960 resultados para Salk, Jonas, 1914-


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ResumenEste articulo trata de presentar un punto de vista diferente a la tradicional perspectiva de la supremacía del beneficiado húmedo sobre otros métodos de procesar el café. El análisis es sustentado en una base de datos cualitativos levantada de una lectura de múltiples fuentes como periódicos, censos, protocolos, expedientes judiciales, actas municipales, libros, etc. Al mismo tiempo, hace un repaso histórico de la introducción tecnológica extranjera y la innovación criolla por elaborar un grano de una calidad aceptable para la exportación. Simultáneamente, se hace hincapié sobre los problemas técnicos de la caficultura costarricenseAbstractThis article seeks to present a different point of view with regards to the traditional preeminence of wet coffee processing over other methods. The analysis is based on a qualitative database put together after the study of a wide variety of sources such as newspapers, census, protocols, court records, municipal records, books, etc. At the same time, it takes on a historical review of the introduction of foreign technology and the native innovation to develop a coffee bean of acceptable export quality. Likewise, the article stresses on the technical problems faced by the Costa Rican coffee industry.


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Introducción Cualquier trabajo monográfico que contribuya a la escasa historiografía existente sobre El Salvador es bienvenido. Mucho más lo es, si se trata de un libro como el de Aldo Lauria Santiago, que nos brinda aportes importantes para entender múltiples temas claves en la historia de esa nación: el desarrollo de la estructura agraria, la formación del Estado, la Reforma Liberal, la relación histórica entre los jerarcas militares y la elite económica, y la evolución de la participación política popular en el marco de la relación dinámica entre posición económica e identidad étnica…


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Introducción Para  analizar las respuestas argentinas a la Primera Guerra Mundial, deberá comenzarse con tres premisas sobre el  comportamiento argentino. La primera es que los argentinos creían que las condiciones políticas establecían el marco y posible alcance del crecimiento económico. La segunda es que dentro de este marco, la cambiante distribución de beneficios reales alternativos entre los sectores, proporcionaba una conveniente explicación de la actividad económica.


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Introducción:Si la historia económica se ha venido desarrollando sistemáticamente en nuestro país desde hace poco más de una década, no es menos cierto que la historia socual recién comienza a dar sus primeros pasos. Una de sus vertienetes, aquella relacionada con la historia del movimiento obrero, viene tomando un auge inusitado. Es indudable que le fomento sistemático de la investigación y de medios de difusión de pensamiento histórico producido, son factores que han contribuido decisivamente a acelerar este proceso...


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Introducción Durante muchos años los historiadores no se preguntaban mucho por el proceso de formación de la clase obrera en Argentina y quizás no  demasiado tampoco en otros lugares. Constatar la existencia de trabajadores que vendían su fuerza de trabajo a cambio de un salario; de huelgas y luchas sociales y de organizaciones sindicales y políticas que se arreglaban su representación, aparecían como datos más que suficientes para dar por descontada la presencia de la clase obrera. Menos  aun la indagación parecía necesaria para esos historiadores en la medida que la mayoría de ellos eran al mismo tiempo militantes de las tendencias del movimiento.


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ResumenEl objetivo de este artículo es analizar cómo se produjo la penetración alemana en Latinoamérica, en qué medida esta tuvo éxito y si fue resultado de una determinada estrategia ofensiva.AbstractThe purpose of this article is to analyze German penetration in Latin America how it took place, to what extent it was successful, and if it resulted from a specific offensive strategy.


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This paper will explore the relationship between the giant South American waterlily, the Victoria regia (today named Victoria amazonica), and the 1914 Glashaus exposition building by the German architect, Bruno Taut. Starting with a general botanical introduction of Victoria regia, the paper exposes the first European cultivation of the lily by Joseph Paxton at Chatsworth,England, in 1849. Following this initial cultivation, Paxton subsequently develops a specialist greenhouse for the plant, that later becomes the prototype for all Victoria regia greenhouses. However, from about 1860 as Victoria regia cultivation spreads to continental Europe, a greenhouse that differs from Paxton’s prototype subsequently evolves. An investigation of these later continental European greenhouses, coupled with an exposure of Taut’s own writings concerning Victoria regia, reveals startling similarities to the Glashaus, which ultimately reveals the Glashaus as directly inspired by Victoria regia.


