966 resultados para Santa Catarina - Condições economicas
Objetivo: Explorar las percepciones sobre el acceso a los medicamentos del Componente Especializado de la Asistencia Farmacéutica (CEAF) del Sistema Único de Salud brasileño (que incluye los medicamentos de alto costo), por parte de los actores involucrados en el ámbito asistencial del CEAF. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo descriptivo. Para la recolección de los datos se realizaron un grupo focal con siete usuarios/as y 11 entrevistas semiestructuradas a profesionales de la salud (medicina y farmacia) del estado de Santa Catarina. Resultados: Según los/las participantes, el acceso a medicamentos del CEAF ha mejorado. Se encontraron también dos percepciones sobre los Protocolos Clínicos y Directrices de Tratamiento del CEAF: las exigencias son burocracia que limita el acceso y los requisitos aumentan la demanda de exámenes y especialistas, superando la capacidad de la red de servicios de salud. A partir de estas percepciones se generan vías alternativas de acceso que evidencian una concepción frágil del derecho a la salud, desinformación y dependencia por parte de los usuarios, las cuales pueden tener consecuencias en la salud de las personas y en el sistema de salud. Según los/las participantes, debido a las dificultades en el acceso de los servicios de salud en general, el pleno acceso a los medicamentos aún es un objetivo por alcanzar. Conclusión: De acuerdo con las percepciones encontradas, aunque el acceso a los medicamentos del CEAF ha mejorado, persisten dificultades para garantizar su oportunidad y su integralidad.
This work aims to provide high school students an development in his mathematical and geometrical knowledge, through the use of Geometric Constructions as a teaching resource in Mathematics classes. First a literature search to understand how it emerged and evolved the field of geometry was carried out and the Geometric Constructions. The ways in which the teaching of geometry happened in our country, also were studied some theories related to learning and in particular the Van Hiele theory which deals with the geometric learning also through the literature search were diagnosed. Two forms of the Geometric Constructions approach are analyzed in class: through the design of hand tools - ruler and compass - and through the computational tool - geometric software - being that we chose to approach using the ruler and compass instruments. It is proposed a workshop with nine Geometric Construction activities which was applied with a group of 3rd year of high school, the Escola de Educac¸ ˜ao B´asica Professor Anacleto Damiani in the city of Abelardo Luz, Santa Catarina. Each workshop activity includes the following topics: Activity Goals, Activity Sheet, Steps of Construction Activity Background and activity of the solution. After application of the workshop, the data were analyzed through content analysis according to three categories: Drawing Instruments, angles and their implications and Parallel and its Implications. Was observed that most of the students managed to achieve the research objectives, and had an development in their mathematical and geometrical knowledge, which can be perceived through the analysis of questionnaires administered to students, audio recordings, observations made during the workshop and especially through the improvement of the students in the development of the proposed activities.
Edible mushroom cultivation has been gaining ground in the agricultural environment throughout the country, creating a new product option in the food market. This activity is linked to cultural and artisanal management with environmentally sustainable principles and generates income for small farms. In this context, the present study evaluated the potential for artisanal cultivation of Shiitake as an activity for sustainable agroecosystems. Initially, the historic of implementation and evolution of artisanal cultivation of Shiitake mushroom on properties considered models in Pato Branco, Guarapuava and São José dos Pinhais (Paraná) and Frei Rogerio, (Santa Catarina) were carried out. Consequently, a comparative analysis between the cultivation systems of these properties and the use of small wooded areas and reforested areas was conducted. Aspects of production, income and pluralism of the farms, were also performed. At the end, the nutritional quality parameters of mushrooms produced in different properties were evaluated. The results show economic potential in Shiitake production. The activity also has potential for the sustainable exploitation of native forest and reforested areas, contributing to the optimal use of physical space small properties. In artisanal cultivation of Shiitake there is a systemic interaction verified by the use of wood from the same farm, assisting in the renewal of biomass of the agroecosystem. Finally, it was found that mushrooms produced on different substrates used in the studied properties have high nutritional quality. Shiitake samples exhibited high contents of protein, fiber, minerals and low fat content.
