the West Congo belt. However, one of the most voluminous sources, with ages in the 1.1-1.3 Ga interval, has not been detected in the Sao Francisco-Congo craton. Possible sources for these grains could occur elsewhere in Africa, or possibly from within the Brasilia Belt in western central Brazil. (C) 2011 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The calico box crab Hepatus epheliticus is an abundant species from shallow and continental shelf waters of the Atlantic coast of USA and Mexico. Information about population structure and sexual maturity is absent, even though this crab is caught to be used as bait for the octopus fishery in the Campeche Bank, Mexico. In order to achieve such information, a total of 768 individuals were collected from January to March 2010 through baited traps installed in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Our results showed that sex ratio is biased towards more males than females (1:0.55), contradicting to that reported in other brachyuran crabs. The absence of ovigerous females suggests that they did not enter into the traps during embryogenesis. Males reached a larger maximum size than females (64.0 +/- 6.15 and 58.4 +/- 5.60 mm carapace width, respectively). The general scheme of growth being positive allometric throughout ontogeny of both sexes. Males presented a transition phase from juveniles to adult corresponding to the puberty moult. The estimation of the onset of functional sexual maturity revealed a steady situation for the population, with 21.5 and 13.8% of males and females, respectively, morphologically immature at the time of catch. This study constitutes the first report on population structure and sexual maturity in a population of the calico box crab H. epheliticus.


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A Chlamydophila abortusi, anteriormente conhecida como Chlamydia psittaci sovovar 1, é uma bactéria Gram negativa, intracelular obrigatória. Esse micro-organismo é frequentemente encontrado em distúrbios reprodutivos em ovinos, bovinos e caprinos, sendo o aborto epizoótico dos bovinos e o aborto enzoótico dos ovinos e caprinos as manifestações mais importantes. Considerando-se o pouco material literário a respeito da clamidofilose no Brasil, a pesquisa teve como objetivo determinar a presença de anticorpos fixadores de complemento anti-Chlamydophila abortusi, correlacionando os resultados obtidos com achados no exame clínico e histórico dos animais, além de alterações nos índices zootécnicos, em especial na esfera reprodutiva, tais como alto índice de repetição de cio, número elevado de abortamentos, elevado número de natimortos, entre outros. Foram testadas para prova de fixação do complemento 220 amostras de soro de ovinos, de 26 propriedades, distribuídas em 19 municípios, com relato de manifestação reprodutiva, obtendo-se 19,55% (43/220) de testes positivos para Chlamydophila abortusi, com ocorrência de foco constatada de 61,53%. No geral, a titulação de anticorpos encontrada foi baixa, com título não superior a 64. A frequência de manifestação reprodutiva mais observada foi o aborto, representando 65,12% (28/43) do número total de animais soropositivos, seguido de repetição de cio juntamente com nascimento de cordeiro fraco, com frequência de 6,98% (3/43) e, por fim, morte neonatal com 4,65% (2/43), sendo que não houve associação significativa entre animais que foram positivos ao teste e a esses fatores.


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Abstract Background The success of HPV vaccination programs will require awareness regarding HPV associated diseases and the benefits of HPV vaccination for the general population. The aim of this study was to assess the level of awareness and knowledge of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, cervical cancer prevention, vaccines, and factors associated with HPV awareness among young women after birth of the first child. Methods This analysis is part of a cross-sectional study carried out at Hospital Maternidade Leonor Mendes de Barros, a large public maternity hospital in Sao Paulo. Primiparous women (15-24 years) who gave birth in that maternity hospital were included. A questionnaire that included questions concerning knowledge of HPV, cervical cancer, and vaccines was applied. To estimate the association of HPV awareness with selected factors, prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated using a generalized linear model (GLM). Results Three hundred and one primiparous women were included; 37% of them reported that they "had ever heard about HPV", but only 19% and 7%, respectively, knew that HPV is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and that it can cause cervical cancer. Seventy-four percent of interviewees mentioned the preventive character of vaccines and all participants affirmed that they would accept HPV vaccination after delivery. In the multivariate analysis, only increasing age (P for trend = 0.021) and previous STI (P < 0.001) were factors independently associated with HPV awareness ("had ever heard about HPV"). Conclusions This survey indicated that knowledge about the association between HPV and cervical cancer among primiparous young women is low. Therefore, these young low-income primiparous women could benefit greatly from educational interventions to encourage primary and secondary cervical cancer prevention programs.