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The historical context surrounding Bruno Taut's Glashaus has been established through work of authors like Reyner Banham, Dennis Sharp and Ian Boyd-Whyte. However, these English language translations, are mostly derived from secondary sources such as Adolf Behne and Paul Scheerbart. Surprisingly, Taut's own writings largely do not feature in this prevailing account of his work. Since 1990, strong doubts have arisen about this conventional picture of Taut's Glashaus. Manfred spiedel, for instance, minimizes Paul Scheerbart's contribution to the design by arguing that Scheerbart met Taut only a few months before the construction of the Glashaus, that is, after Taut had finished his preliminary sketches. Kurt Junghanns goes further and asserts that the Glashaus design was complete beefore Taut and Scheerbart ever met. In 2005, Kai Gutschow published The Culture of Criticism: Adolf Behne and the Development of Modern Architecture in Germany, 1910 - 1914. Most startling, Gutschow asserts that Behne acts as the propagandist for the Glashaus by fabricating its link with Expressionism. This is particularly troubling because nobody contributed more to establishing the link between the Glashaus, Bruno Taut and Expressionism than Behne. As a result of this new evidence, this paper concurs that the established historical understanding of the Glashaus is flawed. By returning to Taut's own writings, a reinterpretation can be offered that strongly links the Glashaus to the Victoria regia lily and Strasbourg Cathedral. The significance of this approach is that it re-establishes Taut's own rational behind the design of the Glashaus, and thus contributes to the re-evaluation of the generally accepted histories of the Modern movement.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a cost-benefit interpretation of academic-practitioner research by describing and analysing several recent relevant examples of academic-practitioner research with a focus on doctoral theses carried out at universities and business schools in clusters of research centred in North America, Australia and Europe. Design/methodology/approach – Using case study examples, a value proposition framework for undertaking collaborative research for higher degree level study is developed and presented. Findings – Value proposition benefits from this level of collaborative research can be summarised as enhancing competencies at the individual and organisational level as well as providing participating universities with high-quality candidates/students and opportunities for industry engagement. The project management (PM) professional bodies can also extend PM knowledge but they need to be prepared to provide active support. Practical implications – A model for better defining the value proposition of collaborative research from a range of stakeholder perspectives is offered that can be adapted for researchers and industry research sponsors. Originality/value – Few papers offer a value proposition framework for explaining collaborative research benefits. This paper addresses that need.


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Born in 1895, Alan Johnston Campbell was a grazier and political party organiser. In December 1914 he enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force and saw action with the 2nd Light Horse Regiment at Gallipoli and, as a lance corporal, in the Sinai and Palestine. After the war Campbell became active in the Roma branch of the Maranoa Graziers’ Association. In 1935, at Roma, he formed one of the first branches of the Queensland Country Party. In 1943, Campbell was elected president of the QCP. Impressed by the Australian Labor Party’s organisation, Campbell centralised power and rebuked parliamentarians whom he believed were neglecting their constituents. By 1951 the highly disciplined structure had attracted 35,000 members. Campbell died in 1982.


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Constructed for the 1914 Werkbund Exhibition in Cologne, Germany, the Glashaus was both a seminal example of early modernist architecture and Bruno Taut’s signature building. Over time, metaphors have come to be applied to the Glashaus. Within the realm of nature these metaphors include cosmic, geological, botanic and sexual. However these metaphors, like the history of the Glashaus, are not a foregone conclusion. Recently it has been argued that the majority of our current knowledge regarding the Glashaus derives not from the perspective of Bruno Taut as the architect, but rather directly from perspective of the art critic Adolf Behne. This argument goes further and proposes that Behne’s official history of Glashaus is possibly fabricated propaganda. So, if indeed the official history of the Glashaus is questionable, then too are the natural metaphors commonly applied to the building. By revisiting Bruno Taut’s pre-1915 writings, this investigation reveals that botanic metaphors appear to have been Taut’s primary source of inspiration for the design of the Glashaus. Through the exposure of this fact, this research contributes significantly to the current debates surrounding Bruno Taut, the Glashaus and the re-evaluation of the official histories of the modern movement.