The general goal of this study was to analyze the relations between the agents’ social capital and joint actions developed by the Cluster of wine produced at the high altitudes of Santa Catarina. This group is made up of 43 agents: one governing agent, 26 support agents and 16 winemakers. This descriptive and exploratory study uses data from qualitative and quantitative approaches. During the exploratory phase, a documental analysis was carried out, as well as semi-structured interviews. The data collection tool used to gather information concerning the social capital and joint actions was the semi-structured questionnaire, and this data gathering was conducted through field research using a structured interview with the selected agents from November 16 to November 26, 2015. The results of this study show a good social capital, which reflects on the joint actions done by the agents. Among the variables of social capital, trust shows a great level among the Cluster agents, followed by good levels concerning commitment and involvement, information share, rules and sanctions, horizontality and authority and improvement. As a result, it has created a nice level of involvement and effectiveness of joint actions, highlighting events organization, joint participation at fairs and events, marketing campaigns, development of products and processes, and human resources improvement. There is a small group of agents who show a strong social capital and a proper environment to expand this capital throughout the network. However, the evaluation concerning reciprocity and density represents only one third of the possibilities of this group, and it happens especially because of the geographical distance between the agents who are part of the Cluster. The main limitation of this study was the trouble trying to map the whole agent group before applying the questionnaires and identifying the responsible people in each of the support agents to inform everything correctly. It is suggested that these questionnaires be carried out with other Clusters as well as in the future in order to have a temporal assessment of this study.
The consequences resulting from economic modernization model generated social and environmental imbalances, resulting in the exclusion and social isolation, perceived consequences in the agricultural sector. When studying social organizations, tends to see how they keep their forward cooperation processes all a company incorporated by the appreciation of individualism and competition. The overall objective for this research was to analyze the organizational dynamics of Agroecology Group Heritage Viva Chapecó, Santa Catarina, in order to identify the strengths and threats and collaborate in this way for preparation of action strategies for sustainability. The selected group is based on the principles of agroecology for the conduct of their agricultural production systems, avoiding the use of agrochemicals, proven through the use of participatory certification seal Ecovida Network, and the products sold mainly in street fairs in the city of chapecó. To fulfill such a proposal were consulted the minutes of meetings and questionnaires with farmers to assess the dynamics of cooperation among its members, through the understanding of their social capital and social network analysis (SNA). To extend the study of the group and its members was adopted methodological approach of action research where activities were developed to identify strengths and weaknesses and contribute to its organizational restructuring, resulting in the construction, carried out by farmers, the guiding principles of the Living Heritage Group will contribute to the decision-making and strengthen their identity. The survey also brought the group is inserted in the Social Transition Agroecology therefore change the current paradigm is not inserted only in the alternative model of production, but in the form of organization of social actors and their role in the marketing process of their products, in discussing the scenario of food supply chains.
Atualmente a carne suína é a mais consumida no mundo, sendo o Brasil o quarto maior produtor. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a relação do preço pago ao produtor de suíno por meio da análise dos preços do suíno vivo pagos aos produtores no Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina, procurou-se comparar as diferenças e o comportamento entre as matrizes de produção destes dois Estados, para explicar o comportamento dos preços pagos aos produtores. Através dos resultados obtidos, constatou-se que os preços médios pagos aos produtores gaúchos foram historicamente maiores que os preços pagos aos produtores catarinenses. Por meio do Teste de Causalidade de Granger, Função Impulso Resposta e Decomposição da Variância, pode-se concluir que os preços pagos aos produtores de suíno integrados em Santa Catarina no passado, influenciam na formação dos preços pagos aos produtores independentes de suíno no Rio Grande do Sul no presente, ao mesmo tempo que os preços pagos aos produtores independentes gaúchos no passado influenciam na formação dos preços pagos aos produtores em Santa Catarina.