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Abstract Background Air pollution in São Paulo is constantly being measured by the State of Sao Paulo Environmental Agency, however there is no information on the variation between places with different traffic densities. This study was intended to identify a gradient of exposure to traffic-related air pollution within different areas in São Paulo to provide information for future epidemiological studies. Methods We measured NO2 using Palmes' diffusion tubes in 36 sites on streets chosen to be representative of different road types and traffic densities in São Paulo in two one-week periods (July and August 2000). In each study period, two tubes were installed in each site, and two additional tubes were installed in 10 control sites. Results Average NO2 concentrations were related to traffic density, observed on the spot, to number of vehicles counted, and to traffic density strata defined by the city Traffic Engineering Company (CET). Average NO2concentrations were 63μg/m3 and 49μg/m3 in the first and second periods, respectively. Dividing the sites by the observed traffic density, we found: heavy traffic (n = 17): 64μg/m3 (95% CI: 59μg/m3 – 68μg/m3); local traffic (n = 16): 48μg/m3 (95% CI: 44μg/m3 – 52μg/m3) (p < 0.001). Conclusion The differences in NO2 levels between heavy and local traffic sites are large enough to suggest the use of a more refined classification of exposure in epidemiological studies in the city. Number of vehicles counted, traffic density observed on the spot and traffic density strata defined by the CET might be used as a proxy for traffic exposure in São Paulo when more accurate measurements are not available.


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Background: Aortic aneurysm and dissection are important causes of death in older people. Ruptured aneurysms show catastrophic fatality rates reaching near 80%. Few population-based mortality studies have been published in the world and none in Brazil. The objective of the present study was to use multiple-cause-of-death methodology in the analysis of mortality trends related to aortic aneurysm and dissection in the state of Sao Paulo, between 1985 and 2009. Methods: We analyzed mortality data from the Sao Paulo State Data Analysis System, selecting all death certificates on which aortic aneurysm and dissection were listed as a cause-of-death. The variables sex, age, season of the year, and underlying, associated or total mentions of causes of death were studied using standardized mortality rates, proportions and historical trends. Statistical analyses were performed by chi-square goodness-of-fit and H Kruskal-Wallis tests, and variance analysis. The joinpoint regression model was used to evaluate changes in age-standardized rates trends. A p value less than 0.05 was regarded as significant. Results: Over a 25-year period, there were 42,615 deaths related to aortic aneurysm and dissection, of which 36,088 (84.7%) were identified as underlying cause and 6,527 (15.3%) as an associated cause-of-death. Dissection and ruptured aneurysms were considered as an underlying cause of death in 93% of the deaths. For the entire period, a significant increased trend of age-standardized death rates was observed in men and women, while certain non-significant decreases occurred from 1996/2004 until 2009. Abdominal aortic aneurysms and aortic dissections prevailed among men and aortic dissections and aortic aneurysms of unspecified site among women. In 1985 and 2009 death rates ratios of men to women were respectively 2.86 and 2.19, corresponding to a difference decrease between rates of 23.4%. For aortic dissection, ruptured and non-ruptured aneurysms, the overall mean ages at death were, respectively, 63.2, 68.4 and 71.6 years; while, as the underlying cause, the main associated causes of death were as follows: hemorrhages (in 43.8%/40.5%/13.9%); hypertensive diseases (in 49.2%/22.43%/24.5%) and atherosclerosis (in 14.8%/25.5%/15.3%); and, as associated causes, their principal overall underlying causes of death were diseases of the circulatory (55.7%), and respiratory (13.8%) systems and neoplasms (7.8%). A significant seasonal variation, with highest frequency in winter, occurred in deaths identified as underlying cause for aortic dissection, ruptured and non-ruptured aneurysms. Conclusions: This study introduces the methodology of multiple-causes-of-death to enhance epidemiologic knowledge of aortic aneurysm and dissection in São Paulo, Brazil. The results presented confer light to the importance of mortality statistics and the need for epidemiologic studies to understand unique trends in our own population.


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Abstract Background The city of Sao Paulo has the highest AIDS case rate, with nearly 60% in Brazil. Despite, several studies involving molecular epidemiology, lack of data regarding a large cohort study has not been published from this city. Objectives This study aimed to describe the HIV-1 subtypes, recombinant forms and drug resistance mutations, according to subtype, with emphasis on subtype C and BC recombinants in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Study design RNA was extracted from the plasma samples of 302 HIV-1-seropositive subjects, of which 211 were drug-naive and 82 were exposed to ART. HIV-1 partial pol region sequences were used in phylogenetic analyses for subtyping and identification of drug resistance mutations. The envelope gene of subtype C and BC samples was also sequenced. Results From partial pol gene analyses, 239 samples (79.1%) were assigned as subtype B, 23 (7.6%) were F1, 16 (5.3%) were subtype C and 24 (8%) were mosaics (3 CRF28/CRF29-like). The subtype C and BC recombinants were mainly identified in drug-naïve patients (72.7%) and the heterosexual risk exposure category (86.3%), whereas for subtype B, these values were 69.9% and 57.3%, respectively (p = 0.97 and p = 0.015, respectively). An increasing trend of subtype C and BC recombinants was observed (p < 0.01). Conclusion The HIV-1 subtype C and CRFs seem to have emerged over the last few years in the city of São Paulo, principally among the heterosexual population. These findings may have an impact on preventive measures and vaccine development in Brazil.