This thesis deals with the insertion of family farmers market that act as market traders in the city of Chapecó, state of Santa Catarina. In order to trust, reciprocity and relations of time and space dynamics present in the practice of open-air market is analyzed. From understanding the outdoor market as an extension of the activities of farms, a form of local construction market, we need new ways to evaluate the inclusion of family farming in trade. In this regard, the importance of local markets characterized by autonomy in the food hegemonic system. To this end, it uses what the peculiarities present in the practice of street fairs, its historical development, the number of farmers who act as market participants, the number of traders in the city and its surroundings, the diversity of products offered, the marketing channel access by traders and market relations farmers who act as market participants. Finally, based on the responses of suppliers and content analysis, it was possible to show how present in the social dynamics of free trade: the trusted face to face representations, reciprocity and relations of time and space between the co-present agents in the market dynamics of family farmers fair. For the study context, these representations show how important non-economic values that help build identities that relate to the strategies of social reproduction and overcoming dominant market model.
O trabalho apresentado nesta tese focou-se no estudo do amido, nomeadamente na avaliação das características físico-químicas, morfológicas, térmicas e reológicas do amido de seis variedades de milho crioulo, preservadas no estado de Santa Catarina (Brasil), com o intuito de contribuir para a valorização e preservação de variedades locais que são cultivadas em sistemas de produção orgânica, também conhecidas como variedades crioulas. Estas sementes são importantes quer para a preservação da biodiversidade quer para os pequenos produtores que as conservam e as produzem fazendo uso de uma agricultura sustentável e independente comercialmente. Para além da caracterização dos amidos crioulos foram também analisadas as alterações que ocorrem nos processos de gelatinização e retrogradação do amido quando realizados na presença de outros biopolímeros, nomeadamente a quitosana e galactomananas. No Capítulo I é apresentada uma breve revisão do conhecimento científico sobre o amido e sobre a quitosana e galactomananas, os outros biopolímeros utilizados. Igualmente é feita uma sucinta abordagem sobre as principais técnicas analíticas que foram utilizadas: reologia fundamental, calorimetria diferencial de varrimento, microscopia eletrónica de varrimento e espectroscopia de infravermelho médio. No capítulo II apresenta-se o isolamento dos amidos das seis variedades de milho crioulo e a sua caracterização junto com um amido comercial usado como modelo de comparação. Os amidos apresentaram genericamente características físicoquímicas semelhantes e o amido extraído das variedades crioulas MT e MPA 01 apresentaram menor temperatura de gelatinização e maior percentagem de retrogradação, respetivamente. Os efeitos da adição da quitosana e de três galactomananas (goma guar, goma de alfarroba e goma cassia) em sistemas mistos com o amido são analisados nos Capítulos III e IV respetivamente. A adição dos biopolímeros aos amidos resultou no aumento das temperaturas de gelatinização, na alteração da retrogradação do amido pelas galactomananas e na alteração das propriedades viscoeláticas dos géis formados. Os dados de infravermelho esclareceram que nos sistemas com quitosana, o amido formou complexos com o ácido acético usado para dissolver a quitosana e que esta por sua vez formou acetato de quitosana. O comportamento durante a gelatinização do amido comercial quando comparado com o amido do milho crioulo MPA na sua interação com as galactomananas é diferenciado.
This paper aims to evaluate the factors related to food that influence tourists to choose a particular destination. The secondary aim is to identify how tourists perceive food in relation to the culture of the destination. Does the tourist see gastronomy as a way to know the local culture? Is this fact significant when choosing a destination? A hypothetical-deductive methodology combined with descriptive statistics, with the application of a survey instrument resulted in 400 structured interviews and questionnaires valid for each year. The survey covered the summers of 2006 and 2011 in the city of Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina, Brazil. With the results in hand it was possible to create three group of tourists with singular characteristics related to gastronomy, which allowed the definition of the concepts Gourmet Customer, Appreciation Customer and Food Customer, each with a specific perception of the importance of gastronomy and culture within tourism.
Information Technology (IT) can be an important component for innovation since enabling e-learning it can provide conditions to which the organization can work with new business and improved processes. In this regard, the Learning Management Systems (LMS) allows communication and interaction between teachers and students in virtual spaces. However the literature indicates that there are gaps in the researches, especially concerning the use of IT for the management of e-learning. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the available literature about the application of LMS for the e-learning management, seeking to present possibilities for researches in the field. An integrative literature review was performed considering the Web of Science, Scopus, Ebsco and Scielo databases, where 78 references were found, of which 25 were full papers. This analysis derives interesting characteristics from scientific studies, highlighting gaps and guidelines for future research.
Relata uma experiência vivenciada na condução da disciplina Estudos de Usuários e de Comunidades, ministrada no curso de graduação em Biblioteconomia da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, no período que compreende os semestres letivos 2013.2 e 2014.1. Possuiu o objetivo de Conhecer a percepção dos estudantes da disciplina Estudos de Usuários e de Comunidades dos semestres 2013.2 e 2014.1, quanto ao desenvolvimento e divulgação de pesquisas e a práticas pedagógicas adotadas na disciplina. Obteve como objetivos específicos Destacar a apreciação sobre a temática de pesquisa, a prática educacional de seminários e a metodologia de avaliação por eles próprios e Relatar de sugestões de melhorias para o desenvolvimento da disciplina nos próximos semestres. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório-descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa. Após a realização de pesquisas com usuários da informação, os acadêmicos apresentaram suas investigações por meio de seminários. Juntamente a esta atividade, adotou-se uma dinâmica de avaliação dos trabalhos por parte dos próprios alunos. A fim de obter feedback, elaborou-se um questionário para que os estudantes expressassem sua opinião quanto as atividades desenvolvidas. Obteve-se o total de 57 estudantes respondentes. Entre os resultados, destaca-se que houve a compreensão dos alunos quanto à importância dos usuários para as Unidades de Informação, e, que a metodologia de avaliação foi considerada uma prática positiva. Constatou-se que a experiência de pesquisa contribuiu para o aprendizado dos estudantes sobre a temática da disciplina e que a socialização dos trabalhos e o diálogo estabelecido foram proveitosos para a classe.
The southern region of Brazil, especially the states of Parana and Santa Catarina stand out for growing grapes and apples for fresh consumption and in order to add value to these products, process the material for the production of wine, juices and jellies . As a result large quantities of by-products, such as peels, seeds and pulp are produced becoming environmental problems. Studies reuse of these by-products have attracted interest because they have shown a high biological potential, due to the presence of high levels of phenolic compounds, which are associated with a lower incidence of disease caused by oxidative stress, due to its antioxidant, antiinflammatory and antibacterial properties. Currently, few studies are presented on the phenolic composition and biological potential of waste grape variety Bordô (Vitis labrusca) and apple (Malus domestica) Gala variety, cultivated in southern Brazil. Within this context, the objectives of this study were: compare the efficiency of solidliquid and liquid-liquid extraction, perform the optimization and validation of analytical methodology by HPLC-DAD for the separation, identification and quantification of multiclass phenolic compounds, evaluate the activity antioxidant by sequestering methods of free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1 picrilhidrazina (DPPH) and 2,2-azino-bis (3- ethyl-benzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) solution, reduction of Fe3+ in Fe2+ method (FRAP), ORAC, RP-HPLC-ABTS online, Rancimat and determination of total phenolics three agro-industrial byproducts, pomace and stems grape Bordô produced in Paraná Southwest region and Gala apple pomace coming from the Santa Catarina West. Optimization and validation of chromatographic method showed satisfactory quality parameters for the compounds of interest and the solidliquid extraction was more efficient in extracting phenolic evaluated. The three byproducts evaluated showed significant levels of phenolic compounds when analyzed by HPLC, especially flavonoids, catechin and epicatechin besides that showed significant antioxidant capacity. The grape stems extract had the highest sequestration capacity of DPPH and ABTS radical and reduced iron, and high content of phenolic compounds. The apple pomace extract showed the best response to the Rancimat method, which indicates a high potential to protect the oil from lipid oxidation, was no significant difference when compared to synthetic antioxidant TBHQ. The results of this study showed that the agro-industrial coproducts analyzed are rich in phenolic compounds of high antioxidant capacity and therefore must be better explored by the food and pharmaceutical industries.