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Background The significant biodiversity found in Brazil is a potential for the emergence of new zoonoses. Study in some places of the world suggest of the presence to hantavirus in tissues of bats. Researches of hantavirus in wildlife, out rodents, are very scarce in Brazil. Therefore we decided to investigate in tissues of different species of wild animals captured in the same region where rodents were detected positive for this virus. The present work analyzed ninety-one animals (64 rodents, 19 opossums, and 8 bats) from a region of the Atlantic forest in Biritiba Mirin City, São Paulo State, Brazil. Lungs and kidneys were used for RNA extraction. Findings The samples were screened for evidence of hantavirus infection by SYBR-Green-based real-time RT-PCR. Sixteen samples positive were encountered among the wild rodents, bats, and opossums. The detection of hantavirus in the lungs and kidneys of three marsupial species (Micoureus paraguayanus, Monodelphis ihering, and Didelphis aurita) as well in two species of bats (Diphylla ecaudata and Anoura caudifer) is of significance because these new hosts could represent an important virus reservoirs.


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Os serviços de informação aliados às tecnologias evoluíram em sua forma de atuação à medida que oferecem, em menor tempo possível, informação segura de alcance maior aos usuários das bibliotecas. São inúmeros os conceitos de Serviço de Referência Virtual (SRV) que compartilham a ideia de que o uso das tecnologias de informação facilitam a comunicação entre bibliotecários e usuários. As Bibliotecas do Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da Universidade de São Paulo (SIBi/USP), detectaram a relevância de modernizar o Serviço de Atendimento ao Usuário, utilizando novos meios de comunicação e melhorando a interação com os usuários por meio de recursos que são de domínio e uso cotidiano dos mesmos. A Biblioteca da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FMVZ) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) implantou o serviço de Atendimento Online por chat, disponibilizando aos seus usuários um novo canal de comunicação que permite o esclarecimento de dúvidas e solicitações em tempo real com atendentes. A experiência foi extremamente positiva convergindo para a implantação do sistema em outras quatro bibliotecas da USP


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Os serviços de informação aliados às tecnologias evoluíram em sua forma de atuação à medida que oferecem, em menor tempo possível, informação segura de alcance maior aos usuários das bibliotecas. São inúmeros os conceitos de Serviço de Referência Virtual (SRV) que compartilham a ideia de que o uso das tecnologias de informação facilitam a comunicação entre bibliotecários e usuários. As Bibliotecas do Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da Universidade de São Paulo (SIBi/USP), detectaram a relevância de modernizar o Serviço de Atendimento ao Usuário, utilizando novos meios de comunicação e melhorando a interação com os usuários por meio de recursos que são de domínio e uso cotidiano dos mesmos. A Biblioteca da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FMVZ) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) implantou o serviço de Atendimento Online por chat, disponibilizando aos seus usuários um novo canal de comunicação que permite o esclarecimento de dúvidas e solicitações em tempo real com atendentes. A experiência foi extremamente positiva convergindo para a implantação do sistema em outras quatro bibliotecas da USP


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TB is currently considered to be the most important infectious disease among HIV-1-infected subjects in developing countries, such as Brazil. A retrospective analysis of TB cases was performed, occurring from January 1995 to December 2010 in our cohort of 599 HIV positive patients. The primary outcome was the occurrence of active TB. Forty-one TB cases were diagnosed over this period of 16 years, among 599 HIV positive patients in an open cohort setting in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. All-time lowest mean CD4 T cell count at the time of TB diagnosis was 146 and 186 cells/mm3, respectively. The mean HIV viral load was 5.19 log10 copies/mL, and 59% of the patients were on HAART. TB incidence was 1.47 per 100 person-years, for a total follow-up time of 2775 person-years. The probability of surviving up to 10 years after diagnosis was 75% for TB patients as opposed to 96% for patients with other, non-TB opportunistic diseases (p = 0.03). TB can be considered a public health problem among people living with HIV in Brazil despite of the widespread use of antiretrovirals for the treatment of HIV infection/AIDS.