La trata de personas es una acción ilegal presente en todomundo, incluso en Brasil. El Protocolo de las Naciones Unidascontra la Trata de Personas fue ratificado por Brasil en 2004. Apesar de esto, aún la evolución normativa del país no ha sidosignificativa. Este artículo busca analizar la protección normativaexistente y futura a las víctimas, especialmente extranjeras, detrata de personas en Brasil. Así, inicialmente se presenta lo que secomprende como trata de personas, con base en el Protocolo delas Naciones Unidas para prevenir, reprimir y sancionar la trata depersonas, especialmente mujeres y niños, y son apuntadas algunasconsideraciones sobre la realidad de la trata de personas en elmundo y en Brasil. En la secuencia son presentadas las medidasde protección a las víctimas, y previstas en el Protocolo de lasNaciones Unidas. Por último, son enumeradas y analizadas lasacciones normativas existentes y los proyectos de ley que puedencambiar esta realidad. La conclusión del estudio indica que Brasilaún tiene una débil protección para las víctimas extranjeras detrata de personas, pero hay una perspectiva optimista de mejoríacon los proyectos de ley que tramitan en el Congreso Nacional.
This work was general-purpose, develop a proposal of a theoretical model of decisionmaking with a focus on management of small family farms costs, which enables support for decision making. And the following objectives: i) develop a structured methodology, which allows to form a literary basis to provide scientific support for the implementation of research; ii) develop based on the literature the dimensions and variables of the necessary models to propose an application and iii tooling) to implement the proposed model within the dimensions and variables, and validate every stage background and perform the necessary conclusions to verify the effectiveness of applied model. In terms of methodology, we used a structured methodology, which allowed forming a bibliographic portfolio of 29 articles, and through the research constructs developed, based on an existing model, an activity segmentation model for aid farmer of small family farms in the decision-making process with emphasis on cost management. The model was applied in six family farms in the South West region of Parana and Santa Catarina West. With regard to the search results, it was identified that the model can be applied to the specific context for which it was created. It was also possible to identify that the proposed model was valid and relevant to aid in the management of family farms by identifying, through the targeting of productive activities, investment priorities guided by the balance between managing costs and return activities. Moreover, possible to target the activities of six surveyed properties, demonstrating that the property 02, has the shape of more complex segmentation should be divided into three groups of activities, which can be conducted in parallel without any restrictions between activities. Other properties have the segmentation of the simplest activities, allowing viewing in this way that there are activities of groups that require prioritizing investments. Specifically the property 01 and 04 have the highest priority investment target groups, the most prominent activities of groups representing respectively 49.32% and 47.40%, which are represented by grain production activities on the property 01 and grain production, beef cattle and eggs on the property 04.
Este estudo teve os seguintes objetivos: (1) apresentar procedimentos metodológicos utilizados na estimação da idade óssea; (2) descrever o método Tanner-Whitehouse (TW3), e (3) destacar os resultados da reprodutibilidade deste método em crianças e jovens. A metodologia adotada na preparação do processo de aprendizagem e reprodutibilidade do método TW3 foi estruturada em três fases, tendo sido realizadas em duas Instituições de ensino (Portugal e Bélgica), sob a orientação e supervisão de avaliadores experientes. Após várias etapas de treinamento, os resultados alcançados na avaliação inter e intraobservador situaram-se entre 81,3 e 87,9%. Os resultados finais do estudo possibilitaram comprovar a eficácia de um rigoroso processo de treino, como elemento essencial na preparação prévia do avaliador, para a utilização da avaliação da maturação esquelética com base no método TW3.